Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

Michelle does your insurance not cover the ultrasound monitoring? I found that took the guess work out of things, they can see if any follies are growing. Maybe the dr can increase the dose of femara and if you take the metformin again it will get things going. I am sure it is just a matter of finding the right balance for your body.
My insurance only covers diagnostic procedures/testing, therefore we are only confirming ovulation through day 21 blood tests. If my insurance covered the ultrasounds I would definitely use that, but there is no way we could afford that on our own. There are several things that usually point to ovulation the few times I have ovulated though. One being the temp rising, two being a positive opk (although that isn't really a given ovulation sign for me since I try to O and don't), and then I have always had sore nipples the day of or a few days after for at least 3-6 continuous days. A few times I even got sick due to the amount of progesterone after ovulation. My temps aren't even attempting to rise, and I have been feeling completely hormone free these past few days. I also concluded that my previous headache was probably from my new coworkers really strong perfume. I worked with her yesterday, and definitely got a headache from her perfume again.
Michelle, I agree, I know that you know your body well enough to know whether or not you ovulated.You are temping and have been ttc for long enough. Doctors should realize that some of us can tell. I hope after your bloods that they understand this and help you get going again. Even if it means going back on the metformin. I hope it doesn't make you feel as ill. As for DH, mine was the same during ttc. I think it was mostly because he was actually nervous to become a father, which I understand. I'm not saying that's what is going on in your case, just pointing out that I've been there.

As for my BC, the mini pill, I'm unsure of it's effectiveness. I spotted very mildly on and off from May 11-14 (I've not been temping but when I went to the doctor's on the 14th for a checkup and I had a low grade fever, unsure if it was hormonal or related in anyway) and then had a 3/4 day period beginning on the 24th. My first since giving birth. I stopped bf'ing completely on the 1st or 2nd of May. I'm thinking that the spotting was ovulation? In which case my stopping bf'ing or maybe i took my pill late caused my ovaries to fire? I'm not sure what happened but it's just another confusing thing going on with my body, I'm sure. I was under the impression that I would not be getting my period because the mini pill would suppress ovulation and it doesn't have placebo pills so it's constant progestin and no pause for an induced period? Maybe I should have asked more questions? I'll have to keep an eye on it to see if I have another. The confusion never stops.

Rachel how is the baby? Are you healing well and feeling good? I hope so, because I know the first few weeks are the worst!

I hope you are all well.
Shaelyn is doing very well and we finally got breast feeding working well. Lack of sleep is starting to get to me. If I could get 3-4 hours straight it would make a huge difference. One day it will happen! How is Cait?
Hopefully it just takes time for your body to adjust to being on the pill again. I wonder if there is a few months of adjustment period like the normal pill's 3 month period. Life is suppose to be less confusing on the pill. At least you both have two very special reminders of why we have to go through all of this :) Hope both girls are doing well.
Cait is well. We are trying to get on a schedule and although it isn't perfect, it's much better than it was. She is now sleeping in her own room and sleeping decent, waking only once or twice a night. She's going down earlier too.

Rachel that is great that breastfeeding is going well. It can be really tricky at first, it's great that you persevered long enough to let Shaelyn get the hang of it. The sleep will get better too, it just takes a little longer.

I'm still not sleeping great, but I get at least 6 hours. (I'm actually sleeping worse the past few days since I moved Cait to her crib because I'm paranoid and miss her 2 feet away from me) It's all getting better a little at a time. She is in the 50th percentile now, a bit over 15lbs and 26in long. She's eating rice cereal, purees, and 20-30 oz of formula a day. She's just begun sitting for short periods unassisted and scooting along the floor. She'll be mobile before I know it. It's all very sad and exciting at once. So far, touch wood, she's been very healthy and we go to see her pediatrician for her 6 mo shots in 10 days. Tomorrow She goes to wearing her harness nights only, 8-10 hrs! I'm so excited! Then we see the ortho on the 18th to get it adjusted and we have an xray on July 16th to see whether or not she can stop it completely. Fx'd all goes well!

As for the BC, I'm very confused about it and I think it may be a combo of when I stopped Bf'ing and maybe taking a pill late because the mini pill is supposed to be taken at exactly the same time each day to be effective. I've been on it since March so I should be adjusted to it by now. It's hard to say what happened but I do know I had a period. It couldn't have been anything else.:shrug: It remains a mystery, lol
That will be so hard when we have to move Shaelyn out of our room. I don't blame you for losing sleep over it but I am sure once you get used to it things will get better. Glad to hear all is well with Cait and that is great news that she only has to wear her harness at night :)
Wait, what am I talking about? I've been on the mini pill since January, 6 weeks postpartum! Why was I thinking March? Anyway I'm bleeding a little again today and it's only been about 16 days of so since my 'period'. It would usually be my O time if I were actually Ovulating but I doubt that's the case? I'm thinking it's a withdrawal bleed from taking my pill late and that's most likely what happened the last time as well. I'm trying to keep on schedule but it's so hard with the baby. I've seriously consider just going off of BC all together and whatever happens, happens. However then I start thinking about money and having 2 babies running around and I scare myself back to BC. I guess I will just be dealing with silly spotting here and there:shrug:.

Rachel, Cait is sleeping so much better in her own room. Though she still wakes for a night feeding now and then. She was sleeping in a pack n play bassinet in our bedroom since she was born. It was crowded in there and Dh was always snoring and waking to blow his nose or something and I was constantly flipping over, getting a drink, going to pee, and that made the bed and the floor creak. She was outgrowing the bassinet and was nearly over the weight limit so I figured I'd better move her before something happened. I gave it a shot one night and it was great. She slept better than I ever though possible! It's like she knew that the crib was for her! I still miss her and get a bit nervous that she's not near me but I'm beginning to sleep better on nights when she doesn't wake to eat. I wish I could have kept her with me but it just wasn't for the best. If she were still breastfeeding or waking multiple times a night it would justify her still being in with us but it was for the best for our situation. Keep Shaelyn with you as long as you can because they really do grow amazingly fast. Below is a pic of Cait. It's not the best but it is recent. She is too busy for photographs most of the time:flower:


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And a few more from the past few weeks or so.

Michelle I hope you are well!


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Aww so cute. Is that a little pony tail in the picture on the left?

I called the doctor today to get my ovulation test results and they said I ovulated. How is that possible? Maybe my thermometer is off... I can't believe I ovulated and the temps didn't rise.
Aww she is so cute!! I will have to post more pics of Shaelyn soon. I hope she does well when we move her to her room one day. Sleeping is so difficult now. She is really fussy at night but does much better during the day. I really need a good nights sleep, my body is not functioning right. I feel like these last 5 weeks have been one long day. I think the longest I have slept in a stretch is 2-3 hours.i just want to feel normal again so I can enjoy my baby more, she is growing so fast and I love how little she is now. It's just so tough when your so out of it all the time from lack of sleep. :(

Michelle- that is really odd your temps didn't shift. Did you get the number your progesterone was at? It may be good to find out if it was a good level. You must have o'ed though as I don't think blood tests can be wrong. Like you said maybe your thermometer is messed up :shrug: I hope your bfp is on its way!
Yes Michelle, she wears her hair up on the non bath nights as we bathe her every other day. It's very cute imo, and it's amazing how much hair she has. Everyone always asks me if I had heartburn during pregnancy because she has so much hair, but I didn't. Below is a pic of her pigtails though it's not a very good one.

Rachel, sleep is the biggest reason that the first 8 weeks are so hard. I was the same as you and it just made me feel awful. I know it is hard because there is so much to do, but take a week to nap when baby naps, even if that's with you in bed (in case she only sleeps when you hod her sort of thing). Get as much as you can and soon Shaelyn will start eating more and sleeping for longer stretches. She'll go to 4 hours and then to 5 and then one day she'll sleep through the night. It takes time but it will happen. Hang in there. Cait was actually up at 5am this morning and she had a hard time falling back to sleep so I was up and down and rocking her. Then she woke up for good at 830. So I'm a bit sleepy today but you never know.

Michelle it's so strange that your temps didn't rise? Maybe it's worth getting a new thermometer? And if that isn't the case maybe you've been sleeping unsoundly and didn't realize? It's hard to say but I'd trust the doctors unless it continues for some reason you keep having months with out temp rises and without getting AF or a BFP. You'll know for sure soon enough whether you have O'd. I hope it's a BFP and not stupid AF.

I have determined that when I forget to take my pill and I take it late then I bleed for a few days, so odds are I never O'd. Not that I'm trying to O but I'd rather have my body work properly or have the pill keep me from bleeding or O'ing at all. I don't know. Oh well.:shrug:


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Shaelyn has lots of hair too. I did have heartburn but I had chronic heartburn when I wasn't pregnant so I don't think that was an indication of her having hair.

People tell me she will possibly lose the hair she has now and grow back different hair. It seems to be thinning a little but it's still there. Did Cait loose any hair?
Shaelyn has lots of hair too. I did have heartburn but I had chronic heartburn when I wasn't pregnant so I don't think that was an indication of her having hair.

People tell me she will possibly lose the hair she has now and grow back different hair. It seems to be thinning a little but it's still there. Did Cait loose any hair?

People told us the same thing but it didn't fall out. It thinned and got lighter as it grew but never really fell out. She has the bald spot babies get where her head touches the floor/ mattress/ etc but that is all. It's hard to say what will happen but DH and I both were born with heads full of hair and our parents say that neither of us ever lost any. Though I have cousins who were born with a head full of dark strait hair and it fell out and grew in blond and curly. Very weird...But as I said Cait's hair is much lighter now, but still there.
I am still very confused about how I ovulated and didn't get a temp rise. I had that positive OPK, and then a positive ovulation blood test, so why wouldn't my temperature be rising by now. I guess I am going to have to call the doctor tomorrow and see if I can get my progesterone level from the CD21 test.

The only "symptoms" I have felt are a few random cramps the past few days, a headache today, and exhaustion. Then again, I have had a VERY busy, travel filled weekend, so being exhausted is a given.

My best friend's wedding was this weekend, and I cried multiple times, I just couldn't keep it together. The first time I cried was when the bride danced with her mom, and then I cried even more when I danced with the bride. I had to give her a hug and then go over to DH, who put his arm around me as he wondered why I was crying so hard if I was happy and not sad. I am an emotional wreck with all these hormones going crazy! Even looking back on the pictures the bride and groom took together before the wedding makes teary eyed because of how happy they look. I told my coworkers to get ready for the water works when I get pregnant.
I don't know, Michelle, maybe fluke temps...:shrug: I hope the doctor can shed a little light on it for you. As for the hormones.....:hugs: It's just one of those things but it'll be ok. I think I've just finally evened out completely. Postpartum hormones are WACKY. I went to a wedding shower Saturday and I was feeling pretty sentimental myself.

I hope you are all well.
I just got a call back, they said my progesterone level was 0.96, I tried to say wait to ask how they call that ovulation, but as I was saying hold on they hung up and when I called right back the office was closed and the phone went straight to emergency only calls to where I would have to call the doctor on his on call phone. From what I have heard/read the doctors like to see a level of at least 10 or above. I am going to have to call back tomorrow. Maybe the nurse got confused and thought it was 96 instead of .96? It would make a lot more sense if they were confused when they told me I ovulated.
Hmm something seems off. I would ask to speak with the dr and get a straight answer. I know how confusing this must be for you, hang in there!
Michelle, I hope you can get answers soon. That really doesn't make any sense. Maybe someone made a mistake and is trying to convince you they're right to avoid any problems? I'd try to get back in to see the doctor soon and have it all out. Sorry this is happening to you. I know that waiting for answers is the last thing you want to do.:hugs:
Here are some pictures of Shaelyn

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