Cait is well. We are trying to get on a schedule and although it isn't perfect, it's much better than it was. She is now sleeping in her own room and sleeping decent, waking only once or twice a night. She's going down earlier too.
Rachel that is great that breastfeeding is going well. It can be really tricky at first, it's great that you persevered long enough to let Shaelyn get the hang of it. The sleep will get better too, it just takes a little longer.
I'm still not sleeping great, but I get at least 6 hours. (I'm actually sleeping worse the past few days since I moved Cait to her crib because I'm paranoid and miss her 2 feet away from me) It's all getting better a little at a time. She is in the 50th percentile now, a bit over 15lbs and 26in long. She's eating rice cereal, purees, and 20-30 oz of formula a day. She's just begun sitting for short periods unassisted and scooting along the floor. She'll be mobile before I know it. It's all very sad and exciting at once. So far, touch wood, she's been very healthy and we go to see her pediatrician for her 6 mo shots in 10 days. Tomorrow She goes to wearing her harness nights only, 8-10 hrs! I'm so excited! Then we see the ortho on the 18th to get it adjusted and we have an xray on July 16th to see whether or not she can stop it completely. Fx'd all goes well!
As for the BC, I'm very confused about it and I think it may be a combo of when I stopped Bf'ing and maybe taking a pill late because the mini pill is supposed to be taken at exactly the same time each day to be effective. I've been on it since March so I should be adjusted to it by now. It's hard to say what happened but I do know I had a period. It couldn't have been anything else.

It remains a mystery, lol