Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

Your tests look amazing! That's great! My DH was exactly the same. Happy, yet afraid something would happen and really just nervous about having a new baby, but still happy. We told our parents after we saw the heartbeat on the U/S. Then we told everyone else shortly after. They will probably be able to see the heart beat in 2 to 4 weeks if you choose to go that route. How are you feeling? What early symptoms do you have? It's just so exciting! You will be due in April most likely? YAY! I'm so happy for you!:happydance:
All the pregnancy trackers/calculators say my due date would be April 2, 2014. I don't have many more symptoms then before I saw the bfp. My nipples are still sensitive to the touch, I can still FEEL that there is something in my uterus, it varies between fullness on the right side to very mild cramps/aches. This morning I had a very very mild case of upset stomach, but I figure that is because I am so excited and nervous to take a blood test and see what the results are. I wish DH could wait a few more weeks until we hear the heartbeat to tell everyone, but he is already bursting at the seams and we have several family get togethers coming up and his family is VERY curious. His uncle already rubbed my belly at my birthday dinner when I refused wine and I was only 1dpo at the time!

Oh yeah, and yesterday and the day before that, I had one or two episodes of being slightly wheezy. I don't know if that has anything to do with pregnancy or not, but I have never experienced that before while not being sick. It wasn't like an asthma attack, it was just like when you have a cold or bronchitis and your lungs make a slight wheezy noise when you breath normally.
Yes you'll be feeling that uterus cramping and stretching for a few weeks and getting hard as it fills up with baby. Your nipples might be sore for a while too. I've never heard of being wheezy but it may be a symptom unique to you as everyone is different. I hope yoiu don't get morning sickness too bad. Some women get it just awful but I was only nauseous. No vomitting. That's funny that DH's uncle rubbed your belly at 1dpo when you refused wine, lol. I'm sure they'll all be very excited to hear the good news and if you tell them early that's all fine. Some people wait forever to tell and some tell right away. We sort of told early but other girls in my parenting thread waited until 12 weeks or more! I don't know how they kept it in so long as I wanted to tell the world when I took that first digi (which was about 10 dpo)! Even when I told our parents and a few friends I was probably 5 or 6 weeks and I told them all it was very early. My mom was excited but almost didn't believe me until I went to the doctors and got the bloods and the heartbeat. She couldn't believe I knew so early. Oh I'm still just so excited for you! It makes all the specialist and waiting and worrying all worth it, don't ya think!? It'll all be wonderful so just try to be positive. I had such a rough time being positive but I somehow got this perfect little girl so my body knew just how to grow a baby even though it had a hard time figuring out how to ovulate. I can't wait to see your bump pics when it grows! I'm living vicariously through you as I'm broody but will be waiting at least a year to ttc again. It's so great!
Yes, I think I will have a hard time believing it until I hear the heart beat. I am pretty sure I will cry when I hear it, I am a major cry baby. On one hand I knew I was pregnant all along, on the other I kind of squished my hopes on purpose just to prepare myself if it was a bfn. I am not looking forward to the stage where I look fat, but I am very excited to see what I look like with a baby belly. I also forgot the fact that the past two days I woke up at 5:30 and didn't go back to sleep. Don't know if that is the excitement, or just insomnia, but I hope it goes away because I am about to start my semester of student teaching while working part time at the same time. Good thing I have vacation time, personal time, and sick time at my job, because I might just have to use them. Hopefully I won't have a hard first trimester, and hopefully I don't throw up in front of the elementary school kids.
I took Seasonique for a few years. I stopped in January 2012. I had a period in January, March, and June. I found out I was pregnant in October. The doctor told me that he thought I may have PCOS. (Just a GP, not a GYN). My husband thinks it was just the pill still in my system. We lost our little guy at 39 weeks as he was stillborn due to a rare cord problem that went undetected. We are anxious to try again. I'm nervous that I won't have normal cycles. I don't know whether to go with the doctor's opinion or my hubby's. Haha. Hubby's is much more reassuring to me. Has anyone else had an experience with Seasonique?
The hormones will make you even more of a cry baby too. It's great though because those are memories you'll always have and it makes them a little more memorable if you squirt a few happy tears, IMO, lol. You will sure be keeping yourself busy in the first tri so remember to put your feet up when you get home. Get all the sleep you can because there will be a time when you won't be able to sleep at all and then after that baby will be keeping you up. lol about getting sick in front of the elementary kids. I'm sure they'll understand. Hopefully you won't be one to get sick at all.

frsttimemama I'm sorry for your loss. I didn't take seasonique so I have no experience with it. The pill should be well out of your system by now but cycles might take a bit to regulate after your pregnancy. It'll probably take less time then coming off the pill though. I have no experience with PCOS either but that may mess up your cycles also. It may have very well been the pill that messed up your cycles in the first place. I wouldn't be surprised. It took me 9 months to regulate after the pill I was on. It could have been the pill and I hope you have no issues conceiving again.
I didn't take seasonique, but I was on another birth control pill for six years. My doctors have been saying I have PCOS, but I have zero symptoms of it, no hormonal, or physical symptoms or cysts what so ever. I am a firm believer that being on the pills for so long just threw my system off balance and that is why I no longer ovulate on my own without medication that is designed to make me ovulate. I am not saying all women that take pills have nothing else wrong with them other than the pills throwing their body out of wack, but for me I went through a million tests and found nothing wrong.
Thanks! I certainly hope it was just the pill and now that it's had over a year and half to clear out of my system, it's gone and everything works like it used to. I never had any issues before taking it. Dare I say I hope my hubby is right? :) I know it will probably take awhile for cycles to get back to normal after being pregnant, but I certainly hope it happens sooner rather than later.
Thanks! I certainly hope it was just the pill and now that it's had over a year and half to clear out of my system, it's gone and everything works like it used to. I never had any issues before taking it. Dare I say I hope my hubby is right? :) I know it will probably take awhile for cycles to get back to normal after being pregnant, but I certainly hope it happens sooner rather than later.

Best of luck! I hope you can get your bfp and your rainbow baby soon!
Your tests look great Michelle! im so excited for you.

I only threw up a few times but I was very nauseous from 6 weeks-10 weeks. Hopefully it's not too bad for you. I didn't feel completely better until 14 weeks. All of the sudden I felt great and got my appetite back.
So I forgot to ask if I should stop taking metformin, and when I called in last minute they told me the doctor says to stop taking it immediately... I am nervous because I have heard other people say that they were told to keep taking it through out the first trimester. I am going to call the fertility specialist tomorrow and see if she agrees that I should stop taking it. I took a blood test today around 1:30pm, and they said that they should have the results by 3pm tomorrow at the latest. This is going to be a looooooong 9 months of worry, I have only known for two days and am already worried.
My morning sickness was very similar to yours, Rachel. I had it around the same time and was always nauseous but I was lucky enough not to throw up at all. There were a few times I was close though.

Michelle it's only natural to worry and you're going to do it for the next 30 years at least. See what your specialist says and then decide from there. Have you made an appt for the next few weeks?

Nothing new here. I'm exhausted and waiting for Cait to get tired so I can get a shower and/or a nap.

I hope everyone is well!
My lower back is hurting and I can't sleep at all. I woke up at 4am this morning and couldn't get comfortable. I am trying to get used to sleeping on my left side. For some reason I wake up early in the morning and once I am awake I can't go back to sleep. I snuck out of the room at 4am and got on the computer for about thirty minutes until I could feel my eyelids drooping and then I managed to fall asleep on our new window seat with two long skinny pillows, one to cuddle and one between my legs. DH found me this morning sleeping in the window. He probably thinks I am crazy. Haven't heard anything from either doctor yet, hopefully I hear from them soon. Just left a message with the fertility specialist about metformin, and I was told to wait until 3pm to call into the other office if I haven't heard the blood test results by then. Luckily I am used to waiting by now, but DH keeps texting to see if they called yet. Oh yeah, and yesterday I got the famous side boob ache by my right armpit, didn't know it until DH hugged me after lunch and ended up squeezing that exact spot.

Also I took another frer last night just out of curiosity, some people say that the afternoon/evening tests are usually darker. Surprise, surprise, my night time test was darker then that morning's test. After DH saw that he called his mom and told her to put it on speaker phone. When he told her that we are pregnant we heard screams so loud I thought they would bust the speaker. Apparently it was his mom, his oldest sister, and his 15 year old niece who just happened to be over at his mom's house at the time. Pretty sure they would have blown our ears out had they not been on speaker phone.
Too funny about your inlaws screaming, lol. It's so great that everyone is so happy.

I used to get darker tests in the evening also. If your tests are getting darker your bloods are probably fine. Will you go in for another set so they can confirm a steady rise?

I know I got my second bloods done at about 7 weeks and then I went into get a U/S later that day and the little bean had a heartbeat so the doctor told me it didn't even matter what my bloods said. I was upset because I hated getting bloods done and I basically had them done for no reason, lol.

It sucks that you have lower back pain already but it's all a part of it and you will have an awful time getting to sleep and staying asleep. Look into a sleep pillow. I didn't have one but I could have used one! Also the breast pain is a good sign. I think your body is probably doing all of the right things! I can't wait to see the ultrasound pics and the bump pics!
I've got to go do a few things while the baby is asleep....
I will ask about a second blood test and my first appointment when they call me with the results. They are on lunch at this time of day though, and won't even make it back into the office for another hour yet, so I am not expecting anything for two more hours. I am just praying so hard for her/him to stay put and keep growing. I want this even more for DH than myself, I don't know if he can handle anything bad happening. I feel like everything is completely normal though, and the tests getting darker make me feel so much better.
I know what you mean. Both of you are going to worry but you just have to hope for the best. It seems like everything is ok so far. Try to relax and enjoy. First you'll see the heartbeat and then you'll hit the 12 week mark. Then you'll have all of your scans and you'll feel baby moving. I know I worried the whole time but I feel like I enjoyed it a little also but I wish I hadn't worried so much and enjoyed it a little more because everything was perfect and it was just the BC that confused my body. It worked so well otherwise! Hang in there and keep us updated. :hugs:
15dpo digi.jpg

Just had to take the digi :)

Called the doctor and they said they are going to call the lab to see about my blood test results as they don't have them in yet.

Called the fertility specialist again and they said to stay on metformin and to come in tomorrow to get a progesterone blood test and another blood pregnancy test to match the levels to the one I took yesterday. I feel sooo much better that they want me to stay on metformin, that was the biggest thing that was freaking me out. It will also be a relief to know if my numbers increased or not, although I am guessing I would have to wait until Monday or Tuesday to find out about the blood tests that I am going to take tomorrow.
Yay for a positive on the digi! It is so nice to see it say your pregnant isn't it?

I am glad you got in touch with the specialist so you know what to do about the metformin. I used a big pregnancy sleeping pillow and loved it. It was really helpful and worth the money.

Things are getting better sleep wise here at night. Shae only wakes for one night feeding now. She will wake up a couple times throughout the night aside from that but if I give her the pacifier she will fall back asleep within a few mins. Napping is a different story though. I have a hard time getting her to nap. Some days she will take a couple long naps but other days she fights it then gets really fussy at night because she gets overtired. She woke at 8:30 for the day and took one nap from 11:45-1:15. It's now almost 6 and she hasn't taken another nap. I think she needs to be sleeping more than she is but I don't know how to make her sleep. I mean it isn't normal for her to be awake for 5+ hours straight at this age is it? I see her yawning and put her in the swing for a nap but she won't fall asleep :dohh: she always falls asleep after she finishes eating but then I have to wake her to burp her and she is then wide awake after that. I wish I could just skip the burping and put her down for a nap right after because I think she would nap better if I could do that.
I think the only thread I can go on is this one until I hear a heart beat! Even the tww July thread that I was on has some miscarriages creeping in already. I feel really bad for them, but I just can't take it. I am already sick to my stomach at that thought. I need to stay over here with you girls and your happy healthy little girls. I can't take thoughts about blighted ovums and such until I see and hear that there is something in there growing, with a little beating heart.

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