Hi everyone, I'm completely new to this website, and even TTC for that matter. Me and my fiancé have been together almost 5 years now and are just recently TTC. I don't know much of the lingo but everyone's posts have been so helpful! I'm still getting off of the depo shot since last December/January, so my AF is NEVER predictable which makes it hard to figure ovulation and when/if I'm late hopefully I can catch up on everything. I've just had AF about 4 days ago but am now having weird symptoms, extra tired the past few days some upset tummy problems and I can't seem to stay full! I'm hoping this could be it BUT I'm so discouraged that I can't figure my O and AF so I just have to cross my fingers and wait every month. Any advice would help! Thanks
Hi everyone, I'm completely new to this website, and even TTC for that matter. Me and my fiancé have been together almost 5 years now and are just recently TTC. I don't know much of the lingo but everyone's posts have been so helpful! I'm still getting off of the depo shot since last December/January, so my AF is NEVER predictable which makes it hard to figure ovulation and when/if I'm late hopefully I can catch up on everything. I've just had AF about 4 days ago but am now having weird symptoms, extra tired the past few days some upset tummy problems and I can't seem to stay full! I'm hoping this could be it BUT I'm so discouraged that I can't figure my O and AF so I just have to cross my fingers and wait every month. Any advice would help! Thanks
The fact that you're getting Af, however unpredictable, is a great sign that you are probably ovulating and you can get pregnant. What have your cycles been like since stopping? Length wise? Ovulation USUALLY takes place around 2 weeks after your period. If your cycles are long though it may be longer. Look for cervical mucus that is clear and looks/feels like egg whites. Look also for cramping around the ovaries. Both of these signs might mean you are ovulating. If you get a + pregnancy test or AF about 2 weeks after it means you have ovulated and you can go from there looking for signs and trying to find a pattern. A sure fire way to know if you are ovulating is temping. Buy a basal body thermometer and take your temp as soon as you wake up each morning (at the same time, before even sitting up preferably, and after at least 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep) You will have a sort of base temp...96/97 that's Fahrenheit but they also come in Celsius....and then after ovulation your temp will be higher...98 or so...until AF or BFP. You can also try OPKs (not as sure fire as temping, but will let you know if your body is at least trying to ovulate) which you use a lot like a preg test but they are positive when you are about to ovulate. The test has to be as dark or darker than the control line to be positive.
I would start with seeing if you can find a pattern or a sign that you are ovulating and if you've been at it a while with no results then start the opks and temping. If you've only just started ttc I'd say that chances are you'll be able to conceive without all the hassle of tracking ovulation if you just continue to have unprotected sex regularly.
Also if you continue to ttc without success and your cycles are still all over the place go to the doctor and mention that you've been ttc. Maybe they will help you get your cycles in order but they usually wait until you've been trying for a year or so before doing anything, that's why I suggested the other ways of tracking ovulation. There are also other things like microscopes, which I have NO experience with, that women use to pinpoint their fertile days. I found that the temping and opks were enough though.
Best of luck to you and feel free to ask questions whenever you need to. There are a lot of great women on this site who know their stuff.
youngandttc if you are bleeding every two weeks you might not be ovulating yet. It is most likely all just because of the depo shot. I think what your doctor was trying to do with the pill was regulate your cycle for a few months so your body might get the point. If your cycles continue to be every 2 to 3 weeks I'd go to the doctor and this time I'd listen to what they said and go on the pill. I know you don't want to put any more hormones in your body. I totally get where you are coming from with that...but I think that with cycles that close you probably don't have time to ovulate and therefore the egg isn't being released. I doubt you're infertile either, it's just that your body is confused from the shot. Once you get to the one year mark of ttc the doctor will probably do some tests and you'll be reassured. And you'll need to get your cycles in some sort of order. I hope you do get pregnant in the meantime though. You should still look for signs of ovulation just in case.
I buy my opks online from amazon. I buy wondfo, they are cheap but effective. But in your case I wouldn't know when to use them. You can also try vitex to regulate your cycles but it doesn't work for everyone.
I kind of have a similar issue as you. I gave birth in December and I went on the mini pill in January as a form of contraceptive. I quit breast feeding in May and I started AF two weeks or so after. I've had AF every two weeks since. I think that I am going to ask my doctor for a full hormone pill for a maximum of 6 months to give my body the right idea and then I'll go off and give myself a few months before ttc again to track ovulation and regulate my cycles naturally. So I know I'm not ovulating but I still get AF every 2 weeks. It's so annoying.
Anyway, I'd get in contact with the doctor again and see what they can do for you. Maybe ask them if there's any other way than going on the pill? It's worth a try.
The napping is getting better. Just need her to get better at self soothing when she wakes at night. She only feeds once but wakes up a few more times and I have to help her back to sleep. Once we get that figured out things will be good. I think she may sleep better in her own room, I wonder if noises we make wake her. But I don't want to have to get out of bed 5 times a night to help her back to sleep so its just easier to lean over in bed and do it. Hopefully we will get her there soon though. But I will really miss her in our room
How is Cait?
Michelle I hope you are doing well![]()