Anyone who is ttc having trouble with their cycles due to previous bc use?

I just know you are going to have a great and healthy pregnancy-I am very happy for you :)

I guess I am just feeling negative because I have not seen even the least bit improvement on my cycles. I just feel like by 8 months later I would see even a little improvement. You mentioned you at least had a couple normal length cycles mixed in there, I have never had a normal length cycle EVER. I guess thats what really worries me. Also I thought after being on Vitex for three months I would have seen something a little better even a couple days earlier o, something, anything!! You know what I mean? If I don't O by CD 40, which I don't think I will because I am not showing signs, then I am on my way to my longest cycle yet :wacko: I just can't stomach the idea of another long cycle after this one ends, I think I will loose it.
It's normal to worry. Super sore bbs are a good sign, strong hormones.

Told you your BFP was close!

Oooh I hope you are right. I took my bra off last night and it was SOOO painful I yelped. I was so worried last night that somehow the clearblue digi was a false pos because I had a frer that was probably neg earlier in the morning. I woke up at 4 am and took another digi and it still said pregnant! Going to buy one more box of tests and then be done with it.
I just know you are going to have a great and healthy pregnancy-I am very happy for you :)

I guess I am just feeling negative because I have not seen even the least bit improvement on my cycles. I just feel like by 8 months later I would see even a little improvement. You mentioned you at least had a couple normal length cycles mixed in there, I have never had a normal length cycle EVER. I guess thats what really worries me. Also I thought after being on Vitex for three months I would have seen something a little better ever a couple days earlier o, something, anything!! You know what I mean? If I don't O by CD 40, which I don't think I will because I am not showing signs, then I am on my way to my longest cycle yet :wacko: I just can't stomach the idea of another long cycle after this one ends, I think I will loose it.

:hugs: Sorry you are down. I completely understand.

TBH - I think this is the way your cycles are. BUT that doesn't mean it'll affect fertility. It just means you have fewer chances. From everything I've read chances per cycle are no less with late O. It's just crazy frustrating for you.

I hope everything goes well with the doctor and it helps put your mind at ease. :flower:

I just know you are going to have a great and healthy pregnancy-I am very happy for you :)

I guess I am just feeling negative because I have not seen even the least bit improvement on my cycles. I just feel like by 8 months later I would see even a little improvement. You mentioned you at least had a couple normal length cycles mixed in there, I have never had a normal length cycle EVER. I guess thats what really worries me. Also I thought after being on Vitex for three months I would have seen something a little better ever a couple days earlier o, something, anything!! You know what I mean? If I don't O by CD 40, which I don't think I will because I am not showing signs, then I am on my way to my longest cycle yet :wacko: I just can't stomach the idea of another long cycle after this one ends, I think I will loose it.

All will be ok. I think that perhaps you might be cursed with long cycles...I hope not though! And if that is the case I hope that the doctor can at least make you regular so the length/O day is usually the same. That would take a lot of pressure off anyway. I reallly am pulling for you, you deserve a baby just as much as anyone!:hugs:
Thank you girls! It always makes me feel better to talk to someone about it. I believe this is the way my cycles are as well unfortunately. And if this is the case I am done temping and worrying about it because I just can't deal with waiting 40 days to O every cycle. Of course I will still BD 3-4 times a week to make sure I am covered but I just can't keep going on as I am now. I am driving myself and my DH crazy. Hopefully if anything the dr. can put my mind at ease.
Ladies, can I get some advice/input here? I'm new to this thread, lol.

I'm 21. I originally didn't think that anything was wrong with me, but I was on ortho tri-cyclen for 5-6 months (maybe not even that long) and before I started it, I was always really wet during sex, had lots of cm, etc. Well, I quit taking it in late July/early August. My periods have since then obviously went back to normal, but it's now late March and I've noticed that my cervical mucus is nowhere near as plentiful as it used to be. Evening primrose oil didn't help. No matter what, I can't get super wet before sex anymore. Afterwards I usually am, but only then. I used pre-seed for the first time last night so I'm hoping I'm successful this cycle.

Anyway, I'm about to read some more of this thread but did any of you have this problem? I feel like I'm too young for this! I also don't understand how just a few months of birth control can have this effect on me!

A little bit of extra info: as soon as I went on the pill I stopped having crazy headaches like I did before. It also helped my cramps and made me bleed less during AF. But as soon as I quit, I was depressed for like 2 months, I took 2 hour long naps every single day, I hated my life. It went away after that but I've always been 99% positive it was due to quitting birth control, since I had no reason to be upset or depressed. My headaches still aren't quite as bad as they were before I started birth control. But, my main reason for worry is my cervical mucus.

I was NTNP for a couple of months and started TTC in January, I'm on my 3rd month now and it doesn't sound like a long time but nobody I know personally that's 25 or younger has taken this long to conceive, not even my mother or grandma. I had a pap smear last year and they said everything looked great so I don't know what to think??

Oh & my cycles are pretty regular. They started out as 24-25 days after I quit bc but now they're 28 days long again, with an 11-day luteal phase.
Ladies, can I get some advice/input here? I'm new to this thread, lol.

I'm 21. I originally didn't think that anything was wrong with me, but I was on ortho tri-cyclen for 5-6 months (maybe not even that long) and before I started it, I was always really wet during sex, had lots of cm, etc. Well, I quit taking it in late July/early August. My periods have since then obviously went back to normal, but it's now late March and I've noticed that my cervical mucus is nowhere near as plentiful as it used to be. Evening primrose oil didn't help. No matter what, I can't get super wet before sex anymore. Afterwards I usually am, but only then. I used pre-seed for the first time last night so I'm hoping I'm successful this cycle.

Anyway, I'm about to read some more of this thread but did any of you have this problem? I feel like I'm too young for this! I also don't understand how just a few months of birth control can have this effect on me!

A little bit of extra info: as soon as I went on the pill I stopped having crazy headaches like I did before. It also helped my cramps and made me bleed less during AF. But as soon as I quit, I was depressed for like 2 months, I took 2 hour long naps every single day, I hated my life. It went away after that but I've always been 99% positive it was due to quitting birth control, since I had no reason to be upset or depressed. My headaches still aren't quite as bad as they were before I started birth control. But, my main reason for worry is my cervical mucus.

I was NTNP for a couple of months and started TTC in January, I'm on my 3rd month now and it doesn't sound like a long time but nobody I know personally that's 25 or younger has taken this long to conceive, not even my mother or grandma. I had a pap smear last year and they said everything looked great so I don't know what to think??

Oh & my cycles are pretty regular. They started out as 24-25 days after I quit bc but now they're 28 days long again, with an 11-day luteal phase.

Yes. I have had minimal cm during and after BC I'm still not as wet as I used to be but it has improved greatly. Used the preeseed when needed and it should get somewhat better with time hopefully. GL!
Thank you zilla! In a weird way I just want to go back on bcp and forget about this, I have never been through something that was this disappointing and maddening for this long of a period of time. And not to mention after I stopped bcp in a matter of weeks I got a bloated stomach that has never gone away and I gained 7 pounds. I work out like a maniac eat really healthy for months now and somehow I can't loose a pound? I just don't get it. So I guess the not loosing weight coupled with my long cycles is really getting to me. I never had a problem loosing weight when I was on bcp. I know it is probably due to hormones, but it is just yet another reason I am scared that I have pcos. Hopefully I will find out soon enough.

I don't think I'll ever go back on it now!!
How long have you been trying now? I've been really bloated since I came off the pill. it's annoying! I've read so much on the internet about all of the side effects of coming off the pill.
why do you think you have PCOS? ... I know people who have PCOS and got pregnant whilst on the pill so don't lose hope :hugs: xxxx
zilla- At first I was fine and then I did get some seemingly pregnancy symptoms the sore breasts etc. That was on and off for a few months. I had one normalcycle 29 days after withdrawl and then my cycles got VERY messed up. I had a 63 day cycle and then 2 normal ones and then a 72 day cycle and then a 40-some one and then I finally normalized for 2 cycles and here I am! I also continued to gain weight after stopping the BC and I got bad acne breakouts and my hair began falling out in October, which was five months after I stopped. I called my gyno and they said it was common! The acne just started to subside last month and my hair is still falling out but when my pregnancy hormones kick in I'm sure it'll get thicker! Best of luck to you!

oh gosh! I thought I was lucky with my first one being 33 but sounds like that might only just be the start of it. I know that weight gain is something that most women seem to be getting ... I'm getting blaoting and stuff.

best of luck - baby dust :hugs: xxxx
zilla- At first I was fine and then I did get some seemingly pregnancy symptoms the sore breasts etc. That was on and off for a few months. I had one normalcycle 29 days after withdrawl and then my cycles got VERY messed up. I had a 63 day cycle and then 2 normal ones and then a 72 day cycle and then a 40-some one and then I finally normalized for 2 cycles and here I am! I also continued to gain weight after stopping the BC and I got bad acne breakouts and my hair began falling out in October, which was five months after I stopped. I called my gyno and they said it was common! The acne just started to subside last month and my hair is still falling out but when my pregnancy hormones kick in I'm sure it'll get thicker! Best of luck to you!

oh gosh! I thought I was lucky with my first one being 33 but sounds like that might only just be the start of it. I know that weight gain is something that most women seem to be getting ... I'm getting blaoting and stuff.

best of luck - baby dust :hugs: xxxx

You could always go back to normalcy. Some women do! Most probably!
Thank you zilla! In a weird way I just want to go back on bcp and forget about this, I have never been through something that was this disappointing and maddening for this long of a period of time. And not to mention after I stopped bcp in a matter of weeks I got a bloated stomach that has never gone away and I gained 7 pounds. I work out like a maniac eat really healthy for months now and somehow I can't loose a pound? I just don't get it. So I guess the not loosing weight coupled with my long cycles is really getting to me. I never had a problem loosing weight when I was on bcp. I know it is probably due to hormones, but it is just yet another reason I am scared that I have pcos. Hopefully I will find out soon enough.

I don't think I'll ever go back on it now!!
How long have you been trying now? I've been really bloated since I came off the pill. it's annoying! I've read so much on the internet about all of the side effects of coming off the pill.
why do you think you have PCOS? ... I know people who have PCOS and got pregnant whilst on the pill so don't lose hope :hugs: xxxx

I have been trying about 8 months now. I just feel like I have signs of pcos, cycles usually arent long and irregular without an underlying cause. I hope I am wrong though.

Hopefully your cycles resume normal and you don't have to worry about all this crazyness we have been dealing with!
I am OK thanks, just bit bummed about starting another cycle from scratch...
Well hopefully it'll be short and you won't have to wait too long! :dust: to you this cycle!
Thank you zilla! In a weird way I just want to go back on bcp and forget about this, I have never been through something that was this disappointing and maddening for this long of a period of time. And not to mention after I stopped bcp in a matter of weeks I got a bloated stomach that has never gone away and I gained 7 pounds. I work out like a maniac eat really healthy for months now and somehow I can't loose a pound? I just don't get it. So I guess the not loosing weight coupled with my long cycles is really getting to me. I never had a problem loosing weight when I was on bcp. I know it is probably due to hormones, but it is just yet another reason I am scared that I have pcos. Hopefully I will find out soon enough.

I'm in exactly the same boat, just one month behind you, so I'll be here for you to rant to as well, if you'll accept my rants! :hugs: The only difference is that I don't have a cycle to speak of.

I'm now 7 months off bcp and not a peep from AF at all. Put on about 5kgs and just can't lose it, no matter how many Weight Watchers points I count. :nope:

I have had scans and blood tests - all normal, apart from a clump of small cysts on my right ovary. Going to the specialist on Wednesday next week, and I just can't wait to get things moving!

Really getting annoyed with not even being able to START ttc because AF just hasn't shown her face! :shrug: I'm looking for some spark of a good news story from someone who has come out the other side of bcp use and had a normal, not medically induced AF after this long! *please?!* :winkwink:
lkpone- :hugs: We are here to support each other and vent/rant! It is so nice to have you ladies to talk to about this stuff I don't know what I would do otherwise because DH doesnt get it! :dohh:

That is strange that you haven't had AF in so long and your tests came back normal. Your body still just must be adjusting to being off bcp. Hopefully the dr. can prescribe you something to induce af and maybe that will kick start things back to normal. I think lovetoteach who is on this thread (she has just been busy lately but she is usually around every couple days posting) had no AF for 7-8 months then got it naturally but now she is on day 90 something and still no O or AF again so she made a dr. appointment.
I hope you are doing well and your pregnancy is treating you well so far imsotired :hugs:

I woke up today and def had some ewcm again so we BD'ed this morning. CD40 so I am hoping this is for real this time since I have O'ed around this time the past couple cycles. The only thing that sucks is DH is going to be away for the next two nights, so we will get to bd again Sunday night. It would be just my luck I would O while he is away, normally we are never apart :dohh: Do you think I will be covered well bd'ing this morning and sunday night? (That is if I O tomorrow or sunday)

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