Hey ladies,
I know I said in my last post that I haven't talked to hubby about his meds because I don't want him to feel at fault...but then 5 minutes later I IM'd him to ask what type of blood pressure meds he's on (he takes 2 different types together). I just started thinking that if he's on one that causes fertility issues, maybe his doctor could change them to something else. He gave me the names, but it's hard to find info on how it effects the MALE. I asked him if he'd call the doc and talk about, he didn't respond to that, but he
IS at work right now.
Sweetmama: I wouldn't worry about the lines being faint. TRY not to worry.
Britt: Thanks for your words and suggestion of Maca, I'll look into that. I worry about my husband, I want him around for a LONG, LONG time.
Chia and Joli: You guys are so lucky to have the opportunity to meet. I'd love to meet all you ladies!