Aphrodite...Conceiving Tigers in 2010 - 17 Graduates so far!

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first off Shey, I'm sorry you are going through a hard time, hope that you feel better soon and meet the man of your dreams- I had to kiss quite a few frogs before I met my prince :hugs:

Okay ladies, here is the update from the long awaited apt with the FS clinic in Calgary:

It was very infomative and they really want to get the ball running sooner than later for myself and DH.

We already knew that I was ovulating and also that my FSH is prematurely high at my age its 9/10...other than that the doctor was very happy with my 29 day cycle. What we found out today was that DH's sperm analysis was not good. In a nut shell, he had a huge volume, VERY fast swimmers but morphology was only 9%....yikes suppose to be >14%. So looks like we both have issues
anyone have advice on DH's morphology??:shrug:

So basically he is sending both of us for a ton of tests, DH for hormone levels- myself for CD3, CD21, HSG tests, check uterus and tubes, thyroid, prolactin... you name it he is checking it which is fantastic!

So to start- he is doubling the clomid dose next month and changing to CD3-7 AND possibly starting IUI next month....he is doing the IUI sooner, normally he would do it after 3 rounds of clomid for me because of my high FSH. So as the specialist said, "Clomid is not to just induce ovulation for non-ovulating women, it is used to give couples with fertility issues more of a chance to conceive with more eggs"
He did give me the impression that time is of the essence for us...which is what I thought, so girls its not out of the question to go through early menapause in your early 30's (only 33 this year). My mom had a hysterectomy at 27....
I think he will do 3 rounds of Clomid and IUI and then we need to get on the wait list for IVF....in my heart I thought it may come down to that...I'm sad, in the beginning i never thought there would be a problem, as time went by my women's intuition told me probably DH and I both have a problem and hence would need IVF....

enough about that,
thanks for your support girls
Thank you for the kind words, ladies and britt.

Britt - I have no suggestions on the morphology as I've never had to deal with that before.
I'm still feeling sore, I'm angry, frustrated and confused why my body can't work properly. I'm mad at myself for getting my hopes up after the news the doctor gave me
Sweetmama, I'm sorry to hear about the clots and cramping. It sure doesn't sound good. I'm praying! Please let us know how you're doing!

Chia, I'm sorry the witch got you!

Joli, I'm waiting for those bump pics!

Tabeo have you tested again?

Nope. I'm not going to waste my tests on this cycle. The witch is knocking.

Anyway, Britt, I'm happy to see that your FS app went well and that you have a plan of action underway! Awesome!

taebomama: I hope that your feeling about af being on the way is wrong! It's good that you talked to your husband about the pills, let us know what he says. Lots of luck and :dust: for your next test!!

So yesterday, via IM I asked hubby if he takes a Calcium Channel Blocker because that is REALLY bad for trying to conceive. In fact, it's known as a MALE CONTRACEPTIVE. But he didn't know if his BP meds (he takes 2 different BP meds together) included that. When he got home he looked his meds up and discovered that he is on a Calcium Channel Blocker!:growlmad: Here's some info I found:

Calcium Channel Blocker Acts As Male Contraceptive; Produces Reversible Male Infertility​

"Procardia (Nifedipine) appears to have contraceptive potential, and the calcium channel blocker also appears to cause reversible male infertility. The research stemmed from earlier observations that men who presented to infertility clinics were often taking a calcium channel blocker. If you load sperm with cholesterol, you can make them nonfunctional, and that is what these drugs are doing. The researchers noted that if physicians have a male patient on a calcium channel blocker and they are experiencing difficulties with infertility, it is reasonable to try a different antihypertensive. Men should then wait approximately 3 months before attempting to impregnate their partner in order for new sperm to generate that have been unaffected by the calcium channel blocker."

Did you see the part that says: "Men should then wait approximately 3 months before attempting to impregnate their partner in order for new sperm to generate that have been unaffected by the calcium channel blocker."? :saywhat: We've been without any contraceptives for OVER a year and now we will have to WAIT 3 WHOLE months. I don't know if I can! Besides, 3 months is a long time for an old gal.
Sweetmama, I'm sorry to hear about the clots and cramping. It sure doesn't sound good. I'm praying! Please let us know how you're doing!

Chia, I'm sorry the witch got you!

Joli, I'm waiting for those bump pics!

Tabeo have you tested again?

Nope. I'm not going to waste my tests on this cycle. The witch is knocking.

Anyway, Britt, I'm happy to see that your FS app went well and that you have a plan of action underway! Awesome!

taebomama: I hope that your feeling about af being on the way is wrong! It's good that you talked to your husband about the pills, let us know what he says. Lots of luck and :dust: for your next test!!

So yesterday, via IM I asked hubby if he takes a Calcium Channel Blocker because that is REALLY bad for trying to conceive. In fact, it's known as a MALE CONTRACEPTIVE. But he didn't know if his BP meds (he takes 2 different BP meds together) included that. When he got home he looked his meds up and discovered that he is on a Calcium Channel Blocker!:growlmad: Here's some info I found:

Calcium Channel Blocker Acts As Male Contraceptive; Produces Reversible Male Infertility​

"Procardia (Nifedipine) appears to have contraceptive potential, and the calcium channel blocker also appears to cause reversible male infertility. The research stemmed from earlier observations that men who presented to infertility clinics were often taking a calcium channel blocker. If you load sperm with cholesterol, you can make them nonfunctional, and that is what these drugs are doing. The researchers noted that if physicians have a male patient on a calcium channel blocker and they are experiencing difficulties with infertility, it is reasonable to try a different antihypertensive. Men should then wait approximately 3 months before attempting to impregnate their partner in order for new sperm to generate that have been unaffected by the calcium channel blocker."

Did you see the part that says: "Men should then wait approximately 3 months before attempting to impregnate their partner in order for new sperm to generate that have been unaffected by the calcium channel blocker."? :saywhat: We've been without any contraceptives for OVER a year and now we will have to WAIT 3 WHOLE months. I don't know if I can! Besides, 3 months is a long time for an old gal.

OH MY GOSH TAEBO!!!! seriously???!!! So glad you did research on your own, no wonder nothing happend...what if he stopped taking it right away...do you think it would still be 3 months? maybe thats only the recommendation?

okay, must get off BNB now....seriously, need to work :haha:
Taebo....gosh! so what would happen if you don't wait 3 months? I have heard Royal Jelly is excellent for female fertility but can also be good to rejuvenate the :spermy: as well :thumbup:

Britt....woweeee - what an appointment! I am ever so pleased they are on the ball and helping you :yipee: IUI should be a brilliant way to get over any sperm issues. Worked a charm for Joli :thumbup: Sorry I only know of ways to increase motility (vit c and zinc) but not morphology :shrug:? Maybe research the Royal Jelly as I said to TBM above...
It's funny how you "knew" there might be an issue. Our bodies will tell us anything if we only listen! :flower:
Hello ladies!!

Britt - awesome awesome news about the FS - sounds like they know exactly what they're talking about and how to get you that BFP! I took clomid on CD3-7 as well (before moving onto injectibles). IUI worked like a charm with me, and DH and I have so many issues as well, so I'm really sure it will work with you too! My DH had poor sperm count, and motility and his morphology was only 4%! He took Menevit and Speman (I've PM'd you the link) - whilst it didn't necessarily help with morphology, it did help in the overall quality of his spermys. For IUI you want a washed sperm count of at least 10million (20million is ideal). We had 15million, so FS wasn't sure whether it would work for us or not. Apparently if you have 20million, your chances are huge. So if your DH had a high sperm count and a high motility, then 9% morphology really isn't going to be a massive hinderance to you guys. You're on CD11... must be O in just a couple of days time! Feel any different on the clomid? I was on 100mg, and I felt like my ovaries were so heavy by O time!

Taebomama - I hope AF stays away, do you feel her already? I can't believe about the calcium channel blockers!! Is there any doc who you could ask how to flush it out of the system faster? Does DH need to continue taking it?

Nicole - Happy 9 weeks!!

Sweetmama - how are you feeling? Are you still cramping?

Chia - I'm sooooo sorry about horrible AF!!! grrrr, wish she would just keep away from you girls!!! That's awesome that you have a 28 day cycle now though - your body seems totally ready now for that BFP!

GG - How are the wedding plans coming along?

I had my 12 week scan today!! It was awesome, baby was doing summersaults, and was so active and wiggly. I had no idea it moved around so much this early on! 2 arms, 2 legs, 10 fingers (not sure about how many toes!), and NT scan looks ok too (though it strikes me as not being a particularly accurate test!). I have posted the scans on the graduate thread!
Meant to post last night but fell asleep :blush: I've been extra tired but only for a couple of hours in the morning and by 7 I could go to bed. My first prenatal appointment is next Tuesday! :yipee:

Britt: Your fs sounds amazing, so thorough. I think it's great that you've found someone to help you get pregnant as quickly as possible. Everything seems so promising for you. I'm sorry that your DH's sperm analysis wasn't as good as you hoped but as Joli said with IUI you have such a great chance. Still hoping that the clomid will do its magic and you won't need to have it. Very happy to read that your appointment went so well! Keep us updated on the ov symptoms! :)

Sweetmama: I am so sorry that this happened. :hugs: I have everything crossed that you get your sticky bean very soon. I hope you're doing okay and if you need to talk or vent we're always here for you. :hugs: lots of hugs today!

Joli: Awww the scan pics are so cute!!! Happy 12 weeks as well! I love that you wrote what the baby was doing in the pics, made me tear up. So beautiful!

2016: :yipee: your tests are so dark! I love seeing the progression, can't wait to see 2-3and I love that chart, very handy! I've never seen it before. I think you're right it's very close to changing to 2-3! I was so excited to see your signature!! I'm very happy we get to be bump buddies! :)

taebomama: It's good that you found out about the pills but wow must be hard after all this time. I was wondering like some of the other girls about the risks of trying again before 3 months. Might just be me being silly but once he's off them and his sperm starts to regenerate (probably wrong word) there might be less healthy ones but still some "good" ones? Would be worth asking the dr. about maybe there is a way that you could try earlier. Either way I'm thrilled that you figured it out and are well on your way to your bfp! :hugs:

gossipgirly: Loving the bump pic! So cute, I can't wait to see the progression. I was stalking your journal as usual and saw about your DF's job interview! Congrats to you both, sounds like a great opportunity! :happydance:

chia: I'm sorry the witch got you, but love the pma! I'm so forgetful, were you on the pill before? Having a regular cycle is a great sign that your body is ready for a bean! Lots of :dust: for you this cycle!!

shey: I'm sorry that things didn't work out with your DF, hope you're doing okay. :hugs:
Hi Ladies, My cramping is still there, its a bit less then yesterday but none the less its still there, and I'm still clotting, I talked to the OB yesterday and she said it sounds like a miscarriage but to go in to ER if my bleeding gets worse or I start experiencing heavier bleeding
I am on cloud 9 atm!! here is our beautifull baby


baby kept its legs tightly closed so we couldnt see if it was a boy or a girl!!
what do you think tho???
From what I can tell it looks like its more then probable that you are having a lil girl
Hey Nicole - thanks for the sweet message! I forgot to ask you how your second interview went - it was last week right?

Aurora - lovely pics! I commented on the other thread!
Lovely scans aurora and joli! :hugs:

nicole...nice to hear from you again. I added you to my buddies list because we always said we'd be preggo together! :friends:

My good news is I am past :af: day and my temp was at a record high of 99.04 F today! :thumbup:
Bad news is the hospital is messing me about and I won't get my results until tomorrow now! :hissy:
hey ladies how you all doing today. I'm doing ok,just morning over the loss of my Mentor Denise. She was there for me during my tough time i was going through when I was pregnant with my son. She passed away on April 11th and I just found out yesterday from a friend. And yesterday I got asked out by really hott sexy military guy.
Sweetmama - :hugs: Here's hoping that you get a sticky bean soon!

Taebomama - Wow... thank goodness you decided to do some research on your own. Time for me to dig up all of DH's medication

Britt - Hope the clomid works for you this cycle. Should be O day soon! Hope you get plenty of BD'ing this cycle. The FS sounds very helpful, so am keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Nicole - How are you? Getting plenty of rest is good! In answer to your question, I have bever been on the pill before....

2016 - All good for you? Any more symptoms? And when are the next bloods coming in?

Shey - Glad that you got asked out! :)

Joli - K, booked my flight for May! Shall PM you the details. :) Can't wait to see the bump in person! Just realised... it's Happy belated 12 weeks! :rain: I want to see collage!

GG - One month to wedding day! Woo hoo! I am feeling excited on your behalf! :rofl:

Little Aurora - Love the pics! Am thinking :pink: for you.

Hope I did not leave anyone out... time to get back to work.
Knew I forgot something....

Nicole - Happy belated 9 weeks!

2016 - Is it 4 weeks today?

So many dates to keep track of... but that is a good thing!
Yes it's 4 weeks today! :yipee: I hae loads of symptoms which seems odd for 4 weeks.

Nausea, fatigue, gassy, sore nipples!, needing to pee, stuffy nose, forgetfull & clumsy, irritable, being funny/picky about food when I normally eat anything. There are more but I forgot! :rofl:
Happy 4 weeks 2016!!! Lovely milestone :)

Chia - awesome that your flights are booked!! woohoo!! Very exciting that we get to meet in person! x
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