Awe 2016 - I'm so glad for you hun! I think its a sticky.
AFm: Just getting myself ready for work and stuff. Added an item to my etsy store and I just found out that my items from Franklin Goose are shipping.
I'm also researching where to buy Maca, Vitex, and IC opks and HPTs online.
hey babe, okay you are from Canada so the easiest and cheapest place for us to buy OPK's and HPT's online are
i just get the cheapest ones, without applicators as they work just fine- just b/c they are cheap doesnt mean they arent good, it showed a very positive opk for me last month. I only had one evap on the HPT and the rest of them were crystal white...ha ha.
they take anywhere from 5-14 days to ship, hopefully closer to a week but you need to order asap. As far as Maca you can buy that at any health food store or even Walmart probably. what is Vitex?
2016, congrats on your #'s they are absolutely fantastic like everyone says...they are really on the high side though, twins maybe?
Chia, and Taebo how are you doing?
Joli, good to hear from you hon, will pm later xx