Chia...yes I update it every morning!
wow that is dedication!! thanks. Congrats on the 2-3 weeks, i knew it was just around the corner.
GG- good luck with job prospects, I agree with Joli, nursing is a great profession, so if you can get back into it once you have moved, that would be an awesome career as a mom. Happy 11 weeks?? good gosh, time has flown..need to catch up to you girls...
Nic- hope you get the next one hon, if you get an interview based on your qualifications, it ALL comes down to the interview- I would take Joli up on some ideas/tips for interview skills, it will be so helpful. You will get the next one hon!! The only tip I have is basically to be yourself, if you try to act how you think they would want you to- you usually end up awkward and they dont know the real you. Oh and dress professional even if the job doesnt have you wearing a suit (I have written off assistants based on this alone) be cheery and happy (as I know you are) and always be professional. Ha ha, I'm sure Joli will have much more scientific stuff, but that seems to have worked for me.
Chia, how are you doing? Taebo...any news??
as for me, I already got my positive opk can you believe it? I have joined another thread called Clomid in the LTTC section...which has been fun and from everything i read clomid would make me O later, but it looks like it will be one day earlier- hopefully tomorrow!!

now to catch DH....