hi girls. I havent posted on here before, but just wanted to say that i understand all your concerns about shey. But you are banging your heads agains a brick wall.
She has been posting in my group for a long time and we have all tried to advise her cos we care. Of course she should be in a good situation to have a child before ttc! I can understand the deep rooted desire of wanting a child, as i have been wanting one for 12yrs, but if i wasnt in a commited loving relationship it would not even cross my mind. ttc is something people do when they love each other. Shey, i have said it before, but these girls are right. You should wait till you are in a stable relationship, have a home of your own and are financially secure before you have a baby. I dont think you are pregnant anyway, and tbh i hope you are not. You are behaving irresponsibly and opening yourself up to the risk of stds. You could end up with chlamydia and end up infertile! Or worse, you could end up with hiv and leave your son without a mother. These words are said out of concern for you and your son, but you probably wont listen. Yes, you are supportive to girls on this site, but you have no reason not to be. I do care, but dont know what to say to make you see sense. You are being selfish to want a child just now. You should concentrate on building a good life for yourself and the son you already have. I thought you hadnt had sex in 4 yrs but now you say 3?
Some things dont add up. It maybe hards to get a job, but that should then mean you shouldnt ttc. Do you expect the state to pay for you? You dont self to have much self respect or morales. I think youshould speak to a councillor or some sort of life coach. You are inyour late 20s
But honestly come acRoss very immature for your age. I do wish the best for you. But another baby is definately not the best thing for you right now and i would feel very sorry for a baby to be born into this situation. I actually feel sorry for your son because a mother should put her childrens needs first and you are thinking of your own desires, even though you are not in a situation to fulfill them.