Aphrodite...Conceiving Tigers in 2010 - 17 Graduates so far!

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hey everyone sorry for not posting in so long. I've been trying to find a job and a house or apartment, both with no luck so far but I've been applying to a lot of places so I hope to get a call soon. My family dr couldn't find the heartbeat last week, although he didn't try for that long, still making me freak out. I go again Tuesday so hopefully he'll be able to find it and save my sanity.

britt: Glad the iui went well, very hopeful for you! How are you doing? When is af due?? Hope everythng is going well for you :hugs:

chia: That's great that you've had a month without obsessing much! Might be just what you need! When do you think you ov'd?

taebomama: So sorry about your sister's baby. That's terrible news. :hugs:

nevertogether: Glad you got to talk to your hubby!! Must be so hard not to see each other often.

shey: did you get to bd around ov time?

Oh my gosh hon, we have all missed you!! So glad to hear from you but yeah totally understandable, you never have to explain if you need to take a break from BNB- we understand.

I really hope you get a job soon too hon, I heard the job market is starting to improve in Ontario- so hopefully something is just around the corner. They cant legally ask and I wouldnt tell them you are pregnant if possible....you could always use the mat leave money and go to a new job after you have baby if they are pissed you didnt tell them...just a thought
Hopefully you find a great new home soon as well :hugs:
As for the HB I wouldnt worry at all, as you know I sell the GE fetal monitors and they are ultra sensitive but sometimes just with the position ect..we cant even find a HB pick up on a 30+ pregnant woman- happens all the time.
Hopefully your doctor will have more time for the next visit- remember they dont always pick it up with hand helds.
anyway, welcome back :kiss:

Hello to the rest of the girls hope you are great.

As for me, temp down slightly today I am 14dpo according to FF but could also be 13dpo, didnt bother testing today as I'm pretty sure I am out- I'm guessing AF will show tomorrow.
Oh well, i have another IUI this cycle and double Clomid dose and we are seeing the FS on MOnday so we are in good hands


Hey Britt,

How'd the FS appointment go?
hey everyone sorry for not posting in so long. I've been trying to find a job and a house or apartment, both with no luck so far but I've been applying to a lot of places so I hope to get a call soon. My family dr couldn't find the heartbeat last week, although he didn't try for that long, still making me freak out. I go again Tuesday so hopefully he'll be able to find it and save my sanity.

britt: Glad the iui went well, very hopeful for you! How are you doing? When is af due?? Hope everythng is going well for you :hugs:

chia: That's great that you've had a month without obsessing much! Might be just what you need! When do you think you ov'd?

taebomama: So sorry about your sister's baby. That's terrible news. :hugs:

nevertogether: Glad you got to talk to your hubby!! Must be so hard not to see each other often.

shey: did you get to bd around ov time?

Hey Nicole - it's good to hear from you again! Think I am on 7dpo or thereabouts. Here's hoping that everything works out for you, house, job and baby wise! I am still waiting for my bump pics!

Britt - Just took a look at ur chart. Sorry AF got you, but .... roll on next cycle! It HAS to be your turn for a BFP!!! Go Go Go!

GG - Think you should be on your honeymoon now, enjoy!

Nevertogether - Hang in there, your week with DH is coming up soon!

To the rest of you gals... have a good day! Will catch up on the rest of the posts later.

Hey Chia,

You're about 9dpo now...any symptoms? Are you going to do any early testing? :winkwink:
hey ladies i took a test today at 11dpo and got a faint positive
hey everyone sorry for not posting in so long. I've been trying to find a job and a house or apartment, both with no luck so far but I've been applying to a lot of places so I hope to get a call soon. My family dr couldn't find the heartbeat last week, although he didn't try for that long, still making me freak out. I go again Tuesday so hopefully he'll be able to find it and save my sanity.

britt: Glad the iui went well, very hopeful for you! How are you doing? When is af due?? Hope everythng is going well for you :hugs:

chia: That's great that you've had a month without obsessing much! Might be just what you need! When do you think you ov'd?

taebomama: So sorry about your sister's baby. That's terrible news. :hugs:

nevertogether: Glad you got to talk to your hubby!! Must be so hard not to see each other often.

shey: did you get to bd around ov time?

Hey Nicole - it's good to hear from you again! Think I am on 7dpo or thereabouts. Here's hoping that everything works out for you, house, job and baby wise! I am still waiting for my bump pics!

Britt - Just took a look at ur chart. Sorry AF got you, but .... roll on next cycle! It HAS to be your turn for a BFP!!! Go Go Go!

GG - Think you should be on your honeymoon now, enjoy!

Nevertogether - Hang in there, your week with DH is coming up soon!

To the rest of you gals... have a good day! Will catch up on the rest of the posts later.

Hey Chia,

You're about 9dpo now...any symptoms? Are you going to do any early testing? :winkwink:

Hey ladies, you are all so sweet- how have you been?
Sweetmama whats new with you? I have to look at what CD you are on. Taebo, are you still waiting for DH's meds/sperm to be sorted out? I had no idea how much MF could contribute to not getting pregnant. I think as women we automatically assume its on our side as our process is so much more complicated.

Thx for asking about the FS apt- basically he said that all looked great on my end, yes my FSH is on the high end of normal but its still very normal and wouldnt be causing me any issues likely, that being said he doesnt want us to waste too much time as there will be a point in the not too distant future that the fertility issues may be on my side as well. Basically he said its likely due to my hubby's poor morphology that we are not pregs yet. It was 9% on his first SA, and then down to 6% for our IUI :dohh: so frustrating, but he was under a lot of stress, so maybe that contributed. He said the treatment for us is more IUI, apparently we have a 15% chance only of conceiving each IUI cycle, but if we do a few in a row, we have a much better chance. So we will just continue on that road for 3-6months and then move into IVF after if needed :growlmad:
anyway, much more relaxed now as i know there is nothing more I can really do lol....no amount of vitamins or herbs on my part will help anything, so just on a multivit now and enjoying life.

Shey, a BFP?....wow. So is this a good thing? I thought you guys just recently started dating? Well H+H 9 months to you.
oh and hello Chia!!! how are you??
Nicole, look forward to hearing from you and some awesome updates

Britt, that's great that you have had such positive feed back from the FS. I read a statistic somewhere that if you do 3 IUIs in a row, your chanced increase to something like 50-60% chance of getting pregnant, so I think you've got a really good chance!! My DH had 4% morphology, but from what I remember you said that your DH had a really high count, so I hope that helps the next time round! I really really really really hope you get your BFP this IUI!!! :huge:

Shey - any pics of your test for us to squint at?
No Joli no pic I couldn't get a good pic of it. I'll take a pic of the test i take next week, cause the rest of this week im at my sister's place in orlando
wow Shey, I don't think I'd be able to cope...Once I got my bfp, I was so excited, I took 5 different tests that day! haha Do you think you got your bfp from the guy you saw very recently (I think you mentioned last week that you got to BD with someone and you met up with him twice that week?) - have you told him about your bfp?
congrats on your bfp shey, how does your new man feel about becomming a father so early in the relationship?

britt thats good news poor oh he must feel terrible just spend lots of time together and think positivily, you will be next! xxx
Hello! I had an ultrasound yesterday just to make sure everything was okay since the dr. still couldn't find the heartbeat and I hadn't felt movement yet. I was convinced something was wrong but got to see the baby stretching and the heartbeat was good, 154 bpm!

Britt: Thanks for telling me about the dopplars, made me feel much better although I did freak out when he couldn't find it again this time :blush: I'm sorry the last iui didn't work. Very hopeful for the next one!!! :hugs: Are you going for ultrasounds this time to check the size of your follicles? Glad the appointment went well, sounds like you have a good dr who's going to get you your bfp!!!

chia: I'm so slow with the bump pics! although now dh is bugging me as well since I never took any with ds. How are you doing? peeing on sticks yet?

shey: congratulations!!! Hope you can show us some tests! Always love looking at them!

taebomama: How have you been? I was wondering how long since your dh has been off of the pills? I can't seem to remember! Hope everything is great!

Sweetmama: How's everything going? Hope you're well! :hugs:
Thanks! Meant to say in the post but I forgot for some reason. Sorry that your dh is away again. Not long now until you get to see him again but I can't imagine being away from your dh for so long. you're very strong! Will you likely be able to catch ov next time?
awww thank you nicole :hugs: it is very hard, but we both signed up for it so i can't complain much. :shrug: let's see. i got to see him saturday & part of sunday last weekend. i get to see him saturday & part of sunday this weekend and then i took leave the end of the month during my fertile window and his last week here. i'm due to O the 30th, if my cycle stays on track, and i get to see DH 29 & 30 possibly..maybe just the 30th..but it's a shot! better than nothing :) plan to do the whole sexy outfits and the whole nine yards as this is the last :sex: for us both until september or october so we need to make it enjoyable, memorable, but :bfp: cycle hopefully!! we will see :) got to convince DH to release his stuff :blush: ever 3 days though since i've heard it's not good for it to save..not sure how that will go over just yet, haha.
Britt and Nicole - I have been good, I don't want to say anything mean in this thread so I have been taking a step back because I don't want to be a downer. And if I write what's honestly on my mind it's gonna come out completely wrong. I still read though. Not much is new with me, I applied for an entrepreneurship loan so I can start my business today though!
hey ladies i took a test today at 11dpo and got a faint positive

Hey Shey,

A new little life is always a blessing...but forgive me, I can't muster up a congrats. I feel too sorry for the new little one who will most likely not have his or her daddy in his life. And I feel sorry for daddy, as I suspect he wasn't in on the plan to procreate. I guess I should keep quiet with my view...that's the nice thing to do. But my choices are: 1)Say CONGRATS! when I aint feel'n it. 2)Ignore it...but everyone will notice that. 3)Speak my mind.
hey ladies i took a test today at 11dpo and got a faint positive

Hey Shey,

A new little life is always a blessing...but forgive me, I can't muster up a congrats. I feel too sorry for the new little one who will most likely not have his or her daddy in his life. And I feel sorry for daddy, as I suspect he wasn't in on the plan to procreate. I guess I should keep quiet with my view...that's the nice thing to do. But my choices are: 1)Say CONGRATS! when I aint feel'n it. 2)Ignore it...but everyone will notice that. 3)Speak my mind.

I have to second what Taebo just said...I couldnt muster it up to say congrats either , but do want you to have a healthy pregnancy.

Shey, it appears that you have (unknowingly I'm sure) upset every single lady on this ttc thread. You have also offended the newly pregnant ladies that stop by our thread to offer us support. I'm sorry but the rest of us are trying month after month to procreate with either our husbands or in a very committed relationship. No one can understand just having free willy sex with anyone in order to get pregnant. I know this sounds harsh but it needs to be said now, I think it would be best if you left this thread- none of us are able to relate to you.

I hope you have a wonderful pregnancy and that you can start focusing on your childern and not bouncing around from guy to guy. There are probably women on other sites that can relate to your lifestyle but trying to conceive a baby website is not one of them.
Even if the faint positive does not turn into a pregnancy, it is still best you dont post here.

best of luck to you.
Chia--Only 3 days till testing?? You gonna test early or anything??:blush:

Britt--To answer your question: I think we're on about day 45, and it takes about 74 days for the meds to not affect the sperm. As far as your TTC journey goes, I really feel IUI will work for you, and soon. I liked Joli's info on stats. : )

Thanks for always offering your experience and support. Is your back pain any better?

Nicole--It was so nice seeing you on here! Shame on that doppler! So happy to hear that an ultrasound revealed a healthy liitle one! To answer your question: I think it will be another month or so before we will have healthy swimmers to work with.

GG--Darcie is a great name!

Nevertogether--Good luck on the 29th and 30th!

Good luck with your business venture!

Blessings to all of you ladies!
hey ladies i took a test today at 11dpo and got a faint positive

Hey Shey,

A new little life is always a blessing...but forgive me, I can't muster up a congrats. I feel too sorry for the new little one who will most likely not have his or her daddy in his life. And I feel sorry for daddy, as I suspect he wasn't in on the plan to procreate. I guess I should keep quiet with my view...that's the nice thing to do. But my choices are: 1)Say CONGRATS! when I aint feel'n it. 2)Ignore it...but everyone will notice that. 3)Speak my mind.

hey ladies i took a test today at 11dpo and got a faint positive

Hey Shey,

A new little life is always a blessing...but forgive me, I can't muster up a congrats. I feel too sorry for the new little one who will most likely not have his or her daddy in his life. And I feel sorry for daddy, as I suspect he wasn't in on the plan to procreate. I guess I should keep quiet with my view...that's the nice thing to do. But my choices are: 1)Say CONGRATS! when I aint feel'n it. 2)Ignore it...but everyone will notice that. 3)Speak my mind.

I have to second what Taebo just said...I couldnt muster it up to say congrats either , but do want you to have a healthy pregnancy.

Shey, it appears that you have (unknowingly I'm sure) upset every single lady on this ttc thread. You have also offended the newly pregnant ladies that stop by our thread to offer us support. I'm sorry but the rest of us are trying month after month to procreate with either our husbands or in a very committed relationship. No one can understand just having free willy sex with anyone in order to get pregnant. I know this sounds harsh but it needs to be said now, I think it would be best if you left this thread- none of us are able to relate to you.

I hope you have a wonderful pregnancy and that you can start focusing on your childern and not bouncing around from guy to guy. There are probably women on other sites that can relate to your lifestyle but trying to conceive a baby website is not one of them.
Even if the faint positive does not turn into a pregnancy, it is still best you dont post here.

best of luck to you.

Thank you both so much for posting what has been on my mind, I didn't want to be mean at all, but I've been keeping away from this thread because I don't feel comfortable posting around someone who is so willing to put their self in possible harms way of an STD or whatnot, and also setting themselves or their children up for failure, I doubt that this new man knows that he was in a relationship with someone so willing to TTC with someone that they barely know :dohh: I'm sorry about the harshness of my words, but I just can't feel happy for Shey because of this, I wish her the best in her life, but I really can not support this after 3 of us, gave her advice and she blatently ignored it, I shared my story in hopes she would take heed.

Taebomama - Thank you so much for your well wishes.
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