Aphrodite...Conceiving Tigers in 2010 - 17 Graduates so far!

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I know I already have a pic of one of my kitties in my profile pic, I just HAD to show you all my baby meows (yes, I'm obsessed).
Alfredo von Kittypants ("Alfie" for short hehe) is the ragdoll
Norvus Bernard is the siamese/himalayan (who knows??) mix.


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I know I already have a pic of one of my kitties in my profile pic, I just HAD to show you all my baby meows (yes, I'm obsessed).
Alfredo von Kittypants ("Alfie" for short hehe) is the ragdoll
Norvus Bernard is the siamese/himalayan (who knows??) mix.

seriously???!!!!! could they be any cuter!!
thanks for sharing, made me smile
michele, great that DH can see the lines! It's infuriating when they cant! Congrats again, I already posted in your thread, keep the tests coming! It's great to see them getting darker!

joli: I'll post a pic of my kitties later on, I am just confused about how to make my pictures smaller...I always have to use photobucket although they are from my old camera so they might work. Technology isn't my friend for the most part. I hope your appointment goes well so you can get things going!

hibiscus: awww love the pics of your cats. They're so cute! They seem so snuggly in the pics! You and Joli are making it very hard not to get a fluffy one, mine are DSH. I missed it if you updated on ov...I'll go re-read but if you didnt how's it going?

britt: Your cycle could be getting back to normal still, maybe you're just going to have an abundance of EWCM, that would be great! I think it's a good sign anyway, you're pretty close to ov time. :)
Michele...congrats again!! :dance:

Nicole...I think your BBT is broken - there shouldn't be such a difference. I agree best to stop temping because FF is clearly being annoying.

I am in a very grumpy PMSssy mood! :growlmad: :cry:
...nott looking good for me but I am still going to :test: in the morning.
Hey 2016 it's great that you have had longer dpo before next cycle though my fingers are crossed as always for you all as always x
michele, great that DH can see the lines! It's infuriating when they cant! Congrats again, I already posted in your thread, keep the tests coming! It's great to see them getting darker!

joli: I'll post a pic of my kitties later on, I am just confused about how to make my pictures smaller...I always have to use photobucket although they are from my old camera so they might work. Technology isn't my friend for the most part. I hope your appointment goes well so you can get things going!

hibiscus: awww love the pics of your cats. They're so cute! They seem so snuggly in the pics! You and Joli are making it very hard not to get a fluffy one, mine are DSH. I missed it if you updated on ov...I'll go re-read but if you didnt how's it going?

britt: Your cycle could be getting back to normal still, maybe you're just going to have an abundance of EWCM, that would be great! I think it's a good sign anyway, you're pretty close to ov time. :)

Thanks! They are very cuddly and sweet.

Still no sign of O...bleh. Temp is the same, CM is nothing to write home about. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. This is still early for me. I think the avg is maybe 16-19 days. Feeling impatient...
Michele...congrats again!! :dance:

Nicole...I think your BBT is broken - there shouldn't be such a difference. I agree best to stop temping because FF is clearly being annoying.

I am in a very grumpy PMSssy mood! :growlmad: :cry:
...nott looking good for me but I am still going to :test: in the morning.

Why is it not looking good? Just the PMS mood? Any other symptoms?
Your temp still looks great!
Both times I was pregnant, I swore up and down that AF was about to arrive. You never know!
girls.....something is against me, lol!!! So I am in peak fertile time right now, going to buy some O tests b/c my online tests haven't come in the mail yet...agghh, but I am sure i will get a positive either today or very soon.
Anyway....I have a "lady infection"....I cant believe this, i never get them...not sure what caused it but sooo frustrating. I got the Diflucan pill from the walk in clinic, so hopefully it gets rid of it asap without messy creams..
agghh??!!!! :)

anyway, hope the rest of you fine ladies are doing well and happy testing tomorrow 2016, hope we see that BFP! PMS and preg symptoms are the same!!!! :)

Michele...congrats again!! :dance:

Nicole...I think your BBT is broken - there shouldn't be such a difference. I agree best to stop temping because FF is clearly being annoying.

I am in a very grumpy PMSssy mood! :growlmad: :cry:
...nott looking good for me but I am still going to :test: in the morning.

hey 2016, why are you thinking your out??? temps are a beauty, no dips at all!!! Come on :bfp:!!
girls.....something is against me, lol!!! So I am in peak fertile time right now, going to buy some O tests b/c my online tests haven't come in the mail yet...agghh, but I am sure i will get a positive either today or very soon.
Anyway....I have a "lady infection"....I cant believe this, i never get them...not sure what caused it but sooo frustrating. I got the Diflucan pill from the walk in clinic, so hopefully it gets rid of it asap without messy creams..
agghh??!!!! :)

anyway, hope the rest of you fine ladies are doing well and happy testing tomorrow 2016, hope we see that BFP! PMS and preg symptoms are the same!!!! :)


OMG. re: the infection, that is SO. Annoying. If it's not one thing, it's another!! Always.
Hopefully, the pill will work right away.
Fingers crossed that you O soon!
I know I already have a pic of one of my kitties in my profile pic, I just HAD to show you all my baby meows (yes, I'm obsessed).
Alfredo von Kittypants ("Alfie" for short hehe) is the ragdoll
Norvus Bernard is the siamese/himalayan (who knows??) mix.

AWWWWWWWWW!!!! They are SOOOOOOOO cute!!! I always wanted a ragdoll, if we didn't get a chincilla cat, a ragdoll would have been our other choice! They are so adorable :) Thanks for the injection advice! DH will get started on it after this months' IUI...

Britt - I hope everything clears up soon! Whenever I'm put on medication for it, I'm all clear within 2-3 days. Postage is annoying isn't it? I ordered some frer on ebay (cause you can't buy them in Hong Kong), and it's been nearly 3 weeks now - I had to send a stern email yesterday saying the whole purpose of frer was to test early, and if I didn't get the tests next week, then there wouldn't be much point!

2016 - it's not over just because of your mood!! Like the other girls said - pregnancy symptoms are very similar to AF symptoms! - keep staying positive!

Nicole, did you manage to meet with your op?

As for me - had an awful work crisis this morning - I made a seriously sackable mistake. Thankfully another partner sorted it out whilst he was on holiday in France, and I was fast asleep, not knowing what was going on. I still have a bottomless pit feeling in my stomach - I never make these kinds of mistake, just horrifying :nope:

And to pile bad news on top - I had another scan this morning, and on Mon, my largest follicle was only 8mm, and Thurs, the largest was only 10mm (they should be growing 2mm per day, and need to get to 18-20mm). So I had another blood test to see if they can up the dose of injections. I'll know in about 3 hours time if they can up it, or if this medication just doesn't work on me at all. We were planning on flying to SA next Thurs, but with my follies growing sooo slowly, it looks like we're going to have to have a much shorter holiday, or maybe even cancel :cry: feel awful, and DH is really stressed about the thought of cancelling - we really really need this holiday! Anyways...I'll send another update after the bloods are in.
oh honey, I am sooo sorry your having a horrible day. Maybe its the fact we both need to get over CD11, lol!!
As for work, from what little I know about you, you sound incredibly nice, smart and sophisticated- I'm sure it was a little accident and over sight and probably not as big as you probably think it is. They probably love you at the firm so of course will work together to help out. I got one for you, a few years ago we had a customer appreciation night at a high end club in Las Vegas and we were suppose to spoil and pamper our customers and be the utmost professionals. Anyway, I got sh#t faced drunk, I mean ridiculously drunk and thought one of our scientists was this customer....so drunk that faces were blurry, couldnt even recognize people- anyway got in a huge fight with a customer, had to be escorted out of the Tao club and sent to my hotel...lol....got in trouble the next day big time but my old boss and I laugh about it now. Yeah, who gets in fights with customers on "customer appreciation night?" :)

also sorry about the follies, why arent they waking up???? i know what you mean about not wanting to go away for awhile if thats the case. Perhaps still having a get away is good, maybe just shortened.

As for me, bed in a little bit- no BD'ng for us tonight until i heal another day :(
oh and negative opk today, so thats good, i still have time I guess.

Joli...LOVE the new addition! So cute it made me go all gooey! How is your original kitty getting on with the new addition? I read somewhere that, unlike dogs, cats do not establish a pecking order so you must try not let them fight. Apparently this just starts a feud which gets worse and worse. When I introduced mine I allowed one growl/hiss and now I just clap my hands loudly if they try argue. Worked a treat!
Sorry things went wrong at work. Stress you just don't need right now. Don't be too hard on yourself, you have things on your mind your colleagues wouldn't even realise! At least it was resolved and that's all that matters.
Your follies are really playing silly buggers aren't they? I really hope you don't have to cancel the trip - naiive question but can't you just start again next cycle and still go away now? Hope it all works out for you hun :hugs:

Britt...ouch! I hate "lady infections"! It should clear up soon. If it is a thrushy thing then I would recommend eating probiotic yoghurt and cutting out bread & sugary foods for a week. They also say sex is supposed to make it worse! Typical when you are trying to make babies!

hibisicus....your cats are also amazing and what cute names! I always wanted a ragdoll, chinchilla, siamese, burmese or scottish fold but have never had a pure bred cat. There are too many waifs and strays round here and I can't resist rehoming a "hard luck" story.

iwanta8a8y...temps are excellent, and 15dpo? :wohoo:

nicole...I haven't moved you down to the gradute list yet because I don't know how many weeks to put you as :blush: since your thermometer has been misbehaving! Did you say you were going?

Me...I woke up at 4.30am today with my heart racing from nerves and excitement! Testing day! Took my temp and had to adjust it because that's 2 hours earlier than my normal temp time. It came out 0.2 higher than previous temps! :wohoo: I always use the adjuster if I am more than 1 hour out taking the temp, and then check the box that says "sleep deprived" so it gives me an open circle to remind me.
I thought PMS feelings were a bad thing! I feel much better this morning just impatient for DH to wake up! I held my pee pee until 5.30am but then couldn't wait any more. It's now just sitting in a cup waiting for 6.50 when he wakes up!!!! Going loopy waiting! :hissy:
If I get a positive I will list what I thought were "symptoms" I will just look mental otherwise... :rofl:

Lastly, for your viewing pleasure I have attached pics of my furbabies, Amber (the tortoiseshell) and Pearl (black). Amber was a feral cat when we got her from the sanctuary at 7 months old. She wasn't used to humans and stayed under our bes for the first 3 weeks refusing to be touched. It took almost a year before she turned into the sappy loving cat we know today. We got Pearl at 1 years old. She had been abandoned by her owner at 3 months old. They moved home and locked her and their jack russel in the empty house with a ripped open bag of food for 3 months!!! :growlmad:
Because she was so timid and, also because people don't want to rehome black cat (they are very very common) she stayed at the sanctuary for 6 months before we got her. :hugs:


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Joli...LOVE the new addition! So cute it made me go all gooey! How is your original kitty getting on with the new addition? I read somewhere that, unlike dogs, cats do not establish a pecking order so you must try not let them fight. Apparently this just starts a feud which gets worse and worse. When I introduced mine I allowed one growl/hiss and now I just clap my hands loudly if they try argue. Worked a treat!
Sorry things went wrong at work. Stress you just don't need right now. Don't be too hard on yourself, you have things on your mind your colleagues wouldn't even realise! At least it was resolved and that's all that matters.
Your follies are really playing silly buggers aren't they? I really hope you don't have to cancel the trip - naiive question but can't you just start again next cycle and still go away now? Hope it all works out for you hun :hugs:

Britt...ouch! I hate "lady infections"! It should clear up soon. If it is a thrushy thing then I would recommend eating probiotic yoghurt and cutting out bread & sugary foods for a week. They also say sex is supposed to make it worse! Typical when you are trying to make babies!

hibisicus....your cats are also amazing and what cute names! I always wanted a ragdoll, chinchilla, siamese, burmese or scottish fold but have never had a pure bred cat. There are too many waifs and strays round here and I can't resist rehoming a "hard luck" story.

iwanta8a8y...temps are excellent, and 15dpo? :wohoo:

nicole...I haven't moved you down to the gradute list yet because I don't know how many weeks to put you as :blush: since your thermometer has been misbehaving! Did you say you were going?

Me...I woke up at 4.30am today with my heart racing from nerves and excitement! Testing day! Took my temp and had to adjust it because that's 2 hours earlier than my normal temp time. It came out 0.2 higher than previous temps! :wohoo: I always use the adjuster if I am more than 1 hour out taking the temp, and then check the box that says "sleep deprived" so it gives me an open circle to remind me.
I thought PMS feelings were a bad thing! I feel much better this morning just impatient for DH to wake up! I held my pee pee until 5.30am but then couldn't wait any more. It's now just sitting in a cup waiting for 6.50 when he wakes up!!!! Going loopy waiting! :hissy:
If I get a positive I will list what I thought were "symptoms" I will just look mental otherwise... :rofl:

Lastly, for your viewing pleasure I have attached pics of my furbabies, Amber (the tortoiseshell) and Pearl (black). Amber was a feral cat when we got her from the sanctuary at 7 months old. She wasn't used to humans and stayed under our bes for the first 3 weeks refusing to be touched. It took almost a year before she turned into the sappy loving cat we know today. We got Pearl at 1 years old. She had been abandoned by her owner at 3 months old. They moved home and locked her and their jack russel in the empty house with a ripped open bag of food for 3 months!!! :growlmad:
Because she was so timid and, also because people don't want to rehome black cat (they are very very common) she stayed at the sanctuary for 6 months before we got her. :hugs:

Britt and 2016, thanks for all the love and support :) I'm only just getting over the shock of my dreaded mistake this morning - honestly, if a partner wasn't there to pick up the pieces whilst I was dozing in lala land, we could be potentially sued for negligence. I'm usually such a careful and organised person, I'm totally kicking myself. Anyways, back to more important things(!) Bloods came back and apparently I am reacting to the meds, but very slowly...so they're going to up my dose and I'll go back on Mon for another scan (have been impressed that FS hasn't been charging me for these scans!). Fx'd they work...but in any case, I think we're going to have to postpone our holiday at least a few days. If we go, we risk not being able to do IUI this cycle, which will make all these injections every day a waste. So DH is at work right now...so I'm going to have to muscle up and do the needle myself right now! <gulp> <I hate needles!!>

2016 - what a fantastic temp rise, it looks so different from your other cycles... I can't wait for you to test!! Tell DH to wake up, us girls are waiting! :) and omg, your kitties are SOOOOOOOO pretty!! I think it's fantastic that they've been rescued, I'm sure you give them a wonderful, loving home! I can't believe anyone could be cruel to those sweet cats.

Britt - that's good you didn't get a +opk today (ever thought I'd ever say that!), at least it'll give your body a chance to recover!

WAKE UP FOLLIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <talking to myself> :rofl:
Big fat negative! :cry: and a neon light flashing FAILURE! :nope:
...not even a maybe-line to squint at. I am telling myself it's only 9dpo and there's hope as long as my temps stay up. :af: due tomorrow so will test Saturday if she doesn't find me.
Thanks for the support girls :hugs:
Big fat negative! :cry: and a neon light flashing FAILURE! :nope:
...not even a maybe-line to squint at. I am telling myself it's only 9dpo and there's hope as long as my temps stay up. :af: due tomorrow so will test Saturday if she doesn't find me.
Thanks for the support girls :hugs:

It would have been super cool to have had a BFP at 9dpo, but a negative this early means NOTHING. I'm excited for you! You're not out yet!:flower:

It's almost midnight, but I have to go shampoo my carpets...well, I guess it could be worse, as most of the house is wood flooring....but still. I'd rather be sleeping! :sleep:

Hey everyone, I'm sorry I haven't had a bunch of time lately to "talk" to each of you. I'm checking up on you though!

I love the cat pics!

Take care all!
2016 - don't despair!! 9dpo is still really early - remember at the beginning of your cycle, we were discussing whether you would test 10 or 12dpo! Your temps have been so fantastic this month, I think everything is really looking good for you, and I am cautiously optimistic! :)

I just injected myself - yuck! Fortunately there is enough belly blubber so it didn't really hurt! just gross doing it in office toilets!
2016.... Don't count yourself I didn't get even the slightest line until I was 2 days after af was due (so about 16 dpo)! You might just have a late implanter! ;)
Good morning ladies

2016 - So sorry to hear you got a BFN :hugs: - but as others are saying, your not out yet! Don't get too down and remember you are making progress with your cycles, so if it isn't this cycle it hopefully isn't too far away...

I feel bad saying this after your news 2016 - but I tested this morning for the first time this cycle, I got my BFP - my first ever BFP - I am so excited - I couldn't believe it, I did a first response, then a digital and it says 1-2 weeks, we are totally gob-smacked I seriously didn't expect it this cycle, I think the chilling out a bit this cycle helped, I really do, I have been so much more relaxed - I woke my fiance up this morning with the news - we are both so happy

Joli - I hope your follies wake up soon hun x

:dust: to you all - This is a lucky team I am sure of it xx
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