Aphrodite...Conceiving Tigers in 2010 - 17 Graduates so far!

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Awww, iwanta8a8y, that's fantastic news!!!!!!!! You'll have to change your name to imhavina8a8y!! I was just thinking how good your chart was looking! You and DH must be so happy :)
OMG Iwanta8a8y! Congratulations! Please never ever apologise for your wonderful :bfp: this is YOUR special day! A feeling you will never forget! :hugs:

...my time to shine is coming!!

Well what were your symptoms then?
Congrats iwanta8a8y!!!! What excellent news! So pleased for you hun. Welcome to the other Aphrodite thread! :)
Yeah I will need to change my username, hahaha, that's what my OH said too - does anyone know if you can change it btw?

Thanks so much ladies, we are really happy, but know that there is a long road ahead of us so dont want to get too excited just yet - but soooooooo hard not too!! i cant stop smiling, its an amazing feeling.

Well this is it i didn't have ANY symptoms at all. Just i thought i would be due AF yesterday or today, but nothing so i tested - oh actually, noticed cm so maybe more cm than usual but nothing to make me think i could be...absolutely thrilled - Thank you ladies xxx
Don't know if you can change it...I have seen other people create new ones then put in their soggy "formerly known as......"
I think it's still valid though because you do still want a baby don't you?
Oh absolutely I just wondered if it could be changed, but I like it, I'm not changing it - good point! :)
there was another girl changed her name...she just pm'ed a mod! HTH xx
iwanta8a8y: Yay!! Congratulations!!! :happydance: That's such wonderful news!

2016: Sorry about the BFN! I'm sure you've seen this before but I thought I'd post it anyway. At 10 dpo the percentage of pregnancy charts with a positive is only 10%. https://www.fertilityfriend.com/Faqs/When-can-I-expect-a-positive-HPT-if-I-am-pregnant.html Good luck with the next test, I still think you're pregnant! The symptoms and temps are definitely looking very promising. If no one minds can I stay over here for a bit longer? I feel like there's more of a chance of getting bad news than good at this point, not being negative, I feel hopeful just trying to be realistic as well since I am pretty sure I ov'd on day 19...and I got those 2 faint positives at 12dpo. I'd just like to be a little more certain before I graduate. :flower:

Joli: I'm sorry your follies are being so stubborn! It's good that they are responding just sucks that you have to keep waiting and getting the needles. You FS sounds really nice, great not be charged for the extra scans. How does the health care work in Hong Kong? Do you pay for all dr appts and hospital visits etc? I hope your follies have a growth spurt for you so you can get away on your trip on time. Will everything still be good for your trip if you had to postpone a few days? Good job on giving yourself the needle :thumbup: Lots of luck and :dust:

The power was out earlier so I couldn't get online. It looked like we were going to get a snow storm but it's calmed down now. I can't figure out which thermometer doesn't work, I've been compulsively taking my temp and sometimes they're the same and sometime lower/higher...all I want is for FF to give me back ovulation! No news with me, other than a lot of CM. I'll update after I see the doc. Hope you all have a great day!!
Oh my goodness, lots of great updates

First off, Congrats Iwantababy!! wow, what an awesome surprise, so happy for you :happydance: this IS a lucky thread and the girls are dropping off this one like flies- WHICH IS A GOOD THING :) However, we DO need new recruits for the rest of us....or the grads please come and visit.
What happend to Tiger4me? Hope to hear from her

2016- thanks so much for the advice, yeah what lousy timing hey?....I had to turn down DH last night and this morning....agghh I never turn him down for BD during key times. Hopefully the pill will clear everything up by tonight, oh and it said, "dont take if trying to conceive" great, another thing to add to my list of screw ups this cycle.
Also, i think I was the bad instigator that suggested 9dpo...sorry. Honestly hon, i havent heard of hardly anyone getting a BFP at that time. You have lots of time, this is your longest cycle yet adn your temps are awesome! Positive vibes to you!

Joli- yes, you do have a lot on your mind hon and its a new day so I hope all goes very smoothly and glad your partner was there to help out- thats the way it should be. Glad the meds are working hon!! FX'd and I agree a delay on your trip with all your injections is worth it.

Hibiscus- your cats are adorable and those pictures are awesome! I love the cat rescue stories, what is wrong with some people hey? leave a pet stranded with a big bag of food, so glad there are people like you in the world to step up and help innocent animals. At my wedding instead of party favours, we did donations to the humane society and if people clinked their glass for us to kiss, they had to donate $5 to the Wildlife association and tell a joke...lol

How is Mommymichelle this morning???? woo hoo, still pumped with excitement I'm sure.

Nicole- we love having you here of course, all the grads are more than welcome to still come to this thread, we miss them :) If you O'd later than you thought than your levels should be completely normal, yeah!!!! When are you getting testing again?

hibisicus....your cats are also amazing and what cute names! I always wanted a ragdoll, chinchilla, siamese, burmese or scottish fold but have never had a pure bred cat. There are too many waifs and strays round here and I can't resist rehoming a "hard luck" story.

Me...I woke up at 4.30am today with my heart racing from nerves and excitement! Testing day! Took my temp and had to adjust it because that's 2 hours earlier than my normal temp time. It came out 0.2 higher than previous temps! :wohoo: I always use the adjuster if I am more than 1 hour out taking the temp, and then check the box that says "sleep deprived" so it gives me an open circle to remind me.
I thought PMS feelings were a bad thing! I feel much better this morning just impatient for DH to wake up! I held my pee pee until 5.30am but then couldn't wait any more. It's now just sitting in a cup waiting for 6.50 when he wakes up!!!! Going loopy waiting! :hissy:
If I get a positive I will list what I thought were "symptoms" I will just look mental otherwise... :rofl:

Thanks---I LOVE your sweet kitties. So cute! I always had short-haired cats before this. My 17 yr old DSH, Mowgli, died in 2008.

I also go for the hard luck stories. I don't think I could buy a purebred either.

In Alfie's case, he was basically an unadoptable ragdoll :( . He was caught in a humane trap, they don't know where he came from. He was in a shelter for months, and no one wanted him because he was such a wild cat. He was terrified of everyone, would start thrashing around if anyone tried to pick him up. They asked a local ragdoll breeder ot foster him, he didn't do much better there. I found him through petfinder.com. She warned me ahead of time that he might never come around.
It took an entire year, but he gradually started to trust us. He would literally hide in the closet pretty much the entire time we were home. When we moved about a year after we had him, he suddenly came to life. About 3 days after we moved, he came up on the couch with me for a cuddle, and then that just opened the flood gates! He's now sooo cuddly and sweet and trusting. I'm glad we took a chance with him. We had already decided that we would have to accept that we were providing a good home for him and that was enough, that we could never expect him to be affectionate with us. Glad to find out we were wrong.

I adopted Norvus in Louisiana when I was there for work. Someone found him all bloody and battered; it looked like he had been attacked by a dog. Poor baby! He's always a little skittish, but is so sweet.

We lucked out!
Big fat negative! :cry: and a neon light flashing FAILURE! :nope:
...not even a maybe-line to squint at. I am telling myself it's only 9dpo and there's hope as long as my temps stay up. :af: due tomorrow so will test Saturday if she doesn't find me.
Thanks for the support girls :hugs:

Don't worry, 2016. 9 dpo is still SUPER early. I never got a BFP before 11 dpo, with either pregnancy.
Hi Nicole - Of course we're happy for you to stay with us! I'm sure you're going to have more positive news. Looking forward to your update after your visit to the docs! Docs in Hong Kong are really good, high quality of care, and as you may have noticed, you can always get an appointment to see anyone pretty quickly! There is public healthcare, but most expats don't go to them, because their English isn't that great. The majority go private, and most companies will provide employees with private healthcare. I get all my consultations, bloodwork, tests, scans covered by insurance, but I'll have to pay for anything considered to be 'fertility treatment' myself (including the inject meds and the IUI). I'm hoping we won't have to go to IVF, cause yikes that's expensive! :wacko: I'm hoping for a follicle growth spurt - we've postponed our holiday by 2 days, if that's not enough, we'll need to pay a penalty fee to change dates again, but I don't want to miss out on the IUI! On a good note, either I'm feeling things that aren't there, but 30 mins after my higher dose shot and again this afternoon, I thought I felt a heaviness in my right ovary, so I'm hoping that's the follies wakin up!! :sleep: Next scan on Monday...

Britt, I hope you're on the road to recovery! I love your wedding gift idea! That was so kind an generous of you and DH!

Hibiscus - you've clearly got a generoud heart as well - how lovely that you did those rescues :) Aren't we (and cute little furry animals!) lucky to have nice people in the world like you and Britt! :flower:

Well, it's 11:45pm here, and I'm still in the office - long day! I think I'm going to finish up and head home. Have a great day ladies! :flower:
Hi Nicole - Of course we're happy for you to stay with us! I'm sure you're going to have more positive news. Looking forward to your update after your visit to the docs! Docs in Hong Kong are really good, high quality of care, and as you may have noticed, you can always get an appointment to see anyone pretty quickly! There is public healthcare, but most expats don't go to them, because their English isn't that great. The majority go private, and most companies will provide employees with private healthcare. I get all my consultations, bloodwork, tests, scans covered by insurance, but I'll have to pay for anything considered to be 'fertility treatment' myself (including the inject meds and the IUI). I'm hoping we won't have to go to IVF, cause yikes that's expensive! :wacko: I'm hoping for a follicle growth spurt - we've postponed our holiday by 2 days, if that's not enough, we'll need to pay a penalty fee to change dates again, but I don't want to miss out on the IUI! On a good note, either I'm feeling things that aren't there, but 30 mins after my higher dose shot and again this afternoon, I thought I felt a heaviness in my right ovary, so I'm hoping that's the follies wakin up!! :sleep: Next scan on Monday...

Britt, I hope you're on the road to recovery! I love your wedding gift idea! That was so kind an generous of you and DH!

Hibiscus - you've clearly got a generous heart as well - how lovely that you did those rescues :) Aren't we (and cute little furry animals!) lucky to have nice people in the world like you and Britt! :flower:

Well, it's 11:45pm here, and I'm still in the office - long day! I think I'm going to finish up and head home. Have a great day ladies! :flower:
woops - sorry, I didn't mean to send the message twice!!
Nicole...Thanks for the stats :hugs: If you want to keep temping I would use your normal thermometer. You should also be able to put in your own ov day...when on chart view, go to "More Tools" then "ovulation detector tuning/override" then just put a day in for ov (I would personally say CD19)...don't worry about the coverline.
Hi Nicole - Of course we're happy for you to stay with us! I'm sure you're going to have more positive news. Looking forward to your update after your visit to the docs! Docs in Hong Kong are really good, high quality of care, and as you may have noticed, you can always get an appointment to see anyone pretty quickly! There is public healthcare, but most expats don't go to them, because their English isn't that great. The majority go private, and most companies will provide employees with private healthcare. I get all my consultations, bloodwork, tests, scans covered by insurance, but I'll have to pay for anything considered to be 'fertility treatment' myself (including the inject meds and the IUI). I'm hoping we won't have to go to IVF, cause yikes that's expensive! :wacko: I'm hoping for a follicle growth spurt - we've postponed our holiday by 2 days, if that's not enough, we'll need to pay a penalty fee to change dates again, but I don't want to miss out on the IUI! On a good note, either I'm feeling things that aren't there, but 30 mins after my higher dose shot and again this afternoon, I thought I felt a heaviness in my right ovary, so I'm hoping that's the follies wakin up!! :sleep: Next scan on Monday...

Britt, I hope you're on the road to recovery! I love your wedding gift idea! That was so kind an generous of you and DH!

Hibiscus - you've clearly got a generoud heart as well - how lovely that you did those rescues :) Aren't we (and cute little furry animals!) lucky to have nice people in the world like you and Britt! :flower:

Well, it's 11:45pm here, and I'm still in the office - long day! I think I'm going to finish up and head home. Have a great day ladies! :flower:

yikes, thats a long day!! rest up hon so your follies can grow! :happydance:
take care of yourself, i am thinking CD12 and 13 will be good for us!!
That's some good advice Britt! :) G'night! x
Just looking at those hpt stats on FF...there is still plenty to hope for! I wonder though is it worth me testing tomorrow or will I just be peeing money down the drain (so to speak) :rofl:

What do you think? Tomorrow and Saturday or just wait until Saturday?
Just looking at those hpt stats on FF...there is still plenty to hope for! I wonder though is it worth me testing tomorrow or will I just be peeing money down the drain (so to speak) :rofl:

What do you think? Tomorrow and Saturday or just wait until Saturday?

It would be REALLY hard for me not to test tomorrow, if I were you. It might be better for your sanity to wait until Saturday, though. Do you have any cheapies, or are they all expensive tests? That might be a deciding factor...
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