Aphrodite...Conceiving Tigers in 2010 - 17 Graduates so far!

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Someone suggested I ovd CD21 so I was just trying it out. What do you think?
Spotting now and bloated as hell...think she'll have me before the day is out :(

Is the witch does get you, your luteal phase this month has been so much more promising. I just know you're going to get your BFP real soon hun...... You are one step closer! The gloating and spotting could be implantation though if it's only pink or brown blood????!!! Good luck hunni, you deserve to get your BFP x x
hibiscus: yay for all of the bding!!! Hope you O today!! still getting EWCM?

I had to go check! haha
Yes! A TON of it again--woohoo!

I'll see if I can get DH to BD again tonight. He might be pooped after this weekend. If not, maybe there are still some spermies left over from last night.

BTW, any word on your current hCG level? Sorry if I missed it...I'll go see if you posted an update on that...
Hibiscus - yeah on the ewcm! You go get DH, you tiger you! :) I seem to have had ewcm the last 3 days, but I'm not near O for sure. The same thing happened to me last cycle - I got ewcm a week before O, and by the time O came, cm was only watery - seems like my body wants to O, but damn follies just don't want to cooperate!

2016 - I hope hope hope hope hope this isn't AF, and that you're just implantation spotting!! You really deserve your BFP - will you test at the end of the day?

Tiger4me - you should post a pic of your kitty cat! :)

Nicole, you must have been so worried about the spotting...it's good that you were able to see your doc, did she had any idea why constipation caused it? When will you have your bloodwork and ultrasound?

DH and I have decided to take your advice, and we're going to get our IUI done in SA! Our FS here is going to write us a referral letter, and the FS in Cape Town will take us in when we get there - and IUI is 50% cheaper than in Hong Kong! - bonus. :thumbup: So we're going to fly out this Thurs night and we'll be away for 2 weeks. We need the break so badly.

It's 1:45am right now, and I'm still in the office working :growlmad: Still have a few hours to go... can't wait for a holiday!

You gals are the BEST! :flower:
Hey ladies,

Joli, good to hear you are going to SA to get the IUI done, you will be able to get a holiday out of it too and you should be more relaxed than back at home!!

Good luck hun, hope your all ok, going to read back now and catch up on you all, started on the last page so have some reading to do. x
2016 - my fingers are crossed for you this month hun, my sister got her BFP after Acupuncture so it could be your lucky month, and your so much further on after ovulation than you have been so that is great news also, FX for you hun x
Is it possible for anything about this process to EVER go right??
I ordered 50 OPKs and 50 HPTs, yet the place sent me 100 OPKs. Annoying!!!

Time for me to eat some chocolate or something. haha
Read it and weep ladies :cry:
Not only has the bitch arrived but my chart has now revealed I only ovd 1 day sooner and my LP is actually as screwed up as I always thought.
Read it and weep ladies :cry:
Not only has the bitch arrived but my chart has now revealed I only ovd 1 day sooner and my LP is actually as screwed up as I always thought.

Nooooooo! Even better, try this: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/darth-vaders-noooooooooooo

Somebody needs to show AF who's the boss around here.

10 day LP isn't that bad, right??
That's just SO SO UNFAIR!!! POO POO AF!!! 2016, really really sorry, I was so sure this was your month - are you SURE you have your O date right?? Your temps before you adjusted looked so good, and would make for a perfect LP!! This totally sucks... so sorry. I am still sure that your LP is really improving, even when you look at how high your temps are, you know that your progesterone levels were much better than normal. Aw hon, I know you must be dissapointed. I think your body is giving you all the signs that your time is coming! x

It's 4:10am, and I'm STILL at work! crazy... aiming to leave at 4:30am, and will be back in for 9am!
Read it and weep ladies :cry:
Not only has the bitch arrived but my chart has now revealed I only ovd 1 day sooner and my LP is actually as screwed up as I always thought.

I'm so sorry 2016.... I was sure this was going to be your month! I could punch that witch and knock her out for you! Try not to be too upset though.... 10 day luteal phase is heaps better than a 3 day one. Have faith.... Keep up the acupuncture and hopefully your FS can help this month. Look out Valentines night could be your night! *hugs*
Read it and weep ladies :cry:
Not only has the bitch arrived but my chart has now revealed I only ovd 1 day sooner and my LP is actually as screwed up as I always thought.

Hugs to you! I have faith that you will catch the egg. I'm just sorry that it's taking longer than you'd like and that you have to deal with this uncertainty in the meantime. :hug:

This cycle (well the end of it to be precise) has hit me hard. I won't lie. I have remained relaxed and positive for just about the whole thing and was going to be ok about af until i realised i cant even read my own bloody chart!

I have to take a step back and get some perspective. Need to take a month out of the mad house and just get my life back in order. For my own sanity.

I will still update the front page and will still keep up with the posts I just probably wont be replying much. Like a lurker but I like to think more like a fairy godmother...watching over you lovely Tiger mummies and rooting for you all the way. :hugs:

Thank you so much for your most incredible support to me and to each other. I would never have thought it possible to love a bunch of people most of whose real names I don't even know. :flower:
Aw 2016 I'm so sorry to hear this but understand your need to retreat a bit. I have a good feeling for you and Valentine's Day. I'm hoping that the break will help you relax a bit and enjoy the process and let nature take it's course. Like the other (yes wonderful) girls, I think your body really is getting back in synch so as hard as it may be right now, that is good to know.

Big hugs lovely, your fairy godmother presence is still very much appreciated xox
2016, I am so sorry that you are having to go through this stress, it sounds like your confidence has taken a beating - hon, you can't be so hard on yourself - reading charts is really difficult!! FF has read thousands and thousands of them, and still often get it wrong! I totally understand your need for a break, it it scary how ttc can consume our every thought and emotion, particularly when your chart was looking so great this month. The other girls are right though, having a LP go from 3 days to 10 is incredible, and I know that your BFP is waiting for you just around the corner. Take a lot of time to relax and enjoy some of the things you have not been able to do, whether it's having a glass of wine, or eating sushi, or travelling to Africa or India :) We'll be right here waiting with love and support whenever you're ready to join in. If you want to take a break from updating the front page as well, just let us know, we are more than happy to help out :) Take care hon xxx
Thanks girls...

Sadly I won't have ovulated by valentines and I don't believe in all that commercial love crap. I was the most relaxed I have been in my life this cycle and it made no difference. I know it is good to go from 3 day LP to 10 days but I am pretty sure I caused the 3 day LP by taking 100mg Vit B. Think 10 is just my normal LP.

I have an appointment with the FS (the one that thinks I ovd on CD14/15) which I never cancelled so I am going to go plead with him. LP or not I can't go on with ovary pains pretty much constantly. I am sick of male doctors telling me to toughen up and it's just a bit of pain. If I can handle 22 hours of gallstone pain making me pass out/throw up/require morphine but not having any - I have a pretty accurate notion of pain.
If he still insists everything is fine I will ask to be referred for a 2nd opinion.

*pity party rant*
Being relaxed about it is really good - I felt that way last cycle as well, but there are moments when bad news gets to you, that it all just seems hopeless - I have been pretty relaxed about doing injects, and facing the fact that we won't be able to get a BFP without artificial help in some way - but each time I went for those scans, I had the most sinking and gutting feeling in my stomach. It's such a horrible feeling, and I am so sorry that you have to go through the frustration and dissapointment.

Judging by what you've told us about your FS, he seems a bit arrogant not to listen carefully to what his patient is saying. Is it possible for you to easily get a 2nd opinion? I really think that it would be a good idea. My FS is worlds apart from my gyno (who put me on clomid without even telling me what it was for!), and that can make all the difference. You know your body better than anyone else, and don't you let someone convince you otherwise!

Keep ranting at us whenever you feel the urge to open up. We're all here for you...you've been such a rock for so many of us - let us return the favour :hugs:

Best of luck at the FS - make sure you have a list of questions to ask so that you don't forget anything. I felt better after my FS gave me an action plan. He set out very clearly, 1 month clomid, 3 months IUI, then IVF, and so we always know when one thing doesn't work, what the next step is...and that way, there is always hope!

Can I rant too? Talk about FF making errors... does it normally change your O day? It's changed mine from CD10 to CD12 so now I'm only on 5dpo :growlmad:

It said now I've entered enough info it's going to change the date?! WTF?

Does someone mind looking at my chart and see if it looks strange now?
Hey Tiger4me - how annoying is that!! It looks like on the days that you were 'sleep deprived', your temps are all higher, which has raised the temp of your coverline. Do you know roughly how many hours you slept? If it was less than 4, I wonder what your chart would look like if you removed those temps.- I'll bet it would look like you O'd on CD10. If you slept more than 4 hours, then I would keep those temps as they are, and I think i would agree with FF that you O'd on CD12. FF did the same thing to me last cycle too! It only changed by O date by 1 day, but still, it was annoying cause I didn't know exactly how many dpo I was until AF came on her normal day. Plus I got +opks on all days, so that wasn't very helpful either! What dpo were you planning to test? x
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