Aphrodite...Conceiving Tigers in 2010 - 17 Graduates so far!

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Hi ladies!

Aurora - I love the scans!! Keep them coming :)

Britt - so sorry you're not feeling well, make sure you take it easy and get well soon - you never know if that bfp is waiting for you!

Hibiscus - fx'd for your testing! Lots of cm sounds promising!

Tiger - boooo to AF, biatch! I hope this month will be your cycle! :)

As for me - some good news! I had another scan today, and follies went from 12 and 14mm on Mon, to a respective 16 and 18mm today! Woohoo!! Honestly, I am so relieved, I have been getting injections every day for 23 days now, and under by belly is all bruised. So I have just had my trigger shot, and my IUI is finally scheduled for this Fri at 10:30am Cape Town time! I am trying not to get my hopes up, but I am so excited, and I really really really hope this will work...I think there is only a 15% chance, but that is better than nothing! A lot will depend on DH's spermys on the day, so we will have to wait and see... I promise I'll give you an update on Fri!! I will be relieved to have a 2ww without needles! Lol.

How are you 2016 and Nicole?
Going to catch up in a minute....but first, what's going on with our aphrodite banner :(
Going to catch up in a minute....but first, what's going on with our aphrodite banner :(

Yeah, I notice it disappears every once in a while. I bet the site is just having some tech issues or something...
Hi ladies!

Aurora - I love the scans!! Keep them coming :)

Britt - so sorry you're not feeling well, make sure you take it easy and get well soon - you never know if that bfp is waiting for you!

Hibiscus - fx'd for your testing! Lots of cm sounds promising!

Tiger - boooo to AF, biatch! I hope this month will be your cycle! :)

As for me - some good news! I had another scan today, and follies went from 12 and 14mm on Mon, to a respective 16 and 18mm today! Woohoo!! Honestly, I am so relieved, I have been getting injections every day for 23 days now, and under by belly is all bruised. So I have just had my trigger shot, and my IUI is finally scheduled for this Fri at 10:30am Cape Town time! I am trying not to get my hopes up, but I am so excited, and I really really really hope this will work...I think there is only a 15% chance, but that is better than nothing! A lot will depend on DH's spermys on the day, so we will have to wait and see... I promise I'll give you an update on Fri!! I will be relieved to have a 2ww without needles! Lol.

How are you 2016 and Nicole?

Ooh yay, that's great news about your follicles! I can't wait to here how it goes. Two weeks without needles should be a nice break and hopefully it will be the last of the needles--woohoo! :thumbup:
Joli....woohoo sounds like we have lift off! I will be thinking of you on Friday. 8.30am my time :hugs: You are ever so strong to put up with all those nasty injections but hopefully you can now sit back and wait for the magic to happen!

Britt....I keep sitting here thinking this cold could be a symptom for you. Pregnancy shuts down your immune system so you could have been more susceptible to picking something up from travelling. Your temps are looking amazing! Hope that test wasn't faulty and you get a proper :bfp: soon.

Tiger4me.....booo *hiss* :af: doesn't know when she's not welcome. Your chart was making me feel hopeful too :shrug: Funny thing is you will probably still get our nect chance at ov before I do! :rofl: Did I say that already? I'm losing my mind here :dohh:

Aurora...I said on the graduate thread but I do love your scans. Its great when any of you graduates remember us "little people" over here still hammering away at the grindstone :rofl:

Haven't heard from Maggsy but I saw on another thread her ticker is on CD2/3 again :( Also not seen soon2bewifey about but wasn't she off getting married very soon?

Nicole...if you are about I am thinking of you while you recover. Don't worry if you need to come on here and rant. We can't all be in a positive mood all the time :hugs:

News from my side for those of you who don't read my journal. Had a pretty crappy day yesterday because my BF's horse suddenly took ill and he had to be put to sleep :cry: I feel crushed when my friends are upset like that and it's awful to see an animal suffer. Makes me what to appreciate the wonderful people and animals in my life more :hugs:

Slightly brighter news was that DHs :spermy: analysis came back as "Excellent"! :dance: They didn't give all the stats because they said it didn't matter as it was just WAY above average. He is waiting for a call from NASA for his rocket fuel :haha:
Guess that means I am definitely the problem then :blush:
Oh my gosh 2016, that is so awesome about DH's sperm count!! yeah, above average he must be so proud, you know men :thumbup:
well it sounds like your "problem" is fairly easy to fix and I have no doubt you will be pregs very soon- i think you were darn close last cycle and so maybe the one coming up is it!! Fx'd for you

thanks so much for the positive feedback, boy i sure hope so but I dont know. We really only BD once before i left, the day before O, so i was O'ng on the plane according to FF :rofl:
I know that test was an evap because i did another one and clear white :(
it was almost at the test line and super wierd, so definitely faulty
i'm hoping that i am just early at 10dpo but loosing hope.... AF is due Saturday

Joli, I will be thinking of you as well on Friday, hope this is it for you hon!!

hello to the rest of the girls, as you can tell I am at the computer all day and have some extra time to read!! :)
Woo hoo Joli, that's fantastic news hon. That mustn't be very pleasant having those bruises on your tummy, you're def doin it for the team hon x really hope this is the month for you too. I love how you got engaged in SA too, it has to be a momentous place for you guys.

Hey Britt, you should've joined the mile high team too whilst you were at it, i wonder how FF would've rated that :haha: Don't lose hope yet x

2016, that's sad new about your BF horse. I hate hearing about things like that. I love animals too but at least he's not suffering anymore. Things like that do make you appreciate loved ones in your life. And woo hoo, that's awesome about DH spermies. I had good chuckle on NASA. I feel your time is soon too hon.

Hey LittleAurora, your scans are too cute and sucking 'her' thumb already! She sounds really comfy and at home there, good news about the cord, didn't know about that. Thanks for posting them here, was gorgeous to see.

I hope Maggsy's alright and yes, soontobewifey will be a wifey this weekend, she's probably super busy.

Well I had an interesting dream last night. I was with some people I don't know and it was my birthday (May). At the end on the wall were two symbols. First one I can't remember but it said that this symbol makes people want to have a baby (we decided out of the blue in December). The second symbol was a butterfly, which I love, and it said that something would develop and kinda split in two and grow, and I would conceive within 28 days! How strange huh. I woke up excited we'd conceive this cycle but realised it prob meant May. So will just see how it goes.

Tiger4Me...my birthday is in May too - 10th and my wedding anniversary is the 25th. Fellow Taurean?
Hello ladies. Sorry i haven't been on. I have been flat out with my best firend here. I get married in 2 days and i am flat out with organizing all of the last minute things and getting everything ready to go!!! SOOOOO stressful!!!!
Hi All-
I took an EPT I had, which was BFN, but I bought a FRER on the way to work, so I'm going to take that soon.
I feel really yucky today, which is a great sign. I feel pregnant and I hope I'm not jinxing myself by saying that. I had near-AF type cramps as soon as I woke up, still have them, nausea, tons of creamy cm, and my temp went up 0.15F over yesterday. Even with that initial BFN, I feel more positive. I'll let you all know what happens with the FRER.
Mummy to be, good luck with the wedding! It is super stressful, but hopefully you can enjoy the day itself--yay!

2016--woohoo about the spermies! Please don't assume that you're the problem :( It could just be chance and you haven't hit the right cycle yet. How many cycles have you been ttc?
hibiscus...This is cycle 6 so I know it's still early days :blush: Your symptoms are sounding good and temps look fab. Can't wait to see the FRER. :dust:
It could just be wishful thinking, but I swear it looks like there might be the faintest of faint lines on the FRER. I guess I'll try again in the AM. Eek
Goooooood morningn ladies,
oh mommy to be- so exciting that you are getting married in 2 days!!! Mine was just in August, one of the best days of my life, I had no idea i could feel that special and have such an amazing time with close friends and family. I kept mine really small but funky. We had it in an old eclectic church downtown and the reception in a loft with amazing food.. How big is yours? You must be stressed though...the day of is fun though and well worth it.

Hibiscus- oh yeah, my fellow DPO friend- Joli and I used to be but now we are off schedule together :( thats okay she is goign to get her BFP this month.
okay so great symptoms and great temps!! I am excited about the FRER but remember hon still very early days, so please dont be upset if its not positive just yet.
As for me no big symptoms except i still feel awful, but i still have a cold, had a wicked headache for 2 days but now its gone. Finally have some cm, but mostly wet (which i tend to get before AF). My temp was up again higher today which is good. The last 2 cycles i have gotten af on CD27 which would be tomorrow, when would my temp drop if i was to get it? day of, or day before?

as for testing well i did an OPK this morning for the fun of it and almost positive, but control line still darker. I have a FRER but trying to use Devi's advice and wait a little longer. I will use it tomorrow morning, i will be 12dpo and technically AF would be due that day or the next.

How is everyone else this morning?
It could just be wishful thinking, but I swear it looks like there might be the faintest of faint lines on the FRER. I guess I'll try again in the AM. Eek

Hey just read this. Well it is very early so something faint would be expected. Maybe post it? Or have you opened it up? lol...I shouldnt encourage that but some ladies can see it better that way

Fx'd for you
Goooooood morningn ladies,
oh mommy to be- so exciting that you are getting married in 2 days!!! Mine was just in August, one of the best days of my life, I had no idea i could feel that special and have such an amazing time with close friends and family. I kept mine really small but funky. We had it in an old eclectic church downtown and the reception in a loft with amazing food.. How big is yours? You must be stressed though...the day of is fun though and well worth it.

Hibiscus- oh yeah, my fellow DPO friend- Joli and I used to be but now we are off schedule together :( thats okay she is goign to get her BFP this month.
okay so great symptoms and great temps!! I am excited about the FRER but remember hon still very early days, so please dont be upset if its not positive just yet.
As for me no big symptoms except i still feel awful, but i still have a cold, had a wicked headache for 2 days but now its gone. Finally have some cm, but mostly wet (which i tend to get before AF). My temp was up again higher today which is good. The last 2 cycles i have gotten af on CD27 which would be tomorrow, when would my temp drop if i was to get it? day of, or day before?

as for testing well i did an OPK this morning for the fun of it and almost positive, but control line still darker. I have a FRER but trying to use Devi's advice and wait a little longer. I will use it tomorrow morning, i will be 12dpo and technically AF would be due that day or the next.

How is everyone else this morning?

Ooh, Britt, your temp looks great!!
You're very smart to wait to test. Otherwise, it's just a big downer. Blah...

My coworker, who's also TTC, just came to look and she said I'm crazy and that there's no line. I'm just telling myself she doesn't have the expert POAS eyes that I have :wacko:
Goooooood morningn ladies,
oh mommy to be- so exciting that you are getting married in 2 days!!! Mine was just in August, one of the best days of my life, I had no idea i could feel that special and have such an amazing time with close friends and family. I kept mine really small but funky. We had it in an old eclectic church downtown and the reception in a loft with amazing food.. How big is yours? You must be stressed though...the day of is fun though and well worth it.

Hibiscus- oh yeah, my fellow DPO friend- Joli and I used to be but now we are off schedule together :( thats okay she is goign to get her BFP this month.
okay so great symptoms and great temps!! I am excited about the FRER but remember hon still very early days, so please dont be upset if its not positive just yet.
As for me no big symptoms except i still feel awful, but i still have a cold, had a wicked headache for 2 days but now its gone. Finally have some cm, but mostly wet (which i tend to get before AF). My temp was up again higher today which is good. The last 2 cycles i have gotten af on CD27 which would be tomorrow, when would my temp drop if i was to get it? day of, or day before?

as for testing well i did an OPK this morning for the fun of it and almost positive, but control line still darker. I have a FRER but trying to use Devi's advice and wait a little longer. I will use it tomorrow morning, i will be 12dpo and technically AF would be due that day or the next.

How is everyone else this morning?

Ooh, Britt, your temp looks great!!
You're very smart to wait to test. Otherwise, it's just a big downer. Blah...

My coworker, who's also TTC, just came to look and she said I'm crazy and that there's no line. I'm just telling myself she doesn't have the expert POAS eyes that I have :p

:rofl: ahhh, I love it the expert POAS eyes is right!!! I was 10dpo yesterday and I had a BFN, i'm pretty sure i would have another BFN today as well, so going to wait until 12dpo....... now to keep my mind off of it!!
thanks, your temps are awesome too. Hoping this is it!!
hibiscus...ignore your coworker! Our opinion is the only one that counts! :rofl:
Post a pic!!!
Ps your temps look great...and so do yours Britt :thumbup:
hibiscus...ignore your coworker! Our opinion is the only one that counts! :rofl:
Post a pic!!!

I think I'll refrain from posting a pic. You guys will think I'm insane, too. I think I see something when I squint really hard but I can guarantee it won't show up in a pic. :(
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