sorry to be obsessive, but here's the inverted version
sorry to be obsessive, but here's the inverted version
are you starting to get excited? how is the line in real life?
you have a great chart, symptoms, faint line and you just feel it, i would say things are looking good. Still early, but hopefully you get a unmistakeable bfp tomorrow or the next
Yeah Hibiscus
Congrats to you hon, happy and healthy 9 months.
well you had better news than me today, I had a temperature drop and a BFN on a Frer this morning, so I guess I'm out. Just have to wait for AF now.
I am so disappointed, like when is this going to happen for me already?? I definitely am ovulating and everything is normal...perhaps its on DH's side.
that being said this month was a long shot with the travel during O.
Congrats to all the ladies who got their BFP's so far.
Also thanks to the graduates and the rest of the girls for being so incredibly encouraging. It was fun temping this cycle
Yeah Hibiscus
Congrats to you hon, happy and healthy 9 months.
well you had better news than me today, I had a temperature drop and a BFN on a Frer this morning, so I guess I'm out. Just have to wait for AF now.
I am so disappointed, like when is this going to happen for me already?? I definitely am ovulating and everything is normal...perhaps its on DH's side.
that being said this month was a long shot with the travel during O.
Congrats to all the ladies who got their BFP's so far.
Also thanks to the graduates and the rest of the girls for being so incredibly encouraging. It was fun temping this cycle
I'm sorry to hear about the temp drop. There's always next month (I doesn't help to hear that).
As for me, I won't consider myself officially pregnant until I get past 1st trimester. I don't quite trust it. Having two MCs has made me mighty nervous. I guess I'll hang out here and the grad aphrodite room. I can't fully make the move until I feel this is gonna stick.
Britt...a bfn at 12dpo and a slight temp drop doesn't mean you're out! How long are your cycles normally? I still have hope for you this cycle
How long have you been trying for?
Hibiscus...let me know when you want me to transfer you to the graduate list and what your counter will be ie. Do you want to go from LMP or ov date?
you girls just made me cry, you are so incredibly sweet.....Its so hard this TTC thing isnt it? It takes every once out of you...sorry, its tough and I know you girls are all going through the same thing and are so strong. I never thought it would be like this.
We have been trying for 6 months now and next month will be #7, i was on the pill mostly since i was 17 (couple very small breaks) and came off a week before the wedding but I'm telling you- 3 of my close friends my age, all on the pill for almost as long as me got pregs within 3 months (one of them 2 cycles only).
I guess I just thought it would happen right away....
I'm 32 turning 33 this year, and i have had a couple of nosy women tell me I'm not pregs yet because of my was so hurtful.
anyway, enough ranting, thank you so much for the positive words. I guess it aint over until the fat lady witch shows upso who knows.
2016 my cycles are normally 28 days, so due tomorrow but the last 2 cycles my p came on the 27th day, so today. I have never been late only early, so i guess i will know for sure by tomorrow afternoon as the witch will likely be here.
You ladies are so wonderful thanks again for the positive words