Aphrodite...Conceiving Tigers in 2010 - 17 Graduates so far!

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Yeah!!! 2016, that's awesome that you O is confirmed!!! I have a really god feeling about this cycle! :) Your LP was really good last month, so fx'd all will be well this month!

Mummy to be - I love your wedding pic also! Beautiful! Huge congratulations :)

Nicole - my FS put me on 5mg of folic acid, that's what I've been taking the last 3 months.
thank you 2016. how do you guys do charting? like how do you check your temps and stuff? Im confused on how to do that kind of thing.

Joli I will be ttc#2 next month when my fiance is down.
Shey...quick summary of temping:

:flow: buy a basal body thermometer (BBT) which records farenheit temperatures to two decimal placed.
:flow: join www.fertilityfriend.com (free for first month)
:flow: take your temp orally or vaginally when you first wake up ideally at the same time every morning. I do vaginally because it's more accurate.
:flow: if you look at some of our charts on the front page (where our names are underlined) you will be able to see our charts. If you look at mine you will see that, 3 days ago my temperatures shifted from one level to a second higher level. This means I ovulated.
:flow: after 3 days of higher temps the software will give the red lines called crosshairs to confirm ov.
:flow: you can also record things like CM, CP, opk/hpts, BD timing and symptoms.

Temping is good to be sure exactly when you ovulated. It's no good for timing BD because, by the time the temp shift is confirmed, the eggy is long dead. It is good to highlight potential issues like too early/late ov, low progesterone or a short luteal phase.

If you are just starting TTC I would recommend you don't get bogged down with that unless you really fancy it. Once you start it's quiet addictive and harder to stop! I would just BD every other day/every day all cycle :thumbup:
Good morning ladies!
First off congrats mommytobe, love the new profile pic!! Good luck to you this cycle.
2016- Yeah!!!!! awesome about the big O, everything crossed for you this cycle. Have you decided to use the progesterone cream?

Joli- I cant believe you are able to practice law in all those wonderful places. Cayman Islands is so far my favorite place on earth.... You sound so well travelled and have the most exciting life. One day your petting baby leopards in SA and the next in your law office in Hong Kong. So incredibly cool!! How are you feeling???? feeling more and more pregs? :) Oh you need to change your title, from "trying to conceive" to "newly pregnant or expecting" yeah, doesnt that sound wonderful? I see you have both sigs, I understand but your not going to need the pink one for much longer . :)

Nicole, how are you feeling today?

As for me, well off to the biggest L&D Hospital in Calgary this morning. Its funny I sell fetal monitors and L&D warmers and NICU equipment (specialized incubators for premature or sick babies) and I am in those units all the time but it doesnt really bother me. I guess thats a good thing, considering I will be in the L&D unit for the next 2 weeks straight. The one thing its showed me though is when I do have a baby, I am having an epi all the way!!!!! The screaming is ear piercing without...

Well CD11 for me, no positive opk....and yes took a temp this morning, and still low, so no O yet :rofl:

2016, you are a fountain of knowledge! :)
Hey Britt - thanks for reminding me about updating my info! I know I still have both banners...but as happy as I am to have my BFP, I have such affection for the undergrads! :) I think I will change the banner maybe after 6 weeks, when I feel more secure. I'm definately feeling more pregs...bb's are fuller (to DH's delight! - he keeps poking them in disbelief). I keep weeing today as well! I started to get cramps (feeling like AF cramps), and got really worried, but did some googling, and apparently it's totally normal in early pregs and is a sign that the uterus is preparing to expand. Can't believe I'm only 11dpo! I have also had nausea for 1 hour the last 3 mornings, I thought it was from lack of sleep, but I got plenty of sleep last night, and still felt it this morning. It's very mild right now, and just feels like I'm a bit carsick. I keep checking your chart - can't wait for you to O! It's any day now!!!!
Sorry Britt - didn't mean to hit the send button quite yet! Cayman Islands is stunning, i've only been there twice, but loved it! You seem pretty well travelled too! Law is pretty dull - a bit of glorified paper pushing! lol - I always wanted to be an actress - that would be so much more exciting! I think it's fantastic that you get to hang out in baby units, you'll know so much when your little babe comes along! x
Hey everyone, I went yesterday for my blood work and my requisition wasn’t there for some reason. The doctor’s office wasn’t open but I talked to her this morning and she’s going to send another one to the lab. I can get the HSG done through his office, she said she’ll set it up even if it’s a couple of months from now, she said whenever I’m ready. I have a strong feeling to try this cycle and I can’t tell if it’s just me being childish and not wanting to wait for another 6 weeks to pass or because I actually think this is the month. It’ll have been 4 weeks by the time I ov this time. Found some EWCM today, early for me I didn’t get any until cd 16 last month, normally I only get it a few days before ov.

2016: That’s so exciting that FF confirmed ov! Such a satisfying feeling, I think that’s what officially hooked me when it came to charting. I think you sister (and the doc) sound amazing. That’s great that you were able to get a prescription on your own. Good work :thumbup: I think it makes a lot of sense that you are going to use the cream until you get the actual stuff, since you’d be missing the most crucial time for it otherwise. I also love the disclaimer at the end! Thanks for looking up methotrexate, does seems hard to find anything concrete about waiting times etc.

Joli: I’m not sure what the risks are other than another ectopic...I would be more inclined to wait if someone gave me reasons other than that since I don’t really think it’ll help avoid another to wait. Just hoping it goes down the right tube next time. I am going to ask about the higher dose of folic acid though. Do you have any tests to show us today? I love your ticker btw!

Britt: Thanks for letting me know about the accu, I think I’m going to wait on it for awhile. It’s pretty pricey although I do agree it would probably be a bit cheaper here. I promised no more spending money on TTC right now and I wouldn’t get many visits with the insurance. I will break that promise if we end up trying though because I will need some tests. I didn’t even buy a new BBT, just using the regular thermometer until next cycle. Glad you’re enjoying the accu, hope you get some great results with it! Do you feel like ov is coming soon?

Hibiscus: Sorry to hear you’re sick on your vacation, that sucks! I definitely agree with the others on the brown spotting, I don’t think brown is normally a cause for concern. How are you doing today? Hope the spotting has stopped anyway just because it would be easier for you to relax that way.

Shey: welcome! Glad you decided to join us!

Mummy to be: congratulations!!! I love your pic, it’s beautiful. I would also like to see more if you wouldn’t mind showing them!
Joli: yay! you're getting symptoms already! I always think it's weird to be so happy someone is feeling sick but it's such a good sign!

Britt: You made me laugh about the screaming. The screaming coming from the next room really helped make my decision about getting one. My gyno is a woman and she kept telling me to get one, wasn't sure why she felt so strongly until I heard that poor lady. I think your job sounds great!
Hi all -
Sounds like everyone is doing pretty well. I can't wait to get back to my computer so I can see your charts. Having withdrawal! Haha

Thanks for reassuring me about the cm. After my last message, I didn't have any more of the brown stuff phew. I was getting a tad concerned because I had more preg symptoms at 14 dpo than I do now. But, never fear. Boobs are killing me today and I was up half the night with heartburn.

So glad to hear your boobs are hurting, too, joli. Haha
I was quite pleased with my temp rise this morning :happydance:
Started using the progesterone cream last night - 50mg worth twice daily.
Things are a bit odd for me this cycle - I normally always get a bad tummy and sore nipples in the run up to ov, but not this time. :shrug:
I also keep getting these waves of negativity/dread which I keep having to try shake off. Normally I feel so hopeful - not this time :nope:
No symptoms to spot although I have been feeling queasy and my bbs are tender but normally aren't post ov (even before starting the cream).
Started taking Royal Jelly today cos another friend on here recommended it (and I like to rattle :rofl:)
Have another appt with the NHS gp tomorrow and will ask
to be referred for a second opinion/ possible tubal dye test. Long shot but am going to take prescription from SA doc and see if she will write me a UK one. Fingers crossed!
Hello everyone!

Joli--I'm so happy for you! Congrats!:happydance:

2016--Yay, you ovulated! Now here's to a long LP:drunk:


hibiscus07--Get well!:flower:

Britt--I see you're close to O time--go catch that egg!:thumbup: And thanks for asking about little ol me, I'm doing good.

I do have an issue that is bothering me, though. I have a condition called Supraventricular Tachycardia and so on occasion I will have an "episode" (PSVT). These episodes can be quite alarming, as my heart starts beating CRAZY fast (about 230 bpm) and sometimes it just quivers....it doesn't feel like a beat--just fast movement. And while my heart is going bonkers, the rest of me isn't feeling good because I'm not getting enough blood and oxygen. I've had this since I was 14, but now the episodes are a lot worse, take place more often, and last longer (up to a couple of hours). The good news is, it will most likely never kill me.:thumbup: But it is very irritating. I can go months without having an attack, or I can have several in a few months time--it's random (but almost always triggered by exercise). I can have surgery to burn (kill) the parts of my heart that are causing the mixed up electrical impulses....but....for one thing, I'm a little scared of surgery. And another issue is that it will most likely take months of pre-op testing and scheduling junk before the surgery can take place. And I just don't want to put off TTC because, in reproductive years, I'm borderline ancient. I'm wondering if I should have the surgery after delivery (assuming I get pregnant), or if I should stop TTC and start back up after the surgery (no telling how long away it will be)?

Another something to discuss with you ladies is my high temp this morning. It was 98.5, which is a lot higher than any of my temps in the 4 cycles I've been charting. Any thoughts?
TaeBoMama...Wow it sounds like you have a lot to cope with :hugs: I am no heart expert by any means (ie I know nothing other than what I just read in Wikipedia :rofl:)
My opinion is, if you can handle the irritation and worry of it, then wait until after your next pregnancy. Can't remember how old you said you were - was just surprised you saying you were "ancient in TTC terms". How long would you have to delay TTC if you had the surgery?
The one thing I am sure of is that you should never let fear, of the surgery or anything else, stop you for doing what's best for your health.

As for your temp, how many dpo are you? Could be a hopeful sign of pregnancy if it is unsually high. Saying that, all my post ov temps last cycle were unusually high and even triphasic and I am wasn't pregnant. :shrug:
Hey guys, back from the hospital and the first thing I log onto is to check on you guys lol...I should really be checking my stocks :)

Tabeomama- yeah, there you are!!! was wondering where you were at, miss ya. I didnt realize you were that far in the 2ww...high temp hmmm...sounds good, but as 2016 says they can be high and then drop down again for AF- fx'd for you though. So.....your 4 days only until Af would have been do...any thoughts on testing?? :):test:
as for your heart condition, I am aware of it- in my past life I worked as a Respiratory Therapist in post op cardiac OR, and PVC's are nothing to bat an eye at. As you know it can be quite serious, when your heart is in that rhythm you are not pumping blood flow adequately and hence oxygenation can be an issue as well. When you are pregs, you have a higher cardiac volume (and your heart is working harder) to supply blood flow and O2 to the placenta- I would think you would need to be very careful when your pregnant. Have you spoken to your doctor about this? have they given you the green light to get pregs even with the more frequent episodes? If they have then yeah it would be hard to wait until after surgery and I would probably want to sooner as well, but if not maybe its best to do the surgery first and then have a healthy and happy pregnancy after. AND I'm sure your not ancient..lots of time :hugs:

2016- nice temps!!! Hmmm...symptoms sound very different than your previous cycles, i take this as a positive sign....dust to you :dust

Nicole- Haa I got a kick out of your post too, nice work on having the epi :thumbup: Are you close to O now?

Joli- I wondered if you were interested in acting actually, as you said that you and DH met in a play. Are you still doing theatre or anything?

As for me, well I'm a little confused. Had some EWCM yesterday and cervix HSO and today no EWCM and cervix seems mostly closed- hugh??? No positive OPK yet, technically not suppose to O until day 15 but I'm ready now!!!!!! :haha: oh and temp is still down today....for those sneaky chart stockers that found me out...you can see on the first page, I'm still leaving it out of my sig (more out of mind that way)

Can't remember how old you said you were - was just surprised you saying you were "ancient in TTC terms". How long would you have to delay TTC if you had the surgery?:

I'll be 38 next month. I don't know how long the delay in TTC would be. I have done some of the pre-op stuff in the past (but then chickened out of the surgery and now it's been so long I'll have to repeat this stuff) and they drug the tests out. And I'm not sure how long out they'd schedule the sugery out for--I'm guessing at least a few months after all the pre-op is done.

As for your temp, how many dpo are you?:
I'm 8dpo.

So.....your 4 days only until Af would have been do...any thoughts on testing?? :):test:

LOL. I might start testing in the morning...or on Friday, if I can hold out.

As for your heart condition, I am aware of it- in my past life I worked as a Respiratory Therapist in post op cardiac OR, and PVC's are nothing to bat an eye at. As you know it can be quite serious, when your heart is in that rhythm you are not pumping blood flow adequately and hence oxygenation can be an issue as well. When you are pregs, you have a higher cardiac volume (and your heart is working harder) to supply blood flow and O2 to the placenta- I would think you would need to be very careful when your pregnant. Have you spoken to your doctor about this? have they given you the green light to get pregs even with the more frequent episodes? If they have then yeah it would be hard to wait until after surgery and I would probably want to sooner as well, but if not maybe its best to do the surgery first and then have a healthy and happy pregnancy after. AND I'm sure your not ancient..lots of time :hugs:

Yeah, I have talked to my docs about this and how it will effect a pregnancy, and no one seems to be concerned, but that's not necessarily a good thing. Some docs are just clueless (no offense to doctors--but I've seen some clueless ones in the past). I mean, just trying to find out if my heart med is bad for an unborn baby proved that there are some...well, not the brightest bulb in the package sort of doctors. I called my Cardiologist first, and get this; he didn't know! I had left a message on his machine, certainly he could have taken a few min to look it up before returning my call. He said I should call my GYN. I called the pharmacy and they told me to ask my Cardiologist or my GYN. I called my GYN and she looked it up in a book while I was on the phone with her. She said it was safe. When I told her about the info on the net, that showed otherwise, she still said it was safe. ](*,) But when (resisting typing IF) I get pregnant, I'm going to request a different med that the net says is a safer alternative to the one I'm on.

Hey Britt, I really appreciate your insight. I know that pregnancy and repeated PSVT are not a good combination. I need to make a decision. Thanks for your help, ladies!
hey hon, maybe you will be pregs thise month and the decision will be made for you. :)
Glad to hear that the docs arent too concerned....I'm sure they would know if it would risk anything for you....I agree not all docs are cut from the same cloth- I have had some lousy ones and some really good ones.

I think you will be one of those preg women though that shouldnt do ANY sort of exercise while pregnant. Just relax and no extra stress on the heart :)
wow, you are disciplined waiting until Friday!! fx'd
Hello hello!

Nicole - I think it's a really good idea to get an HSG done, it will put your mind at ease if the docs can identify once and for all what might be causing the ectopics. I think the month that you do it though, you need to take a break from TTC, but I have read that many women get pregnant the cycle after, cause the tubes are all cleared during the test. I think that if you feel good about this cycle, and you're getting ecwm, then your body might be telling you to try. Would your risk of having another ectopic be less if you waited another cycle? If not, then I would just go for it <subject to doc's advice of course!>. I did take another test this morning, and the line is sooo clear, I'd say in another day, it would be as dark as it could get! I didn't want to bombard you guys with more pics :shy: But I think the darkening line is a good sign that hcg is on the rise! :happydance: I told my parents yesterday at lunch, they cried, and were so unbelieveably happy. I really really hope everything will be ok!

Hibiscus - that's fantastic that the spotting has stopped. Sore bb's and heartburn are aoo good signs that things are progressing! It's strange being in this limbo isn't it, where you know you are pregnant, but you're too scared to really enjoy it in case something goes wrong. I think as long as you take it really easy the next few weeks, you'll be a.o.k! Being on honeymoon is totally ideal! I have a question - do you know whether you can BD at this stage? I've been too scared to during the 2ww, so DH and I have "ah-hem" been doing other stuff instead :rofl: I read that it can increase your chances of a mc - but I have no idea whether this is correct or not, there's a lot of mis-information on google! Has your doc advised you on this?

2016 - Having something different this cycle, like no bad tummy or sore nips before O is probably a good thing that things might be different - BFP!!! :) Despite you having negative thoughts, I think it's important that you stay positive - not necessarily hopeful, but definitly positive! I always got sore bb's post-O, but they seemed to go away for 2 days, then they totally started again. So it's a good thing that they're sore! You're still in very early days yet though, so keep us posted on any other symptoms! What day are you going to test?

Taebomama - That's really tough having a heart condition. I think Britt's advice was fantastic - if you do get your BFP this month, you should def take it really easy and don't do any exercise, stay relaxed, so as not to put any further pressure on your heart. I can't believe how little the docs seem to know about your meds! You would have thought the cardiologist would know!! It's great that your temp is higher today - I hope it keeps staying up for the next few days! - looking forward to hearing about your test on Fri! <or thurs if you can't wait!>

Britt - My cycles were totally wierd when it came to cm... I'd get ewcm on random days, and no O, then back to creamy, then back to ewcm, so I wouldn't worry about it! Just keeping watching the opks! Go get'm tiger! :winkwink: DH and I did meet acting together in London - we have been a bit distracted with work and ttc, but I do usually do 1 play/musical a year, I love the thrill of it! But looking forward even more to being a Mom!

I have a question for you gals - DH has recently started losing some hair on the top of his head, and he wants to take propetia and monoxynal (not sure if I spelt that right) - but I have read that monoxynal can be really dangerous for pregnant women, they're not even supposed to touch it. If DH takes it, I wonder if it would get into his spermys and then get into me if we BD, and harm the beanie? I remember asking my gyno a couple months back, and she didn't seem to know, and then said she doubts it would have any effect, but I've read otherwise...?
Hey there ladies :)
Of course i can show you some more pics. I dont have many at the moment the ones that i am going to add are just the ones that the photographer has emailed me as a little bit of a teaser lol :)

Oh i am on 25dpo ( i think. i got my period on the 1st Feb so i start counting from that day right) sorry i am not 100% sure how to work all that out lol... I am due again for my period on the 1st so wait and see. I desperatly want to test but not sure when i should test lol.

Ok onto some pics :)
That is all i have for now.. hope you like :)
mummy to be - what amazing pics!!!!!!!! You guys make a beautiful couple - I love that you guys went into the sea! Thanks so much for sharing - it's so nice to see what you look like as well :) I'm not sure if you know, but the 1st day you get AF is called CD1, and then the first day after you ovulate is 1dpo (days-post-ovulation), so if AF is due on the 1st, then you must have O (ovulated) around 14 days before (assuming textbook luteal phase), which would be 15th Feb? In which case, you would be about 10dpo today...? I'm terrible at maths, so maybe 2016 (guru of knowledge!) can let me know if she thinks this is right! Do you know when you will take a test? How exciting!!
aww thank you so much about the photos :) i love them :)

Ohhh right.. that makes a little more sense lol... i think i OV'd on the weekend of our wedding!!! Which is exciting!!! We got married on the 13th :) so if we are pregnant it would be a honeymoon baby :) Woot woot.

I am not sure when i am going to test.. i did one the other day and it was negative but i think it is too early to tell... yeah???
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