Hello hello!
Nicole - I think it's a really good idea to get an HSG done, it will put your mind at ease if the docs can identify once and for all what might be causing the ectopics. I think the month that you do it though, you need to take a break from TTC, but I have read that many women get pregnant the cycle after, cause the tubes are all cleared during the test. I think that if you feel good about this cycle, and you're getting ecwm, then your body might be telling you to try. Would your risk of having another ectopic be less if you waited another cycle? If not, then I would just go for it <subject to doc's advice of course!>. I did take another test this morning, and the line is sooo clear, I'd say in another day, it would be as dark as it could get! I didn't want to bombard you guys with more pics

But I think the darkening line is a good sign that hcg is on the rise!

I told my parents yesterday at lunch, they cried, and were so unbelieveably happy. I really really hope everything will be ok!
Hibiscus - that's fantastic that the spotting has stopped. Sore bb's and heartburn are aoo good signs that things are progressing! It's strange being in this limbo isn't it, where you know you are pregnant, but you're too scared to really enjoy it in case something goes wrong. I think as long as you take it really easy the next few weeks, you'll be a.o.k! Being on honeymoon is totally ideal! I have a question - do you know whether you can BD at this stage? I've been too scared to during the 2ww, so DH and I have "ah-hem" been doing other stuff instead

I read that it can increase your chances of a mc - but I have no idea whether this is correct or not, there's a lot of mis-information on google! Has your doc advised you on this?
2016 - Having something different this cycle, like no bad tummy or sore nips before O is probably a good thing that things might be different - BFP!!!

Despite you having negative thoughts, I think it's important that you stay positive - not necessarily hopeful, but definitly positive! I always got sore bb's post-O, but they seemed to go away for 2 days, then they totally started again. So it's a good thing that they're sore! You're still in very early days yet though, so keep us posted on any other symptoms! What day are you going to test?
Taebomama - That's really tough having a heart condition. I think Britt's advice was fantastic - if you do get your BFP this month, you should def take it really easy and don't do any exercise, stay relaxed, so as not to put any further pressure on your heart. I can't believe how little the docs seem to know about your meds! You would have thought the cardiologist would know!! It's great that your temp is higher today - I hope it keeps staying up for the next few days! - looking forward to hearing about your test on Fri! <or thurs if you can't wait!>
Britt - My cycles were totally wierd when it came to cm... I'd get ewcm on random days, and no O, then back to creamy, then back to ewcm, so I wouldn't worry about it! Just keeping watching the opks! Go get'm tiger!

DH and I did meet acting together in London - we have been a bit distracted with work and ttc, but I do usually do 1 play/musical a year, I love the thrill of it! But looking forward even more to being a Mom!
I have a question for you gals - DH has recently started losing some hair on the top of his head, and he wants to take propetia and monoxynal (not sure if I spelt that right) - but I have read that monoxynal can be really dangerous for pregnant women, they're not even supposed to touch it. If DH takes it, I wonder if it would get into his spermys and then get into me if we BD, and harm the beanie? I remember asking my gyno a couple months back, and she didn't seem to know, and then said she doubts it would have any effect, but I've read otherwise...?