Hi everyone! It's so lovely to read all your updates when I get into the office in the morning!
Britt - For your bloods, I would call the nurse if I were you just to get your results and ask them for a copy for you to keep for your own records. Everytime I get any bloods done, they never call (usually because nothing is wrong), but I call them anyways, and I get copies of everything! It's really helpful especially if you're seeing more than 1 doc at any time. I think it would be awesome to do sailing! When I was in the UK I got my Competent Crew certificate, but I haven't sailed in so many years, I'm sure I've forgotten everything! The BVI is beautiful - I was there last summer getting admitted to the bar there (I practice English law, BVI law, Cayman Islands law and HK law!). I am not sure why my beta is so high so early on...but it would be sooooo great if it was twins! I know there's a lot more risks involved, but I think it would still be fab! Believe it or not, AF is still not due until this Saturday! So I tested way early... the line is even darker today, so I know hcg is going up!

So you're just 3-4 more days to O...how exciting!!!! I'll be keeping my fx'd for you - get lots of lovin' from DH!
Nicole - It's great to hear that everything appears to be back to normal. If you're pretty sure that your ob-gyn would be fine with you trying this cycle, then I think you should go ahead! Is there any risk in trying? After my beta came back yesterday, FS said there's no doubt I'm pregnant... he told me to come back at the end of next week for another blood test to make sure everything is progressing ok, so no bloods for me this Thurs. There's 12 hours time different between HK and Toronto (I'm 12 hours ahead) - whereabouts are you in Ontario? I go up to Ontario every summer, my family has a cottage on the French River (near Lake Nippising, which is near North Bay and Sudbury). I've been going up every year since I was 10 years old. I think Canada is fantastic!
On chat regarding the difference between a gyno and a FS - I'm not 100% sure, but I was with my gyno, and she put me on clomid, but when that didn't work for 2 cycles, and after she saw DH's analysis, she said we needed to consider IUI or IVF, and then referred us to a FS. I guess if you have a normal pregnancy, you can use a gyno the whole time, and they can do the delivery. But if you have problems in getting pregnant, then you see a FS who can give fertility treatments, which a gyno is not qualified to do. I could be wrong, but this is just based on my own experience!
2016 - I agree with Britt, I don't think there is any particular harm in taking the progesterone cream you have right now, particularly if you've already been prescribed the proper stuff - but I would ask your fantastic SA sister to read the entire prescription out to you, so that you know the brand, dosage, etc. which you can check online, to make sure that the stuff you're using now is more or less the same...? If she hasn't couriered it yet to you, you can ask her to scan you a copy (she can pop down to a mall with internet cafe), and then try taking that to the pharmacy first, and explain that you're doc is in SA, and this prescription is urgent, so he has sent you a pdf copy, with original to follow by courier. That way, you might be able to get it sooner? I am so sorry you are having so much trouble with the docs in England, that's seriously so unprofessional to not have called your GP, then bugger off on holiday for 2 weeks! I'm just so glad that you were able to get help from SA. Having gotten engaged there, and concieved there, it's truly a special place for us!!
Hibiscus - I wouldn't worry about the brown cm right now either, I know it's hard, but it could just be residue. I don't know much about mc... is there anything they can do to prevent it if you catch it early enough? I have a friend here in HK, and in her first few weeks, she was bleeding a lot, and was very ill, but they were still able to save the babe, and now she's due in June. I'm sorry that you've gotten ill - do you think it's from the pregnancy, or have you eaten or drank something dodgy in Cozumel? Make sure not to have any ice-cubes in your drinks! They will not have made it with bottled water... and you can also consider brushing your teeth with bottled water. We do that here in Asia when we go to countries like Vietnam or Cambodia, where sanitation isn't the best! I really do hope you feel better soon, and that you can enjoy your honeymoon!
Shey - welcome!! How many months have you been ttc #2?