Aphrodite...Conceiving Tigers in 2010 - 17 Graduates so far!

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Joli....you are right I do see temps! Maybe it was like me saying I wasn't temping this cycle but it's soooo tempting :rofl:
I have said I will not temp next cycle but am already waivering. I also said I wouldn't test until 14dpo but already 10dpo is looking like an option. :blush:
2016, I don't think you're going mad... I'm pretty sure Britt said she wasn't going to temp - but I'm glad she is!! The chart stalker that I am!! :rofl: I am a complete control freak, so temping is perfect for me... I'm going to keep temping until I'm well at truly past AF date, just to make sure the temps stay up! I would try to tell you to wait until 14dpo, but who am I to talk testing at 9dpo! lol - I think you should only test at 10dpo if you well and truly feel some symptoms. I was being really skeptical about any 'symptoms' I was feeling, and made double and triple sure that my mind wasn't making them up, which is why I decided to test. I read that hcg shows about 3 days after implantation, so I just counted 3 days from when I was feeling the strange muscle ache/cramp/twinge. I'm feeling soooooooo good about you and Britt this cycle!! Lots and lots and lots of babydust!!!
Good morning everyone!! I go for my last bloodwork today! I still haven't called the dr again, my crippling nervousness has gotten in the way. Can they do a test to see if your folic acid is low? might be a stupid question but as far as I can tell that is the reason you have to wait after the methotrexate. I just don't want to ask for it if google is wrong.

Britt: How are the opks looking? It's so exciting that you're close to ov! I'm happy you're temping, I'm glad Joli noticed so I can stalk you again! This is another silly question but how do you know which docs are fertility specialists and which are just gynaecologists? Just trying to read the reviews on some in the area and all I'm finding are gynos? I don't remember what you said about how it's going with your dr. I have a terrible memory lately.

Joli: YAY!!!! Congrats again! There's something so offical about the digi! I'm so happy your line is darker. Just saw that you already got your results, I keep missing things for some reason. 62 is such a good number for how many dpo you are! I think it's a strong little bean. :hugs:

2016: I don't want to be a POAS pusher again so I'm just going to give you some :dust:

cara: Welcome!!! I meant to post again yesterday but didn't get the computer much, DH wanted to play some boring strategy game. Glad you've decided to join us. It's so exciting that your starting to try soon. :dust: I'm Nicole, 25, 1 DS, on a break after having my 3rd ectopic but trying again as soon as I can get a dr. to say that I can.

Hibiscus: Hope you're having a good trip!!! lots of :dust: for you!

ladybird: Just wanted to say hi and see how you're doing, haven't talked much to you yet. Hope your tww is flying by!!! :hugs:
Hi Nicole, it is possible to test for low folic acid - I saw this on a website: "Serum folate levels reflect recent changes in folate intake whereas RBC folate measures the folate stored in the body. RBC folate is a more reliable test. These tests are available through a standard blood test from the doctor." I believe that a side effect of methotrexate is a decrease in folic acid, which is why sometimes doctors give folic injections during methotrexate treatment. But sometimes they don't give the folic acid until after treatment. But they can check what your level is for sure!

I have no idea what my beta numbers should be at the minute, I'm just praying that it increases and that lovely line gets darker every day!
:winkwink:haaa!!!!!!!! you caught me, didnt you!!! I have missed quite a few temps especially at the beginning so just filled in similar #'s lol...I'm only temping if i feel like it to just give me an idea and for the acup this cycle:) ha ha... Today's temp is the same as yesterdays, but yeah i initally thought that maybe too. I think in about 3-4 days I will probably O. Trying not to look at it though.. :)

Seriously 62 Joli????!!!!!! Like you are seriously pregs, no wondering now, a welcomed congrats for sure :happydance:
thats awesome, you are still early in your cycle too arent you?? maybe twins or something...hee hee. when was AF due?

I did love the acu and I am going back on Thursday for an apt right around O time. Hopefully it helps. That being said DH and I are planning on becoming sailors...seriously, we are taking some training around Vancouver area with another couple and then hopefully do a big sailing trip maybe in BVI. I may have a new focus soon if this doesnt happen.

2016 chart looks fantastic!!!!! When is your next acu apt?

Nicole, Tabeomama, Tiger4me and everyone else, how are you doing today?

Thanks Joli! Glad they can check it, I'm getting close to ov time if everything is back to normal, which it seems to be so far and I want to talk to my family dr and see what he says about trying again this cycle. He's probably just going to tell me to wait but I need a pap smear anyway so I don't think there's any harm in bringing it up. I'm pretty sure my ob-gyn would let me but I think I will have ov'd several times before I can get into her.
I know there's a wide range of normal hcg levels but from what I've read your seem pretty high. I remember seeing 48 at 14 dpo as an average on quite a few sites. Can't wait to hear the results of Thursday's. I get confused about the time difference, what day/time is it in Hong Kong?
Britt: I meant to ask you how much accu is in Canada, just approximately, I was reading our health insurance book today and I'm covered for up to $300 a year so just wanted to get an idea of how many sessions I could get.

2016: I realized after that you were talking to Joli about POAS and I just butted in but I just get so excited when people talk about pregnancy tests. :blush:
Hey Nicole, thanks for the post. You know I would like to know that question as well, difference between Gyno and FS?....I know my doctor didnt give me a choice to just see a gyno she said she would get me into a FS....maybe most of them are? I think with my clinic because they only take women of childbirthing years and they specialize in pregnancy, they probably know the good FS in the area so just refer their pts to a few docs. The downside is a one year or more waiting list....
i am hoping that my cycle gets better naturally before then....I got my CD3 bloods done this cycle and havent heard from the doctor yet, hoping thats a good sign. If i dont hear anything by the end of the week, then they are probably good. fx'd

Okay, Joli's name needs to be changed to graduate and you need to update your sig hon!!

Oh and welcome Cara. Good luck to you, the fact that you were only on BCP for 2 years is a good thing, I bet you will have a BFP in no time. I have been on it for almost 15 years!!! and I'm >30 so its taking a bit longer.

Hey Nic, the acu in Calgary is pretty pricey, so it might be a little cheaper in Ontario (they seem to overinflate everything here agggh..)
my first session was $114.00 (bought a herbotox herb for GI, so $140 total) and subsequent sessions are $84.00, i think that is with tax
(long) update from me:
Don’t know if you remember, I went to see a lovely new lady GP Wednesday last week to ask if she would write me a script for the progesterone the FS said I should take.* She said she could not do this without a note/script from the consultant which was frustrating because I ASKED him if I needed such a thing and he said the GP should just be able to prescribe it :growlmad:
Called yesterday to ask if she had managed to speak to him (remembering I have now ovd and need the progesterone asap) and was told she hadn’t spoken to him and has now gone on holiday for 2 ½ weeks!* :hissy:
In desperation I decided, once again, to take matters into my own hands and called my most resourceful sister in South Africa last night.* She* managed to organise me a consult with one of our South African doctors this morning who has prescribed me the progesterone pessaries I need!* My sister is going to courier it over for me and it should arrive by Friday (5dpo) or it could be Monday (8dpo). :yipee:
I had intended to use my progesterone cream (bought off the internet) from tomorrow but now I can’t decide whether to:
:flow:* Start using the cream until the proper stuff arrived
:flow:* Wait for the proper stuff to arrive
Thing is I read somewhere that, for progesterone to work in the case of luteal phase defect/low progesterone, it needs to be started within 48 hours of ov (ie TODAY).
:flow:* Suppose there is a third cautious option of not doing anything until the UK government docs get their act together and tell me what to take.* This might mean I have to wait 3 months to see another FS and then however long to repeat the bloods/scans etc.
I guess I need at least one high temp to be sure I have ovd before using anything…..but all the other signs CP/CM/post ov symptoms are making me think it deffo has happened. :thumbup:
To my shock I also read an article published in the oxford medical journal about how progesterone deficiency can cause ectopics.* I was trying to find out how the progesterone only pill (that I stopped before becoming pg) could have caused an ectopic.* Apparently that BCP contains artificial progestins which actually lowers your natural progesterone level and can make you oestrogen dominant.* This can cause the muscle contractions in the tubes to become sluggish and therefore not push the embryo through efficiently!* From this I am thinking that, as long as my progesterone is low my risk of this happening again is increased – all the more reason to take the stuff! :smug:
:shrug: So what do you think?* :shrug:
Disclaimer :As always, I know you are not a doctors and I do not take any of your advice as replacing medical advice and I will ultimately make my own decision.* I just need to bounce this off you all!
Will catch up on y'all later, but in the meantime WELCOME Shey :wave::flower:
What day are you on and I will add you to the first page.
Welcome Shey!!!!
2016- I am definitely no expert but my Acu had the progesterone cream even at her office...so I think its fairly safe. We even talked about exploring my cycle and if things down the road point to low Prog than she would give me the cream. If you confirmed you have O'd then if it were me I would start taking the cream until the other stuff arrived....Friday or Monday is a ways off :)

Welcome shey :)

Joli-congrats on the Hcg ! The number sounds great.

I hope everyone else is doing well.

I came down with a cold and diarrhea last night, which makes for a fun vacation. Have also had a little light brown cm when I wiped today. Trying not to worry but it's hard not to. If it doesn't continue, I won't think too much about it. With my MCs, once it started it just got heavier.

Any news w anyone?
Welcome shey :)

Joli-congrats on the Hcg ! The number sounds great.

I hope everyone else is doing well.

I came down with a cold and diarrhea last night, which makes for a fun vacation. Have also had a little light brown cm when I wiped today. Trying not to worry but it's hard not to. If it doesn't continue, I won't think too much about it. With my MCs, once it started it just got heavier.

Any news w anyone?

Hi Hibiscus, thanks for checking in. I know what you mean about being ill on vacation- i ended up getting sick in the Dominican b/c my colleague was ill and we shared a room.
Hope you are having a good time otherwise.
Agreed, try not to worry about the brown spotting- brown is old blood, so maybe just a little left over.
Hi everyone! It's so lovely to read all your updates when I get into the office in the morning! :)

Britt - For your bloods, I would call the nurse if I were you just to get your results and ask them for a copy for you to keep for your own records. Everytime I get any bloods done, they never call (usually because nothing is wrong), but I call them anyways, and I get copies of everything! It's really helpful especially if you're seeing more than 1 doc at any time. I think it would be awesome to do sailing! When I was in the UK I got my Competent Crew certificate, but I haven't sailed in so many years, I'm sure I've forgotten everything! The BVI is beautiful - I was there last summer getting admitted to the bar there (I practice English law, BVI law, Cayman Islands law and HK law!). I am not sure why my beta is so high so early on...but it would be sooooo great if it was twins! I know there's a lot more risks involved, but I think it would still be fab! Believe it or not, AF is still not due until this Saturday! So I tested way early... the line is even darker today, so I know hcg is going up! :) So you're just 3-4 more days to O...how exciting!!!! I'll be keeping my fx'd for you - get lots of lovin' from DH!

Nicole - It's great to hear that everything appears to be back to normal. If you're pretty sure that your ob-gyn would be fine with you trying this cycle, then I think you should go ahead! Is there any risk in trying? After my beta came back yesterday, FS said there's no doubt I'm pregnant... he told me to come back at the end of next week for another blood test to make sure everything is progressing ok, so no bloods for me this Thurs. There's 12 hours time different between HK and Toronto (I'm 12 hours ahead) - whereabouts are you in Ontario? I go up to Ontario every summer, my family has a cottage on the French River (near Lake Nippising, which is near North Bay and Sudbury). I've been going up every year since I was 10 years old. I think Canada is fantastic!

On chat regarding the difference between a gyno and a FS - I'm not 100% sure, but I was with my gyno, and she put me on clomid, but when that didn't work for 2 cycles, and after she saw DH's analysis, she said we needed to consider IUI or IVF, and then referred us to a FS. I guess if you have a normal pregnancy, you can use a gyno the whole time, and they can do the delivery. But if you have problems in getting pregnant, then you see a FS who can give fertility treatments, which a gyno is not qualified to do. I could be wrong, but this is just based on my own experience!

2016 - I agree with Britt, I don't think there is any particular harm in taking the progesterone cream you have right now, particularly if you've already been prescribed the proper stuff - but I would ask your fantastic SA sister to read the entire prescription out to you, so that you know the brand, dosage, etc. which you can check online, to make sure that the stuff you're using now is more or less the same...? If she hasn't couriered it yet to you, you can ask her to scan you a copy (she can pop down to a mall with internet cafe), and then try taking that to the pharmacy first, and explain that you're doc is in SA, and this prescription is urgent, so he has sent you a pdf copy, with original to follow by courier. That way, you might be able to get it sooner? I am so sorry you are having so much trouble with the docs in England, that's seriously so unprofessional to not have called your GP, then bugger off on holiday for 2 weeks! I'm just so glad that you were able to get help from SA. Having gotten engaged there, and concieved there, it's truly a special place for us!!

Hibiscus - I wouldn't worry about the brown cm right now either, I know it's hard, but it could just be residue. I don't know much about mc... is there anything they can do to prevent it if you catch it early enough? I have a friend here in HK, and in her first few weeks, she was bleeding a lot, and was very ill, but they were still able to save the babe, and now she's due in June. I'm sorry that you've gotten ill - do you think it's from the pregnancy, or have you eaten or drank something dodgy in Cozumel? Make sure not to have any ice-cubes in your drinks! They will not have made it with bottled water... and you can also consider brushing your teeth with bottled water. We do that here in Asia when we go to countries like Vietnam or Cambodia, where sanitation isn't the best! I really do hope you feel better soon, and that you can enjoy your honeymoon!

Shey - welcome!! How many months have you been ttc #2?
PS - 2016, you can add my name to the graduate list now... I think my shock has finally turned into acceptance! :)
Hello ladies how are you? Sorry i have been MIA but i am back now. And i am now a married woman :) woot woot.
How are you all???

Shey....I have added you to the front page. Don't know if you know, but the day AF arrives (full flow not spotting) is calendar day 1 (CD1).

mummy to be.....CONGRATULATIONS! You are now officially an old ball & chain :rofl: Are you in the dpos now?
I love your wedding pic :yipee: Can we see more?

hibiscus...I agree with Joli, brown CM isn't really cause for concern. I am sorry you feel sick but pregnancy can also play havoc with the digestive system!

nicole...I searched and search last night and couldn't find anything conclusive about trying after methotrexate. I read that your hcg must have returned to 0 but I don't know what the half-life of the metho is and if it could harm another bubs if you start too soon :shrug:. If its just a folic thing, maybe they could put you on a high 5mg dose! Let us know what your doc says.

I got my 3rd high temp so deffo ovd. I am always very grateful when I ovulate....now just to sort out the old luteal phase!
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