Aphrodite...Conceiving Tigers in 2010 - 17 Graduates so far!

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Morning ladies!

Britt - I hope you pounced on DH! go, go go get that eggy!!!

2016 - dull pressure cramps, twinges, not sure whether the cramps are gas... sounds all too familiar to me!!! Stay cautious but optimisic. If you're feeling that today (7dpo), I wouldn't test until 3 days after (10dpo), cause if that's implantation today, then it should take a few days for hcg to build up. This could be exciting... x

Hibiscus - welcome home! I think you being nauseated is a good sign that your hcg levels are high! If it's not too hard to write about, when you had your mc's at 7 weeks, apart from low hcg, did you have any symptoms that it was happening? I'm just making sure I'm cautiously looking out for anything unusual. If I'm prying too much or if you find this too hard to discuss, I totally understand, and you needn't reply to this question :) Best of luck with your bloods! Let us know how you get on.

Mummytobe, I agree with the other girls, you're not out until AF shows!

Welcome Sweetmama! Is there any reason why you wouldn't O? I stopped O after I came off the pill, and the doc diagnosed me with PCOS. I had to take medication in order to O.

As for me today, my temp is up higher, BBs still sore (though not crazy sore), no nausea, no spotting - I hope everything is going along ok... I'm very impatiently waiting until next Mon to do another bloodtest to check hcg. Also finding it very hard to concentrate at work!!
Hi everyone! :hi:

Joli, I remember you asked if we minded you posting your BFP pics on here, and I'm so happy to be apart of a team who shares in the excitment of other's success! I've seen (on other boards) people get all upset when someone posts a BFP, and I just don't get that! It makes no sense to me. I LOVE to see women getting their BFPs and sticking around to share their journey.


Well, another :bfn: today...4th one this cylce. So I'm done with the testing for this cycle, what do I need to "get it"? FOUR BFNs is enough! I get it!!!

This means I have to take action to get that heart surgery done. So I'll make some calls on Monday to see what hoops I have to jump through this time.

I hope you all are doing well!
Joli I was diagnosed with borderline PCOS when I was 18 due to having a lot of the symptoms besides the no period one plus I'm not overweight, I should get checked again just to be sure though because my periods are really wonky and my chart is really really messed up. You can have a look if you like

Hey Taebomama, it's good to hear from you! I'm sorry that you got another BFN, that really sucks. It's good that you can use this as an opportunity to sort out your heart - perhaps you can ask the doc whether it's better for you to do the surgery first, or carry on ttc first. It's a really tough call. Will you be able to see your cardiologist next week, or does it take a while to get an appointment? Thanks for being so sweet about posting my BFP pics - I feel like all the girls on this thread have become my friends, and it would have felt strange not to have shared the news, or simply move on as if I never knew any of you... Honestly, it was this thread which kept be going throughout all the BFNs and those dreaded 2wws. As far as I'm concerned, even though I got a BFP, I'm not out of the woods yet, and love to support and be supported by the gals on this thread. So a big thank you! :hugs:

Sweetmama, I've just taken a look at your chart - mine looked all over the place too before I was put on O medication. My PCOS is mild, and I'm not overweight either. I think if you were diagnosed with PCOS when you were 18, you should get checked out again - there's nothing more frustrating than ttc, when you're not actually O! (I know, I did it for 7 months!). Your doc can put you on clomid (which I was on for 2 cycles) or Gonal-F (which are injections, which I took for 1 cycle). My DH also had some spermy issues, so the doc suggested for us to try IUI, and it worked first time round! I had no idea I had PCOS - I went on the pill when I was 19, but never had any problems before that, I was clockwork, so I'm not sure where the PCOS came from! If I hadn't gotten checked, I wouldn't have found all of this out, so if at the end of this cycle, you haven't O'd, then maybe you could see a doc. Alternatively, you could try another cycle, and use opk (ovulation predictor kit tests) - you pee on these tests, and it will give you a positive just before you ovulate. If throughout your cycle, your temps and opk's show no ovulation, then you know for sure that something's up, and you can get checked!
Hey ladies,
Tabeomama- what great PMA!! I think your health is definitely #1 priority and the ttc will definitely come when its time (I'm sure soon)

Great advice on the ovulation Joli. Sweetmama- I'm sure with a trip to the docs you will be O'ng before you know it- didnt take Joli long at all once they found the issue.
Nice to have another Canucker on the board. Did you watch the hockey game today?? what a game, so proud of our boys.
Sad the olympics are over now, was fun.

As for me, YES I totally pounced on DH lol...he didnt seem too in the mood at first (neither was I) but that changed. :) So I think we have all of our bases covered now.
DH is off to have a hot bath now because he was restricted from doing so from me for a week now to protect the :spermy: :rofl:

Now let hope my temp is up tomorrow!!
haha - Britt, my DH has been begging me if he can have a hot bath for months now!! I guess I should be nice now and let him have one too! :rofl:
hey ladies how you doing?
Im still not feeling good.
Sweetmama...Welcome again! :wave: I have added you and your chart link to the first page. It looks like you have very long cycles so it could just be that ov is only coming CD30+

hibiscus...best of luck with the blood test. I just know things are so different this time! :hugs:

Shey...oh dear, sorry you still feel crappy :flower: Is it cramps? Or something else?
2016... is that a lovely lovely jump in temp I see on your chart this morning!?!? Seriously awesome!! Implantation dip!! :)

Shey, I hope you feel better soon! Let us know what's up?
Good morning ladies, how is everyone??
pretty quiet....lets hear some updates! :)
Hope your feeling better Shey.
2016, rockin temps, nice!! If you look at FF old preg charts, 7dpo is the most common time for the dip. exciting, are you feeling good about this cycle?

Britt...I agree it's very quiet! I am so hopeful it's an implantation dip, but I have learnt the hard way that you can have dips, triphasic etc and not be pregnant. I am just pleased it went up but only time will tell if it stays up. :shrug:
I have felt terribly nauseous ever since ov - this morning worse than ever...I even gagged while brushing my teeth and over breakfast. I can feel me getting my hopes up which I don't want to do because I have been dissappointed so many times in this process. :nope:
Dying to test tomorrow but will wait until Weds (10dpo) before I start peeing money down the drain :rofl:
How are you? I've not checked your temp today yet, will do that now.
hey 2016, good for you for waiting. I agree at 10dpo, and with your symptoms you might get an accurate result. Honestly why else would you be gaggy brushing your teeth, it has to be a good sign. :)
what do you think of my temp? did I O yesterday?? i have sore nipps today (sorry tmi) and cm has changed. I ran out of OPK's a couple days ago and didnt go out and buy more, figured why should I? I usually O on cycle day 15 and i have a standard 28 day cycle- but it is nerve racking to know if i did for sure or not.
oh and last months temps were super high as i had an infection and than a nasty flu bug. So dont really know what to go by.

thanks hon
Hello ladies, how are we all? 2016 that looks like a fab imp dip but I know what yr saying bout things lookin good chart wise n then bfn's. Got everything crossed for when you test.
I caved in and tested this morning, reckoned at 10 dpo I'd held out long enough. Did an ic and a 20miu mid stream test and got a very very faint line on the midstream and a v v v faint one on ic. Was bit shocked tbh after being so ill this weekend (bit better today but right at all) can't wait to test tomorrow. Temp still really high but still not sure whether that's due to being ill.
Britt...think you might have ovd yesterday (cd15) we will have to see if your temps go up more. What's your CM like today?

I don't know why I would be gagging like that...never done that before. I feel 100% fine and symptomless now :(...the brain us a powerful thing and I wonder if it could trick me into feeling that way :shrug:
Hibiscus - welcome home! I think you being nauseated is a good sign that your hcg levels are high! If it's not too hard to write about, when you had your mc's at 7 weeks, apart from low hcg, did you have any symptoms that it was happening? I'm just making sure I'm cautiously looking out for anything unusual. If I'm prying too much or if you find this too hard to discuss, I totally understand, and you needn't reply to this question :) Best of luck with your bloods! Let us know how you get on.

As for me today, my temp is up higher, BBs still sore (though not crazy sore), no nausea, no spotting - I hope everything is going along ok... I'm very impatiently waiting until next Mon to do another bloodtest to check hcg. Also finding it very hard to concentrate at work!!

Hi Joli--I hope you are right about the hCG being high! I had the blood draw this AM and will get results tomorrow AM.
You're definitely not prying too much about the MCs. It's totally understandable to want to know about whether there are any signs you should be aware of.
With the first one, I started brown spotting at 6w1d, and went in for a blood test. I think my hCG was only about 600, up from 73 on 13 dpo. Right then, then Dr said it wasn't a good sign. Should easily have been about 5000+. The spotting continued all week, every time I went to the bathroom (was liquidy, too, not like a little occasional tinge of brown in the CM like I've had this time around), and finally at 6w6d, I started cramping and fully bleeding.
The 2nd time, my OB/GYN was monitoring me from the beginning. I had an hCG of about 1000 at 5w0d, which was right on track, and then at 6w0d, it was only about 2200, so something happened between 5w and 6 w to slow it down. I had no spotting at that time at all, but again at 6w6d I stated bleeding and cramping heavily, and it was all over within a few hours.
The most common cause of MCs at this stage is simply genetic, either randomly, or because of something inherited from the parent. The checked my chromosomes and it turns out I have an inversion on one of my Chromosome #10s, but the genetic counselor told us this particular inversion is not harmful and is not linked to recurrent MCs or birth defects. Even if it is, I suppose that means that half of my eggs have the "normal" Chromosome 10, so I should have a 50/50 shot each time.
The counselor and the OB/GYN both said they thought it was just a streak of bad luck. I hope that's the case, of course.
The OB/GYN said it's very unlikely that the MCs were the result of something I did or didn't do, so that I shouldn't worry about it. The OB scoffed when I suggested I had too much caffeine; she said the chance of that causing a MC is almost nonexistent. At least that takes a weight off, ya know? It's kinda out of your hands then.
The other potential issue is autoimmune, since I have the thyroid issue. I could be predisposed to others. However, they tested for the most common clotting issues and I don't have them, so again this seems like it was probably just a random genetic issue.

Woohoo about your boobs! That is certainly a reassuring sign, even though it's not pleasant haha. I actually felt more pregnant before my BFP than I did in weeks 4 to 5. I had almost no symptoms until middle of last week, and then the sore boobs got much worse, and I'm having nausea throughout the day. The weird pressure around my uterus is back, too.
I think it's totally normal to not have any nausea or anything until like 6 or 7 weeks.

I'll let y'all know about tomorrow's result. Trying not to think about it, but am feeling a bit nervous of course :(
Wooop wooop Ladybird!!! Sounds so good - where's the pics then? You know I did wonder when you said you were sick about the high temps, then thought sickness would make temps more erratic and yours have been constant for 3 days so I think they are preggo temps. :thumbup:
Also your immune system shuts down in early pg which probably made you more susceptible to getting ill. How are you feeling today?
Oooooh I do hope I get my bfp this cycle too and we can be bump buddies :hugs:
ahhh, I'm thinking its good for you... If you did implant yesterday you could definitely be feeling some symptoms... :)

cm is creamy white now it seems.....
so as for the temps, you dont expect to see a sky rocketing temp post O right away? does it take a few days to build up?
I was soo tired this morning, DH got ready and I was still sleeping and didnt even flinch, i never sleep that hard...lol
Hello ladies, how are we all? 2016 that looks like a fab imp dip but I know what yr saying bout things lookin good chart wise n then bfn's. Got everything crossed for when you test.
I caved in and tested this morning, reckoned at 10 dpo I'd held out long enough. Did an ic and a 20miu mid stream test and got a very very faint line on the midstream and a v v v faint one on ic. Was bit shocked tbh after being so ill this weekend (bit better today but right at all) can't wait to test tomorrow. Temp still really high but still not sure whether that's due to being ill.

do we have yet another graduate????!! so happy for you Ladybird
2016, I see your temp jumped back up! woohoo. I have my fingers crossed that it was an implantation dip--yay!!
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