ahhh so nice to hear from everyone.
Ladybird- that is a big fat

Taebomama- honestly I think getting your heart looked at sooner or later is the best thing you could have done, you know things have a funny way of working out for the best. Its probably not your time until your heart is better- to protect you and babes. HOpe you are able to get a speedy surgery

and sorry your six yr old is so sick

hope he/or she is better soon
2016- hon, why so glum about this cycle? Your chart is amazing and different than any of your other cycles so why couldnt this one be it? You and DH sure covered your bases

I'm sure you have a great shot. It is hard though and best not to get your hopes up. I have that attitude now at 7 months ttc.
Nicole- hey hon, good to hear from you, sorry your having a rough time with the doctors and your cycle. Canadian healthcare hey? it may be free but you get what you pay for sometimes

Do you know what cycle day you usually O? this month i ran out of opk's and went on cm and cervix really (I dont get O pains) and just guesstimating from last month. Well turns out i O'd on exactly the same day as last month. Try the opk's next time maybe but for now I think a ballpark guess is good enough.
hope you have a sticky bfp soon
Joli- I know i tried to log on last night after the hospital and before I hit the bed and it was down!! what is with this site? I hate when its down during the day, I too am addicted.
I think maybe you should get your bloods done for piece of mind, but honestly hon I feel you have a sticky BFP. Try and enjoy but I know its hard
as for me, phewww...definitely O'd on cycle day 15! happy about that for sure and glad my cycle is now textbook...lol. Now bring on that BFP!!!
Boobs are still sore but not as sore as yesterday. Question for those who have had a bfp, at what point in your cycle did your boobs get sore? Right after O until the BFP? or was there a break and it came back, or did you not get sore boobs at all? I'm probably going to post this question in the grad section as well