Hey everyone!
Britt--Are you feeling better? Still having cramps? I know it can be scary to have cramps when you're pregnant, but it can be perfectly normal. I know when I got the news that I was pregnant with my 3rd, I was shocked that I was pregnant because I had pretty strong menstrual cramps. I wasn't expected a BFP. Totally took me by surprise.
2016--Wow, sounds like you have been put through the wringer! This must mean you be granted the docile, sweet, even tempered little one to make up for a hellish pregnancy...right? I happy everything is ready, that's cuts down on the anxiety toward the end. At least I get all worked up if there's too many things not ready.
GG--I swear I get a smile on my face every time I see that pumpkin baby.
Sweetmama--That's great that you'll be moving closer to friends and family. It's nice to be close to the ones you love!
Nevertogether--I hadn't realized how long you had been ttc. Yeah, it's good to get checked out to see if there is a reason for the hold-up. Even in some healthy couples it can take awhile. It amazes that so many people conceive when you consider everything that has to be "just right" to make a baby. I'm sure you'll get there!
Anyone have any thoughts on my recent charts?
Last cycle O happened on cycle day 12, which is earlier than ever (at least since I started charting, 14 cycles ago). So this cycle when I got a faint 2nd line on the OPK (I usually have a fade in positive. Meaning that when I get a faint 2nd line the next day is positive. So we started bding on cycle day 8...but I didn't get a positive OPK until cycle day 14! I think I wore hubby out this cycle!!!

I was going to have him give a little more insurance last night, but I really think O was day 14...as 15 seemed very infertile to me, if you know what I mean. I wish I could get more accurate temps...but I wake up several times a night and sometimes take a long time to fall back to sleep. So my temps are unreliable at times. I didn't even include my temp today because I couldn't sleep more than an hour at a time. It's so frustrating!
Chia--Where are you, girl?
Joli--How's Harrison doing? How's motherhood treating you?
I better cook something for my husband. Talk to you all soon!