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thanks taebo, yep I did here you go.
My gorgeous girl Libby was born at 3.30am on 30th October 2010, two weeks early but a healthy 6lb 11oz
my little pumkin
A breif bit of the birth story
waters went wednesday 4.30am as you know, labour started stopped started stopped, induction booked for sat morning 9am 72 hrs after waters, shopping on friday went to the loo and noticed discharge has turned green possibly meconium straight to maternity ward and they checked the pad and sent me down to delivery suite for an inductiont there and then friday 4pm, given antibiotics and syntoxin was given at 7pm I was checked and cervix was barely visible and hind waters still there apparantly head high up, used tens machine and was left to progress for 4 hours, after 4 hours was barely able to cope with pain and when I was checked I was 5cm! in 4 hours... ouchy! started gas and air to cope and oberservations showed that bp was sky high and needed intervention, was asked about epidural as it brings bp down, was so scared and didnt want one but had an excellent midwife who really help me calm down and make the decision to have one. Didnt like all the contractions while they were doing it but coped with gas and air, aahhh I was a total different person afterwards, it worked a dream!! could feel my legs and could feel the tightenings of contractions.. I started feeling her head moving down, kind of felt like it was going to fall out my bum! they wouldnt check me early as if they did they would have to start the clock for pushing if the head was visiable, during the last couple of hours everytime I had a contraction the her heartbeat dipped and I new the cord was round her neck but we were reassured it was normal and baby was happy she was probs just pressing on her cord, come 3am when they checked me head was visable right at the top, I told mw I could feel her moving down and was starting to feel like I needed to push she didnt beleive me but I new she was coming, 20 mins of pushing and she was out! little monster had her cord wrapped round her neck twice! but she was safe and healthy, was so overwealmed with love, relief and shock, no tears just a couple of grazes, have needed no painkillers since the birth, my god Im glad I had an epidural!
Had to stay in hospital till the sunday afternoon to be monitered for infection with waters breaking early and she isnt a very good feeder and not latching on properly and I think I have very flat nipples so have started using nipple shields which I think are going to work a treat!
She is adorable, GG! And I love that cute pumpkin outfit! Thanks so much for sharing your birth story. I'm happy Libby is happy and healthy and that you are doing well. Congrats! I'm so excited for you!