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2016--I LOVE your name choices! Congrats again! When do I get to see his pretty little face?
Chia--Thanks for the good luck wishes. Same to you!
Nevertogether--I'm happy you are getting a chance to visit with your hubby. When did you say your next visiting time was? Didn't you say you guys were going to head to a fertility specialist? How's that going?
Joli--I know I've said this before, but your Harrison is such a cuttie! As far as the egg whites go...I was a little afraid about Salmonella (and I'm still a little concerned, simply because I'm a germaphobe), but after looking into it, chances are good that I won't get an infection. For one thing, it is very rare for an egg to harbor Salmonella, and in the rare event that it does, it is usually contained to the shell. I figure that since many athletes chug a whole egg or more a day (as did my bother for many years), and tons of folks eat Caesar Salad and meringue pies without a problem, I'll probably be fine. I've thought about the Pre-seed, but was hoping with Robitussin and increasing my water intake that I'd be okay this cycle, in the CM department. By the time I figured out that I was not generating the fertile stuff, it was too late to order that stuff online to get it here on time. So...I took the plunge! LOL. This was a big deal for me. For anyone who knows me...they'd be really shocked to learn I did such a thing. But I'm not telling anyone I know!!
OOPS. I accidentally sent the message, but I wasn't done yet!
Sweetmama--Sorry to hear that you're having a rough time. I hope this new guy you're seeing turns out to be THE one. But you're right, there are plenty of fish in the sea. It's better to take your time finding the RIGHT one, than to settle down with the wrong one. Best wishes to you!
How are the rest of you ladies?
2016--I LOVE your name choices! Congrats again! When do I get to see his pretty little face?
Chia--Thanks for the good luck wishes. Same to you!
Nevertogether--I'm happy you are getting a chance to visit with your hubby. When did you say your next visiting time was? Didn't you say you guys were going to head to a fertility specialist? How's that going?
Joli--I know I've said this before, but your Harrison is such a cuttie! As far as the egg whites go...I was a little afraid about Salmonella (and I'm still a little concerned, simply because I'm a germaphobe), but after looking into it, chances are good that I won't get an infection. For one thing, it is very rare for an egg to harbor Salmonella, and in the rare event that it does, it is usually contained to the shell. I figure that since many athletes chug a whole egg or more a day (as did my bother for many years), and tons of folks eat Caesar Salad and meringue pies without a problem, I'll probably be fine. I've thought about the Pre-seed, but was hoping with Robitussin and increasing my water intake that I'd be okay this cycle, in the CM department. By the time I figured out that I was not generating the fertile stuff, it was too late to order that stuff online to get it here on time. So...I took the plunge! LOL. This was a big deal for me. For anyone who knows me...they'd be really shocked to learn I did such a thing. But I'm not telling anyone I know!!
OOPS. I accidentally sent the message, but I wasn't done yet!
Sweetmama--Sorry to hear that you're having a rough time. I hope this new guy you're seeing turns out to be THE one. But you're right, there are plenty of fish in the sea. It's better to take your time finding the RIGHT one, than to settle down with the wrong one. Best wishes to you!
How are the rest of you ladies?
hehee, Taebo - only us gals who have been through ttc know about the emotions and hopes which take us to egg whites - I honestly was there and was considering it myself before the pre-seed. I just don't trust eggs here in Hong Kong, you never know if they might have come from China. We try never to buy anything from China, they put all kinds of crap in their food!
Never - you sure have it rough hon... I have such respect for you and the commitment that you've given
Sweetmama - sorry that things didn't work out, but Mr. Right IS waiting there for you![]()
Chia - how are you doing hon? How did the check-up at the doctors go?
I'm not sure if you gals check out the grad thread, but in case you don't, here are some of the latest pics of Harrison! x
taebo - i have my fingers crossed for you until AF shows. thank you for remembering my appointment
wow, busy week. DH has been here and it's been amazing. he made a delicious dinner last night and some cookies. it was great. he fell asleep snoozing on the couch at about 9:30pm. so tuckered out! i had my fertility appointment today and it went well. he did a transvaginal ultrasound that showed up clear and good, just showing that i ovulated on the right side recently. not sure when though, so i'm wondering if we have a chance! other than that though, he said it looked perfect. he took some blood and we're going to see how all of that comes back. he might want me on friday for more. if that all checks out then he wants an HSG to follow. my next appointment is 17 january, but i can call and get my bloodwork results today. i'm really anxious! not sure if i even have a shot this month or not, eek. hope we do!
T - try conceive plus its much better than preseed and less messy and is full of stuff that helps spermys survive
Taebo - sorry that you got a bfnI know how horrible that feeling is... I really do hope your BFP is just around the corner for you hon! On the preseed, I agree with GG - use less than they recommend on the packaging, otherwise you and DH will be slipping and sliding all over the place! But, I did find that using a little bit of it helped us when my CM dried up from the clomid - I guess it's a lot like using KY, but sperm-safe (and much thinner than KY). I hope I'm not getting too personal here, but as a suggestion, don't tell DH you're using it, and then he'll think you're super turned on, which turns him on more, and the psychological effect of that is more spunk and spermies when he shoots and scores!
Nevertogether - it sounds like you're having an awesome time with DH. I'm so happy for you that everything turned out well at the docs, what a relief! It's only a matter of time now before you and DH get that BFP - if only you could have more time together!!
Harrison and I are doing well - he's growing up like crazy and I've hurt my wrist from holding him so much! He's started to smile the last 2 weeks, and the delight of my day is waking up and looking at him, and he gets this big grin on his face. I'm over half way through my maternity leave now, which just depresses me, I feel like I'm going to miss so much of Harrison, as I can see now how much he changes every day. He never wants to sleep during the day and gets overstimulated and overtired - but he's an angel at night, still waking up, but only once, so I can't complain!