Hey everyone, yes both threads have been quiet- I have also been very busy with the holidays, kind of nice that they are over now, although they were very lovely.
Never- any updates?
Sweetmama- glad you are enjoying time with your OH, you deserve a great man in your life
Taebo- you are not old hon, you just had your boy super young!! Gosh I give credit to the young moms out there, I cant imagine- I was so independent and selfish and not into kids at all when I was young. Things have changed now, but it took a lot of years. So where are you at in your cycle? testing soon??
Joli- oh my gosh, what lovely pictures, he is SOOOO gorgeous and what a great looking family- my goodness are you ever skinny!! what was your secret to loosing weight after the baby?
thats too bad he isnt sleeping through the night but hopefully soon like you said and at least he falls back soon.
Ahh you poor thing about the massage although I do worry about you going back to work- if a 1 hour massage was so difficult, I cant imagine what a full work day without Harrison would be like for you hon....are you and DH able to reconsider you going back to work? I know one salary would be tough but its amazing what you can do to make it work.
also I'm not sureif you saw my previous posts but who does Harrison look like? I am thinking he looks a lot like your DH with the light hair and eyes but do you see some of your features in him too? He is a gorgeous baby- nicely done!!
as for me- doing really well, very tired today, slept almost 11 hours lol...but I will say it again, I have had a great pregnancy so far- minor annoyances but nothing compared to what some women get.
We have our 19 week u/s on Feb 7th and we are going to find out the sex

oh and wish me luck, I tell my boss I'm pregnant tomorrow

nervous a bit, he lives in Toronto, so will be telling him via phone.
better run