App results vs OPK help


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2016
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I use FF and Ovia, started using it last month. My question is (and forgive me for being new to all this and being confused) what should I pay more attention to, what the app says or what the OPT says? I have been getting faintly stronger lines since CD 13. Today (Thursday) is CD 15. I have been adding my BBT and CM religiously everyday. I started OPK on CD 10 and all that was showing was the control line. The test line started to faintly show on CD 13. So should I trust my O to what the app says or the strips?
Hello! I also relatively new to temping (I started midway last cycle). I did read Taking Charge of Your Fertility and found it incredibly helpful in understanding the process. Basically, the best way to determine if you have ovulated is by looking at your temp (a rise that is sustained for more than 3 days confirms ovulation). However, your temp only confirms that you have already ovulated. In order to determine when you are ovulating is a bit trickier. To know that you are ovulating or fertile, your temps sound be remaining below the coverline and your CM should become watery or raw egg-white consistency. If you are getting this type of CM right and your OPK's are getting stronger, I would think this would mean that your body is gearing up to ovulate. This CM makes the conditions optimal for sperm so this would be the time to BD like crazy so that there's a good pool of sperm waiting for the egg once it is released.

Word about OPK (again that I have gathered through research) OPK detect a surge in the LH hormone which is present 24-72 hours before you ovulate. However, some women's LH surge is very short so they don't test in time to "catch" it when it's positive. This does not mean that you have not ovulated though, only that you did not test during the right time frame. Hope this helps! x
Thank you for writing to me, it's much appreciated. I'm still getting used to the the whole FF app, but with each day I think it's making more and more sense. My CM these past few days has been watery. I have never have EWCM, so im guessing watery is as best as I can do lol. I am getting used to the difference in CM, however sometimes it's kinda tricky to me because it seems that a lot of times its in between creamy and watery for a while, so i don't want to note anything that I'm not quite sure of and give me false input/hope.

I went into this OPK testing being a bit pessimistic about how all this was going to happen, but these past 5 days have really opened my eyes. On CD 10-16 I wasn't seeing much, but on CD 16 the test line really made its appearance, but it wasn't enought to make it a +OPK. On CD 17 I finally had a +OPK! On CD 18 it looked the same as 17, but on CD 19 (yesterday) the test line was a lot darker then the day before. Now I'm on CD 20 it's still a +OPK but it bit lighter than yesterday. So my guess is that I O'd yesterday.
Yeah girl I feel the same way about cm, some days I'm just like "hmmm, none of the above!" lol Wow that's super encouraging to hear about the +OPK. This is my first month using them consistently. I started on CD14 (I have long cycles) and was surprised to see a pretty strong line...that started fading right the next day. My temps are still low so I guess I'll continue to test but I do hope they darken soon. Here's a pic of my OPKs so far
Temps trump everything. So follow the temp first and foremost. Did any of your opks get really dark? I find he best measure is to go <12 from when the opk is insanely dark and then starts going light again. I O 36 hours after my first CONSISTENT positive (get positives all day not just fmu, I test three times a day) or 12 hours from my very obvious positive peak. I have had surges not amount to O but typically I am under extreme stress of sick as I am gearing up to O.

Here are some of my opks, sorry for the quality. They were resized to post on CTP and then I took a screenshot lol. I confirmed O with bbt, but you can see how even though they are all positives that each batch has one that is much more positive than the rest. This cycle, I got positives with fmu for two days before I got my consistent positives and peak positives, so I don't even mark those two days down in FF as positive because then the app gets confused. I just put it in the notes.


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Temps trump everything. So follow the temp first and foremost. Did any of your opks get really dark? I find he best measure is to go <12 from when the opk is insanely dark and then starts going light again. I O 36 hours after my first CONSISTENT positive (get positives all day not just fmu, I test three times a day) or 12 hours from my very obvious positive peak. I have had surges not amount to O but typically I am under extreme stress of sick as I am gearing up to O.

Here are some of my opks, sorry for the quality. They were resized to post on CTP and then I took a screenshot lol. I confirmed O with bbt, but you can see how even though they are all positives that each batch has one that is much more positive than the rest. This cycle, I got positives with fmu for two days before I got my consistent positives and peak positives, so I don't even mark those two days down in FF as positive because then the app gets confused. I just put it in the notes.

Thank you so much for replying girl, I appreciate it :hugs: I had two days that the OPK test line was darker than the control line :happydance: I'll try to post a picture of the tests. I kept the OPK but I noticed that after a couple hours all the OPK strips (over the days) look the same, but when I test and read it in the time it says to its different.

I have been taking my temp everyday religiously, and today I had a major spike today. I'm thinking I O'd on the 13th. The last 2 days my results have not been nearly as strong. I'm still trying to find my groove with OPK and FF. This is the first month/first time using OPKs.

I'll try to post my results of my OPK strips on this thread soon
Yeah girl I feel the same way about cm, some days I'm just like "hmmm, none of the above!" lol Wow that's super encouraging to hear about the +OPK. This is my first month using them consistently. I started on CD14 (I have long cycles) and was surprised to see a pretty strong line...that started fading right the next day. My temps are still low so I guess I'll continue to test but I do hope they darken soon. Here's a pic of my OPKs so far

This is my first month using OPKs too. There's a lot to get used to because I've never used them before. I'm thinking I O'd on the 13th, my temp spiked big time today and the past two day my OPKs have been getting lighter. What CD are you on now?
I'd actually say you Oed 6/14. It went up but not enough to signal O on the 13th. The drop with the last temp makes me hesitant to confirm, but as long as it stays the same or increases tomorrow then I would confidently say 6/14. FXed!

I'm CD 24, 6 dpo. I Oed really early last cycle so I guess my body decided to O late this one.
I'd actually say you Oed 6/14. It went up but not enough to signal O on the 13th. The drop with the last temp makes me hesitant to confirm, but as long as it stays the same or increases tomorrow then I would confidently say 6/14. FXed!

I'm CD 24, 6 dpo. I Oed really early last cycle so I guess my body decided to O late this one.

I hope I will have a higher BBP tomorrow, FX. I will be happy if it rises just .01 lol. I didn't get the best sleep last night, I got 5-6 hours but it was kinda a rough night. I hope I'll get better rest tonight and get a better result tomorrow. Thanks for all the input and taking the time to write me. FX, I'll keep you posted.
Yay for the temp this morning! I'm confident 6/14 was O now. Def keep me posted!

Ty, mine would be a pullout baby. After the loss, SO isn't ready to try. So I'm just hoping it happens lol.
Yay for the temp this morning! I'm confident 6/14 was O now. Def keep me posted!

Ty, mine would be a pullout baby. After the loss, SO isn't ready to try. So I'm just hoping it happens lol.

Thank you! FF shows that it happened on the 14th, you were so right! I need to listen to you more often :hugs:

Now my FX that I will get a BFP. I'm trying to think when I should start testing. I have some cheapie pregnancy sticks that I will be using. I got them in this set I got on Amazon. It came with 50 OPK strips and 10 pregnancy test strips. I think I will use those before attempting a digital test or a regular HPT.
Lol well 7 months of intense charting experience. Gotten pretty good at it ;)

I would wait until at least 9dpo and even that is early. The longer you wait, the better but easier said than done lol
Lol well 7 months of intense charting experience. Gotten pretty good at it ;)

I would wait until at least 9dpo and even that is early. The longer you wait, the better but easier said than done lol

That TWW sucks! It reminds me of being a kid and waiting for Santa to come/Christmas morning. So in the case Santa better have heard of Christmas in June. So this would be a great Christmas present. Don't mind my weird sense of humor LOL. FX for us both. Sprinkling baby dust.
Not weird at all. I worked at a summer camp that dies Jalloween (Halloween in July) haha. If you can wait until at least 11dpo you would be best off. I'm already tearing because I'm a nut case
Not weird at all. I worked at a summer camp that dies Jalloween (Halloween in July) haha. If you can wait until at least 11dpo you would be best off. I'm already tearing because I'm a nut case

I am already wanting to know at 3 DPO. I'm going crazy. Yesterday and today my nipples are hurting bad, not the breast itself. Also for some crazy reason my boobs itch lol. That could be from the heat though, and my nose has been buger city lol. I'm thinking my allergies are playing with me because it's been so dry.

Halloween in July sounds so fun. That's a really cool idea. Are you TTC? I noticed you have the waiting to conceive, but how you're feeling sounds like you're TTC.
Officially, SO and I are WTT. My SO is on the spectrum and had the worst parents, so convincing him to TTC took a long time. Then, when it took 7 cycles that was just tough convincing him cycle after cycle not to give up. When we fell I was a raging b because I had a challenging pregnancy. We both got to points wherever our bosses were threatening to can us and I ultimately lost the pregnancy. I haven't been able to get him back on board since. He just got a promotion that involves him getting a few certifications, so he will never agree now for two years. So we used condoms for a while and now he pulls our. He made a mistake during my fertile period, so I am hoping for an oops baby. If our history was different and he wasn't autistic, I would feel really shitty about getting pregnant this way. But sometimes I have to ask forgiveness not permission with him on things he is too stubborn to admit he wants. He is so great with kids and got mad at me when I dared to say Riley Curry wasn't the most adorable kid ever lol.

He did say yesterday I am acting like I am pregnant as a passing comment (breasts, stomach, behavior) so hoping he is right.

My auto correct sucks lately

I have tested at 3dpo convincing my I Oed earlier lol but I only use cheap test before 8dpo
Officially, SO and I are WTT. My SO is on the spectrum and had the worst parents, so convincing him to TTC took a long time. Then, when it took 7 cycles that was just tough convincing him cycle after cycle not to give up. When we fell I was a raging b because I had a challenging pregnancy. We both got to points wherever our bosses were threatening to can us and I ultimately lost the pregnancy. I haven't been able to get him back on board since. He just got a promotion that involves him getting a few certifications, so he will never agree now for two years. So we used condoms for a while and now he pulls our. He made a mistake during my fertile period, so I am hoping for an oops baby. If our history was different and he wasn't autistic, I would feel really shitty about getting pregnant this way. But sometimes I have to ask forgiveness not permission with him on things he is too stubborn to admit he wants. He is so great with kids and got mad at me when I dared to say Riley Curry wasn't the most adorable kid ever lol.

He did say yesterday I am acting like I am pregnant as a passing comment (breasts, stomach, behavior) so hoping he is right.

My auto correct sucks lately

I have tested at 3dpo convincing my I Oed earlier lol but I only use cheap test before 8dpo

OMG girl, sounds like you have had quite a rollercoaster with this. From what you said, it sounds like he does want a baby, but he is scared because of his past. Women often have the will/want to procreate, its a natural thing with us. Men however want to be the breadwinner and want to be able to provide a decent life for his family. We often walk with our heads in the clouds and the men bring us back to reality about a mood killer on our part LOL. He will come around, especially with the hints you have been giving him and he obviously acknowledged you :thumbup:

Today I am very pessimistic. The reason is because of the BBT...yes the dreaded BBT, I'm having a love hate relationship with this thing. I usually take my temp between 6:30am -7:30am (within 30 minutes of the previous temp time) Yesterday, and I didn't think about this when entering my temp, I had to sit up...didn't walk around, just sat up. I then thought to myself, "Good going Ashley, smooth move you messed up you BBT' I sat there for 20 minutes and took it and thought that was my temp for the day, maybe? Today because I took my temp sitting up yesterday, I thought I would do the same today. at 6:30 this morning it was at (I think) 97.97 before sitting up, I laid there for a bit. (fell below the coverline I know that) and then I decided to sit up for 20-25 minutes with barely...I mean barely any movement, and got a temp of 98.31 at 7:30am. I'm about to go out of my mind and cry because the BBT is messing with me. I keep thinking that if it falls below the line that I'm heading for a BFN, and I'm at 4 DPO. I feel like throwing in the towel this month, and starting fresh next cycle.

I got to hand it to the woman that have been doing this for months, you all are awesome. I often wonder if it takes a while to find your own groove to taking your BBT accurately. I know..Im over thinking EVERYTHING, believe me I know. LOL

I'm wondering if I should delete the temps from the previous 2 days because I think they are inconclusive, any ideas?
Don't get too down just yet. Left you a lengthy reply over in tww as I hadn't quite made my way down here yet lol.

It's been shitty lol but that's what I signed up for. he has a ton of condoms, so the fact that he is pulling out instead of condoms is his way of saying but not saying he wants a kid. If he was dead set against it, he'd get a vasectomy or wear a condom. Or leave because he knows I want a baby by 28 and I turn 27 in a month.
Don't get too down just yet. Left you a lengthy reply over in tww as I hadn't quite made my way down here yet lol.

It's been shitty lol but that's what I signed up for. he has a ton of condoms, so the fact that he is pulling out instead of condoms is his way of saying but not saying he wants a kid. If he was dead set against it, he'd get a vasectomy or wear a condom. Or leave because he knows I want a baby by 28 and I turn 27 in a month.

Thank you so much for that lengthy reply on the TWW thread. I left you a nice response lol. I hope everything is stillness in good standings. Curse BBT lol. I feel like you need a masters degree to analyze it.

That's great to hear that he is doing the pull out method. I to would be more concerned if he was wearing condoms all the time. So that's a move in the right direction. I am 31 now and have been wanting a baby really bad these past 2-3 years but hadn't found that right one. My SO is so sweet to me all the time, always shows me he cares with his words and actions. I finally lucked out after kissing tons of toads LOL. I keep thinking about the number 35 and though I'm 31, it's best TTC now.

What symptoms are you experiencing? Like I said in the other post, I'm just having mild cramps 10-30 minutes at a time (some of them are so light I barely feel anything) but the big one is the sore nipples...ouch! It's cracks me up because it's just the nipples not the breast. However, though the breasts don't hurt they feel a little heavy...not too much though, just more than average for this time in my cycle. FX for us both. When is your AF due?
I'm happy with our progress. We went from no sex, to couldn't finish sex, to condoms, to pulling out, to making careless mistakes pulling out... He's the type who won't talk about it but then one day let his swimmers come to play. Pun intended hahahah a

I am so glad you found your Prince Charming! I can definitely relate. SO is no prince, but we compromise and work well together. We balance each other out. He's not romantic by nature, so the little things he does are a thousand times sweeter.

31 is a great time to ttc. I have tons of friends TTC between 30-35.

Um the big ones that are unusual are the sore boobs and size of my breasts. I just threw up my pizza lunch. Random crying/annoyance with SO. AF is due Thursday. I did get a bfp just now on a clear blue + but I have gotten false positives on those before

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