App results vs OPK help

To do the spoiler you click the insert picture button up where all the bold text button stuff is. Looks like a postcard with mountains. You need to upload it to a photo site. I use photobucket. Pop in the link and it will generate a code for you. Type [SPOILER*]picture code generated for you[/SPOILER*] without the * and

Or just attach it and put in the title that you have a tmi pic attached
To do the spoiler you click the insert picture button up where all the bold text button stuff is. Looks like a postcard with mountains. You need to upload it to a photo site. I use photobucket. Pop in the link and it will generate a code for you. Type [SPOILER*]picture code generated for you[/SPOILER*] without the * and

Or just attach it and put in the title that you have a tmi pic attached

I just posted the thread, I got confused with the spoiler pic thing (blame my brain with a hole in it from a brain tumor lol) i just added it as an attachment and included a play by play lol. I'm hoping this light preachy/pink spotting is a good thing, and I hope I don't get people leaving me rude comments (the last time I posted a pic, wasn't on this site though, I got a lot of rude remarks) so I'm hoping that won't happen on here.
Awww yeah some other sites can get pretty testy. I know rounding cycle 7 I was losing my patience a bit lol. That doesn't happen very often here though. And you are far from the first to post an ib picture. Trust.
Awww yeah some other sites can get pretty testy. I know rounding cycle 7 I was losing my patience a bit lol. That doesn't happen very often here though. And you are far from the first to post an ib picture. Trust.

Thanks girl :hugs: I'm starting to wonder if it is IB because there seems to be a little more and the color is back to bright pink. Grrrr. I have read posts and articles by people and a lot of them say that it's a little spot and then it's gone. Then I have read it can last 2 days. Ahhhhh! According to FF, AF is supposed to show on June 29th. I never bleed before AF. Except, last month I thought I was having IB because I thought I ovulated last month on the 9-10th and did the BD the day before that (girl I was so wrong). I look back and FF had me O on May 19th (CD23) and the spotting which I thought was IB, was just regular spotting the day before O. Which again I never get spotting...just last month and now this month...go figure. I'm keeping my FX though.
I think people who say it is more than a spot are having early pregnancy bleeding versus ib. I never had ib. There used to be a saying around here years back, I used to hate hearing it but now I totally get it. "You're regular until you're not." We can use our histories to guide us, but we work ourselves up thinking something strayed from the norm so we must be pregnant. I used to never spot before my period. Then out of the blue every period started with a day of spotting. Then one cycle j didn't. Another I had two days of spotting. Another I had spotting at 10dpo for one wipe. That's why I push the bbt so hard. It's the one thing that 13doo I cannot argue with. It's either up or down and I'm either pregnant or not lol. And this cycle looks like not so hoping you fare better than I did!
I think people who say it is more than a spot are having early pregnancy bleeding versus ib. I never had ib. There used to be a saying around here years back, I used to hate hearing it but now I totally get it. "You're regular until you're not." We can use our histories to guide us, but we work ourselves up thinking something strayed from the norm so we must be pregnant. I used to never spot before my period. Then out of the blue every period started with a day of spotting. Then one cycle j didn't. Another I had two days of spotting. Another I had spotting at 10dpo for one wipe. That's why I push the bbt so hard. It's the one thing that 13doo I cannot argue with. It's either up or down and I'm either pregnant or not lol. And this cycle looks like not so hoping you fare better than I did!

I'm keeping my FX for the both of girl. Spreading lots and lots of baby dust for you. I can quiet honestly say that I'm not bleeder, but I do agree with you and what you said. It's not till you start trying that you're paying attention to the smallest details. I can honestly say though that I don't bleed because I was taught early on to pay attention and look for bleeding because of my PCOS. I have had tons of ovarian cysts (haven't had one for almost 2 years). I had to track what CD I was on and note if I had any bleeding that could indicate a cyst pop. I had to do that since my mid teens...yep I have had to note that stuff for so long, so oddly enough I really have not hade bleeding until last month LMAO. I'm so laughing at this right now, it's a "go figure" moment.

Anyway, 7 DPO now and still bleeding very lighltly from yesterday afternoon, and it's still pink. However I'm feeling discouraged because my BBT the last two days as been lower than Sunday's BBT. I am still having tender nipples and cramping.
I'm thinking its AF. My temp is dropping and the one app that has always pulled through for me and been spot on with my cycles is saying I'm due tomorrow :cry: And my cycles always start out really light the first 4-5 days. FF has me due June 29th, Ovia has me due the 24th, and Period Tracker (the one I have been using for years) has me due tomorrow. I was the same exact way with the bleeding last month :cry:

I looked at my FF chart from last month (given I didn't start the FF charting till CD 16, so a little over half way) And this is what I see:

According to FF App

April 27th CD 1
April 27th-May 19th (CD 20) The Follicular Phase (Didn't start FF till May 12 (CD 16))
May 20th-25th (CD 24-29) Did have "Spotting" like bleeding May 23rd-25th (CD 27-29 4-6 DPO)
May 26th CD 1
May 26th-June14 (CD20) The Follicular Phase
June 15th-21st (CD 21-27 1-7 DPO) Luteal Phase (having/had spotting June 20-21 (6-7 DPO))

Spotting is looking like the beginning of AF, and if so I have really short Luteal Phases.
I'm sorry to hear that. I don't know much about PCOS. Is it possible you were Anovulatory? A 5 day lp seems short. I haven't heard of one that short. :(. Gave you talked to your doctor about ttc?
I'm sorry to hear that. I don't know much about PCOS. Is it possible you were Anovulatory? A 5 day lp seems short. I haven't heard of one that short. :(. Gave you talked to your doctor about ttc?

I wrote about this on another thread, and 2 nice women told me that my spotting doesn't count as a period, not till its reaching the pad and is bright red. I woke up this morning (3rd day now of spotting) and its still light. It kinda comes in waves where it is a little heavier and more pink. The color I have been getting the most off is a pinkish peach color. Today though I feel a bit more cramping *sigh for AF cramping* and I also feel nauseous with backaches, but feeling nauseous could be from me stressed/worried (worried about TTC and family issues...long story) I did research from the 2 women that wrote me on the other thread, and the one told me the having the short LP could be that I a progesterone defect (low progesterone). I wrote to my fertility specialist and told her everything from the past two cycles and to see if she can order a progesterone level on me. However she is out of the office till the 30th, so I need to wait a few days to get a response from her. I'm starting to think I should have seen her before TTC, and should make an appointment with her now. She also told me before that I would be a high risk pregnancy anyway between my history of a brain tumor, still having seizure activity on my brain (though I haven't had a seizure in nearly 21 years), My EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome-really rare disorder that attacks your muscle tissue and makes you hypermobile), and the PCOS. Grrr, I cant win in this life.
I'm sorry to hear that. I don't know much about PCOS. Is it possible you were Anovulatory? A 5 day lp seems short. I haven't heard of one that short. :(. Gave you talked to your doctor about ttc?

Oh and yesterday my BBT was barely above coverline, its up slightly today. I woke up drenched in sweat. Its up .07 degrees. Id rather have it slightly above the coverline than below.
Glad your temp is slightly up and that you are getting some solid advice from others. Is you fertility doctor a private practice or does she have someone covering while she is gone? Just wish you could get an answer sooner. So sport that things are less than ideal, and no use beating yourself up with the should I or shouldn't I game. My friend is of "advanced maternal age" and has endometriosis and they still told her to try for 6 months before they would do anything.
Glad your temp is slightly up and that you are getting some solid advice from others. Is you fertility doctor a private practice or does she have someone covering while she is gone? Just wish you could get an answer sooner. So sport that things are less than ideal, and no use beating yourself up with the should I or shouldn't I game. My friend is of "advanced maternal age" and has endometriosis and they still told her to try for 6 months before they would do anything.

I go to Kaiser Permanete for my healthcare and there are other doctors there I believe (there would have to be) but I have a really strange case with all my issues, especially the EDS and since she knows my case I think she would rather be in charge of my case directly than someone else. She knows my body best. I have been seeing her since 2012 I believe. She will get everything squared away. She's is pretty good with getting you in something ASAP if she has the lab tests to prove it. I don't think she would let me wait 6 months of TTC because she knows me to well and my case. She believes that why wait and take a gamble TTC, let's start you now and go from there. That's why I love going to her. Too bad you don't live in SoCal (and guessing you don't have kaiser) you would absolutely love her, so sweet and she has excellent reviews from patients who have conceived with her help.
Aww yeah I do have Kaiser. I used to assume everyone did but most ladies I chat with on here don't. It wouldn't hurt to reach out to the clinic, ask if there is any doctor she partners with. You might even get a response. I know when my gyn is out, even just for the day, another gyn will email me back. The great thing about Kaiser is that they have access to all your records, so they can get up to speed quickly. You definitely have to find that one that you bond with, but I honestly go in all the time to different gyns because for me time and date are more important than the doctor. I remember when I had my cyst pregnancy and I saw three different doctors in a week and each appointment was seamless. But once your regular doctor comes back definitely stick with her.

The one thing I do have to repeat is that I have high anxiety. I don't know how much access to psychiatry stuff the gyn has, because I always have to explain to a new doctor they I cannot just "sit around" or "wait it out" like most people can.
Aww yeah I do have Kaiser. I used to assume everyone did but most ladies I chat with on here don't. It wouldn't hurt to reach out to the clinic, ask if there is any doctor she partners with. You might even get a response. I know when my gyn is out, even just for the day, another gyn will email me back. The great thing about Kaiser is that they have access to all your records, so they can get up to speed quickly. You definitely have to find that one that you bond with, but I honestly go in all the time to different gyns because for me time and date are more important than the doctor. I remember when I had my cyst pregnancy and I saw three different doctors in a week and each appointment was seamless. But once your regular doctor comes back definitely stick with her.

The one thing I do have to repeat is that I have high anxiety. I don't know how much access to psychiatry stuff the gyn has, because I always have to explain to a new doctor they I cannot just "sit around" or "wait it out" like most people can.

The psychiatry records are kept confidential. Unless you sign a statement that allows them to have access to it. Usually when you do those you have to redo the paper work every 1-2 years just to make sure that you still give the rights to read your psych records. I know they do that because I had to do that for my neurologist and psychiatrist to converse back and fourth because of my medications. So you can do that, I would so your ob/gyn can better understand your metal state and work with you in a calm manner.
That would make sense. I'm pretty open about it, but I'm good not letting them all the way in lol. I don't need the judgey "should you REALLY be ttc?" comments in the gyn office lol. My psychologist is sweet. It's the psychiatrist that pisses me off. Anyway just ranting now. You're 8dpo! Getting close to testing time!
That would make sense. I'm pretty open about it, but I'm good not letting them all the way in lol. I don't need the judgey "should you REALLY be ttc?" comments in the gyn office lol. My psychologist is sweet. It's the psychiatrist that pisses me off. Anyway just ranting now. You're 8dpo! Getting close to testing time!

If you trust your OB/GYN you should sign a release of information form (I believe that's what it's called) you get the form and sign it there, writing who you give the right to to see you psych record. My therapy location is different, they don't have it with the rest of the medical offices because of the HIPAA laws. I know quite a bit about this because my mom works as a medical coder from a hospital. The OB/GYN can't say that because of anxiety reasons. Hell, everyone has anxiety. I'm on 3 different meds for anxiety because I can go into a feel anxiety attack from certain "triggers" as they call it. You got nothing lose by signing that, I think it will actually help/give you a peace of mind. Plus, if you take anxiety meds the doctors can converse back and forth in what they think is your best path when you get pregnant. Certain medications you can take while pregnant they just have to be at a lower dose and monitored. Given your circumstance, just like mine, you will have to see a high risk OB Doctor when that time comes because of you history of miscarriage. I will have to see one because of my EDS and PCOS as well as my history of seizures.

I'm now at 9 DPO, still spotting. Looked at last months chart and by the end of day 3 of spotting I was get AF. This time it's different (knock on wood) yesterday was my 3rd day of spotting but it stopped at late afternoon and I didn't have it the rest of the night. This morning @ 7 went to wipe once, nothing until a BM (TMI I know) and then I got spotting. But here's the funny part, yesterday my BBT was 98.13 this morning it's 98.63!!! Talk about a spike! The hollow dat is because I was sleep deprived. Kept having night sweats and hot flashes with a little bit of cramping. Now I'm really scratching my head girl. May my LT is normal. But I don't understand how the spotting stopped for the night and came back this morning. Grrrr, why must my body be so difficult? The spotting is still that really light pinkish/peach color. It hasn't gotten any darker (again knock on wood) I don't know whether to start feeling good about this or keep the AF is coming mind set.
Thank you for the info. I'm not on meds. My mom didn't want me medicated as a kid/ teen, and once I became an adult it was like I've been coping all my life so why start now? I ALMOST got on medication when s* hit the fan after I lost the twins, and I just couldn't deal. Nothing was helping. But by the time I got in with a psychiatrist and after the s* she said to me, I pulled myself up by my bootstraps with my therapist's help.

That is so bizarre that the spotting stopped and then came back, especially with a temp rise. =/ I really wish I had some insight. I have some bizarre spotting as well that I'm about to go post about in the TTC forum. But I feel like I will post and then AF will show to spite me lol. She's done that a few times. I say if you're temp is still high tomorrow to test, but I am a bad influence and an early tester.
Thank you for the info. I'm not on meds. My mom didn't want me medicated as a kid/ teen, and once I became an adult it was like I've been coping all my life so why start now? I ALMOST got on medication when s* hit the fan after I lost the twins, and I just couldn't deal. Nothing was helping. But by the time I got in with a psychiatrist and after the s* she said to me, I pulled myself up by my bootstraps with my therapist's help.

That is so bizarre that the spotting stopped and then came back, especially with a temp rise. =/ I really wish I had some insight. I have some bizarre spotting as well that I'm about to go post about in the TTC forum. But I feel like I will post and then AF will show to spite me lol. She's done that a few times. I say if you're temp is still high tomorrow to test, but I am a bad influence and an early tester.

I have had bad depression since I was 10 years old because of where my brain tumor was located, but it got so bad in high school. My mom didn't want to put me on anything till I graduated because she wasn't sure how I was going to react. Took Prozac for 13 years and suddenly I started getting all these weird rashes and doctors were thinking I had lupus, test results came back negative. Long story short I was having a slow and deadly reaction. Now I take cymbalta and it works pretty good. If your anxiety gets really bad they might put you on Buspar and/or Ativan. That's what I take. I can understand though not going on them, and bravo to you for staying strong through the miscarriages you had. I couldn't deal with that, I'd be an emotional wreck.

I know it's weird. It's been on and off today. Most of the time it's so pale/light you almost don't see it. Just went the bathroom again and had another BM (been having loose stools/diarrhea the past couple days) anyway after the pushing I wiped and there was the most spotting I've seen all day (in between a quarter and half dollar size) and this time it was a light dusty rose pink. I feel like my uterus has an on/off switch and my hormones won't leave it alone LOL. Also this morning around 2:30-3:00 I got a strong wave of nausea for about 5 minutes and then it was mild for a half hour. So I'm at a loss. I've had mild cramping. It may be just my imagination and wishful thinking happening, but my boobs feel a little different. The nipples don't hurt as much as they did, and my boobs themselves don't hurt, but they just feel different. I can't quite explain it, they feel a little heavier and more squishy for some reason...again it could be my imagination going wild.
Sorry was having a pity party. Hang in there! Hoping that temp bounces back up and isn't AF on her way :(

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