ah csunshine, that doesn't sound good, but hopefully they'll keep it monitored and should be fine
Can I join?
I am chele, 29, DH is 35 and we were trying for 10 months. I only had 7 cycles though because of my PCOS. I was due a short cycle this month - 38 days - but got my bfp instead. I went on holiday the same day so haven't seen my dr yet. I am nervous that i haven't had my cd28 bloods back yet and hoping my progesterone levels were ok. I am also worried that my HCG levels might not be high enough, as it took until about 18 dpo before my lines got darker on my ICs, so going to request some bloods when I see the dr next Tuesday
Baby is due April 13th I reckon, but not sure until they date me. My 30th birthday is April 7th so hoping my beany comes before or after, but not on the 7th
Very nervous, very excited, but very doubtful this is happening to me. Must keep up the PMA