April 2012 babies due!!! Who else is due in April???

CeeDee, not at all! I've seen horrible tears from vaginal births (did about 50 deliveries during my training) and several of my friends fractured their pelvis or sacrum that way (and have permanent sequelae years later). For me, the vaginal birth seems so much scarier! I nonetheless tried it, and it didn't work so I had an emergency C-section after 48 hours of active labour (my pelvis is too small, baby couldn't descend so I only dilated to 4 cm despite 24 hours of maximal doses of oxytocin). I healed very well, the scar is barely noticeable and I was doing sit-ups 6 weeks afterwards! I'm much more comfortable now with the trauma I went through in my attempts at a vaginal birth to go the controlled route and not let baby suffer like the first one did (her heart rate kept dipping and they were scared for her in the end).

18 weeks today!!! I've gained 10 lbs so far, which is much better than the first time around, I think I was up almost 16 lbs by this point. I started at a BMI of 19.5, so I realize I have to gain more than some women... I'm taking measurements every 4 weeks, my arms and thighs are still the same as pre-pregnancy (I worked really hard to lose the 40 lbs I had gained and only reached pre-pregnancy weight 2 weeks before I got pregnant) so I'm happy about that. My boobs have grown so much in the last 4 weeks! And my tummy, yikes!!! Will take a bump pic tonight, but this little guy had a MASSIVE growth spurt in the last week! Am now officially into maternity clothes...
Mbababy, Everything will be just fine at your scan. Are you going to find out the gender?

Saw my reg ob today and heard the heartbeat (154 bpm!!). Happy to say that despite an all inclusive week long vacation AND Thanksgiving feast during my last ob visit, I've only gained 2 lbs :thumbup: (I don't need to gain a whole lot).

Tomorrow morning is my anomoly scan...YES...definitely want to find out the sex. My reg ob has already guessed boy...so we're just waiting on the experts to make it "official". Either way, I will be happy as we don't have a preference :)

Hope everyone is doing wonderfully this week so far :flower:
I'm terrified of having a caeser too....with my second baby when I was in labour her heart rate kept dropping with every second contraction and the midwife told me that if it happened one more time she would stop everything and I'd be taken to theatre....I burst into tears, luckily baby came right and I had a NVB.
Yesterday I saw a video of a woman having an epidural put in.....yikes!!!!!!!
I have had 2 drugfree births and hoping to have another....fingers crossed!

mababy - good luck with scan....bet its a girl!
Ooooh I loved my epi!!! Wouldn't have survived the 48 hours of labour without one. I think it's important to keep an open mind, things don't go as planned all the time and that way you don't set yourself up for disappointment...

How did your scan go Mbababy? Mine is next Tuesday!
I am scared of a Csection too and would faint if I asked for an epi! LOL.

But on the other hand, this is my 4th baby, and I know what I am in for, and this time around I am older and have fibromyalgia...so I feel pain a lot worse :wacko:
true junebug, with number 3 my placenta was over my os, so midwife told me that I might need one and I prepared myself for it but at scan at 37 weeks it had moved, phew!

Dorian - how long since you had your last baby?
I guess I'm not made to have babies, my hips are too narrow and 100 years ago we both would have died...
I often think about things like that junebug....my eldest wouldn't be here if it she had been born 100 years ago.
Kirst, my youngest is 7yrs old! So it's been awhile.

Junebug, it's so amazing how wonderful technology and Drs and such have come. My first was born at week 35, he had to be on a ventilator for a few days...100 yrs ago?? I don't know if he would of made it.
Hi All...finally back from my scan.

Bad news first....the doctor found a condition with the fetus known as "persistent right umbilical vein". He didn't find any other anomolies and assured me that this was a "normal variation" and was not associated with chromosonal defects. He said in some cases it can be associated with heart defects, but they didn't see anything wrong with the heart at this point and I have to go back in 2 weeks...then monthly thereafter so they can monitor this closely. I couldn't stop myself from crying...and the doctor was a real jerk...kept saying "I TOLD you this is a NORMAL variation!! What are you CRYING for!!" Ugh...:cry:....that made me cry even more. It was awful.

The good news is that they didn't find anything else...and believe me, they really looked. Baby is measuring 1 week ahead of schedule..and has a nice strong heartbeart (154). And it is confirmed that I am TEAM :blue: . Apparently he is already a thumb sucker (see pic attached).

I'm hoping that Junebug knows something about this condition, and may be able to shed some light on it. I'm at work right now sobbing...as the more I read about this on google, the more upset I feel.


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:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: First of all congrats on team blue :dance: :dance: :dance:

Mbababy, I can't believe how insensitive the doc was :cry: That is horrible.... He is right though, most babies with RPUV are completely fine! However there is a small risk of cardiac, kidney or brain changes though, but these would have been picked up on the complete scan you have, other than mild heart changes which is likely why they want to see you again soon and monitor you closely. I'm sure it'll turn out to be nothing!!! During my first pregnancy, I also had an anomaly of the umbilical cord which in 1 out of 10 cases was associated with trisomy 18, so I know exactly how you feel right now :cry: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Thanks for the positive response, Junebug. I really appreciate it. My biggest concern right now is whether or not to have an amnio. The doctor said that the condition was not associated with chromosonal defects, but since I've been here and doing my own research, I've found info. on line to the contrary.

He asked me at the end of the appt. (when I was a blubbering idiot) whether or not I still wanted to opt out of the amnio. I asked him "Why would I opt for the amnio? Does this latest finding mean the baby is more at risk"? And he said "No...I'm just providing you with your options". It was weird. What was even more strange is that right before I left the appt., the receptionist shoved this paper in front of me and said "We need your signature here declining the amnio" and the form said something like "Even though you have been determined to be at increased risk...blah blah". I said to her "I'm at an increased risk now??? When did that happen?" and the doctor came over and said "No...you're still low risk...the form just says that...".

Normally I would have stayed and argued a bit more, but I was still upset and didn't feel like staying there in a room full of patients. I'm awaiting a call back from my ob...but still sitting here upset about the whole situation. Your post definitely did help though, Junebug. It certainly sounds like you've seen this diagnosis before, which makes me feel better for some reason.
Mbababy, first of all congrats on Team :blue: :happydance:

Secondly, I am sorry that you have this worry now from what they've found. But please try not to worry, as Junebug says this sounds like all is usually fine. And at least they are going to be monitoring things for you and you are going to get to see your little guy regularly :thumbup: What a jerk that doctor was though :growlmad: Absolutely no need to speak to you like that :nope:

I have my scan at 9am on Friday - quite nervous, just hoping all is ok x
I am still baffled by the robotic response of some medical staff. He sounds like he has no bedside manner at all!! I would stay away from google if you can (easy for me to say I know!) I would let the professionals handle things, the fact that the condition is so normal must give you some relief. You are going to get another chance to see your little boy which is a bonus...Please keep us updated on what the OB says. You have a tough decision to make regarding the amnio - I think you need to follow your heart hun. X x
Definitely stay away from google as there is so much misinformation out there! And yes, i've seen this so far 3 times: moms did have amnios for reassurance, all good, and fetal echocardiograms, also all good :hugs:
Congrats on team blue MbaBaby!! And big :hugs: That Dr is so insensative! I'm sorry. It sounds like things will be fine, at least they have a great chance of being that way. Try concentrating on that and not on the 'what ifs'...I know, easier said than done.
Congrats on team blue mbababy, i was sure it would be a girl for some reason...I was wrong, lol.
What a dick that doctor was....hope you dont have to see him again! So glad we have junebug on this forum to shed light on things like this! Huge hugs chick!

Dorian - 7 and a half years was my gap between daughters 1 and 2....even though number 2 was a much wanted baby sometimes I struggled with the fact that there was such a huge age difference. Now they are 14 and 6 and its difficult some days but its well worth it!!
Thanks Kirst, I have a 6yr gap between child 2 and 3, they are great friends. So that is helpful. My oldest is 17, he is wondering if he and the new baby will be good friends, with such a large age gap. But I assure him that he just has to spend time with baby and play with him as he grows, and there shouldn't be any problems.

We are a close homeschooling family. So even with oldest going to be going off in the world and working/etc soon, he can still be close to the youngest, if he tries.
Congrats for team blue, mbababy! I’m so sorry you were upset about your babies condition. Hopefully everything will be fine. :hugs: Doctors just don’t get it.

Nat0619, Good luck with your scan.

Dorian, My sister has a 16 year gap between her oldest son (17) and youngest daughter (1). They are so tight, he’s actually her favorite sibling. When she wakes up at night, he’s the one that puts her back to sleep.
Awww, that's so sweet Ceedee. thank you :)

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