April 2012 babies due!!! Who else is due in April???

20 weeks today! Only 18 weeks until C-section. Wow is this ever going by fast!!!

I'm exhausted, my toddler has decided she no longer wants to sleep :nope: She's not napping (despite being so tired she falls alseep on your lap), and then she cries and cries at bed time, and wakes up often at night. I really hope this is all teething and she goes back to being the wonderful sleeper she was by the time this little guy gets here!

I've had a hard time getting excited about little baby boy clothes. It seems to me (after having a girl) that there isn't much out there that is cute for baby boys :shrug: I hate the camo stuff, the clothes with monsters, trucks, sports, etc... Why can't a baby boy just be a BABY?? I'm getting irritated. I think I like the Baby Gap and Gymboree stuff best, but of course that is the priciest... Will try a second hand shop to see if I can find good quality stuff that I like without paying a fortune.

Oh and ladies, little dilemma: we had decided that 2 is enough, and DH was going to get snipped after this one... Well now I'm having doubts, especially after my work colleague who is my age announced she is expecting her third... Obviously we'll hold off on the snipping and tubal ligation (which I was planning on requesting at the time of the C-section). But how do you know for sure you can handle more than 2? I can't even imaging a toddler with a newborn right now, I'm surprising myself by being broody for a third WHILE pregnant with our second! Any advice would be greatly appreciated! I think a big part of my hesitation stems from the fact that I would have ideally liked to be all done with pregnancies by the time I'm 39, which would be impossible if we want a third: I'll be turning 39 6 weeks after this little guy comes...

Welcome skier!!! Another fellow Canadian :)

Mbababy, LOVE the name choice, and so relieved to know my memory wasn't lapsing :haha:
Hi Ladies! I hope it's ok for me to join in, I think I finally feel ready to stop lurking and start chatting. This is our first baby and we found out about 2 weeks ago that we are having a little girl! :cloud9: I've been so nervous about everything going well that I've been a bit slow in getting too excited, but as we start adding baby furniture into our spare room the excitement is growing. Anyways I hope you all are feeling well! :flower:

Congrats and welcome!! :happydance: I'd be happy to update the first post with your info...when is your due date?
Junebug, I definitely can't provide you any advice as this will only be my first, but I will be watching intently for replies to your dilemma...as I've been wondering the same question myself about whether or not to have just one or try for 2. Best of luck in your decision :thumbup: And I know what you mean about baby boy clothes options....what is it w/ monkeys, puppies and trucks as options...and that's it?? :nope:

Dorian...best of luck on your upcoming appt. I'm sure everything will go great! Btw...what is a "B" belly?

Kirst, I can understand the double initial thing. I never thought picking a name would be as hard as it was! :dohh:

Ceedee, glad to know I'm not alone with the ring issue....I was able to get them on this morning...but at this point it's touch and go for sure..:nope:

Maple, best of luck on your appt tomorrow....looks like we both have appts. for the same thing on the same day (looking a lil one's heart more closely). I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you!!
Thank you so much for the warm welcome!

Mbababy ~ My due date is April 12th. I'm hoping to go a to that date or a little longer as the ski programs that I run finish on the 8th of April :wacko:

Maple Leaf ~ Good job on waiting to find out the gender! I maybe could have waited but there's no way my husband would've been able to. :haha:

Junebug ~ I kinda know what you mean about wanting more while pregnant...I haven't been sure if I'd want more than one, but I'm really starting to enjoy this pregnancy and could easily see myself doing this again. In that I don't have any kids yet, I'm not sure what we're in for....

For those who have been pregnant before, did you have any other scans after the 20 week anatomy scan? I'm finding it hard to think that the next time I see our little girl is when she's here!
junebug - when I was pregnant with number 2 I thought that she would be my last but a while later got all clucky again so had a talk with hubby about it and after a month or so made him see that it was a good idea.....over 2 years later number 3 came along. Hubby said that he'd get the snip but then chickened out and I told him I wasn't getting my tubes tied unless I had another baby....so here we are. I always imagined myself with 3 children but here we are with number 4 baking away.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you are truly not sure, dont do anything too rash....wait and see how you feel a year or so later. Good luck with the decision!!

skier - with my first baby I only had 2 scans....a dating scan andan anatomy scan at around 20 weeks.
With number 2, I had several as my uterus wasn't growing and they needed to monitor the size of baby.
With number 3, I had to have another one after my 20 week one to check on the placenta because it had a lobe on it that was covering the os.
With this one, I've had 3 scans already and will need at least one more to check on baby's kidneys as they were dilated at the anatomy scan.
It depends on what else they need to check I guess and how generous you ob/gyn is feeling, lol!
Thanks kirst, that is pretty much what I have been thinking... :hugs:

Bump pic posted in the bump thread :flower:
Hi Ladies :flower:

Wow, I've missed a bit on here! Best of luck to those who have appointments coming up. I've got midwife on Friday, only seems 5 minutes since I saw her last time :wacko: Pregnancy is suddenly going very quick!

OH and I have booked a short break away together next week :happydance: We're off to Bruges in Belgium for 2 nights, go on Wednesday 21st and return on Friday 23rd. Typical that the big news on TV two days after we booked it is a mad gunman in Belgium :wacko: Thankfully the nutjob killed himself at the end of his rampage so isn't still around!

Welcome to the April club Skier :thumbup:

Morning Ladies,

A 'B' Belly is one that looks like the capital letter B when veiwed from the side. LOL. Us women with more weight than we should have, often get them...so I read.

Junebug, that is really hard decision. I love kids, and would love to of had 5 or 6 kids(I've had 6 pregnancies, but this is my fourth viable one). I've always wanted a large family though. I come from a family of 4 girls.

It can be hectic at times. Especially if they are close in age like yours. My kids are all spread out age wise, so maybe that was easier? I don't know. In some ways I guess so, and in others I would think having them closer in age would be better.

But, the bottom line. If you are contimplating it now, DON'T do anything rash for a year or so. And talk, talk, talk...keep that communication open with dh.

Good Luck!

Hi Nat! have a great trip.

OH!!! Week 24 is V day, RIGHT???!! WOOOHOO....I made it!!!!
Dorian, got a late start on things, only met DH when I was 35, married at 36, had first baby and turned 37 only 5 days later, now 38 expecting second and will turn 39 only 6 weeks after he arrives... I wouldn't put it off more than 1 year, with every year that goes by the risk of chromosomal problems increases dramatically (yeah, it's at the forefront of my mind given my profession as a medical geneticist :haha:). So if we go for a #3, we'd be definitely looking at 3 kids under the age of 3.5 years... Ouch! Plus, as the main bread winner for our family, financially every unpaid mat leave I have has a huge burden on us as well, with more and more debt accruing... It is definitely not an easy decision!
Hi All! Good news at my echocardiogram appt. this morning....NO HEART DEFECTS DETECTED!! :happydance: We are so relieved. They looked for over an hour so I swear I held my breath the entire time. Baby will still need to be monitored for growth until birth, but today ws a good day and doctor seemed very optimistic. Best of all, we got to see lil one waving and kicking again, which is always so nice to see.

Dorian, thanks the the explanation on the B belly...although i'm still not sure if I have one...:wacko:

Junebug, we're in a similar situation to you in that if we decide to have another one, we need to do it sooner rather than later (like right away!!). People are already asking us if we're planning to (it's like...we'll let you know when we know!) :dohh: There are always so many factors involved. For us, one of the biggies is daycare. We have no family around here, and one munchkin costs $1600/1800 a month, so 2 is quite the financial burden. I don't know...definitely not easy :shrug:

Nat, have a great trip to Belgium!!

Skier, I've had 5 scans so far (would have been only 4 so far, but there was an issue at my 20 week which required another). I'm guessing that before this is all over, I'll have had 10..maybe even more. It's a little crazy to be honest.

Maple, hoping your appt. went well today....:hugs:
YAY Mbababy! Great news, glad the heart is perfect! :hugs:

Yup, daycare here is also 1600-1800 per child per month... We've decided to hire a nanny to come to our home (not live-in), that is 1800 per month so half the cost!
Yay. So pleased your appt went well. Mine was great too. The technician was a lovely lady and got what she needed within minutes. She then let me have a good look at the baby and I got to listen to the HB 141. I had a really good look and couldn't see any boy parts floating around so I'm still convinced its a girl. (thought so since day one!) I was in and out in 15 minutes.

Junebug, I can only re-iterate what others have said. Don't rush into anything. We had completed our family 9 years ago after the birth of my son, Max....and look at us now. Lol
Awesome, Maple! Glad everything went well with your appt.!

Junebug, we have thought about a nanny...and would definitely have to think more about it if we decided to try for #2. How do you like having one? Was it difficult to find one when you decided that was the route you wanted to go?
YAH, great news on the appts today Ladies!! Thats awesome :thumbup:

Junebug, yes, it is a big decision. And I'm sure genetic problems are forefront in your mind. Having 3 little ones so close in age can be very hard, I'm sure. Good luck with it all.

Skier, my pregnancies are usually pretty normal (until about week 35. lol). So a U/S on my first appt usually. Then one at around week 20. Sometimes an extra one around week 24 (depending on the mw. My fav MW was going to give me a peek, just because, at my appt last week. But I had the other MW for that appt, and she didn't give me a peek! LOL) And then maybe one in week 35 or so.

It really just depends on the Dr/MW, if everything is going well with the pregnancy, as to how many scans they'll do.
Mbababy, right now my sister is my nanny (we're paying her as if she were an employee and declaring her income to the government as we would for anyone else). We are doing the word of mouth approach to find a new one come September. My sis will be leaving us May 1st when my hubby is done his school program (5 hours away from home!), DH and I will be both home full-time from May-August, then hopefully he'll find a job as a teacher starting in September and our new nanny would start then, to help me out...
Nat - enjoy you time in Bruges!

Mbababy - Glad everything was good at your scan!

How is everyone sleeping just now?? I find when I wake up for the toilet in the night it takes me ages to go back to sleep, and then when I do its not very good sleep. So frustrating!
Morning everyone,

Kirst, sleep?? What is that?! ugh. The arthritis in my hips (and I suspect in my knees now too!) keep me up. I fall asleep on my left side, a few hours later wake and roll to my right, an hour later, roll back to my left...and on it goes all..night..long.. pillows don't help, hot water bottles don't help, Tylenol doesn't help :wacko: Sigh~ Thanks for asking though. lol

Mbababy, B belly...my stomach area (above belly button) is starting to nicely round, the area bellow my belly button is nicely round...my belly button area is set in more, so my roundness is in two parts...like the letter B...does that help??? lol. I am NOT taking a picture...but there are other B belly pics on the forum...
Junebug, I hope everything works out for you in your new search. It must be wonderful having your sister as your nanny right now!

Kirst, I have not had good quality sleep in awhile. I am a back sleeper normally, so because I can't sleep on my back, I am constantly shifting from one side to another. I feel like I go pee about 100 times a night too, which doesn't help :nope:

Dorian, thanks for the B belly explanation...I guess I learn something new everyday! :)
I sleep like a rock, since I'm getting less of it thanks to my teething toddler :haha: I still sleep on my tummy. MUCH more comfortable for me!

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