i havent been on for a while, i went to the docs on Monday with a sore hip and when he examined my tummy i had tenderness on my lower right side and he was worried about an ectopic,
When I came home from the docs I was on the setee and couldne move where he had pushed in an found the tenderness, i was in complete agony for about 4 hours and then it started to settle a bit
it was nearly gone this morning but still slightly sore, i thought for sure it was an ectopic i was so gutted,
Ahhhh nightmare, he got me booked in fairly quickly in the EPU this morning and I got a scan,
Everything is perfect so far and a perfect little heartbeat aswell, I am so relieved i cried and kept moving and she couldn't get her measurements lol
The mw said the pain might have been a simple cyst that maybe burst when the doc pushed onto it and caused the pain but nothing to worry about,
I got a pic aswell, im soo happy now i could burst lol