April 2018 mummies!!

Good afternoon ladies and congrats to the ones who've recently joined in! Not much to update on myself. I've just been feeling very minor cramps on and off. Kind of feels like things are stretching and growing. But the main thing that has hit me all of a sudden within the past few days is the exhaustion! It doesn't matter how many hours of sleep I get at night, I'm still exhausted throughout the day, and that's a bit hard to deal with when trying to entertain a 3 yr old all day as well. But I'm still super ecstatic so not complaining too much. :)

DH and I have been talking a lot about the names we like. So far for a girl, I like Sadie Cheyenne and he likes Sadie Jade. And for a boy, we can't decide on either Colton Gage or Drake Ronan. I'd love to hear what you all think? Also, have you decided on any names yet for yours even though it's still so early?
Good afternoon ladies and congrats to the ones who've recently joined in! Not much to update on myself. I've just been feeling very minor cramps on and off. Kind of feels like things are stretching and growing. But the main thing that has hit me all of a sudden within the past few days is the exhaustion! It doesn't matter how many hours of sleep I get at night, I'm still exhausted throughout the day, and that's a bit hard to deal with when trying to entertain a 3 yr old all day as well. But I'm still super ecstatic so not complaining too much. :)

DH and I have been talking a lot about the names we like. So far for a girl, I like Sadie Cheyenne and he likes Sadie Jade. And for a boy, we can't decide on either Colton Gage or Drake Ronan. I'd love to hear what you all think? Also, have you decided on any names yet for yours even though it's still so early?

Those names are adorable! I really like Drake Ronan. We've got a few picked out, but we're pretty set on Scarlett for a girl and Isaac for a boy. :) It seems like forever away that we get to find out the gender!
Good afternoon ladies and congrats to the ones who've recently joined in! Not much to update on myself. I've just been feeling very minor cramps on and off. Kind of feels like things are stretching and growing. But the main thing that has hit me all of a sudden within the past few days is the exhaustion! It doesn't matter how many hours of sleep I get at night, I'm still exhausted throughout the day, and that's a bit hard to deal with when trying to entertain a 3 yr old all day as well. But I'm still super ecstatic so not complaining too much. :)

DH and I have been talking a lot about the names we like. So far for a girl, I like Sadie Cheyenne and he likes Sadie Jade. And for a boy, we can't decide on either Colton Gage or Drake Ronan. I'd love to hear what you all think? Also, have you decided on any names yet for yours even though it's still so early?

Those names are adorable! I really like Drake Ronan. We've got a few picked out, but we're pretty set on Scarlett for a girl and Isaac for a boy. :) It seems like forever away that we get to find out the gender!

Thank you!! It seems like everyone we've mentioned Drake Ronan to like friends and family don't really seem to like it, but we love it! Oh and I love the name Scarlett by the way! That's our 3 year old daughter's name lol! Scarlett Grace. :)

And yes it does seem like forever until we get to the gender scan, but have you heard of the at home test called sneak peek? Apparently on the website it says it's 99% accurate and you get your money back if it's wrong, but they need a prick of blood and you send it to them after they send you the kit and within a few days they tell you the gender. It starts at 9 weeks. I've mentioned it to my husband and we aren't sure if we want to try it or not. It would be awesome to find out so early though!
Good afternoon ladies and congrats to the ones who've recently joined in! Not much to update on myself. I've just been feeling very minor cramps on and off. Kind of feels like things are stretching and growing. But the main thing that has hit me all of a sudden within the past few days is the exhaustion! It doesn't matter how many hours of sleep I get at night, I'm still exhausted throughout the day, and that's a bit hard to deal with when trying to entertain a 3 yr old all day as well. But I'm still super ecstatic so not complaining too much. :)

DH and I have been talking a lot about the names we like. So far for a girl, I like Sadie Cheyenne and he likes Sadie Jade. And for a boy, we can't decide on either Colton Gage or Drake Ronan. I'd love to hear what you all think? Also, have you decided on any names yet for yours even though it's still so early?

Those names are adorable! I really like Drake Ronan. We've got a few picked out, but we're pretty set on Scarlett for a girl and Isaac for a boy. :) It seems like forever away that we get to find out the gender!

Thank you!! It seems like everyone we've mentioned Drake Ronan to like friends and family don't really seem to like it, but we love it! Oh and I love the name Scarlett by the way! That's our 3 year old daughter's name lol! Scarlett Grace. :)

And yes it does seem like forever until we get to the gender scan, but have you heard of the at home test called sneak peek? Apparently on the website it says it's 99% accurate and you get your money back if it's wrong, but they need a prick of blood and you send it to them after they send you the kit and within a few days they tell you the gender. It starts at 9 weeks. I've mentioned it to my husband and we aren't sure if we want to try it or not. It would be awesome to find out so early though!

Wow! That sounds interesting! At least you'd get your money back if they were wrong! I'm so squeamish at this sight of blood, I'm not sure I could do it!! :dohh: And that's awesome that your daughter's name is Scarlett! You have good taste in names. :haha:
Hi ladies!
I haven't been here in awhile and quite frankly I didn't think I'd be back so soon, but surprise! We're expecting #4, I got my BFPs on the 14th and according to the calendar calculators we're due on April 17th....

We did want 4 kids, and so fingers cross it sticks and we'll be done, we just weren't expecting so soon, but things worked out differently I guess lol

I'm just kind of feeling overwhelmed as we have 3 kids already, 10 7 and our smallest just turned 3 and heading to Headstart, I was looking forward to some space to focus on me, but I guess we'll have to wait until our new one heads off the Headstart... but the upside is we can start focusing on big family events after and vacations ^_^ We've been holding off planning any Disney trips or major road trips until we were 'complete' because we didn't want any our children to miss out on anything :)

We are also hoping for less stress as my 2nd child, Alex, was early, very very early and we had an emergency c-section so we were very paranoid when we were pregnant with Logan... I've gotten myself a Sonoline B fetal doppler, I'm anxious to use it but I know we're no where near the time frame where I can find a heartbeat yet...

Thank goodness for school starting up soon, it'll be a big distraction until our first ultrasound/appt on the 14th of Sept ^_^

Also, congrats to all the mommies and their BFPs! ^_^
Hi ladies!
I haven't been here in awhile and quite frankly I didn't think I'd be back so soon, but surprise! We're expecting #4, I got my BFPs on the 14th and according to the calendar calculators we're due on April 17th....

We did want 4 kids, and so fingers cross it sticks and we'll be done, we just weren't expecting so soon, but things worked out differently I guess lol

I'm just kind of feeling overwhelmed as we have 3 kids already, 10 7 and our smallest just turned 3 and heading to Headstart, I was looking forward to some space to focus on me, but I guess we'll have to wait until our new one heads off the Headstart... but the upside is we can start focusing on big family events after and vacations ^_^ We've been holding off planning any Disney trips or major road trips until we were 'complete' because we didn't want any our children to miss out on anything :)

We are also hoping for less stress as my 2nd child, Alex, was early, very very early and we had an emergency c-section so we were very paranoid when we were pregnant with Logan... I've gotten myself a Sonoline B fetal doppler, I'm anxious to use it but I know we're no where near the time frame where I can find a heartbeat yet...

Thank goodness for school starting up soon, it'll be a big distraction until our first ultrasound/appt on the 14th of Sept ^_^

Also, congrats to all the mommies and their BFPs! ^_^


My last baby was a 27 weeker so I understand the fear there:hugs:
Feeling so anxious !

When I have cramps I'm worrying if they are ok but then when I fee nothing I worry too !

Right now I'm not feeling any symptoms as not even that tired although earlier today I really was feeing groggy ! Can't wait till I'm further along and hopefully get to see baby on early scan. Doesn't get easier the more times you do this apparently !

I'm exactly the same.
If I wake up and feel normal I worry
And if I get cramps I rush to the toilet!

I think it's pretty natural to feel this way, let's hope it passes quickly and can move on to a better stage.

My test stash has almost run out, I'll have to run to Tesco later to get more!

When do you think you'll do your first scan?

My husband is on a stag next weekend so he wants to wait til after that, I'll be 7 weeks then.
Feeling so anxious !

When I have cramps I'm worrying if they are ok but then when I fee nothing I worry too !

Right now I'm not feeling any symptoms as not even that tired although earlier today I really was feeing groggy ! Can't wait till I'm further along and hopefully get to see baby on early scan. Doesn't get easier the more times you do this apparently !

I'm exactly the same.
If I wake up and feel normal I worry
And if I get cramps I rush to the toilet!

I think it's pretty natural to feel this way, let's hope it passes quickly and can move on to a better stage.

My test stash has almost run out, I'll have to run to Tesco later to get more!

When do you think you'll do your first scan?

My husband is on a stag next weekend so he wants to wait til after that, I'll be 7 weeks then.

Hey :)

I know - today I'm feeing pretty normal and ok which is nice but also worries me ! Yesterday morning I had a little bit of a temper tantrum and cried and that worried me that the stress I felt might cause a problem. Silly really !

I have used all tests apart from one cv digi . Hubby bought a pack of 2 so I could check progression and I got 2-3 2 days ago so that's nice :). I am 5 weeks tomorrow .

I am thinking of booking a scan for 8 weeks - I have to go to uni for 3 days just before 8 weeks and do an exam so I hope it will be something to look forward to after that !

Do you think you will do any further scans there ? Like early gender or 4d? Xx
Hey, guys :)

Apparently right now I think I'm due about 24th April 2018 and am just over 4 weeks pregnant right now :) hope I can join in
Good afternoon ladies and congrats to the ones who've recently joined in! Not much to update on myself. I've just been feeling very minor cramps on and off. Kind of feels like things are stretching and growing. But the main thing that has hit me all of a sudden within the past few days is the exhaustion! It doesn't matter how many hours of sleep I get at night, I'm still exhausted throughout the day, and that's a bit hard to deal with when trying to entertain a 3 yr old all day as well. But I'm still super ecstatic so not complaining too much. :)

DH and I have been talking a lot about the names we like. So far for a girl, I like Sadie Cheyenne and he likes Sadie Jade. And for a boy, we can't decide on either Colton Gage or Drake Ronan. I'd love to hear what you all think? Also, have you decided on any names yet for yours even though it's still so early?

As someone that grew up as a massive boyzone fan
I think ronan is a great name!
Feeling so anxious !

When I have cramps I'm worrying if they are ok but then when I fee nothing I worry too !

Right now I'm not feeling any symptoms as not even that tired although earlier today I really was feeing groggy ! Can't wait till I'm further along and hopefully get to see baby on early scan. Doesn't get easier the more times you do this apparently !

I'm exactly the same.
If I wake up and feel normal I worry
And if I get cramps I rush to the toilet!

I think it's pretty natural to feel this way, let's hope it passes quickly and can move on to a better stage.

My test stash has almost run out, I'll have to run to Tesco later to get more!

When do you think you'll do your first scan?

My husband is on a stag next weekend so he wants to wait til after that, I'll be 7 weeks then.

Hey :)

I know - today I'm feeing pretty normal and ok which is nice but also worries me ! Yesterday morning I had a little bit of a temper tantrum and cried and that worried me that the stress I felt might cause a problem. Silly really !

I have used all tests apart from one cv digi . Hubby bought a pack of 2 so I could check progression and I got 2-3 2 days ago so that's nice :). I am 5 weeks tomorrow .

I am thinking of booking a scan for 8 weeks - I have to go to uni for 3 days just before 8 weeks and do an exam so I hope it will be something to look forward to after that !

Do you think you will do any further scans there ? Like early gender or 4d? Xx

They do a package I think they didn't look too bad, and I like that you don't have to pay it all at once
So I think I will.
I had early and a gender scan there last time.
It nicer that going to the hospital and waiting ages to be seen!
Good morning ladies. 5 weeks today and feeling a little nausea. I've ran out of frers to test on for progression (which I plan on doing until my first appointment) but I do still have a few wondfos left. This is from this morning. I'm posting for anyone who has an obsession for looking at pics of tests like myself lol. How's everyone else doing today?


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Michelle I'm a day behind you :)

When do you typically start to get morning sickness ? At the moment I have more 'dodgy tummy'! It's nothing extreme but it's been sort of constant for 2days now- just fee a bit grotty. Have had the odd wave of nausea but not sure if that's pregnancy or not ... usually when I'm feeling hungry .

Michelle I'm a day behind you :)

When do you typically start to get morning sickness ? At the moment I have more 'dodgy tummy'! It's nothing extreme but it's been sort of constant for 2days now- just fee a bit grotty. Have had the odd wave of nausea but not sure if that's pregnancy or not ... usually when I'm feeling hungry .


HI! What you've described is pretty much how I've been feeling as well. But from what I've read, morning sickness and nausea usually doesn't kick in full force for about another week or so. I don't really have anything to compare it with since I literally only had one day of feeling morning sickness with my daughter. I'm kind of hoping this pregnancy will be the same way but I know they are all different so we will see. Do you have a first appointment scheduled yet?
I don't no ! I think I'll call on Monday .
I will have a booking appointment at around 8-10 weeks I believe and then they arrange a scan for 12-13 weeks .

It still doesn't feel real! How about you have you got the ball rolling with appointments ?
I don't no ! I think I'll call on Monday .
I will have a booking appointment at around 8-10 weeks I believe and then they arrange a scan for 12-13 weeks .

It still doesn't feel real! How about you have you got the ball rolling with appointments ?

I agree, it still doesn't feel real! I just have a very basic first appointment scheduled on the 28th pretty much just to confirm the pregnancy with my general doctor. Then they will refer me to an obgyn to schedule my first ultrasound.
FB group is a great idea :)

Still mega sick here and still spotting.

Hope everyone is ok:baby:
I don't no ! I think I'll call on Monday .
I will have a booking appointment at around 8-10 weeks I believe and then they arrange a scan for 12-13 weeks .

It still doesn't feel real! How about you have you got the ball rolling with appointments ?

I agree, it still doesn't feel real! I just have a very basic first appointment scheduled on the 28th pretty much just to confirm the pregnancy with my general doctor. Then they will refer me to an obgyn to schedule my first ultrasound.

Where in Cali are you located?
I'm in for the fb group too,

I can't keep up with the posts on this!
I don't no ! I think I'll call on Monday .
I will have a booking appointment at around 8-10 weeks I believe and then they arrange a scan for 12-13 weeks .

It still doesn't feel real! How about you have you got the ball rolling with appointments ?

I agree, it still doesn't feel real! I just have a very basic first appointment scheduled on the 28th pretty much just to confirm the pregnancy with my general doctor. Then they will refer me to an obgyn to schedule my first ultrasound.

Where in Cali are you located?

San Diego. You?

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