April BD's BRING May BFPs!!

Cassidy- Yay! I'm glad you got the tea! It does actually taste pretty good, sometimes I would put a little honey in it just for something a little different. I gave my sister the tiny bit that I have left since she's been on an 80 day cycle, poor thing. I'm glad DF is feeling better too, I want you to get your :bfp: next month so we can be bump buddies!
So I was telling my mom about our medical stuff I found out about iui vs ivf today (yes I tell my mom everything!). She thinks I should tell my grandma our financial issue with ivf. My grandma is very wealthy. She thinks grandma might help. Since grandmas joy is great grand kids and extending the family.... I wouldn't tell her details, just that this is our only option to get Prego. I feel bad going to her for this, but my mom thinks she would want to help. I'll wait a bit, but thinking about it.
Nikki- Keep us posted with the results. FX his SA comes back great,

Rachel- How terrifying! I couldn't imagine having to go through an ordeal like that.

Amanda - If I ovulate it will probably be around may 8th.

Cassidy- I am glad DF is feeling better! I've been thinking about trying the tea but I'm not sure. I was on red raspberry lead pills and vitex for months and months with no helpful results. Aren't those the main two things in that tea?

AFM- I am already fretting over this month being anovulatory. On cd7 my pattern is temp dip for o months or a temp rise for anovulatory months. This morning was a temp rise :(. It wasn't a very big rise so I'm hoping that is a good sign. I am trying not to stress too much. If it is anovulatory, there isn't anything I can go but wait.

Anyone read anything on how to kick start break through bleeding just in case? I remember reading something about don quai helping with that.
Cassidy, so glad to hear that OH is feeling better! I hope it stays that way. Hopefully AF doesn't show this month and you get a bfp!

gold-- I hate feeling like a "beggar" but sometimes, I think a generous family member is worth getting in contact with, especially if it means that you get a baby and they get more great grand babies!

Nichole-- that soon! :) I hope you O!

I just ordered virilitea and fertilitea for both OH and I! It should be here in just a few days! OH is gone all weekend so Its probably best that I don't get a pos OPK anytime soon!
Waves - I can't imagine how frustrated you are! Time must just drag on wondering if AF is going to come, or if you are ovulating, or if you are in fact knocked up! Only time will tell, but this is why I stay away from hormonal BC... I had the Paragard, hormone free IUD, and my cycles didn't miss a beat. After I got off the pill it took 18 months to have a predictable cycle! I swore I would never go through that again! I'm sure that won't happen to you. Apparently my body doesn't react well to hormonal influence.

Thanks! After this, I want nothing to do with birth control anymore... aside from condoms or whatever hahaha.

Waves- I know how it feels- it seems for some reason the majority of girls get such early BFPs, even though all of the studies show that is not the case. Emily and Ashlee are two prime examples of late BFPs!!!

Definitely! I see so many ladies posting (some even bragging) about getting their BFP at 8, 9 and 10dpo so when I'm feeling ridiculous pregnant but getting BFN at 12dpo, it sucks haha. It's depressing but it could be worse so I shouldn't really complain.

Tested twice again today, BFN. When I tested this evening, my urine smelled a lot different/stronger than usual. My boobs have been killing me all day. They feel similar to when my milk came in after I had my daughter - just heavy and achy. Also several times today, I would get so lightheaded that things went black and I thought I was going to pass out. I've been lightheaded many times before from standing up too fast but it usually passes quicker than it did today & never feels so strong. FX it's just taking awhile for the hormone to build up haha.
Waves- those are some great signs!!! FX for you!!!

Oh I forgot to mention, my Little Champ is doing great and a little piggy. I attached a pic of him. I've also attached pics of a little man I saved tonight, he was living out with his mama and sibling at a restaurant right next to the freeway :/ His sibling is much more skiddish so I wasn't able to get him/her tonight- but I got my hands on this little adventurous guy and i'm sure he'll be socialized and find a home in no time.


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Cassidy, they are SO cute! What do you do with all the kittens? do you rescue and rehome them? You're making me want a kitten now! Maybe two! ps i love that someone is wearing a local brewery shirt-- my best friends dad was one of the original founders of that brewery! ha.

Waves- I hope you get a bfp soon! it must be so frustrating not knowing when AF is going to show up, if at all. hormone BC's are nasty!
Haha, that's me rocking the shirt!!! ;)

And yes, I rehabilitate them if they're unhealthy, deworm them, give them their first shots, and then find them new homes :)
Baaaaah I love kittens-- that sounds like heaven! I want a kitten so badly now

Does anyone else check their CP? I just did and I rarely do, so I really have nothing to compare it to, however, my cervix was higher up and firm. There was no "squish" per se. Anyone have any insight on checking CP?
With my CP I can never tell a difference between the firmness/softness of it. I can feel when it's open and tell when it moves high up. High and open = go time/o time! lol
Interesting, thanks! It's pretty high and closed now. Will see how it is tomorrow/ Sunday and if it changes with a pos opk.. Aka, if I'm feeling it correctly!!
Nichole- here's what it says on the back of the package:

"Chasteberry (Vitex): Stimulates the hormones involved with ovulation and helps restore female hormonal balance.

Red Raspberry Leaf: A potent fertility-promoting herb and a highly nutritive ingredient

Green Tea: A powerful antioxidant to promote reproductive health.

Ladies Mantle: Helps regulate the monthly cycle and tone the cervix.

Nettle Leaf: Rich in vitamins and minerals that are critical to good reproductive health

Peppermint leaf: Gives it delicious flavor and serves as a sexual stimulant!"

Morning girls!

Went for my two week follow up yesterday-I can't even believe it's been two weeks...anyway, turns out the baby had Trisomy 16 (an extra copy of chromosome 16). Trisomy 16 is actually the most common abnormality in pregnancy loss. it happens completely randomly. My boss was so "happy" this was the case. The absolute "best case scenario of a shitty scenario". Has absolutely zero implications for us and future pregnancies. Completely unavoidable, completely no one at fault and an extremely low chance that it would ever happen again.

So happy to have some peace of mind...
Oh, AND...cleared for sex!! Woo!! Like I said I'm scared it will hurt so maybe a couple glasses of wine will help but time to get back at it! :)

We were very, very lucky to catch the eggie the first month we really tried so hopefully my cycles will behave and well have those two lines again in no time!
Rachel, I'm so sorry to hear about your wrist issues! :hugs::hugs::hugs: Prayers and FX'd that it feels better soon!

Cassidy, I'm so glad to hear your DH is doing better, yay! :happydance: Prayers and FX'd that he continues to mend swiftly!


AFM: I've been feeling overwhelmed and struggled with depression the last couple of days, although I feel much better today after scheduling my consult with the FS for Friday May 3rd. They are award winning specialists in endo and fertility, have great success rates without turning people away, and people travel from across the state to see them, so I have confidence in them to do as good for me as possible and I feel like I'll be in good hands. They even have information videos on youtube and they seem friendly and confident and the staff seems real nice (the people I've talked to on the phone have been super nice and got back with me right away). They also have a money back IVF program (if I need that and hopefully I should qualify).

I've also got DH's SA scheduled for Mon May 6th, and we plan to go out to eat at the restaurant of his choice to salve the embarrassment.

Then on Fri May 10th I have a regular checkup with my gyno (I thought my last appointment was supposed to be a regular checkup and fertility checkup but they didn't do the pap smear and whatnot). My gyno ordered the SA but wasn't filling me with confidence wrt handling the fertility stuff (the lab he referred me to for the SA doesn't do that kind of stuff any more), so I went ahead and scheduled the FS appointment (my insurance is "open access" for seeing a FS so I didn't need him to refer me). Plus, since I'd need to go to the FS for the lab work, anyway, I might as well just see them and save some steps and do it all with them, and I'd rather have the FS take care of the fertility stuff to begin with.

I don't know what my chances are going to be, right now. What I most hope for is that I can carry a PG, whether my own or donor embryo. Of course, I also hope my eggs and DH's sperm are usable. And it would definitely be nice if all we needed was meds. FX'd [-o<
Disney, glad to hear the good news that you are cleared for BD again and that you got "the absolute best case scenario of a shitty scenario" news. Prayers and FX'd that you get your rainbow baby soon! :dust:
Cassidy-They are so cute! Super big props to you for doing that! I would love to do something like that but I don't think DW would go for it lol

Amanda-I believe that when it's hard it feels like the tip of your nose, when it's soft it feels more like your lips. I can't reach mine, so I can't really tell you for sure, that's just what I've read. I look at mine with a speculum, so I just check to see if mine is open or not. They say you should check it for a full month to really see how it changes. I only check mine from cd10 until I O now, but I checked it everyday for the first few months to really see what the pattern was.

Nikki-How is your friend doing, the one who made the suicide call?

AFM-Went for my cd21 bloodwork yesterday, so I should know about my progesterone levels sometime next week.
I got my meal plan for next week. I eat the same thing everyday (boiled egg, 1/2c of plain oatmeal, turkey sandwich, yogurt, fish, brown rice, asparagus, protein shake, no condiments). I'm ok with that though, it's just going to be hard reducing calories that much! I talked to her about why those certain foods were recommended not to eat. Basically everything has to do with my mineral ratios. My body is not using things like it should. So, certain foods are avoided bc I have too much of that mineral or things with fat are avoided right now bc my body is breaking that down correctly either. So, she's basically going to help level my minerals back out. After that I can start adding those foods back in. She gave me 3 basic rules:

1. Eat every 2 hours and within an hour of going to bed (slow metabolizers burn up to 400 calories at night if they eat protein before bed).
2. Eat protein at every meal.
3. Drink 96-108 oz everyday of non-caloric beverages.

I'm going to be eating and drinking much more often than I'm used to lol I'm excited to get started though :)
Disney-So glad to hear the news gave you some hope :) I'm sure you guys will get preggo again in no time!

STG-Good luck! At least you'll be getting some answers and be able to form a new plan :)
Cassidy- I literally went SQUEE! when I saw the pics of the kittens :haha: I always melt when it comes to kittens. You saving them and finding them a good home is amazing. My family use to foster animals when I was younger. We always had a house full of puppies and/or kittens. All of my animals have been rescues. I have so much respect for you :thumbup:

I am the same way with my CP. I can never tell the firmess. It always kind of feels the same to me. I guess I feel some softness when O is coming but I don't put it because I am really not sure.

ST- I am sorry you have been feeling depressed :hugs: The specialists sound really promosing! Keep us posted on what they say and the results on your DH's SA.

Julie- Wow, that's all really interesting. I was always told don't eat 3 hours before bed. When you say eat protein before bed, do you mean like a hard boiled egg or a greek yogurt? I always drink 100oz of water a day. I got into the habit from when I lost all that weight a few years back. Get ready to go to the bathroom ever 1/2 hour :haha:

Good luck on your weight loss! It is definitely a hard thing but so worth it. I need to start working on my diet the most. I have been having a massive sweet tooth lately. It also doesn't help that I have my family members requesting baked good since they know I love to bake. I HAVE to try what I bake to make sure it's good lol.

I created my own weight loss motivation wall. I wrote out the numbers 215-150 so I can X out every pound I lose. Put up saying likes 'The few minutes of happiness junk food brings doesn't compare to the lifetime of joy being healthy and thin will bring' and 'If my husband can fight through cancer, I can fight through 30mins of exercise'. I wanted to post pictures of clothes I really want but cant fit but I ran out of color ink.

AFM- nothing new, just waiting to start testing on opks. My temp went down a little and are looking pretty uniform so far. I am super excited by this. My temps are looking like an O month :happydance:. Keeping my fingers crossed that they stay like this.
Hey Ladies -

Nichole - that sounds like a very inspirational wall! Good job! I hope you O this month!! Fx for you!

STG - I hope you get some answers when you go to the FS. I went in March during my 8th cycle. So far they have been great and I've gotten mostly good answers. I'm still waiting for them to tell me about my blood work even though I know the results...Thats good that you are going to award DH with dinner out....maybe I should try that.

Cassidy - OMG I love cats!!! Those kittens are soooooo cute! I almost wanted to pet my computer screen.

Julie - mad props to you for trying out the diet thing. Ahhhh I love food too much. But I have been packing on the pounds myself lately. I got off work early so I am headed to the gym in a bit.

Kara - Yay for being cleared for BD! Also glad that you got back good "bad" results. Where are you at in your cycle?

AFM, my wrist is feeling so much better! I took 2 doses yesterday while I was at work, nothing last night and nothing today. I figured that I'm only going to take it if it gets bad again since it can cause fertility issues. I should O tomorrow, but I'm not OPKing or temping so who knows. I do have ewcm though so I know it is coming. As far as checking the CP, I used to do it a lot but I've given up on a lot the last few cycles. I can tell the difference in the position and whether it's firm or soft, but usually can't figure out the open vs closed. To me, if I can push it and it moves or feels squishy, then it's soft. Anything else is firm. I rely more on my CM now.

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