April Blossoms - how is everyone?


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Jun 3, 2010
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Hello :flower:

I'm due 5th April and 2nd tri seems to be dragging!

Our original April thread fizzled out and I wanted to check in on how everyone is getting on!

Hope everyone is well!
Hey! I'm due April 7th also with a little boy. So far everything seems to be going well. Although I had to repeat the AS because they didn't get good pictures since he doesn't stop moving what the dr did see he said looked good.

I have been having terrible insomnia and wake up for hours every nights unable to go back to sleep.. then Im exhausted in the morning.. thankfully my husband's great and let's me sleep in a lot! But it beats 24/7 morning sickness and headaches so I'll take it!

He's stubborn and will not let my husband feel him kick. He stops the moment my husband touches my stomach every time.

Hope all is well with you!
Hey Ceri, how are you, hope you are well?

I'm good! Taking iron supplements which is starting to have some effect thankfully as I've been so tired. The opposite of you Happy - I was sleeping 11 hours each night and still struggling to get through the day! Apart from that, all is going well. Baby is a wriggler, despite my anterior placenta I feel them so much :cloud9: DH has also been able to feel baby kicking about! We are going to start putting the nursery together over Christmas - so excited!!!
I was just looking at the fizzled-out April thread too lol! I'm due April 23 with a baby girl :cloud9:

Sorry you girls are feeling so exhausted. For me 2nd Tri has been a lot easier than 1st Tri, feels like I'm finally getting to enjoy this pregnancy.

Mrs Unicorn, I have an anterior placenta this time too, and I'm finally feeling baby more, but DH hasn't felt her yet.
I've also got a wriggler! I feel him dancing all day, even during manic moments at work!

I've got insomnia! 🛌 It's awful - I go to sleep pretty well, even though I'm shattered come 4pm! Then I'm awake every night by 2pm. Im working full time, full on, so get very tired! I've also got some pretty good size to my bump already so it can be uncomfortable.

Anyone got names yet? Me and hubby don't like the same kind of names, which is annoying! We have a few that we both like, but not love. We'll see!
I'm due 6th April with a little girl. I'm feeling ok. Just tired a lot. My son is a year old tomorrow so going to spoil him rotten :)
Hello lovelies!

All is well here. Due on the 24th but projected delivery date should be the 21st. We found out the gender at 14+5 but are keeping name and sex a secret. :p I'm feeling the best out of all my pregnancies minus my HG which is still going strong. I'm fine if I take medicine but the moment I stop, all hell breaks loose. Baby is pretty gentle with me though getting stronger. DH and DD got to feel kicks and they are starting to become visible from the outside.

We're getting so excited to celebrate the holidays. I know after the holidays, this pregnancy is basically over. Sad as it's my last but so excited to meet this sweet babe. <3
Pitakat- I think I was 22 weeks before DH managed to feel baby, and it's only been a couple of times since. I'm sure it won't be long for you now.

Ceri - remind me again, did you find out the gender?

Lula - happy birthday to your ds!

We have names picked out (we are team yellow and not telling anyone the names) for a girl it's Ivy Esme and a boy Isaac Oscar. It's strange because I've always felt it's a girl but I've had so many dreams since being pregnant where it's a boy! Wonder if the old wives tale of it being the opposite of your dreams is true?
We're having a boy! DD is very excited!

I've been feeling movement for a while now but only the past few weeks on the outside. DD keeps feeling it and talking to it but hubbys not overly bothered! Lol!

24 weeks today! Happy V day to me!!! &#127882;&#127881;&#127880;
Not really! The only name that we both like and can agree on is Max! It is growing on me, especially when I put the full name together - Maxwell George. When we chose DDs name, I had actual shivers when I said it all together! Not sure if that will happen this time- boys names are tough!
Happy V Day, Ceri! Maxwell is a lovely name :thumbup:

We've narrowed our list of girl names down to 25 :haha: but DH is ready to commit to Evelyn. I'm not sold yet, but we have lots of time to discuss it. We had already decided on a first name of James if baby is a boy, but looks like we won't be using that!

Mrs Unicorn, I loved being team yellow with my first two babies and picking out a boy and a girl name!
there is a group on facebook which is why the thread here probably died down!
All of my baby stuff is in a storage unit up by my parents (the intent was to have all of the baby stuff up front so we could get it if needed but the movers didn't pack it in that way!) so my dad stopped by today to see if there was anything he could grab and bring down to us...i have a bassinet and a pack and play in there somewhere along with all of the baby clothes (girl, mostly, and we're having a boy this time but for sleeping in who cares?) and it's not visible!! Boo.
Ceri - Max is a lovely name. And you're right, we struggled with a boys name too. I think we had just the one boys name we liked, and about 15 girls names!

Pita - I love Evelyn too! But, like you say, there is plenty of time before you need to decide. I wasn't keen on Ivy at first, it was DHs choice, but the more I thought about it the more it grew on me. Now I love it!
Had a little read through as I was originally on the April group but sadly had a MC. So glad to hear you are all doing well.
I am expecting a May baby now :)
Congrats marypoppins! Sorry for your earlier lose, but congrats for your rainbow baby! Hope all is going well!

Pitakat - one of my best friends has a little girl called Everlyn and I love that name! It's so pretty and quite versatile with nicknames.
Due April 25th here. With a baby girl!!!
Ds cant wait to have a little sister and is very involved I just love it!

Ds was 10days early (im only 5ft so he just had nowhere to go:haha:) so we think this one will come around the 14th April. Ive just got a very small frame and baby girl is already a measuring bit chunky and squashed in there :haha:

Im enjoying 2tri more as have got HG but im no longer sick just have food aversions which is easier to cope with :thumbup:

However I am finding pregnancy itself much much tougher a second time round what with still having to keep with ds's schedual etc..
Its been a very different experience for me this time round but last time I will be pregnant so trying to enjoy it as much as I can :shrug::haha:
Hi :wave: glad 2nd tri is treating you better than 1st! MS is horrible without it turning to HG so I bet your glad there's no more vom! That's definitely been the worst part for me- the sickness was so intense this time I struggled to see the light! Mine finally went away somewhere around 18/19 weeks. I still have heightened sense of smell which is annoying! Especially as I work in a nursery with babies! Lots of smelly nappies and puke!
How is everyone doing? Trucking along here, finally told DH's family at Christmas that we're expecting again and they're very excited! :)

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