**April Bunnies 2015**

I am the same now in 1st tri...only crave carbs and hate my usual proteins and veggies. Hoping I can go back to normal in 2nd tri. I liked how I was with healthy food! Grilled or baked fish/chicken and veggies.

Some things do taste different...can't quite put my finger on it but they do! I also really like noodles this pregnancy!
I'm off salads and veges. All I want is carbs too.

Pregnancy does weird things lol.

With dd I ate salads in 1st. This time.. Nooooopee
We just used disposable liners with cloth, but if you're breastfeeding you don't need to worry really as the poo just dissolves! I loved cloth, and always remember being SO confused feeling like I was learning a new language or something at first, but by the time R was born I was fluent and advising other people :rofl: I really love all the steep learning curves that come with parenting!

I've found some food taste different to me. It breaks my heart!!

It's my (24th!) birthday tomorrow and we're off on a little holiday, so I'm not sure how often I'll be able to get on, so sending you all love and congrats to those who have found baby's hb!
Thanks Oswin! I think we will use disposable liners out and about.

I'm officially creeped out ladies. I was lying in bed this morning and I could feel this slow, creeping feeling going across my abdomen. It felt like if you have a bug crawling across your skin. It was the grossest feeling in the world!! I know it's supposed to be cute and whatever, and I never felt like it with DD but I am finding these subtle movements so creepy!
Perplexed- I know what you are talking about. I gained over 60 lbs. with my son. Before that, I was already critical of my body and my weight. At the end of my pregnancy, I just wanted to be a healthy weight. I didn't care about how skinny. And it took me 2 years to get the weight off. But it felt good in the end. I am trying to watch myself this time so that I don't have to struggle like that again. And it would be great to feel really fit during pregnancy. I've heard the more in shape you are, the better your labor is. I hope to find out how that is.
I like what you said about appreciating your body. I think somehow pregnancy changes our view of our bodies. Somehow we can accept that a body doesn't have to be one specific way to be beautiful.

Xanzaba- YES! Food has been tasting different to me since about 5 weeks and it just keeps getting more and more that way. It started out with pickles being disgusting to me. That broke my heart, because my nickname as a child was "pickle" because I love to eat pickles that much. And just this week, after eating my favorite key lime greek yogurt for the past few weeks, I did not like the taste. It was too sour. I tried another one thinking maybe it was just that one. But it wasn't. I just didn't like the taste anymore. I cannot stand steak at all this pregnancy. Ground beef is okay, but I seem to only want it once during the week and then I don't want it at all after that. I prefer grilled chicken right now as the only meat I really want. Another funny thing that is different is that I want my pasta in a light olive oil sauce and not tomato sauce. My husband made pasta last night. And I hadn't said anything to him about not wanting tomato sauce (since he's cooking I am thankful and don't want to be picky), but I was SO thankful when I saw he made an herb sauce with olive oil for it. I am a little sad that I am losing a taste for some of my favorite foods. But I'm also glad I have healthy cravings. I don't seem to like salmon either. My husband made that the other day and I didn't like the taste of it. I am not at all concerned about my lack of interest in proteins. I just think it's one of those things that just happens when you are pregnant sometimes.

Oswin- HAPPY BIRTHDAY (early)!! I hope you all have a great trip!

Maggz- That is great that you found the heartbeat! I bet it brings to much joy to hear that little heart beating away. :)

Northern- That sounds like a very strange feeling. Do you have to stop and remind yourself that's the baby and not a bug? I could imagine that would feel very different. I never felt my son in the beginning. So, I am kind of excited about anything I feel. Although I think my baby may have changed positions. Because I was feeling a lot the past few days, and starting last night, the movements started getting more subtle again. Boo

I hope everyone is having a great day! All of nausea and fatigue seems to be gone now. I haven't felt sick in days. But the food aversions just keep getting more intense. AND my bump is getting bigger. I don't think I will be able to hide it next week. I am in my last pair of non-maternity shorts and they are getting tight. I need to go shopping. I need to find shorts because it is very hot here.
Oh jeez- That was another long post! Sorry to be so long-winded again.
I had to come on here and share this! After I mentioned about how I can't hide the bump much longer. I just went to take a picture to compare it to last week. And holy moly! I have popped out! I want to post last week's picture with this week's one to show the difference. I can't believe how much my bump has grown already. I also got on the scale and am down 2 lbs. So maybe I just have water weight fluctuating.


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Wow, Rebecca! That's some bump you have there.

I'm going between wanting to see the bump and being glad it's not obvious. For my job, November to January is really important, and I'll be applying for jobs this year. I'm not sure how much it would impact getting hired, as I would only start at the earliest late next summer, but you never know how people will react. I seem to be doing well between being tall and wearing dark colors and scarves. Fortunately my boss, who I had to tell because of the early issues, is super supportive and keeps telling me I don't look pregnant. She just had a baby in May and really knows how to reassure a pregnant woman :)
Northern, I was about to ask the same question about cloth diapering. So thanks for asking and thanks ladies for sharing your experiences. I'm kind of torn. On one hand, I would love to use cloth. I have a good friend who did and swears her baby never had a diaper rash, and it was just a very positive experience. Also, I try to be pretty environmentally friendly. But then another part of me thinks, Ugh, I'm going to be getting used to soooo much new stuff as a first time mom. Learning to breastfeed, not getting much sleep, trying to heal up after labor, without having to think about doing laundry all the time. I think I will just buy some disposable newborn diapers, then take it from there. If I feel like it's manageable, then I'll try out some cloth after that.

Rebecca, what a great bump! Now I am curious if I took a picture if mine has grown too! Oh, and never worry about writing a novel! I like to read everyone's thoughts and musings.

Thanks all for your feedback about weight gain/loss. I love the conversation that followed about body image and how having a baby changed some of your feelings about your body. I have never been super fixated on my body. Like most women, always wouldn't have minded losing about 5 lbs, but not really worried about it. But I think it's so great to hear how your perspectives changed. I feel like being pregnant and having a child really shows you the marvel of your body in a way you'd never appreciate otherwise. "Are you kidding? I created a human? My body's amazing!!"
Cute bump! I don't feel like I've changed since last week so I'm not taking a weekly pic.
Great bump pics. Amelie your picture reminded me I've lost one of my sea bands and it's driving me nuts! I hate it when I lose things.
I have my NT scan results back and everything is fine. My baby looked amazing with a strong heartbeat of 170 and was given the following odds:
Trisomy 21 - 1:4771
Trisomy 18 - 1:11350
Trisomy 13 - 1:35688
Everything was low risk so I won't need additional testing. These results are great considering I'm 35 and that had an impact on the odds.
And here's a picture of my beautiful baby O:) I'm so in love!

Welcome Sher!

How many weeks days were you for the Ultrasound?! Your baby is beautiful. :)

I was 11 weeks & 5 days but the baby measured ahead at 12 weeks & 2 days with 5,85 cm O:)

I was going to say! Your baby looks much more developed than mine. (It actually amazes me the difference between 10.5 weeks & 12.5 weeks, it's literally the difference between a baby blop & a real baby!)

What was the babies heartbeat? :)

What a cute picture! My baby's HB was 170. What about yours?
I agree, what a difference in just 2 weeks!

179 at 10 weeks 3 days
Okay, had to post a few pics from my appt today. I feel kind of bad for you ladies who haven't gotten to see your babies yet. But then I though, well I hope instead of feeling bad, you like to see pics because you know your baby's about the same stage!

Baby wouldn't let us get a good profile shot, because it had its hand up around its face the whole time. So here's one that looks like it's playing "Peekaboo", one that doesn't show the body too well but you can see the fingers and toes so well, and the best profile we could get. :)


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Aw those are so cute sarah!

Those are some great bumps Amelie and Rebecca! :) I kinda wish I would just start showing... so much waiting lol.

As for cravings I'm completely opposite to some of you! I only want meat, I don't even want sides I just want a steak and bbq sauce :haha: As for carbs I like bread and can eat a lot of it and sometimes I want straight up pasta, tomato based though! DH was craving alfredo the other day and I was like eww haha. Then I made risotto with our steaks on Monday and I couldn't even eat it it smelled so gross to me!
I'm completely off chicken, I used to buy rotisserie chicken all the time and use throughout the week and I just cringe at the thought of it. So weird!

I guess they want what they want, the babes ;)
Aww gorgeous scan pics and bumps ladies! My bump is beginning I think !

I got weighed at my booking in appointment and was 2 kg heavier than pre bfp! I gained so much with ds I think about 3 stone eek and only lost 1 stone before this pregnancy so I have my work cut out for me after this baby lol

It's voting day here in Scotland !!! 15 mins left until voting ends and tomorrow we could be an independent country. Exciting night here out in the streets :)
And I have to add I've been dying for some Indian food! Usually I love mexican but the thought of burritos or enchiladas grosses me out right now, however, indian or even chinese sounds so appetizing! Curry, tikka masala, fried rice... yummy in my belly
I love the scan pics! I keep telling myself that by Oct 30th I'm going to have a very well formed kiddo in there!

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