**April Bunnies 2015**

Fab pic sarahok!

I'm sorry, I'm a rubbish contributor to this group. Every time I log on there's pages to scroll through and I don't have the time or energy to do that often. DD is 21mo and is going through some sort of sleep issue, so I'm especially tired :( Sorry, I'll try harder.

This is a tough age! I keep coming across people with similar aged LOs and we all seem to be having sleep issues! I feel your pain! But don't feel bad about not contributing often!

Northern sorry to hear about anxiety issues. I really hope the doctor can help.

Eidson good luck with the upcoming scan!

Ssjad sorry you aren't feeling so confident about your pregnancy. I felt that way for a bit. Being given the doppler and finding the heartbeat really helped!

Sara lovely picture! I kind of wish I was still showing like my first pregnancy instead of this belly that I can't hide anymore! I caught one of my male colleagues having a look and I wanted to shout 'no I'm not fat, I have not been overinduldging'

One more day of work for me and then I get my lovely 7 days off! Hopefully dh and dd are better before we fly on Thursday!
I flew at 5 weeks 7 weeks and 20 weeks with DD1. It just made me throw up a lot!

I don't have a lot of choice but to regularly pick up. 30lb+ 3 year old and. 25lb 1 year old.

My DD1 was really whiney just before DD2 was born and I remember walking a mile home, 38 weeks pregnant with DD1 balancing on my bump!
The 1st ob I saw this pregnancy told me not to pick things up. I told her I already have a 9 month old and she said well you can't avoid picking up your child but don't carry other things. I haven't wanted to go see her since & went somewhere else instead...
Hi ladies- I've missed a lot! We were out of town for a long weekend away.

Last night was awful- we came back to a soaking wet carpet in our bedroom. We called maintenance and they came while we were out and just put a fan. Well, when we came back it was worse so we called them back and they lifted the carpet and saw there was a leak in the apartment next door. But to lift the carpet they needed everything off the floor. DH was moving furniture so, without realizing how heavy it was, I tried to help him by moving the fan. I knew right away that it was a mistake- I had this stitch in my side and had to lie down. Then later DH got upset because when he asked me to do some of his laundry, I didn't realize he wanted his shorts washed. He got angry and I told him from now on he could do his only bloody laundry.

Well, a couple of hours after all of this, I had a gush of bright red blood. I was so upset I told DH it was his fault for getting me upset. He was really sad, but I just couldn't care for a bit. I was so upset and directing it at him. I know it's more likely the lifting that caused the bleeding, but every time I get upset, I get red bleeding. Worst of all, DH left for work this morning for a week. We made up this morning, but I just feel awful. I am waiting on results from the first trimester screening (they called Friday and called back later, but they never got back to me) and have an ultrasound on Wednesday (to see if SCH is completely gone or just very clotted). I'm just starting to think that this whole pregnancy the odds are stacked against me. I hope it's just the hormones talking.
Whew! Got all worked up after that post, so called the genetic counselor and the results are in-

Down syndrome 1:3841
Trisomy 21 1:6681

No need for further screening.

Plus a friend called to see if I could do lunch. Going to meet up and shop for some maternity jeans :)

Ladies who are going through a tough time :hugs: There is good news out there, and people who care about you and want to make things better. Don't be afraid to lean on them.
Thanks to all you kind ladies!

Xanzaba, so sorry you had such an awful time of it! I really do think it was the lifting that got you. Last weekend I had gone a week without a bleed and I threw up pretty violently at night (I think it was actually something I had eaten) and the next morning woke up to a bleed. I really think anytime those muscles get stressed it can activate the bleeding with a SCH. I know it's always stressful to see blood, but I'm just so grateful every time that I'm not cramping! Great news on your tests!

I have my NT on Wednesday. Eidson, I think you were saying you were hoping to be able to see the possible sex. Me too! If they can't make a good guess I hope to at least get a good "angle of the dangle" shot for the ladies over in the gender prediction forum to have a guess. Now that I finally feel pretty confident about this pregnancy, I'm so anxious to know!!
xanzaba- Great news!

I have a doctors appointment for 3:00 and I'm approved through my insurance for 12 counselling sessions to deal with this crap. I feel a little better this morning but last night was enough to send a person over the edge. I had this postpartum with DD and was in counselling and medicated for it. I never thought for a single second it would come back in pregnancy.
Northern, I'm glad you're going to get some help. I'm glad you don't have a stigma about getting help for anxiety/depression, it's so pointless to suffer. I hope you find relief quickly.

I am trying To get into my OB for a side issue, and I'm hoping they'll at least listen for the heartbeat when I go in. I feel pregnant in that I'm exhausted and nauseous, but for some reason mentally I just can't trust that everything is as it should be. I should have ordered the Doppler weeks ago! :p
I had my appointment today. I am disappointed because I didn't get the NT scan I thought I was going to get. Now, they didn't tell me last time that I was getting a scan, but I thought I was because I had one at my 12 week appointment with my son. And my "pregnancy brochure" said they give them at 12 and 20. And I thought it was standard.
But my midwife said that since I had an ultrasound at 7+5 and everything was normal, she did not see a need to do another one. I asked about checking development, and she said that it's not medically necessary. Baby's heartbeat was strong, though in the 160s. Everything is good with me. I have good blood pressure. I have gained the right amount of weight by now and not too much. I won't see baby until November for the big 20 week scan.
So, admittedly, I am slightly disappointed. I really wanted to see the baby today and have a picture to share. My son was extremely well-behaved, though. And he wasn't upset about not getting to see the baby.
Rebecca, what a bummer! I'm glad your DS wasn't upset at not seeing baby, that would have been the worst! Glad everything is healthy and as expected, though. :)
Aw too bad Rebecca! Would have been nice for your son.

The doctor said this is definitely a hormone thing since I got it postpartum and now during pregnancy. He said he had a patient in the past that used to end up on psych in the hospital on the first day of her period every month due to hormonal shifts. He told me I'm definitely not "crazy" even if I feel like it. Shot off an email to the counsellor he referred me to so just waiting to hear from him now. I felt like I should have been admitted to psych last night. I was having severe attacks and screeched for 2.5hrs because I thought I was going to die and I didn't want DD to not have a mom. Talk about totally irrational thought processes.
Rebecca sorry about the disappointment. But at least you know baby is all good!

Tara I hope you get the reassurance you need!

Northern I'm glad to hear you're getting the help you need.

So I can't remember if I mentioned that my cat ran away again. It happened 2 or 3 weeks ago. We'll she just turned up again tonight! She's filthy and skinny but still meowing her head off. Its 3am here and I'm now lying on the couch in an attempt to keep her quiet cos dd is actually sleeping well! Of course I'm wide awake. We are going to have to do something about the cat. As sad as it makes me feel, we just can't keep her.
Hi ladies I am going to be 12 weeks (again lol) by the end of this week!and I have only got another week to wait until my next scan so they can do the NT scan properly. I overdid it yesterday cleaning the house, running around after ds and I mowed the lawn! Whoops - I paid for it though my lower back was in agony last night. Hubby rubbed some menthol ointment on it last night when he came up to bed and again this morning before I went to work and fingers crossed it has been ok. I was a bit worried as a big proportion of my day on a Monday is putting repeat prescriptions up so am bent over a desk all day. Luckily though it is behaving itself tonight. Any suggestions on how to try and soothe lower back pain?

Rebecca - that sucks you didn't get to see the baby when you thought you were going to but they obviously are happy that everything is fine and that heartbeat is fab!

Northern - I hope they give you the support you need and that you are getting plenty of support/help from family and friends huge hugs

Bean - your pusscat sounds difficult to look after so maybe as sad as it is a new home is what is best for her? Has she been spayed?if not she may be looking for *ahem boyfriends plus they do say female cats have a larger range than males which I found surprising. I keep my girls in most of the time but they have access into the lean to outside the back door which is like a little outdoor room for them.

Hope everyone is feeling ok and all are bubbas are growing healthy and strong 😍
northern that's scary. I'm glad you're getting help though.

Rebecca glad everything's okay and clearly you're doing something right with your son;)

beanonorder that sucks about your cat, I wonder why some animals do that. When my dog got older (when I was a little girl) he started running away and chasing cars on the highway. He eventually got hit by a car :(

stripeycat hope your back stays good! Lower back pain is the worst. I've had some in the morning sometimes which is weird cause our mattress is really good... I'm thinking maybe I need more support at my back?
Northern...so sorry you're going through this! Glad your getting some help!! I hope you start to feel better!

Rebecca....I thought the same thing about the 12 week scan!! I thought I was supposed to get one but I'm not :( I have gotten to see the baby twice on the handheld ultrasound but not the proper one with measurements. I was so disappointed! I guess that means were low risk though? I really thought I'd have one as I have hyperthyroidism. But I'm happy to be low risk if that's what it means....oh well more excitement for the 20 week one! Maybe they are changing it in the US?

I hate to jinx myself but my nausea has been a liiiittttttttlllle bit better the last two days :) yay for a little relief!

Hope you ladies are doing well!!
Thanks everyone. Thankfully I have the most patient and understanding OH I could ask for, and my doctor has been my doctor since I was a kid and he is truly amazing. I was really worried that he would retire before I had all my kids but he seems to be sticking around for this one at least!
My lower back is hurting in the evenings.

I had this with my other babies when my pelvis was moving and all the relaxin making everything soften.

I stopped wear heels for about 6 weeks previously and tried to not over exert myself and it helped.

Today I did a massive food shop and DD2 kicked off and climbed out the trolley, screaming on the floor, running away, crying etc She was just overtired.

Anyway holding her, pushing trolley and then blackberry picking this afternoon was wayyyyyy too much for me.
Amelie, that sucks! Back pain is the worst. It is so hard when littles don't understand that they need to cooperate!
Northern, I'm so sorry you had to experience that! I have been there, I feel for you!

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