**April Bunnies 2015**

Kirsty, counting- I am still having pretty regular dark spotting with the occasional clot and some bleeding. A week and a half ago I had some bright red bleeding after picking up something heavy. The tech told me that bleeding/spotting usually happens when it is low and near the cervix, which is good for me as it means it is away from the placenta.They are monitoring me pretty closely with weekly scans. At the doctor's office the handheld sonogram did not pick up the clot because it is all clotted and old blood, and I had 24 blissful hours of thinking it was gone and was elated before my NT scan showed it in all of it's glory. I found that most doctors/technicians are really friendly and actually like when you ask questions, and it eases my mind to know as much as possible about what is going on. Sure I got one horrible, grouchy radiologist who couldn't be bothered to tell me anything except it was an impending miscarriage at 7 weeks (wrong- that was 7 weeks ago!), but that was a downtown really busy hospital and he seems to be the black sheep of the department.

Honestly the only thing I know works for sure is drinking tons of water. I did a little research and vitamin C has been associated with reduced bleeding for all kinds of things (gums, post-surgical recovery), so I've been taking that daily. The doctor said vitamin C is safe in pregnancy- if you take too much you pee it out, and it protects against UTIs. So even if it's a placebo effect, it's still making me feel better.

Are you bleeding red or just spotting? If you're worried, can you go in for a scan?
Kirsty I'm so sorry you're still having bleeding. I know what it feels like to curse your body, wishing it would just do what it's supposed to do and not make everything so difficult. I so hope it stops so you can feel as excited as you should. :hugs:

Maggz my DH is like that as well, though much better than he used to be. I have to wait until I'm totally calm and then explain to him like we're in TV marriage counseling: "When you say/do (whatever), it makes me feel (however) because (reasons). It would really help me if the next time, you try to say/do (specific examples)." He doesn't always take it the greatest, but it usually helps. He also does that where he just won't respond at all... drives me crazy!!!

DH was white as a sheet after the scan. He kept saying, we have a lot to do... :haha: It was cute. It's hard to remember that if our OH is worth his (or her!) salt, he is as nervous and scared and full of mixed emotions as we are, and the men usually just aren't able to express it or even admit it. So they need some patience and extra care right now too, even if they'd never admit it!

My MW was so reassuring about everything today, I'm so sad that I have to leave this practice at the end of the month to go back on DH's insurance. :( But I feel a million times better. :) Don't want to wait any longer to tell DD! But we'll tell her Friday I think. I ordered a blank calendar and I'm going to fill it in starting with October and fill in all the holidays for her to look at, including baby's due date as a holiday. I'm going to give her that as a present and also tuck a scan picture in at April. And I think when she opens it I'm going to tell her the doctor finally figured out what's been wrong with mommy the last few months: there's something growing inside of me! :haha: :thumbup:
Amelie, congrats on the good scan! :thumbup:

Dini I'm so excited for yours tomorrow!! :)
It's more watery pink than a dark red. Don't pass any clots apart from maybe two or three the size of a pin prick. The hospital said they would only see me if the bleeding is really heavy and fill two pads in an hour because this happens everytime and by babies have all been fine. I relax more now I feel baby wriggle. I'm glad it's small spotting once a week instead of bleeding all day everyday x
Kirsty hope the bleeding stops xxx

Amazing scan Tara wow so clear :D

Amelie glad yours went well do you have a pic. Xx

Just a quick drop in here hehe
Thanks for the replies girls, it's a comfort to know that it must be a guy thing lol. Maybe I'm too emotional when we talk about it but I'm like you Rebecca, I really like to emphasize good communication (it's my major after all haha) so I really try to keep it calm and collected. I guess it's one of those things that will get better with time - we've only been married a year and together for almost two.

Tara that sounds like my DH, it's like they take longer to process stuff it's kinda cute. The calendar idea is cute! How old is your DD?

xanzaba and kirsty I'm sure everything will turn out okay for both of you, although it sucks while it's happening. Seems like you're taking good care of yourselves :hugs:
Hope everyone is doing ok!

I'm pretty sure I officially have sciatic pain. It's so bad that when I'm laying down I can't move my leg to get it out from under the blankets to turn over! This pregnancy is riddled with issues apparently! I'm booked for a prenatal massage on Tues with this girl who is supposed to be incredible for prenatal. Hopefully she can help sort it out. I'm thinking I will be finishing up work after Christmas if all of these issues keep up!

On top of this the fatigue is just killing me. I'm taking Friday off to sleep as it is Thanksgiving weekend. Making it a 4 day instead of 3.
Maggz, DD is six. I am so excited to finally tell her, it has been awful trying to keep it from her (especially with my mom running around telling everyone!). :)

Northern, I'm sorry you're struggling so much. I'm glad you can take a day off, I hope it helps!

I am so exhausted. :sleep: Oh! I have anterior placenta this time. :( Boo! I hope it doesn't make it too hard to feel baby moving. My sis had it with both her boys (yet another reason for me to suspect the tech's gender guess was right)! I've been trying to think of boy names all day, it's so hard--I really want another girl. But DH is quite pleased at the prospect, and I know I'll be in love no matter what. <3
Aren't you a little early for Thanksgiving northern? Haha. Hope that fatigue clears up soon for you.

Tara, aw she'll be so excited :D
Yay I'm 14 weeks today.

To answer some questions. Its really hard to get companies here to follow the law because it's so easy for them to get us thrown out the country.
We've been here for 4 and a half years and plan on another 2 and a half. Maybe even longer... Unfortunately there is nothing for us back home. I'd love to go back!
No this baby was planned, not a surprise. We'd agreed on having two kids. When dd was 8 months old, dh suddenly decided he didn't want another one. And all of his reasons were selfish reasons. None of them were actual legitimate reasons. We had a big argument and it ended with us agreeing to come back to it. Bit dh never came back to it. Eventually I wrote him a letter explaining my reasons etc and he backed down and agreed we could try again.
If we'd agreed to have 1 and I pushed him into a second one then I could understand the resentment. But we'd agreed on two and I never changed my mind. He's still basically ignoring me this morning and treating me like crap. I just don't want to deal with this!
And to make it worse dd started vomiting this morning. She didn't seem quite right last night. I wish I could have stayed home with her.
Aww Beanonorder I'm so sorry dd is sick! And boo on your husband!! He decided now that he resents you? Does he know it takes two?? Ugh men are so dense sometimes!!

NT scan in the morning!! Can't wait but definitely nervous as well.
Good morning :flower:

NT scan pic below


So baby measured 12+1 and that would give me an EDD of 21 April but the sonographer said they would leave EDD as 23 April - which I am happy with as my date was 27 April. All my kids seem to measure a week ahead in first tri despite my regular cycles and tracking ov. Very weird.

Anyway baby looked lovely. All wriggly and touch its face. The NT measurement was 1.2mm which is know is good. My dd1 was 1.2mm and dd2 was 1.8mm. I will get the results of the bloods next week.

My placenta looks to be high anterior which is what I have always had!

I have 3 photos, the nub is visible in the other 2 clearly. It is forked at the end (girl?) But slightly elevated, not much though. I think it is more likely a girl.
Had my scan! Everything looks great! Tech was absolutely lovely and said she'll deny to the death that she guessed, but her guess is that it's a boy. :) DH has named him Zeus. :haha:

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I've never seen a 4d scan so early!!! I'm not a fan of them normally as I like their face to be a surprise...but I love this one, it's amazing to see how they actually look at that age!!!
Amelie, your scan is beautiful!! Amazing how babyish they look even at 12w! Mine is in 2 hours..EEK!! Lol..had to look for baby on Doppler this morning, just long enough to hear the heart beat so I'll be a little less scared lol. I promised myself less Doppler use if the U/S looks good. So excited to finally tell DH's little brother, he will be so thrilled, he's been asking to be an uncle for over a year and he loves babies! Will probably stop by his Aunt's as well this afternoon and tell them..I'm ready to tell them, but part of me isn't. I kind of like a secret ya know? I won't show for probably another 10 weeks or so, at least not to someone who doesn't know me and even then I'm sure I'll still be at that stage where they don't want to ask..maybe she just gained weight? kind of thing.

Anyway, I'll post when I can but gonna be a busy day!
Amelie- Beautiful scan! Thanks for sharing. :)

Dini- Good luck on your scan today! I hope all goes well.

Beanonorder- I am sorry that your husband is behaving like he is. I agree with Dini's comment. I hope he comes around; it's not fair to blame you.
I also hope your little girl starts feeling better soon. Poor thing!

Hope everyone else is doing well. We're pretty good here! Getting ready for my sister to come visit this weekend.
I have an insatiable appetite today. Oh my gosh, I could eat my face off haha.

2 more hours and I'm freeee!
I also ate a good amount too today! But my dinner included jalapeño peppers which were delicious, I think someone mentioned them earlier in this thread?

Amelie: really lovely scan pic :hugs: exciting that you think it's a girl!!

Hope everyone is doing well. Will catch up with you all soon.

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