Hi, everyone! I have been lurking around here since I had my IUD removed for ntnp for #2. With #1 DD, we were ntnp for 16 months, so I was looking forward to ttc for a bit and getting emotionally prepared.
Well, six weeks and just one cycle later, here I am! My wild guesstimate for my EDD is 4/17/15!
I don't have anyone to talk to about this atm but I'm obsessed, so I deeply apologize for this novella!!
I had my first (super faint) BFP last Wednesday 8/6, then a slightly darker line 8/7... and 8/8... and 8/9... Then CB digi today. I think I'm done!

It was just such a shock! And now the worry has set in.
I have been having almost all the symptoms you've all mentioned, most very subtle but super sore & swelling bbs for sure and the worst heartburn! And the weirdest sensation that my uterus is burning hot, which is a new one for me. I made my first appt. today, but they won't see me until 9/10, which feels like an eternity. With DD I had early bleeding (first complication of so many & all were nothing in the end!) & thus had ultrasounds early & often. I would rather have no reason to go in early, but... eek!
DD is six (!), so in many ways I feel like a first-timer--confused, nervous, needing direction--but without the spare time I had then to figure it out! XD I have forgotten how to be pregnant! So, you wise mamas... What do I need to be doing right now? And how do you make it from 4 weeks to almost 9 before you finally get that reassuring 1st u/s?