at how many weeks does it take until the cramping stops? mine hurts so much, feel like crying sometimes, but dont really have any other symptoms, bobbs hurt a little not much. i dont remember cramping at all when i was pregnant with my little girl
Lijsken, congrats on the good news scan! The twinges are normal, I think--I have been twingey all over my lower belly, esp. the left; I *think* it's just our bodies preparing themselves. Plus the scan probably did push things sround quite a bit!
Nessaw, everything crossed for your scan and your sticky bean.
Oh that's one of my other strong symptoms, I am SO hungry! I told DH if I don't get morning sickness this time around I'm not going to fit through the door in a few months!
Also, baby brain apparently kicks in sooner the second time around! Posted without reading the last 3 pages! Sorry!
Thanks for the welcomes! For those experiencing cramps, I so hope they let up soon, that's no fun! And for those sleeping a lot... I so need to do what you're doing! Almost fell asleep at my desk yesterday!
I definitely want to find out the gender. Helped me bond with DD knowing, and since I feel like such a girl mom, knowing while I'm pregnant will help me wrap my brain around if it's a DS this time! Plus... Such cute baby stuff (which we will need most of again!)!
its weird i havent been sick yet at all, and my appetite has no increased, i feel like i could eat anything with 2nd helpings, surely thats not right?!
I had an MC in March but I'm cautiously optimistic about this pregnancy. I'm already feeling a teeny bit queasy and have sore boobs. I'm due on 24th April.
Sorry to those feeling cramping, it's not the most fun. I had some last weekend when I got my BFP but now they're gone. In some ways I liked having them because I knew things were happening. Now that I have no symptoms at all it makes me more nervous something is wrong!
It went away after about 30 minutes, and I was able to go back to sleep. Then I started having bizarre dreams. Needless to say, I did not get a lot of good rest last night :-/
Citrus I agree about naming the bump I've always found it odd. I wanna stay team yellow but hubby is caving I think... I wanna convince him to not find out!
Lol girls I burp, fart, and pee constantly! Coming out of all the holes! so annoying though... No ms to speak of just a little queasy but the rest of the day I get hungry super fast! I got some cocoa pops/coco krispies for breakfast he only cereal I like lol I don't think it's very healthy but at least I'll be eating something!
Hope you crampy ladies feel better, I get them every now and then but haven't notice a pattern as to when or where in my belly they come.
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