**April Bunnies 2015**

Counting :hugs: I hate the bleeding. As often as it is happening, each time I go between panic and helplessness. I would give up the ultrasounds in a heartbeat if I could just get rid of the bleeding, although it is always reassuring and sweet to see baby. Every time I am sure it is resolving, I have another bleed. But the doctor did say that if it is bright red, it is unobstructed, so probably not making the SCH any bigger. Hopefully that is a little reassuring to you as well.

Rebecca, I was also thinking of Oswin recently. Right before she disappeared she did mention something about some concerns. Sending out positive baby vibes to her just in case.

Beanorder, glad you two are moving forward and talking.

16 weeks today! Crazy to think that I'll be starting the 5th month in a little time!!!
Of course yes oswin!she hasn't been here for a long time and she posted regularly. Hope all ok xxx
Meanwhile, I'm growing more attached to the name Colleen. I just looked up the meaning and it literally means "girl." I find that hilarious and it makes me like the name even more.

It comes from the Irish word cailín, which is girl in Irish. Colleen is the incredibly twee anglicised way lots of Irish immigrants named their daughters when they went to the US, to honour home.
Lithodora- That's neat. I saw that it came from a Gaelic word when I looked it up and that it was a derivation. Thanks for the additional information. I have liked the name mostly because I had a good friend named Colleen growing up. We lost touch when I was about 11 because her family moved away. But she was a good friend and always so nice. Her family was of Irish descent. My heritage is all Irish on my mother's side and half Irish on my father's side. I am liking the name more and more as I think about names.
Also, hello! :) :hi: It's good to see you around! How are you doing? How is your pregnancy coming along?

Beanonorder- That's cool that Paige is one of your top names too! I have liked it for quite some time. As a teacher, I have never met a girl named Paige that I didn't like. I am glad that you and your husband have talked and are trying to help your marriage. That is great. I hope you find someone who you can meet with.

Counting- I am thinking of you today. And I'll be checking to see how your appointment went. I hope it all works out for you today!

We're getting ready to have a lot of company soon! My in-laws are coming on Thursday and staying for Halloween weekend. Then my parents are coming in right as my in-laws are leaving on November 3rd. My dad is staying one night and then going on to see some more relatives. But my mom is staying for that whole week! I'm so excited!:happydance: Then we have 2 weeks until Thanksgiving when my in-laws are supposed to come back down to have Thanksgiving with us! I think November should be a busy month. I feel like October has just come and gone like a flash. I hope everyone is doing well today! It's fun to hear about more of you feeling baby move. My was very busy yesterday and last night. And I guess she wore herself out because this morning has been very calm. ;)
Rebecca that sounds like a great few weeks you have planned :D enjoy family time xxx :cloud9:
My mum is staying that same week as well Rebecca. So nice to have someone to help me entertain LO.
Rebecca the next month is just going to fly by you will be so busy!! Also, I like the name Colleen as well, it's not super common but easy to pronounce and spell and feminine. I also know a woman named Colleen and she is one of the nicest people I've ever met.

Counting, I'm also thinking of you. Hope your doctor can give you answers! I'm sure it must be sooo scary for you. Will be neat to find out if you are right about it being a boy though!

Beanonorder, I'm glad to hear your DH at least wants to talk. That's a step in the right direction. My DH has been really depressed the last few weeks himself and I'm worried. We've been to the doctor before for this problem, he has an anxiety/depression problem but the doctor won't put him on something unless he gets bloodwork done to rule out a thyroid or other problem first and he refuses. He's the biggest wuss and hasn't had blood taken since he was about 9 and his parents and a nurse had to hold him down for that. We really haven't seen each other much in the last few weeks either because we've been working opposite days. We finally have 3 days off together next weekend and hoping to have a good weekend but it seems whenever we have time together he doesn't feel good. And I'm telling you it's in his head. He's fine at work, and then when we are together he complains the whole time that his head hurts, his stomach hurts, he doesn't feel well and he'll go to bed early or won't help out or want to go somewhere together because of it. I wish I knew what to do.

I asked him last night if he was feeling anxious or overwhelmed about the baby as it's getting to the time where we can start to feel like we are actually having a baby. He just said "I don't know, I don't want to talk about it". And then got up and went to bed an hour earlier than usual. I had to ask for a kiss before he went to bed and didn't get one this morning when he left. I am just lost, I don't know what to do. He's gone from happy and doting on me to depressed and angry and not even helping me lift heavy things. I had to get dog food the other day and he wouldn't get it out of the car, said he'd do it tomorrow but they dogs were hungry and we were out of food, I had to go get it and carry it in and feed them, I was so angry but didn't feel like arguing. My back has really been bugging me. I told him yesterday that the midwife said I should try not to lift over 20lbs unless I absolutely have to and really only at work and he said nothing. I guess we will see if it makes a difference.

Sorry for the rant girls. It's not a big deal, we go through this with him sometimes, but i want to share this pregnancy, not deal with it on my own.

Anyway...waiting on my new doppler to arrive today as I gave my friend hers back. And on a good note I have a massage in 3 hours! That should make me feel better.
Sorry dini, it seems men are just unable to express how they really feel and like to just shut down and say nothing. I am sure once whatever is worrying him has enabled him to have time to think he will come and discuss this with you. Having a baby isn't easy and is very life changing so maybe he is just worried about he big changes ahead which is normal. hugs :hugs:
Hi girls. I went to my regular doctor today for a follow up visit. She palpated my abdomen and found a quite painful mass on the right side of my uterus 3-4 centimetres in size. She mentioned myoma (fibroids) but also said it could be something else. So she sent a referral for a vaginal ultrasound to try to find out what it is. I googled myoma/fibroids and pregnancy and I wish I hadn't! Now I'm worried it could affect the baby and the pregnancy. I'll call the ultrasound place monday morning and see if they can squeeze me in sooner than my already scheduled anatomy scan.

Anyone here with experiences with myoma/fibroids or something similar?
I know my friend had fibroids and the main concern was bleeding after the birth.

She wasn't high risk though - she was allowed a home birth. She didn't have any bad bleeding either.

Another friend has fibroids and had a c-section as they were obstructing the baby's way out a bit.

So I think it is more of a birthing issues, if at all. Don't worry too much x
Thank you Amelie! It's reassuring to hear about a positive experience. I'm sure everything will be fine, I just want the ultrasound as soon as possible so I can get some answers.
Doctors appointment went well on one front, not super well on another but I am not surprised.

The good news first: Baby has a heartbeat and it doesn't look like the contractions have shortened my cervix. Everything looked basically normal today, except for a little bit of spotting during my exam.

The not so good: Doctor did not see any reason for the bleeding, and doesn't believe in doing further investigation at this "early" gestation. He also reiterated that they will not stop labour for 3 more weeks if it comes to that.

I feel so confused and frustrated. Just under 3 more weeks for my 20 week ultrasound so that is something. Just hoping baby and I can hold out until 20 weeks so that doctors will intervene. So far though, baby is tough and hanging in there strong. Holding on to that.
Beanonorder I'm glad your DH wants to talk, hopefully you guys work it out. I can't imagine how you're feeling, I can't take 1 night of silent treatment!

Dini sorry your DH isn't opening up, hopefully he will soon and he just needed time to process. Let us know hon :hugs:

counting - wow that sucks to have to sit with that for 3 weeks. Hopefully they'll pass quickly so you can get the right treatment. Your doctor sounds insensitive :/ I would be going crazy if I was bleeding like that. You're being very strong girl! :hugs:

I just slept until noon :blush: My stuffy nose is killing me here but now I think I've overdone it and gotten myself a headache. Gonna go have a lot of water and some leftover soup :coffee:

Rebecca - how fun is that, getting all the guests! Do you live far away from your parents? My sisters are coming to stay for almost 2 weeks, I am SO excited. One of them has never been to the US, the other one just to Boston, so we will do some touristy stuff for sure! :happydance:
Does anyone else find their OH is happy to say 'no' all of the baby names you suggest but then doesn't come up with any of their own?!?
Yes before we decided on our names he was just the same, I'd suggest something he'd say no, I'd ask if he had any ideas and he'd say no!
Does anyone else find their OH is happy to say 'no' all of the baby names you suggest but then doesn't come up with any of their own?!?

Absolutely! We are agreed for a girl but stuck on boy's names. I keep making suggestions and he wrinkles his nose, I'm like ok you suggest something!!!

We are staying team yellow but I'm convinced for this reason it will be another boy. Our DS is called Joey, like another DS on this thread :)
We have a boys name but we are discussing girls names. We normally know our names almost for sure by 16 weeks.

I think because we have 2 girls already it is really tricky!
Dini- I hope your husband comes around and talks about things. I don't know why men avoid things and go into shut-down mode. I think that's another reason my husband isn't talking about names. Personally, I don't think talking about names in December is any different than now. But I think there is some stress to it. So he just doesn't want it. Whatever. I think your husband might be avoiding thinking about things that stress him out. I hope he can sort it out in his head and start to come around about it soon.

Tove- I have no experience and know nothing about fibroids. But I do hope you can get your scan soon to get some clarity.

Counting- For me, switching doctors is a piece of cake because I just see my doctor in the OB unit of the military hospital. So, all I have to say is that I don't like my doctor and I get a new one. So, I don't know how easy or difficult it would be for you. But listening to what your doctor is saying and how unsettled you are, I'd be asking for a new doctor right away. Or at least I'd find a way to get another professional opinion. That just doesn't sound right to me.

Maggz- My parents are an 11-hour drive away. My in-laws live 8 hours away. It's not too bad really. My parents are always traveling, so it's nothing for them to come here.
I hope you have a great time with your sisters. Sounds like fun!

Amelie- In the times we have talked about it, my husband has shot down almost every name. He offered up one name that he himself wasn't even sure of (Alyssa). I have it on the list, but I don't love it. Don't dislike it either, though. It's hard to figure out. But he did at least tell me some parameters for names he wants (not easily shortened, not easily mispronounced) and that helped me a lot. I think that's the best I'm going to get for suggestions from him. Currently, he just likes to joke about names like a girl on a TV show was named Breezy and he said, "There's a good name." lol
This actually WAS a new doctor, not my regular one. I kind of wonder if now that the bleeding and everything is so much worse if my regular doctor would do more, but he is away until after my next appointment the end of November. That being said, this is "hospital policy" to "let nature take it's course" before 20 weeks. I have no idea what is so magical about 20 weeks. What is the difference if I go into labour at 19 weeks 5 days rather than 20? He did say medications to stop labour don't work as well before 20 weeks, but surely trying is a better chance than nothing? Having a hard time just waiting until baby becomes important to everyone else instead of me sitting here trying to do my best alone with no support from doctors.
Oh counting I hope the bleeding just stops and you don't get the contractions much longer. At least your cervix isn't shortened. Is there maternal fetal medicine specialist near you? Maybe they could be more help. Huggs to you!

Thanks all for the kind words. The massage was great and I do feel better. DH should be home soon and I'm sure he will be in a terrible mood as I texted him today and asked how he was feeling and all he said was "like crap" so I'll be in for a bad attitude I'm certiain.

I bought a cute frame today that says tiny miracle on it and is made for an ultrasound pic so I put it out and maybe that will cheer him up.

Did do some shopping for my friends shower tomorrow. First time I've let myself walk into a baby section since being pregnant. Got her two cute terry cloth sleepers, one in 3mo and one in 6mo because she is about 5'9" and Her DH is 6'8" so baby will likely be tall! They are just so cute. One has raccoon feet lol.

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