**April Bunnies 2015**

We have 2 cats - we had them both prior to having children. Our slightly older cat that has had kitten is a little more wary of them and keeps out the way but our younger cat is mad. She will let my daughters be really rough with her, climb all over her and the cat willingly climbs on their laps...

My DD2 likes to 'brush' the cat which is quite violent . Neither cat has tried to hurt either of the girls, I wouldn't blame the cats tbh...
Hi ladies!

Beanonorder....I'm so sorry you're going through this. Hopefully things will calm down after time. You certainly don't need the extra stress :hugs:

I am still feeling pretty fatigued as well. Although the nausea is better :)
Heartburn is getting the best of me but I think it's what I'm eating...I'm craving spicy foods.

I'm feeling pretty good about team yellow....I kind of teeter back and forth but I am going to try and hold out!

We had an appt today and our dr still couldn't find the heartbeat via Doppler ugh panic again but he grabbed the scan and we saw baby jumping around and heart beating.
Why do you think he hasn't been able to find the heartbeat with the Doppler? I asked him and he said he wasn't aiming it in the correct place...but he tried for a good amount of time. It wasn't this difficult in my last pregnancy and he said he isn't worried.
Unfortunately one of the cats has scratched ds a few times - I have cut her claws but ds thinks it is funny and goes back for more! Zippy is very much my cat and is used to a lot of attention prior to the baby so I do wonder if she is jealous. They won't stay out of each other's way though and I don't know how else to remedy the situation! I would never get rid of the cats as I have had them for 8 years and they were my first babies and they have been fine with ds up until now. Hopefully it is a phase and he will start leaving them alone soon or they will get the message and run off when he comes in the room!
Kalabear- I'm glad you got to see your baby and that everything is good! I don't know why your doctor can't pick up the HB with the doppler, but maybe you have an anterior placenta. So, the placenta sounds are covering up baby's heartbeat. Another possibility is that baby is lower down than expected. I checked on baby today with my doppler. Last week, baby was up midway between my pelvic bone and my belly button. Well, I couldn't find the heartbeat at all at first today after searching and searching. Finally I figured that I would go down by my pelvic bone to check. And, sure enough, that's where it was. I guess she has decided to hang out lower down this week.

Stripeycat- Sorry, it's keeping you awake at night thinking about gender. I say if you want to find out, find out instead of stressing about it. ;)

Lately I've been awake at night thinking about baby names. lol I have a list of 20 now, and I have chosen 7 as my very favorite. I went by my favorite ones with my son. And my son likes 3 of my favorites. So, we have a top 3 between the 2 of us now. I have to talk to someone about it even if it changes once my husband is ready to help pick out the name. I've also been e-mailing my mom. And 2 of my favorites are hers, but they are not the same ones my son likes! lol We'll see what happens.
My husband is under a lot of stress at work right now. It seems that whenever things start to ease up for him, someone throws a curveball and things get intense again. I'm hoping, for his sake, that things smooth out for him a little more. I know it will all be much calmer once Christmas comes around.
Kalabear- I wouldn't worry about the doppler. It could be a range of things, from the position of the baby to how busy the doctor is. At 12 weeks the doc told me that don't consider the doppler reliable until at least 16 weeks.
Thanks ladies!
I think he could sense I was getting upset and just ran and got the ultrasound after a couple minutes. I wondered about the placenta as well....who knows. I'm so excited for the 20 week scan!

Rebecca that's so sweet you get your sons opinion on names...what a fun way to include him!
Beanonorder I'm so very sorry for your troubles. I know you have been dealing with his depression and maybe that's making things worse. I certainly hope he comes around, and I'll be praying for you. You should never apologize for venting here, it's why we are all here, to support each other through all the things we are dealing with right now, not just the pregnancy! Huggs!!

Okay button I have to say you cracked me up with your comment on selling ds on eBay!

Rebecca congrats on 16 wks!! Seems like a milestone to me. I'm hoping they moved ahead the 4 days baby measured ahead at the ultrasound. 4 days isn't much but it feels like it lol.

I can honestly say I have a bit more energy back but I don't feel normal. My stamina is low and I don't sleep well. The first trimester fatigue was terrible and some of that has worn off thankfully, however I think an energy burst would be lovely as I still haven't added the caffeine back yet.
My next doctor appt. is in 6 days. I'm excited but feeling nervous again and I don't know why. Last time I went my blood pressure was pretty high. She said if it was at next appt. I'd have to do a 24hr urine test (I don't know what that means I never asked). We also aren't getting another scan until 20 weeks. I'll be 14 next week so I still have some time. Maybe it's because at the last appt. baby measured a week behind and I just want to make sure things are okay. I know she knows what she is doing. I didn't start feeling this nervous until today. Maybe I can talk them into doing another scan. :shrug:

On another note. I have been sick again today. =( I mean it's comforting that I have the symptoms (fatigue, sore breasts, sickness) but being sick so much sure is taking its toll. :sleep:
17 weeks today, baby is the size of an onion. I think it was the size of an avocado last week which sounds larger, but maybe it was a small avocado and now a large onion ;)

Christina86, I'm sure everything will be ok. I've read the baby can measure behind and later catch up. Or sometimes not catch up but still be totally healthy. Try not to think too much about it if you can!

Rebecca, did you start thinking about names more now that you know the gender? Because I have barely thought about names, what to buy, how I want the delivery to be etc and I'm hoping I will start planning more when I know the gender and that the anatomy scan is ok. I can't keep thinking the birth is so far away for ever! ;)

Hope you all are having/will have a great thursday!
Christina: baby can measure a week off or so whether ahead or behind and it's normal as ultrasounds aren't 100% accurate! Don't worry, I'm sure it's okay. Since your appointment is soon you can bring it up for peace of mind!

I'll be 19 weeks at my next appt. 15+1 today, 19 weeks feels so far away. Prolly won't get a u/s as my anomaly scan will be a week or so after. Really thinking of getting a private scan in the meantime for my own peace of mind. So worried although I'm still nauseous from time to time!
Tove- It's funny that you mention an onion being smaller than an avocado because I was just thinking that yesterday! When I turn a new week, I visit thebump's website to see what fruit or vegetable I am. When I saw that I am an avocado this week, I looked down to next week and I thought, "Huh? An onion?" I figured that must be a pretty large onion. lol
I think knowing gender does have me thinking about names more. I think also because way early in the pregnancy my husband and I sat down and discussed names. For a boy, we had picked out "Grant Deen" without question. Actually, I picked it out and he loved it. But we couldn't settle on a girl's name. I figured that I'd probably end up with a girl for that reason! But now that the only name we'd both thought of (Carolyn) is out, I'm trying to come up with another name that I just love. I guess I just keep hoping she doesn't arrive without a name ready. I'm sure she won't. My husband has reminded me that there is still plenty of time.

Christina- In both of my pregnancies, my babies have measured a week behind. My son should have been due on July 14th, but he measured being due on July 21st on ultrasounds. In the end, it didn't matter much as he arrived on July 8th being 7 lbs 6 oz and 20 inches long showing that he was probably closer to his original due date than those ultrasound due dates. I also had an ultrasound right before he was born to check fluid levels and they said he would be was 9 lbs!
This time, my LMP would have me due on March 30th. I decided to put myself back some so I wouldn't be disappointed. So, I took the day that I got my BFP. I figured it to be 4 weeks, and I figured out a due date of April 4th from there. Still, at my early ultrasound, they put me back to April 8th. But at my private scan. Baby's femur length was measuring a day ahead of that being 15+3. And then, another measurement (I can't remember what because she didn't count it as important as femur length) measured at 16 weeks. So, it's not really exact. I say that as long as you are having strong symptoms and they can find the heartbeat, everything is good. All babies grow at a different rate.
But being put back 2 times in a row now, I know it is not fun at all. I'm so jealous of the people who get put ahead. I'd like that to happen to me for once.

Dini-I hope you can get some sleep and get some energy back! I haven't had a doctor's ultrasound measure anything different yet; just a private scan. They probably won't change anything unless their own ultrasound shows a significant difference. Even then, I think they only change the due date if it is a week or more off. We'll see. I still think this baby is due closer to my original due date.

I hope everyone is having a great day and pregnancies are all going well. I think I just discovered last night that this baby might be territorial of my belly! HA! My son was never that way. Whenever someone would touch my belly, he'd just stop moving. It was very rare that anyone would get the opportunity to feel him moving from the outside, but they could often see him.
Well, last night, I was reading my son a story and he had one leg draped over my stomach. Baby was going crazy in there moving so much that I was surprised my son couldn't feel it. I moved his leg for a second to see if I could feel it from the outside, but she stopped. Then, my husband had his arm around me in bed last night over my belly and baby was having a fit in there! She is still so small that she can't be felt from the outside, but I can sure feel her going crazy on the inside!
Rebecca your territorial story made me laugh! I'm sure you will come up with a lovely name. We have a name for w girl but not yet a boy so I bet this is a boy lol.

I agree don't worry about baby measuring a bit behind. That's totally normal and they say the further you get in pregnancy the mess accurate the measurements are for due dates. My first ultrasound measured at 6w4d and I knew I was 6w6d based on ovulation. My next measured 4 days ahead and that put me ovulating two days before I know I did. So I figure my first guess is right but I was going by what my OB is using.

Speaking of OB. I am sitting in the office waiting on my appt. they are running behind of course and I'm at work on my lunch break. Someone else is covering for me while I'm down here and I don't like it as I was really busy before I had to come down with a very critical patient. I just don't like feeling like I'm dumping things on my coworkers. I'm sure they are all fine with it and understanding but it frustrates me. Oh well I cant control it, might as well not stress over it.
I have an interview for my internship in a little over an hour. I have been debating whether or not I want to do it at the hospital (medical social work) in the ER or at the school district (school social work). This one is at the school. Technically, I am interviewing them, which is an interesting thought LOL. I suddenly got nervous.

I didn't really want to bring up the pregnancy until I was going to sign my internship contract. However....
This is me in the sweater I am wearing today. There is absolutely no way to hide it. That was the picture I took when I tried to suck my gut in also. Stomach went in. Nothing else did... :haha: I know I am going to see if I can start my internship early. I am going to loose almost 3 weeks (due in April, graduation is in May) and if I don't I'm sure I won't finish 450 hours on time. Do I bring it up.... or do I wait and see if she says anything? :shrug: My professor really couldn't give advice on it.

At least I am feeling okay right now. Had quite a day yesterday with feeling sick. I lost my lunch and I had the feeling that I was going to loose my dinner also, but never did. Thank goodness. I'm exhausted. My boobs hurt and my stomach is itchy today. :dohh:
Christina- I like that sweater! Yeah, it will be hard to hide a pregnancy, but hopefully they won't be judgmental (they shouldn't be). I hope your interview goes great!

Dini- That's funny that you all are in the same boat with boys' names. At least, at some point, these babies will have names. ;) I hope you have a nice appointment today! I know how you feel about people covering you at work. I used to feel that way when I was working and pregnant with my son. Appointments make it a little tricky sometimes.

Also, when it comes to names I have a question. How you do handle an awkward conversation of someone suggesting a name that you hate? Or at least it feels awkward to me. My MIL has suggested several names (all of which I can't stand). I don't want to hurt her feelings. My husband just blatantly shoots her suggestions down because he also hates them all. But I don't feel as comfortable doing that, so she keeps coming to me with more suggestions and I usually just say "thank you" even though I don't like a single one. Then today, a friend of ours wanted to know what names I had. I told her my favorite ones. And then she offered up her own suggestion, which was Carly Grace. She said she thought it was a beautiful name, and clearly she put a lot of thought into it, but I don't like it at all. Mostly probably because I grew up with a girl named Carly who was rude and a snot and that's all I think of with that name. But anyway, it just feels awkward sometimes. I guess I don't mind name suggestions, but most of them are just names I don't like at all. Have any of you dealt with this? Is it better to just not say anything? I don't know. I feel like if I don't say anything, the suggestions keep coming and I usually don't like them and really don't know what to say. I hate to hurt people's feelings especially if they are excited about it.
Rebecca-I think it's normal for people to impose on naming. I'd just politely nod and smile and saw awwww or that's cute and then go with whatever you guys want in the end anyways. There's no need to be rude or shoot anyone down. In the end it's up to you and DH so might as well smile and nod like you've been doing lol.
You could always say you know someone with that name and it would be weird naming baby after them, or just say you'll pop it on the maybe list but aren't deciding until later on.
Bump update :) Today at 17 weeks compared to 15+5 weeks.

Feels like I've grown a lot the last two weeks!


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Half way through her talking I knew I wanted to do my internship there. Next step is to set up a time to sign the contract! So excited! She was also really excited about the baby! Said she wkll do whatever she can to help me get the hours in so I can graduate on time. Love it!!!

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