**April Bunnies 2015**

I'm sorry I've not been around much, lots been going on at work and my dd is going through a very frustrated stage, so had my hands full!

I'm with those who aren't feeling really excited yet - I'm hoping after 20 week scan and they're moving more that I'll settle into it. At the moment, I'm very occasionally thinking I'm feeling them move, but nothing definite or frequent :(

Today I wore my daughter on my back for the first time in a while. I'd had some groin twinges, but nothing major, but during the walk, she had to get down and walk because every step was painful. It felt like my bladder was really really full (like pre-scan) but I'd been to the toilet just before I left. It's still achey now, but not as painful as before.
Could it be the start of SPD? No such issue last time, but I have put on a stone so far this pregnancy thanks to constantly having to eat to avoid being sick.
Someone else has suggested a UTI :S
Grey I get that feeling sometimes especially if I've lifted something or done something strenuous. Today I have had this "full" feeling all day and I think its from lifting a box of cat litter into and out of a shopping cart. I hope it's normal and not something wrong.

Speaking of, I continuously have twinges in my lower abdomen, I'm assuming my uterus, and usually they are light but noticeable. Is that normal?
I try pillows. I toss and turn mostly. I'm not sure if something ontop of the bed will help. I'm going to see if DH can turn the mattress at least. If not I'll sleep in the other room.

I think I may be going crazy. Yesterday and today while lying down I felt a flutter feeling. It's one I haven't felt before. Right between my pubic bone and belly button. I've had a pulling feeling before- which I assume is stretching- but not like this. It was just weird. For a second I thought maybe it was the baby. But I'm just 14 weeks and I think that's too early.

Oh and my Dh needs to watch it or he isn't going to make it through this pregnancy. Not only did I get called chunky. He also called me a small hippo and a moose. And said I'm going to look like the bigger versions soon.
Grey I get that feeling sometimes especially if I've lifted something or done something strenuous. Today I have had this "full" feeling all day and I think its from lifting a box of cat litter into and out of a shopping cart. I hope it's normal and not something wrong.

Speaking of, I continuously have twinges in my lower abdomen, I'm assuming my uterus, and usually they are light but noticeable. Is that normal?

I would say that is the beginning of movement if you haven't felt it already.
Beanonorder- I think your doctor probably just meant that the placenta wasn't covering the cervix. Would your doctor tell you if you had an anterior placenta if you asked? I actually had to ask the ultrasound tech when I was pregnant with my son because I hadn't understood why I wasn't feeling much movement. And she said, "Yes, it's anterior."

Dini- I suppose it depends on what you and your oh want to do. But I don't think it would be too bad to get the 4D if you really want it. Honestly, I still have some doubt about the gender of this baby because it was a 2D ultrasound. I won't feel 100% about it until my 4D one. But with my son at just 17 weeks, I saw his boy parts very clearly on the 4D ultrasound. And I knew without a doubt he was a boy. So, it does offer that absolute certainty on knowing gender.

Counting- Great bump! I'm also a lot bigger this time than with my son. But your bump is looking great!

GreyGirl- I don't know but I'd probably chalk those feelings up to some ligaments being pulled a little bit. I hope it's not something else. I hope you get back to feeling better soon.

Dini- I also think those twinges might be movements. That's how it feels a lot when this baby moves.

Christina- I think you are also feeling baby. It's easier to feel flutters when you are lying down. I often start feeling my baby more after I get in bed at night.

I am SO TIRED. I'm ready for daylight savings time. My son is getting up earlier and earlier each day. I hope the time change will help him sleep in some. I can't get myself to nap during the day because I just feel like I have too much to do and I'm wasting my time napping. Even if I lay down, I can't settle enough to sleep. Oh well. When our company comes, I will start having someone here with my 24/7 so I might feel okay to grab a nap then. ;) My husband just works so much. I don't like to nap when he is home if I can't help it.
I think this baby is having busy days followed by quiet days. A few days ago, she was so busy in there, it felt like someone put a kitten in my uterus with a ball of yarn. 4 little limbs going crazy. Then yesterday and today, she's more chill and only moving occasionally..but still seems to try to kick away anything touching my belly. It's cool how a child's personality starts out in the womb.
Beanonorder - anterior placenta is totally normal and nothing is 'wrong' about the placenta being there. Anywhere except over the cervix is fine.

As I have said before I have had it 3 x now and always have had a good amount of movement. This baby though it is mainly low down.

I think with subsequent kids you maybe don't sit down still enough to feel as much. I know I mainly feel this baby when I am in bed or at work sat at my desk.
I only feel baby when I'm lying down.

I'm so tired today. Jack is so ill and been up all night. Think he might have tonsillitis :-(
I had the weirdest experience yesterday. We walked a lot, and there were a lot of parts that were uphill and downhill. When I came back I had the worst pain in my back right above my left hip. We had dinner and watched some tv, and it got so bad that I went to bed early, but woke up at 11 nauseated and sore with a really gurgly stomach. I took an antacid and fell asleep about an hour later. Today I feel mostly better, but still have some back pain.

My question is, what could that have been? Could it have been a combination of sacroiliac joint pain and indigestion? I've had the back pain in the past, but nowhere near that bad, and if it's so bad now that it makes me nauseated, how is it going to be in a month or two?
How many weeks are you Xanzaba?

I ask because in each of my pregnancies between weeks 14-18 especially my pelvis really moves and whilst it is in transit I get a lot of aches and weird leg spasms. Then it settles and the issues go.

I've never had back issues late on in pregnancy. Or SPD or pelvis problems.
That would be kind of cool if it was baby. I never know what to expect. Ha.

My next appt is tomorrow! Still a bit anxious. We haven't been in almost 5 weeks. While I'm excited I keep thinking that I'm going to go in and they will say something is wrong. I hate when I do that. I did that before my first ultrasound too. I sat there the other day going well I hadn't been able to eat and am just starting what harm did that cause. Then I go I don't think I'm getting enough fluids. That's bad. Why can't I just be excited!?

I was finally able to sleep last night! I don't know if I was comfortable but a lack of sleep for two days and staying up until almost 11 to watch the World Series game... I passed out. Woke up 15 min before my alarm but I'll take it! =]
Amelie- that would be fantastic if it is short-lived. I am about 16 1/2 weeks, so that fits. I just hope to never have pain like that again!

I really want to do some stretches, but I'm a bit nervous that it will start up the bleeding again. I guess I could call the OBGYN, but I don't want to make a pain of myself...
With my first baby it got so bad I got 'stuck' walking up the stairs and had to call my DH to come home to help me move!

I found avoiding heeled shoes of any type helped and just taking it easy whilst it was at its peak.
Dini, that's what some of my movements feel like. I'm sure it's baby you are feeling! :)

Rebecca, when do you get daylight saving? We had it on sunday and I immediately feel very well rested ;) hope you get some energy soon! So cool that you can feel you baby so much! Mine is only moving sporadically but more and more every day. You're lucky to have felt your little girl for so many weeks!

Christina, good luck with your appointment!

As for me, since my regular doctor found a weird and painful lump in my abdomen last week I now have a transvaginal ultrasound scheduled for that on wednedsday. I am trying not to worry about the results until I know what it is.

I do not like the fact that it's transvaginal, but I know I can deal with it. I just don't like being so naked and exposed!! I hope the doctor is nice enough to show me the baby, at least a little bit! That would totally make up for the being naked part ;)
Tove, I hate tv ultrasounds, they suck! But hopefully you'll get to see baby and it will be worth it. :) I hope it shows that there is nothing to worry about. Fingers crossed for you!

Lots of appointments in the next few days! Northern, I'm super excited for yours, I can't believe how long you've had to wait. I can't wait to see pics of your little bean! :)

I made an appointment this afternoon just to listen to baby's heartbeat. I should have ordered a doppler when I was 8 weeks; I feel like now it would be a waste of money, but last night and this morning I just suddenly freaked out! I feel like I just have to hear the heartbeat or I'm going to have a panic attack. I know I'm being a crazy pregnant lady. :p
Tove hope everything turns out okay. :hugs: Seeing baby would make up for it :) I'm hoping my doc will do an ultrasound for me next Monday cause I'm gonna take my sisters with me to the appt - their only chance to see baby in there :)

I watched a video on how to bathe your newborn last night and I just about died of cuteness overload! I'm so excited to hold and snuggle my own baby :cloud9:
Tove- Daylight savings time starts on this coming Sunday. So it's not too far away! I am thankful today, though, because he slept in today! I got up before him at 8:50. And he got up at 9:00 after hearing me up and moving around. That was delightful. I think feeling my baby so much this time makes up for last time. It took so long for me to feel a thing with my son. But it is nice feeling this baby more.
Good luck with your ultrasound on Wednesday. I don't think anyone likes transvaginal ultrasounds. They are just awkward. lol But at least you'll get a great view of baby. I hope everything goes well and that it doesn't turn out to be a big deal.

Tara- I hope you have a nice appointment listening to baby's heartbeat. I'm sure it will be a nice relief.

Maggz- I know what you mean. Every time I see a newborn, I start to get excited. My son screamed through his whole first bath. But when he developed colic a few weeks later, his bath was the one thing that always calmed him down. And he started getting a bath every single night for that reason. He still gets a bath every night because it has just become part of his bedtime routine!

Good luck to everyone with upcoming appointments! I just had mine today. It went well. I've gained more weight in the past month than I'd like (5 lbs). But my midwife is happy because I hadn't gained any weight last time. We listened to baby's heartbeat, which read in the 130s. This baby is always relaxed and asleep in the morning. She measured my fundal height this time. It was 17 cm, so that was all good. I've made my next appointment for the day before Thanksgiving in hopes that either my husband will end up having that day off or that our company will be here that day to watch my son. He was extremely well behaved during my visit, but he told me it is boring and he wants to stay home the next time. lol
And I don't know if we will be here for the delivery or not. There is a possibility we will be because a lot of positions in my husband's area are open here. His class finishes in a little over 2 months. So, I'm thinking we'll have to have our orders soon! But I told my midwife today that we might be staying and she said that she doesn't do deliveries. But if I am going to stay, it might be a good idea to see a different OB each time so that I can become familiar with all of them. She said even if she did do deliveries, their policy is that the doctor on duty that day/night does the delivery. My son was born at this same hospital, and I had my OB's number and I just called her when I went into labor. She showed up and delivered my baby. So, now I'm just hoping I like the other OBs. I did see one today who seemed amazing, her patients loved her, and on my way out, I saw that she was employee of the month!
Hey ladies. I'm sorry I've not caught up.

I've been suffering severe migraines lately and they are persistent. i almost can't move when dd wakes up crying. I went to get my eyes checked and got a new prescription for my glasses...but I was told that the difference is quite minor and even asked if there could be other reasons for the migraines. I guess I'll go see someone tomorrow...it's so hard to concentrate on anything and I feel so miserable and exhausted!

It'll probably turn out to be pregnancy related I guess. I do remember getting a lot of migraines in early second tri last time as well.
My intelligender is here!!! I'm testing in the morning!

Weighed myself this morning to find I still haven't gained any weight. Almost halfway there! It blows my mind that I have such a big bump but no extra weight. So weird!
Northern, I'm excited to hear what your intelligender test says! I wish you weren't staying team yellow so we could find out soon if it's right! ;) Okay, I kid. Exciting though!

Rebecca I'm glad your appointment was good! I am curious / nervous to know how much weight I've gained. I keep trying to relax about it but the weight thing is hard for me! :p I hope you end up with someone you love to deliver you! With kaiser you get whatever one of their 50+ docs is on call that day, so I will expect a stranger again with this baby. :shrug:

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