**April Bunnies 2015**

Yeah he can be something else lol. I Come from a pretty big family. I mean I have one sister but my dad has 3 brothers and a sister and my mom has a sister. So I am the oldest out of both sides and have a ton of cousins. He is an only child and was the youngest. He has held a baby maybe 3 times total and handed her to me bc he was terrified. He has this brave face on saying he's got it but I'm sure he has no idea what he is in for. I love him but he needs a smack of reality!
Christina my DH is the same! It took us 4 years to get here and he wants to start right away after this one because they say if you have fertility issues sometimes the easiest time to get pregnant is soon after a birth. But I wanted all my kids before I turned 35 and I'll be 35 before baby boy is here. So that is not going to happen. He is used to babies but has no clue how much work they really are.

I'm also nervous to have another after this one as after age 35 the miscarriage risk goes up quite a bit but I suppose we may give it a try. To appease him I said when the doc gave us the go ahead we would t prevent for a while and after baby was a year if he wanted to try again we would. That made him happy for now. Men are so funny.
I just can't wait to watch him change the first diaper :haha:

Or the first time he gets poop on him... or peed on... or puked on... or spit up on. :haha::haha::haha::haha:

I remember holding my nephew so my sister and bil could get the baby stuff from the hotel room to the car. I went to pay the bill and Noah puked down my shirt. He was about 6ish months old at the time. He thought it was absolutely hilarious and the laugh coming from him was priceless. Then he puked on himself.
Yeah he can be something else lol. I Come from a pretty big family. I mean I have one sister but my dad has 3 brothers and a sister and my mom has a sister. So I am the oldest out of both sides and have a ton of cousins. He is an only child and was the youngest. He has held a baby maybe 3 times total and handed her to me bc he was terrified. He has this brave face on saying he's got it but I'm sure he has no idea what he is in for. I love him but he needs a smack of reality!

The first time DH ever held a baby was 4 months before our son was born, when our nephew(my brother's son) was born. He was so awkward and uncertain. He loved looking at him, and was in awe of him but just was so nervous about holding him or anything. It was TOTALLY different when our son was born! He held him so confidently and had no problem whatsoever. When it was his child, there was not the same nervousness or uncertainty at all. Hopefully your OH is the same!
I just had a dream that I had twins and then someone dumped their baby on us so we had three children the same age and they all fit in one carseat! Haha :)
Rebecca I know potty training is so hard! Especially once you throw in sleep deprivation. But I've also heard and read that putting him back in diapers when he wants to be in underwear is to be avoided if you can. (Side story, my sister did that with her son at night bc they didn't want to deal with wet bed when they both had work in the morning, and they avoided it for too long. Now he still has nighttime wetness issues, and he is over 6. Obviously there's more to it for them). Could he wear a pull-up to bed instead of a diaper, at least? And as soon as he wakes up dry one or two mornings, go back to undies (with a waterproof pad on the bed, of course!)? You can get through this, as long as you're not pushing him past what he's ready to do then it's better not to go backwards if you can help it. Of course, I have also been there where you just have to take a break, so don't feel bad if that's where you are!!

Counting I'm so sorry about your MIL! Is it possible that your mom or DH said something to her about how she acted last pregnancy, and that's why she's keeping quiet this time? Maybe she doesn't know how to do it halfway? I don't know, MILs are so weird, I can never get a handle on what mine is thinking either. After 13+ years in each others' lives, we just try to be civil and ignore each other's faults. I think that may be as good as its going to get with us! :p

I am so excited to hear about everyone's scans! I can't believe anyone who even considers having another baby when their first one is still fresh out! Of course babies terrify me, so I am not the person to ask.. XD

Dini! Congrats on the blue bump! Yaaay, we are totally bump buddies! :) Have fun finding out with DH, I can't wait to hear about his reaction. :)

I totally forgot everyone else I wanted to reply to... crap. :(

My anxiety has been a little better today. I think getting more sleep, exercising, trying not to eat too much sugar, and drinking enough water will help. I need to start going to yoga ASAP. Other than that, I just have to breathe and remember that it's all going to be okay.

I haven't had any dreams about this baby. I'm not that interested in settling on a name or getting the nursery ready or shopping for him. It still doesn't feel real, even though I can feel him kicking and wiggling around several times a day. Some part of me just isn't convinced that we're having a baby, and I feel really guilty about it, like there's something wrong with me. I think it's more likely just part of the depression/ anxiety (which really annoys me because life is really good right now! I hate my brain chemistry sometimes!), but it's making me sad. I want to get excited and bond with this baby. Has anyone else felt like this? I was scared when I was pregnant with DD, but I was still excited and was bonding with her. This time just feels so different. :nope:
Tara- I was thinking pretty much the same thing about potty training. I feel like putting him back in diapers would only delay any progress. I'm trying to be patient about it all. I was going to pick up some training pants today whenever I can make it out to Walmart to get those sticky pads. My husband and I are both just baffled as to why he is peeing so much now that he is in underpants. They are not squeezing him at the waist or anything. I just hope he starts getting the hang of it. What I think I might have to start doing is getting him up at 2AM to pee instead of midnight. But I'm usually out cold at 2 AM. I might just have to set some quiet alarm or something.

I had my scan. It lasted over an hour! The tech was a perfectionist as he liked to call it. And he wanted the perfect image of everything. They just built a brand new hospital here. So, I went into the new radiology wing and their ultrasound equipment is top of the line. It's some of the best I have ever seen. We got crystal clear views of the baby. And, of course, I was told for the third time that I'm having a girl. ;) The tech said he wasn't allowed to tell me the results of the ultrasound. My doctor had to do that. But he did tell me that her heart is perfectly developed because I had remarked on how clear all 4 chambers of the heart were. I am not an expert, but I saw clear images of her brain, kidneys, heart, stomach, etc. And everything looked great to me. I did not see him making any notes of concerns either.
Another thing that has me relieved is that she is back to measuring right on target. Pretty much everything measured right at 20 weeks today with either 2 days ahead of that or 1 day behind. So the general gestation was 20 weeks. That was such a relief after that one ultrasound that had all of the measurements a couple days to a week behind.


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So, after I posted that information about the ultrasound, my midwife called me. Even though the tech told me that the baby's heart looked great, she said they found an echogenic intracardiac focus. She said everything else on the ultrasound was completely normal.
She did say that this does occur on ultrasounds fairly frequently and not to worry about it. And that it usually clears up on its own. She said it sometimes indicates a chromosomal abnormality, so when I go for my appointment next week, I am actually going to have my screening done for abnormalities. That way, if we can rule that out, we can be fairly certain that this is not an issue. I am pretty calm about it all. I suppose that's because everything else checked out normally and because she reassured me that it is fairly common and often clears up by the third trimester. She even said it might not be anything at all but just the way something may have looked on an ultrasound. And I will have another even clearer ultrasound done.
Rebecca, I'm glad you're calm about the ultrasound abnormality, we had something similar with DD and it was absolutely nothing; sometimes this super-advanced equipment is a mixed blessing! :p I think your plan of getting training pants for DS and getting him up once later sounds really good. Hopefully you can push that 2 am one gradually later until he stays dry all night. :hugs: Good luck!
This baby has a kidney issue that could indicate an abnormality. They also thought his heart might have what your daughter has, but after close inspection it was just the angle of the scan. Both of these things(my sons enlarged kidney and your daughters mark on the heart) are very low risk indicators. My best advice is to focus on all the positives and try not to focus on this very small detail, which will likely turn out to be nothing. (Ps. cute scan picture!)
I am really thinking it's probably nothing. We looked at her heart for a long time on the ultrasound because he was showing me what a perfect view of all 4 chambers it was, and there was no spot at all. I think perhaps it's just the way one picture showed up. So, it was protocol to notify me. There were literally 0 other markers for any abnormalities. Which, after doing my own research, I have found the only major risk is down's syndrome and even that is low.

I got sticky pads and training pants tonight! Yes! We will start off with the sticky pads, and if he goes too long like that, we will do training pants. He's excited because they have spiderman on them.
Tara, you are right, we are totally bump buddies, same due date, both boys!! Yay!!:happydance:

Northern when you get time can you put me down as team blue on the front page?? Thanks!!

Rebecca, what a cute profile you got!! I'm glad you aren't worried and I don't blame you, most people I know have some anomaly and it clears up or was just a shadow, ultrasounds aren't perfect. I hope you DS has a better night tonight.

So our scan was okay, it was confirmed he's still all boy but he was very uncooperative, she even had me bounce on the ball for a bit and he did flip around and finally show his bits but he refused to take his little face out of the placenta or a good 3d shot. He was all snuggled up to it and did not want to budge! She was super nice and scheduled me for another scan in 2 weeks even though we got the gender, because she felt bad we didn't get the good face pics we should have. He looked good to me but of course I'm no expert. My actual anomaly scan is Dec. 8th, so I guess we will wait till then to see.

I can't decide if I should put it out on FB at 20 weeks even though we won't have had the anomaly scan yet, or if I should wait. I wanted to wait to shop also till then but it's so hard now knowing it's a boy. I guess I can start planning colors for the room and looking at what I like right?

Oh so here are a few pics, not great but here they are!:happydance:


Dini, if you feel like doing a little shopping, I say go for it. Same goes for telling on Facebook if you're ready. There's no magic time where there's absolutely no risk that something will be wrong or go wrong, so just do it when you feel ready! But if you're more comfortable waiting, you can at least start researching what you want and wait until you're ready to buy. :) How did DH react to finding out it's a boy?
Glad you're not worried Rebecca, like someone said the better technology is kind of a blessing and a curse, makes us worry more than we need to at times! Great pic you got :)

Dini what did your DH say??? Did you manage to keep it to yourself until the tech told you both? ;) Lucky that you get another scan, more baby time!
I second Tara, just post it when you're ready, I wouldn't wait for the scan if you want to post it now :) Shopping oh my... I've hardly started thinking about it!

I have one question for you all... anyone having lower back/upper butt pain? It's so hard to describe but when I walk and bend down I get this pain on each side of my spine, like where the spine ends almost at the butt crack but to the side. It persists while I walk/bend and goes down a little. Is it just ligaments getting loose and my body not knowing what to do? Anyone experience this?
DH was happy. I asked him if he was happy or sad and he said, "glad" lol. Seems so much more real now.

I still think I may wait till after thanksgiving or around about to post anything and I'll probablybwait to shop but we are going out for Black Friday so if I see something I have to have then I'll buy it!

We did look at colors for the babies room and I can't decide so I'll wait a bit. I'm sure something will just feel right. It's already painted but I want to add more color.

Maggz that could be your ligaments. Maybe pelvic girdle pain. Either way, sounds uncomfortable.
Rebecca I'm glad you are not too worried. I have to admit I'm a lot calmer this pregnancy. The only minor thing on my mind are the ABO test results. They're available but I think I'll just wait til my next appointment.

Dini my boy was also snuggled firmly against the placenta! It was really cute!

My dh has never held a baby, changed a diaper or anything until dd was born. And he was fantastic! He embraced everything and never complained, refused to do anything or looked awkward.

Maggz sorry about the pain you're feeling. My lady part pain doesn't seem to be around today. I know it's a normal part of pregnancy so I guess I just have to accept it's started already.

20 weeks today! Yay for being halfway!
I also had a scan today and we have a healthy baby girl on board! I'm excited to have one of each, but even more excited that everything looked good on ultrasound! Now to choose a name! It took us forever to settle on a name for DS so this could take awhile lol.
Just read about pelvic girdle pain, the article said sow times it's confused with sciatica. Could be either one but since it's coming on now that I'm pregnant I'm guessing it would be pelvic girdle pain rather than sciatica? I'll mention it to my doctor next appointment but I started doing some exercises on a ball to counteract it. Hope it works.

Yay wanting congrats on your girl!! Very happy for you and that everything looked good!

I agree Dini it's gonna seem so much more like a real person when we've found out. Even though I didn't want to at first, I'm glad that we are.

Hope that pain stays away for you beanonorder:)
Rebecca: with my dd she had a cyst in her brain at 22 weeks. The dr doing the scan said they are called choroid plexis cysts and are a normal part of brain development. She said if I had had my anomaly scam earlier it would either have been bigger or there would have been more of it. She said she wishes they didn't have to note it down in their findings as it causes worry for no reason. Hopefully it's a similar case for you. My dd has never had any issues and my DR never mentioned it.

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