**April Bunnies 2015**

greygirl I'm so glad baby looks good!

Maggz, that waiting room frustration got even worse. The midwife who is awesome tried and tried to find a heartbeat with the doppler and couldnt after nearly ten min. We didn't even hear movement and I almost always hear that at home and it only takes about a min to find babies heartbeat at the longest for me. So I was freaking out inside, trying to keep it together. I Heard baby last night but was so scared baby died overnight as I hadn't felt it all day. She said she would get me an ultrasound but their machine was down. The technician was working on it and said its be 5 min and it was. Long story short, baby was just fine, heart rate was 162 and baby was sleeping at first and had its butt positioned towards the front so that's why it was hard to hear. However, we did discover that it's a BOY! :blue:

I have my private gender scan tomorrow and am still having it as DH wasn't with me at the office and I'm hiding it from him because I don't want to take that away from him.

Talk about an emotional roller coaster today! Had to take a nap after all that!!
Eeeeek congrats again Dini!!! I foresaw it! ;)
First of all, so many BOYS! I love it!

Second of all. Trying to determine if this is pregnancy hormones or I am being too sensitive or what but...When I was pregnant with my first my MIL obsessively commented on everything with the pregnancy (even when it was not appropriate, like sharing the news I may be induced due to health reasons a month early, even though we wanted to keep the news to immediate family only). She got pissed because I asked her not to announce my sons birth on facebook before we got a chance to. Now that he is here, she obsessively shares photos of him I post, even though she rarely sees him and makes no effort to do so. All this aside, with the new baby, she has not mentioned at all that we are having another. She has not made a comment on any of my posts about it, on any of the ultrasound pictures, nothing. When we found out we were having a boy last time she posted about it incessantly, now not only am I more than halfway through the pregnancy and she hasn't shared the news at all, but she also has not mentioned anything about my second son at all. I think she is disappointed we are having a boy. When she found out we were having another she said a boy and a girl are a "million dollar family" and she wanted us to have a girl. She didn't say anything negative when she found out otherwise, but she hasn't said anything, either. She has kept up sharing photos and videos of my oldest, while ignoring the new baby. So it isn't like she hasn't had a chance to post a quick announcement or share his ultrasound picture. Scared that this baby is going to be treated like he isn't as good as Joey. I have no idea what her problem is. Am I being overly sensitive or would you be super pissed as well? To be fair it's also worth noting that for some strange unexplained reason DH's mom, grandmother and sister decided that they hate me, and that I am an awful mother who thinks I am better than them because I do things differently. (To the point they have posted snotty comments about how breastfeeding mothers think they are better than everyone else... Even though I have never said or done anything that would make people think I feel that way. Aside from actually breastfeeding my child...)
Kristy: I know how you feel. We have a girl name and a boy name. I'm not 100% on the girl name anymore and it's bugging me!

I admit for this past week I wasn't keeping track of how far along I am. But it is Wednesday so I am 19 weeks now. Anomaly scan in 5 days...dh is taking me, so we won't be finding out even if baby cooperates.
Counting I don't think you are over reacting. It seems like she is snubbing the new baby. And the million dollar family comment is hurtful. I myself would love one of each but I know the men in DH's family tend to produce boys so we get what God gives us and we are happy with it.

I know if I manage to have another baby and it's not a girl I will be very disapponted because I really don't think I'll get pregnant again but if I do it will be the last due to my age and a comment like that would crush me I think.
Northern- Thanks so much! I will go to Walmart tomorrow and see if I can find those. Anything can help. So far, he has peed 3 times since going to bed. I am still going to get him up one more time and hope (fingers crossed) that he makes it through the rest of the night dry. It's so weird that he is going backwards, but I hope that he either progresses or those things work for us. That would be great! He really does not want to wear diapers at all anymore.

Dini- YAY! CONGRATULATIONS! You have killer instincts. So happy for you with your boy. :blue: Sorry that you had an annoying time at your appointment before that, though. I also hope your private scan goes well tomorrow.

Counting- Your MIL situation sounds almost exactly like mine. We have been doing much better than we used to. Thankfully, my MIL has started to notice when she says things or does things that could be hurtful. And our relationship is really getting repaired. But at the beginning of this pregnancy she said I just had to be having a girl because that's how it is supposed to be. I just thought "Really? That is so ridiculous!" I would have been happy with either gender. My in-laws have also felt in the past that I think I'm better than them because I don't always do things the way they do. So, I know exactly how you feel. I just told them point blank that all people are different and not to take it personally. I want to do things in my own way. She has really come to respect it, too. I wonder if my own mom has anything to do with that though. My MIL adores my mom and my mother lets us make our own decisions without interfering, and I know they have talked about it some. But I hope things get better for you and that she somehow comes around. It is so frustrating to have to deal with that drama. So, basically, I do not think you are being too sensitive.

AFM- I felt the baby from the outside tonight!!! :happydance: It was fleeting and only a few times as she stopped pretty much every time I touched my abdomen. But I felt her! I was so excited! I'm looking forward to my big scan tomorrow. I am not as anxious about her growth as I was and I think that might be because her kicks are getting REALLY strong. And then feeling them from the outside makes me feel like she has probably grown a lot and will measure out fine. When I go there, I have to pretend like I have not had a scan on my own. They are very much against having any ultrasound that is not medically required and give all of this information out about it at the beginning of the pregnancy. So, when they tell me I'm having a girl, I have to act surprised (I did this with my son too). What I'm really looking forward to finding out about is how she is developing. I just want that all clear, of course. My scan is at 12:30. I feel like it will be here before I know it.
Rebecca I was wondering about how my doctors office felt about private scans and I let it slip today to the midwife about our scan tomorrow. She didn't say anything and they seem laid back about stuff like that. I have read that they aren't regulated and not all the techs are medically trained so they may use the wrong frequency so it could harm the baby but I really think if they were that dangerous something would have been done about them by now. It's funnybhow everyone sees it differently.
Dini: Congrats on your boy! That must have been really scary! I'm a very anxious person and would have had a heart attack I think!

Counting: I don't think it's your hormones...I would also be upset. And what is up with the million dollar family comment!!

Rebecca: so exciting that you felt baby from the outside! I can't wait for that! I can barely feel him/her from the inside...mostly when I'm laying on my stomach lol.
Sorry if this is tmi but is anyone else having pain in their lady parts already? I remember it happening last time but not so early on! I've also started feeling slightly uncomfortable. This also didn't happen til much later last time. I really want to work as long as possible but at the rate I'm going I will to be overwhelmed long before 39 weeks!

Rebecca I also find my mom has a lot of influence over my Mil. Its definitely helped me out a few times.
Counting sorry yours is acting the way she is. Thankfully mine is hugely excited. I do think she is going to be slightly disappointed about it being a boy. She won't love him any less but it's more to do with my FIL. She hates him! As crazy as it sounds we are the only people in the world with our surname and Mil wanted me to have girls so that the surname will die out. Oh well, what's meant to be will be!
Unfortunately I found with my DD2 all the niggles started earlier. I worked until 36 weeks with DD1 but DD2 (and I was ill with my diabetes) I only made it to 30 weeks before I just really had to finish.

I did have a long drive to work though and as I say, I wasn't that well at the time.
Bean what kind of pains do you mean? I find that I feel very sore down there...wondered if it was due to some infection or something.
At our halfway mark today! I can't wait to meet our little guy. She's been feeling much stronger movements and much more consistent. We have our 20 week appointment today and our official anatomy scan tomorrow :cloud9:
Bean what kind of pains do you mean? I find that I feel very sore down there...wondered if it was due to some infection or something.

The only way I can describe it is like I've been riding a horse for a whole day or otherwise had a very vigorous bedroom session! But clearly neither of those has been happening!! Even my inner thighs have a stiff feeling.
Bean I think I'm definitely suffering the same kind of pains. Had them quite early last time too.

Congrats on the halfway mark edison.
No pains here beanonorder. Perhaps it is just some pressure from baby. Hope it eases for you!

I plan maternity leave for around mid March I think when I am 36-37 weeks.

Dini congrats on your boy yay xxx!! 6 days until I find out and I can't wait !!!! Been counting down the weeks lol feels like forever ago everyone here started finding out.

I hardly ever feel the baby I think it must be positioned in a position that I don't feel much. It has me worried but I use my Doppler every day and hb is fine and I hear baby moving about with it as well
Dini congrats on a blue bump!

Eidson congrats on reaching the halfway point, good luck for the scan.
Dini- congrats on your boy!!

Edison - congrats on halfway!!

Oh my. So dh has already said he wants 2 kids. Apparently he has decided they need to be close in age so he wants to start trying "shortly after this baby is born" I didnt know whether or not to laugh at him or smack him. =| he also wants the next baby before we turn 30. I'm 28 and I will be 29 a month after the baby is born. I think he's gone crazy. lol.
GreyGirl- I had meant to congratulate you on your great scan yesterday! I am glad, for your sake, that the baby didn't cooperate. ;) Also glad that baby is healthy.

Beanonorder- I am not really in pain there, but occasionally I feel like a pulsing feeling like I'm getting kicked there. I didn't feel anything like that until the 3rd trimester with my son. But this baby seems to like to hang out low down. She also has been dancing on my bladder lately and I have to use the restroom more often already. I will have enough of that in the 3rd trimester. I really didn't want it to start this early.

Eidson- HOORAY! Congrats! We are halfway today too! It's so much fun. You feel so accomplished being 20 weeks. Big appointments and scans ahead!

Christina- Your husband is something else. I think he might change his mind after the baby arrives. My husband is the opposite. He wanted to wait until next year to even try to have another baby. This baby was a complete surprise (birth control baby). But I'm kind of glad to be pregnant again. I do like staying home with my children, but I also don't want to be out of work forever. I think this surprise worked out perfect for us. But I think once your husband sees how much work a baby is, he probably will not be wanting another one straight away.

Last night was another rough night for us. My son got up 4 times to go to the bathroom and still wet the bed at 4:30 AM. I put him in a diaper after that because I really just didn't want to risk it happening again. And he was literally distraught over putting the diaper on. I told him that I wanted to put it on for now so that he did not have another accident. And he was okay with that. But I really do hope he can make more progress. I am wondering if he has some sort of anxiety over knowing that if he pees he wets his bed, so his body is overreacting to it all and making him pee more than before. I cannot wait to get those sticky pads, and I truly hope they work for us. That would be fantastic!
Christina: Your DH is so funny! I think he'll change his mind when he's hit with the reality of having a tiny LO that is demanding. DH didn't want another baby so soon after DD...but once things settled and we got used to it we decided to try again...but of course, the feeling had to be mutual!

Scottish: I'm glad someone else is in the same boat as me! I feel flutters more often now...but more often is probably two or three times a day as opposed to just on the random occasion that I happen to be laying on my stomach!!

Rebecca: I'm sorry your son was upset by having to put a diaper on again. I wish I had some proper advice but as I haven't potty trained anyone yet there isn't much to say =( but I have heard that even when the child is dry during the day, it takes longer for them to get used to it during the nights. I hope the sticky pads help.

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