northern thinking of your family, hope things are looking up with your OH's niece.
Rebecca that sucks with the whole ultrasound place, but I'm so glad it was nothing!

We actually just had an ultrasound this morning, turns out they did see everything they needed last time but the doc looked at the wrong chart

I'm so annoyed with how long we had to wait though, I know it's not bad compared to some places but our check-in time was 7.45, appointment at 8am, and we weren't called in until almost 8.30! It's like they have no regard for your time. I would have thought getting an appt first thing in the morning would get you in and out faster... urgh it just makes me mad. BUT on the bright side it was another chance to see our little man! He was weighing in at 1,6 pounds and looked so much bigger now than last time
bean glad your daughter is feeling a little better
Dini hope the ultrasound went well and he cooperated!

Make sure you show us the announcement photo
AFM I'm finally done with school so I'll stop talking about it

After my last final yesterday I had to rush to get ready and drive to DH's work's Christmas party. I got all dressed up, put my hair up cause I know DH likes it like that and I wanted him to think I looked nice

Well the party was fine but they only had the venue till 10pm so it was over a lot earlier than I thought. The rest of the night was kind of a bust. DH wanted to go meet some of the guys which was fine, we never really go out down there since it's an hour away and we wanted to make the most of the night. Well they weren't gonna go out for a little bit (I guess they went home in between) so DH was like okay we'll just go get food and go home (there was no dessert at the Christmas buffet, what an atrocity!!). Then he figured he would keep drinking and wanted to go to Dave and Busters and said that we could each "do our thing" there (which was him drinking and me eating...), but I knew he already spent a bunch of money on this party so I was like should we really be spending more tonight? And that just totally turned him off to do anything so he just sat there sulking and said I was right and we should just go home. He then proceeded to fall asleep within 5 minutes of being on the road, so we drove home in silence (apart from Pandora playing lol).
Of course he thought I killed the vibe, which I felt super bad about but I was also sad cause I felt like I had gotten all dressed up for him (which he didn't say anything about btw) and he just wanted to drink but not really to spend time with me. Especially the way he suggested Dave and Busters just sounded like we would each be in our corner doing separate things and it just didn't sound fun.
This morning was kind of the last straw... We had talked about getting starbucks after the ultrasound cause we won a giftcard at last night's raffle, and I had this image in my head of us sipping on our drinks looking at ultrasound pics... Well DH has kind of a one track mind and his brother had asked him to bring him a project to school that he forgot at home, then he realized that our freezer chest would be ready for pickup today, AND that he forgot to call his cousin yesterday for his birthday which he felt bad about. So all of a sudden our starbucks date was riding backseat to all this stuff that just couldn't wait for half an hour. So I started crying, of course. And I'm just super sad, and he doesn't understand me at all. I just wanted to spend some time together but when he has stuff like that on his mind he can't relax. So we went home, I cried, tried to explain, he hugged me, I know he doesn't understand still, and then he left to save the world.

To top it off I have to go get ready for work.
/rant over
Cheers if you got through all this, it might sound crazy and selfish of me but this is how I feel.