**April Bunnies 2015**

We just got really bad news about OH's 5 year old niece. I'm posting it in the FB group because it's locked and won't show up in a search.
Amelie we did see the dr and they just gave us some meds but they also swabbed her throat and may prescribe additional things I'd needed based on the results.

I'm taking her back tomorrow as she's started having diarrhea as well. When she started having the fever I noticed spots on her chin...today the spots have spread up to her cheeks and tummy. May not be related but it's worth mentioning since it started at the same time.

Rebecca I'm glad to hear your good news. It's such a relief!
Have wanted to tandem nurse, but being pregnant and nursing a toddler is very tiring, physically. Then you count in the little things, like I don't produce regular milk anymore just tiny amounts of colostrum, so he nurses for one minute on each side and switches back and forth for so long(Like when he used to do it to increase my supply- but it doesn't work anymore!) in the evening it is exhausting! And he has been doing for a long time now. He stays awake longer just trying to get milk that just isn't happening. I had to night wean him a little while back because he was so distressed trying to get milk at night and getting nothing and things have been much better since. He is completely weaned between bedtime and 6am. I'm always very consistent, but I often do offer water/milk and snuggles before nursing if he asks now. If he says no and insists I will offer nursing. Thinking about incorporating that into the bedtime routine as well as through the day like I am doing now.

I know people who have weaned during pregnancy, who have kids who self wean during pregnancy and people who tandem nurse for an extended period of time with no issue, and who have had to wean very early into tandem nursing. I also remember how demanding it was having a newborn who nursed every 15-30 minutes around the clock in the beginning(my son has a lip tie and reflux so he was permanently attached to the breast) and I am uncertain about how I will fit a nursing toddler into that mix if it is the same situation again. :/ But I also feel like I might regret it if I wean him.

Why do decisions have to be so hard?!
northern thinking of your family, hope things are looking up with your OH's niece. :hugs:

Rebecca that sucks with the whole ultrasound place, but I'm so glad it was nothing! :flower: We actually just had an ultrasound this morning, turns out they did see everything they needed last time but the doc looked at the wrong chart :dohh: I'm so annoyed with how long we had to wait though, I know it's not bad compared to some places but our check-in time was 7.45, appointment at 8am, and we weren't called in until almost 8.30! It's like they have no regard for your time. I would have thought getting an appt first thing in the morning would get you in and out faster... urgh it just makes me mad. BUT on the bright side it was another chance to see our little man! He was weighing in at 1,6 pounds and looked so much bigger now than last time :cloud9:

bean glad your daughter is feeling a little better :)

Dini hope the ultrasound went well and he cooperated! :) Make sure you show us the announcement photo :)

AFM I'm finally done with school so I'll stop talking about it :haha: After my last final yesterday I had to rush to get ready and drive to DH's work's Christmas party. I got all dressed up, put my hair up cause I know DH likes it like that and I wanted him to think I looked nice :blush: Well the party was fine but they only had the venue till 10pm so it was over a lot earlier than I thought. The rest of the night was kind of a bust. DH wanted to go meet some of the guys which was fine, we never really go out down there since it's an hour away and we wanted to make the most of the night. Well they weren't gonna go out for a little bit (I guess they went home in between) so DH was like okay we'll just go get food and go home (there was no dessert at the Christmas buffet, what an atrocity!!). Then he figured he would keep drinking and wanted to go to Dave and Busters and said that we could each "do our thing" there (which was him drinking and me eating...), but I knew he already spent a bunch of money on this party so I was like should we really be spending more tonight? And that just totally turned him off to do anything so he just sat there sulking and said I was right and we should just go home. He then proceeded to fall asleep within 5 minutes of being on the road, so we drove home in silence (apart from Pandora playing lol).
Of course he thought I killed the vibe, which I felt super bad about but I was also sad cause I felt like I had gotten all dressed up for him (which he didn't say anything about btw) and he just wanted to drink but not really to spend time with me. Especially the way he suggested Dave and Busters just sounded like we would each be in our corner doing separate things and it just didn't sound fun.
This morning was kind of the last straw... We had talked about getting starbucks after the ultrasound cause we won a giftcard at last night's raffle, and I had this image in my head of us sipping on our drinks looking at ultrasound pics... Well DH has kind of a one track mind and his brother had asked him to bring him a project to school that he forgot at home, then he realized that our freezer chest would be ready for pickup today, AND that he forgot to call his cousin yesterday for his birthday which he felt bad about. So all of a sudden our starbucks date was riding backseat to all this stuff that just couldn't wait for half an hour. So I started crying, of course. And I'm just super sad, and he doesn't understand me at all. I just wanted to spend some time together but when he has stuff like that on his mind he can't relax. So we went home, I cried, tried to explain, he hugged me, I know he doesn't understand still, and then he left to save the world. :cry:
To top it off I have to go get ready for work.
/rant over

Cheers if you got through all this, it might sound crazy and selfish of me but this is how I feel. :(
Awwww Maggz I remember feeling like that in my first pregnancy. OH and I had been together 9 years before lo came along and the dynamics of our relationship changed so much during preg. Men unfortunately don't get it unless we tell than what it wrong sometimes and then it seems like we "spoil the fun" but someone has to have the sensible head on! Try and let him know your feelings as much as possible as I think blokeys can feel quite alienated to begin with as we are the ones with the massive changes and until the baby is here I think it doesn't quite dawn on them how much life changes. Big hugs though honey I know exactly how you are feeling ☺️ X
Thanks stripey :hugs: (that's you giving me a hug and me feeling better lol)
It's all better now he had even folded laundry and vacuumed the house when I got back from work (he hates folding and the floor was horrible due to the dogs chewing on their bones and toys everywhere), I think that was his way of making it all good :)
Maggz I know how you feel DH and I have issues like that as well at times as you've all heard. I'm scared things will change but I think that we love each other enough and we love him enough that it will all work out just fine. That is so very sweet of him to do those things. What men don't usually understand is that it's those little things that make it all better.

Northern I hope things look up for your family soon.

Afm, I'm not feeling so hot. I feel like I'm catching something. It seems about once a week or two I get this way and so far my body has managed to fight it off after a day or so of feeling crummy. I took a nap and feel a bit better so hopefully tomorrow will be better. It's going to be a long weekend at work.

Also, baby did not cooperate at the ultrasound so I didn't get any pics. I suppose he doesn't want us to see his face until he arrives.

I'm going to wait till next week to post the announcement so when I decide which one it will be ill post it here too.
I'm sorry your supply has fallen so much, must be frustrating for both of you. Could you start again once baby is here?
Last night I felt a lot better about nursing, so I think while I am so undecided I will keep up what I am doing, hope he cuts back on feeds on his own and eventually self weans. I figure maybe if I wean I will regret it, bu if I hold off a while longer I will most likely not regret that. So, my decision so far is to remain undecided :haha::dohh:
I am officially done shopping. I went and got my nails done. French with sparkle over the white. I'm happy. We have OH's Christmas party tonight so it's an opportunity to dress up and potentially feel better about myself.

I'm so sick of cleaning. I need a full time housekeeper/chef/nanny.
Dini what a diva baby you have :haha:

Time to start cleaning! I just got the shark steam clean mop with the handheld attachments and I'm gonna clean the crap out of everything today, starting with the kitchen! Can't believe I'm so excited about cleaning. What have I become?!
Dini what a diva baby you have :haha:

Time to start cleaning! I just got the shark steam clean mop with the handheld attachments and I'm gonna clean the crap out of everything today, starting with the kitchen! Can't believe I'm so excited about cleaning. What have I become?!

Let me know how you like it! I think I want one. We have oldish linoleum in our kitchen that even after mopping it is still dirty if I use a clean rag, and I heard its good for hard wood and laminate and we have both. And I totally get being excited. I think it means we are adults and are close to officially being mommies!

Oh and I giggled at your diva comment. I think you are right.
I like it! I don't have anything to compare it to, and if anything the water tank is kinda small so you have to fill it up in between rooms/counters, but it definitely does the job! Also if it were bigger it would be more difficult to hold for an extended period of time while cleaning. At first it kinda stopped and started with the steam, but I think it was just because it's new. Also found out it should be above a certain level when I'm doing the handheld option, cause if I lean it forward it will act as if it's run out of water. Anyways, I'm gonna clean the blinds and some more stuff with it tomorrow so I'll keep you posted Dini!

I baked 2 kinds of Christmas cookies today also! Very happy I got everything done that I set my mind on but my back is killing me. Guess you can't win em all.
Yay Christina on 22 weeks!

Northern I had hoped to finish my Christmas shopping this weekend. But dd started vomiting again on Saturday so I didn't want to take her out today. So it will just have to wait for Tuesday or Wednesday. Did you notice you're down to double digits now?!

We had a lazy inside day today. Sweat pants and all!! I got a lot done though. Made me realise just how much stuff I want to get done over this holiday. I only go on holiday again in Feb and I think I'm going to be too uncomfortable to do much then.
Last night I dreamt I was suffocating and I knew with absolute certainty I was going to die. It was so disconcerting! I woke up lying on my back so explains the suffocating.
That is a scary dream!

I did notice I'm in double digits! I'm so excited! Thea turned last night. She worked all evening to get head down, only for me to wake up this morning and she's back transverse again. Blah! She has only done that twice. She seems to hate it in the proper position.
That is a scary dream Bean!!

Congrats on double digits northern! So exciting.

Lately I've been feeling the biggest kicks deep into my left pelvic joint thing. I don't understand how there can be movements there. There are bones there! I feel like baby is laying sideways deep into my pelvis and kicking my pelvic joints trying to widen them. Definitely feels like all muscles around the pelvis are affected, I'm in pain most of the day and the other part just feels like burning in my muscles. It's not too bad but I do get into the whole make it stop kind of mood. Otherwise this pregnancy so far is easier than the previous one.
Northern- yay for double digits!

Bean- that dream sounds freaky. I've had some really odd ones lately that wake me up concerned. I don't like those dreams. Not one bit!

I am so sore! We turned our mattress and the frame so I'm thinking it's not from the bed. I am just starting to hurt all the time. My legs are sore - esp walking up and down stairs. My lower back hurts and my husband said from the way I keep shifting whkle sitting he thinks it's more my hips. I can see that. I'm getting a lot of movement very low down and everyone keeps saying that it looks like I'm carrying low. If the baby is still sideways/ a bit diagonal I can see the hip issue. I guess I just have a lot of stretching going on. But Im going to be one cranky person if it doesn't ease up a little to give me a break. There are times where I hurt so bad I want to cry. I guess I'll talk to the doctor about it on Tuesday.

I also weighed myself at home... I only gained a pound from what I was almost 4 weeks ago. So 22 lost,5lbs Gained back. It's not like I'm not eating! It's frusturating and makes me worry that the baby will be skinny and small =[
That is a scary dream Bean!!

Congrats on double digits northern! So exciting.

Lately I've been feeling the biggest kicks deep into my left pelvic joint thing. I don't understand how there can be movements there. There are bones there! I feel like baby is laying sideways deep into my pelvis and kicking my pelvic joints trying to widen them. Definitely feels like all muscles around the pelvis are affected, I'm in pain most of the day and the other part just feels like burning in my muscles. It's not too bad but I do get into the whole make it stop kind of mood. Otherwise this pregnancy so far is easier than the previous one.

This is how all my hip/pelvic pain started. I think it has a lot to do with baby being transverse. It has only progressively gotten worse for me. Hope it sorts itself out for you!
Christina don't even think about it - the baby would rob you of all your fat and nutrients and you would suffer before they did!

I am small - I weighed 8stone pre pregnancy with DD2 and I gained 10lb total with her, my weight was for the most part static until 32 weeks (mainly due to my diabetes diet)

My DD2 was 7lb 7oz and fine - I gained 3 stone with DD1 and she was only 6lb 7oz!

There is no real reason or need to be gaining weight at this stage if you are eating healthily.

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