**April Bunnies 2015**

Rebecca I'm so sorry about your grandmother. It's never easy losing someone you love so much. :hugs: Good luck with your next few days. Please try to just drop us a quick update after your ultrasound if you can.

Bean... Your DH... If I knew him I would kick him. Sorry. :p I'm so sorry to hear your DD has been so sick! That is so hard, especially alone. I hope she's through the worst of it! On the plus side, your bump is so beautiful! :flower:

Christina my doc told me to not lie on my back at all. I'm surprised you can stand it, it makes me feel awful! If I roll onto my back while I'm sleeping I wake up gasping like a fish out of water. :haha: But I get breathless really easily too; in fact that was one of my very early symptoms, even before my BFP. Started to do my regular workout & had to stop bc I was so winded. I had to look it up to make sure I wasn't crazy! I get winded if I talk too much. It's so embarrassing. :p

This baby is obviously some sort of breakdancer. :haha: He seems to be getting more and more active and strong! I love it, but it can be a bit distracting, especially when I'm trying to sleep! :p I'm relieved though, I thought I might not feel as much with anterior placenta but it's totally fine. :) Also, my belly button is practically flat already, and when I lay down it semi-pops out. I find it fascinatingly creepy. :p

My next appt with my new doc is Monday, and I'm worried I'm going to have to raise a fuss to get the standard preventive measures for low PAPP-A (extra growth scan by 28 weeks and testing for protein in my urine at every visit) that my other OB was going to do automatically. When I mentioned it before she seemed to have no idea what I was talking about and totally blew me off! :shrug:

We have a super busy weekend ahead and all I want to do is sleep... :sleep: :dohh: :haha:
I was never told I couldn't lay on my back. Never anything about sides either. Laying on my back is actually just becoming uncomfortable but my sides kill me if I'm on them too long. Then I flip around and end up on my back in the end.

I'm not going to see my normal doc next week as she is on vacation. I'm going to see one of the other docs in the office. I guess that's fine. I've never met them and tech any one of the 4 docs can deliver the baby.
I was doing a presentation in university one time last time I was pregnant and I huffed and puffed so much through it the prof stopped me to ask if I was ok. How embarrassing.

:haha: :)

My blood pressure has been really well behaved this pregnancy( it was my last too though) so things are starting to look up a little bit better for me now.. Prayers do really help :D

still means that I will be induced though because I am so high risk but still... Oh I also FINALLY gained some weight this pregnancy, 3 pounds so far :happydance:

Yay good for you! Glad your bp is behaving well ;)

Good luck on your final! How much more school do you have left? Despite missing so many classes at the beginning of this semester I ended with 5 A's, 2 B's and 1 B+. =)

Thanks! And good job! :flower: This is a total B semester over here... I think I'll end up with 3 B's and one C (math, my enemy).
I have one semester left to get my associate's in communications :dance: Just applied last month for transfer schools and I'm hoping to do online classes during the fall semester at least, so I can stay home with the baby.

What are you going for?

Yay it's v-day for me!

Maggz good luck for your last final!

Dd is still not well. She slept through, even with the nappy changes, but was still exhausted this morning. I did manage to get her to drink some rehydrate and eat some banana. So I'm now at school. But I'm running in fumes. Dh made me so mad, he was telling me to go to work and let the nanny take her to the doctor so I said I needed to know my daughter was OK. He told me to stop speaking like she's only mine and I just thought what an ass. He hasn't seen her since Saturday and I'm the one who's had to take her to the doctor, clean up all the vomit and wake up for her every night. He's using the excuse of he's too sick to come out to us. It just makes me mad that he hasn't even stopped once to thank me for doing it all.

Happy V-Day!! :happydance: Your bump is so cute and I loved the pics you put on fb :)

So is your DH coming around on wanting to work on things or is he just doing his own thing still? Could you set certain days for him to see your DD just so she's not missing out on seeing her dad?
Honestly, sad as it is, you're probably not gonna get any thanks from him. :/
Hope your daughter starts feeling better asap!!

Also, my belly button is practically flat already, and when I lay down it semi-pops out. I find it fascinatingly creepy. :p

My next appt with my new doc is Monday, and I'm worried I'm going to have to raise a fuss to get the standard preventive measures for low PAPP-A (extra growth scan by 28 weeks and testing for protein in my urine at every visit) that my other OB was going to do automatically.

Haha mine is getting flat too and when I lay down and flex to get up, it sticks out. It makes me laugh in a very hysterical way cause I'm so weirded out:dohh:

What's PAPP-A?

I was never told I couldn't lay on my back. Never anything about sides either. Laying on my back is actually just becoming uncomfortable but my sides kill me if I'm on them too long. Then I flip around and end up on my back in the end.

I'm not going to see my normal doc next week as she is on vacation. I'm going to see one of the other docs in the office. I guess that's fine. I've never met them and tech any one of the 4 docs can deliver the baby.

You can lay on your back as long as it's comfortable for you :) It just might pose problems like breathlessness hahaha... and when the baby and uterus get bigger it will start pressing down so you won't get as much blood flow, but by then your body will let you know! :)

I also have 1/4 chance of getting my doctor for the delivery. I don't really care, she's nice but not very personable. But I'd like to meet the other ones, just in case.

I've really been wondering if I should switch doctors, I just don't feel like going through the hassle of it all. I guess I'll see later on when I've shown her my birth plan and gotten a reaction from her and stuff.

Sorry this was so long there's just no way I'd remember everything I wanted to say if I didn't quote it! Haha.
Have a good night ladies, I'm probably gonna turn in soon so I can be fresh for tomorrow's math problems :haha:
Rebecca: I'm so sorry for your loss :hugs: congrats on vday.

Bean: congrats on vday, and I'm so sorry that your dd is still sick. Gosh that comment from your dh really got me frustrated!! I'm so sorry he's being like that.
Maggz: I am in a BSW program - Bachelor of Social Work. It is my second degree. I have a Bachelors in Communications also with a concentration in interpersonal, organizational and cultural communications. I am now going to take a year or so off but I plan on continuing to get a Masters of Social Work (and do a dual masters program to get Masters of Business Administration as well). I hope to start a non-profit one day and stay on as the CEO so I want that social work background as well as Business =]

Math seems to be the enemy of a lot of people. I have a classmate who has to take a math class and the cursing that comes out of her mouth when she talks about how she despises it is hilarious!

Grrrr! My dog is so annoying. I don't mind her sleeping on the bed but I do mind her when she shifts in the middle of the night. I have to be up at 5:45am. It's 2:45am and Lola just woke me up by shifting her paws into my back and when I went to move her. She got up and moved right back! =[
I had the first part of my 2hr test done. Sugar levels were 5.6 after 9hrs of fasting. That doesn't bode well, does it?
Not sure about proper sugar levels for the 2 hour test, sorry to hear the results are not so far favourable though :(

Possibly odd- The whole pregnancy I have felt excited, and know I love them, want them, am attached and curious about who he will be, etc, even though he was unplanned- but over the past few days I have felt SO bonded and in love with him! When I feel his big kicks and rolls I am absolutely in heaven and it's just bliss. Not sure if since everything was so difficult and a fight to keep him in and healthy in the early days I let myself distance myself from that overwhelming love and now that I am past 24 weeks I am letting myself feel like he is really going to be here and that I can be that in love with him, if it is all the big kicks and rolls and letting his presence be known, hormones or what- but something has definitely changed- and I was already loving him before now!

On a sad, shameful pregnancy note, I got married in July(the same day I got pregnant with Reed, LOL) and for dessert we had these delicious personal sized heart shaped cheesecakes. We had a bunch left over which we froze in the deep freeze. I discovered them 3 days ago. I am so ashamed at how many I have eaten, but I just can't stop :haha: Seriously. Straight out of the freezer it is like eating an icecream cheesecake.

In other news, considering weaning my son (17.5 months). So on the fence I don't know what to do. I am not minding nursing him really, and not sure I am ready to break that special bond, but I am also considering lots of other things. Wondering if I can cope with nursing a 21 month old and a newborn at the same time. Wondering if I should just keep nursing as a special way to bond with Reed when he is born, and if nursing Joey will take away from that bond. Also wondering if I choose to wean him after his brother is born if he will be resentful and blame it on the new baby. Last night (I always nurse him to sleep) I gave him a cup of water and snuggled him instead of nursing. He asked a few times and I just said "Well, why don't we try cup water and snuggles" and he didn't even get upset, just accepted it. He tried to put himself to sleep that way for half an hour before asking him if he wanted the boob for sleep, an he immediately accepted and dozed off after a couple of minutes. So on the fence.
I would continue to feed. A girl in one of my programs has been tandem feeding for 6 years through three kids. They all eventually weaned themselves. Your milk will change again for the baby so he might actually not want it himself at some point. I'm all for self weaning and really he isn't that old.
Northern 5.6 isn't THAT bad, are you awake in pain at the moment? That screws the most non diabetic of peoples sugar :hugs:

Below 6 is what they look for in pregnancy for fasting.

Below 7.8 at 1hour and below 6 at 2 (that is what I have to follow anyway)
I will probably come back and give an update on my ultrasound if I get a chance. But one thing I will say for sure is that regardless of how it goes, I am never stepping foot in this place again. They are disorganized and unprofessional. To say I am livid would be putting it lightly.
Oh Rebecca that sucks hope the ultrasound went ok hugs x

I'm with Amelie on the bloods front below 6 fasted is normally ok in the UK. It may be different over there though.

Counting - DS stopped his before bed feed on his own so I was just feeding him in the morning until he was 15 months old. I started giving him a cup of milk at bedtime and he hasn't looked for boob since. He just stopped wanting it. I would see how your lo goes but try and be firm one way or the other or he might get a bit confused x

The weather is apalling here tonight. Wet and windy and gross. Think I will eat my lasagne, watch a bit of telly and go to bed. Oh finishes at 2am so I am sure I will wake up when he comes in which in turn will wake bubba up. Last night he/she wriggled around for ages after I went for a 3am wee - I do hope I am not growing a night owl...
If you are waking in the night I can not stress how much it will mess you about too - my usual fasting is 4.1-4.4. Last week DD1 had a hacking cough and I had a virus and wasn't sleeping. I was getting 5.8's for a week each morning and thought I was on the way to medication for sure.

I am fine now I'm getting rest though.
That might do it. I'll mention that to my doctor! I get only 1-2hrs of sleep a night due to my pelvic pain.
Dd is sick with the flu. I knew she had a fever again as she wakes up singing whenever it strikes. She was laying facedown in bed and singing :( I gave her something and now waiting to see if it brings it down. She's gotten so tiny after only a few days having a fever. So worried as it's the first time she's had a serious fever.
I am sitting here waiting for a doctor to meet with me about my ultrasound. But I did see the white spot on her heart this time. She is now measuring 5 days ahead of her due date. She looks good.

I will not come back here though. Here is what happened. I was told to come here at 2 and that they rearranged my appointment to have the ultrasound instead and a slot for genetic counseling afterwards if I wanted it. I arrived to discover that NOTHING has been changed and I was still scheduled for genetic counseling at 2 and ultrasound at 2:45. They said the ultrasounds were full and I could not be seen earlier. They asked me what I wanted to do. I said since I lived a 30 minute drive away I would just go ahead and keep my genetic counseling appointment. I filled out my paperwork and waited. Nobody was calling me back. I had to wait for the line to clear up and the receptionist to get off the phone but at 2:30 I went up and asked what was going on. She said she cancelled my genetic counseling appointment!! She didn't even tell me! I made a scene in the waiting room. I was so angry.
If she has had a temp for more than 48hrs Perplexed I'd get her checked - my DD's both have had some nasty chest infections strike at this time of year previously.

It is awful when they get skinny. DD1 is naturally very petite and DD2 doesn't have much to spare on her - they both go to skin and bones when ill.
... The movements are so strong today... Idk what this baby is doing but my best guess is backflips!
Northern my sugar tested at 4.51 for the first one, after the drink no one hour it was 5.93 and after another hour 5.23. The doctor told me it was all in the normal range. My mom also told me they look for it to be below 6 after fasting.

Rebecca that is terrible how you were treated! I hope you managed to at least get some answers.

Perplexed sorry about the fever. Dd got one for five days! It was the first time she'd ever had one and it was awful. I had her at the doctor twice and eventually the only way we could get it to break was to alternate two different fever medicines at 3 hour intervals. And that happened while we were moving!

Counting go with your gut about feeding. I agree with stripey you need to make a decision and stay firm otherwise ds will end up confused. I'm sure feeding him won't interrupt your bonding time with Reed though.

Dd is finally starting to feel better! Still got the runs a bit but she's eating and drinking a bit which is good. I'm just so glad it's finally Friday. I need this weekend! And then it's just 2 days of work next week and I go on holiday!
Here is the official update. Even though I thought I saw a white spot, they said there was nothing there. The doctor went back over the pictures with me and videos, and there was nothing. So maybe I just saw something from the machine or the screen I was looking at. So that is the best news! No spot on the heart at all!! :) And I definitely don't have to go back to that place again.
Here is the official update. Even though I thought I saw a white spot, they said there was nothing there. The doctor went back over the pictures with me and videos, and there was nothing. So maybe I just saw something from the machine or the screen I was looking at. So that is the best news! No spot on the heart at all!! :) And I definitely don't have to go back to that place again.

That is wonderful news!! So sorry abou how they treated you though, sometimes people are so inconsiderate. Also, I am very sorry about your grandma, but glad you got to tell her you loved her. It also sounds like she was feeling better before she went and that happens sometimes, and I think it's wonderful because she didn't have to suffer right up to the end. Good luck with all the holidays and funeral stuff, I'm sorry you have to go through that right now.

Beanonorder, I'm glad your DD is feeling better now, but I'm like Tara, I think I'd kick your DH if I met him, I mean it's one thing to take a break from each other but its another to do that to your child, and she is his as well but he sure doesn't act like it! I hope he comes around for your and he sake.

Northern, I don't know what numbers are normal there but from what others have said it sounds like yours aren't bad, maybe you are in the clear.

Maggz, how great to have school pretty much over for now! And I feel you and Northern on the being bored with clothes. I did get two new pair of maternity jeans that are kinda cute so that helps a bit, but with it being so cold all I want is a sweatshirt and jeans, or honestly to be home in yoga pants and a sweatshirt.

We finally took the announcement pic we want to put on fb today, I need to do some editing tonight and we may put it up Saturday since we will be an even 23 weeks and I have an make-up 3D ultrasound tomorrow and hoping he behaves and lets us get a good shot. Actually I may just put it up tomorrow since I work the weekend. I guess we will see. I will probably join the fb group once I do that, I have just gone away from fb because it makes me so mad most of the time.

I started taking the Zantac twice a day as suggested and its helping. I still get the refulx at night but not nearly as bad and just tums helps when I do get it. And I've also had a little breathlessness, especially after I eat and at night, it feels like my heart is trying to pound its way out of my chest!

Congrats to all with lots of movements! I do feel him a bit more, and he has quiet days but still nothing from the outside, but I do have the anterior placenta and quite a bit of fluffiness as well. I am starting to notice a bit more of a round bump but not enough you'd know at all unless you knew I was pregnant and it still looks like I just ate too much or have put on weight, and I am also putting it on in my face, it's so much fuller and I'm hating it right now..Grrr!

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