**April Bunnies 2015**

I'm pretty good with what I eat. I try and make sure I get my fruits and veggies in. Though I crave the junk food!!

I need to get a new bottle of prenatals. I have been out for a week. Oops.
Yeah don't be too concerned about the weight gain. I only gained 15lbs with DD and she was 8lbs 10oz. They definitely suck nutrients from you.
The weight naturally goes on 30+ weeks when the baby really starts getting bigger.

At your routine appointments they will be checking for ketones, if they are present it is a sign your body is struggling - but really no health care professional ever worried about the baby - even when I had 4+ ketones right at the end with DD1 when I didn't know how to manage my GD properly.

Talking of my GD, I got another high today :cry: it is only my second since it started.

I got an 8.8 one hour post food. I'd had soya and linseed toast and then low sugar beans with cheese. My body seems to dislike beans this time - I got a 7.3 (which isn't over the limit) last week after having a bean soup.

It isn't a big deal but it has left me feeling a bit down.
In nicer news - my 22 week bump from last week.

You have the nicest bump! Don't let the high readings get you down! You're doing a fantastic job controlling it.

Do any of you do prenatal yoga classes? Are you doing pigeon pose? I loved that prepregnancy but I'm scared to try it in case I get in a ton of pain and get stuck. I feel like I need to take my hips off and massage the insides of them! Blahh.
Last pregnancy I had HG and a dietitian who specializes in pregnancy I was referred to said all they want to see is that I was no longer loosing weight by 20 weeks. I ended up loosing weight until about 15 weeks, then gaining- like my body was just making up for all that lost weight(luckily it came off super fast and easy after).

So as long as you are not still loosing weight- you are doing good. Also remember your home scales might be different than your doctors office scales, and a matter of a lb or two is a fair difference in pregnancy gain!
Also depending on prepregnancy weight and if your diet habits have changed some women lose weight all the way through!

They are normally the quite big ladies that I have met at GD clinic who have really altered their diet dramatically though.

I assure you if you were full of ketones you know something is wrong - you feel pretty ill.
You have the nicest bump! Don't let the high readings get you down! You're doing a fantastic job controlling it.

Do any of you do prenatal yoga classes? Are you doing pigeon pose? I loved that prepregnancy but I'm scared to try it in case I get in a ton of pain and get stuck. I feel like I need to take my hips off and massage the insides of them! Blahh.

We haven't done that one in the class but I used to love it pre pregnancy.
Northern- I've never done yoga before. I got told it might be helpful but I don't think I'll try it now.

I slept "decent" for the first time in a week last night. Still tossed and turned but I wasn't in horrible pain. I took a hottish shows before bed last night and let the water run on my back and hips. It was wonderful. =] I may need to make showering at night part of my routine for now.
Amelie, your bump is gorgeous!

Northern, congrats on double digits, that's so great!

Beanonorder, I hope DD feels better. I have to finish my shopping today or tomorrow, I don't have a lot to do but I don't feel at all like dealing with the crowds today. I would rather do it today so I can finish wrapping though.

Christina, I'm with everyone else, as long as you are eating okay baby will take what it needs, and I am sure the weight gain will pick up soon.

I had a long weekend at work, I'm so getting tired of having no staff and lots of sick patients. Saturday was good for the first 8 hours because we had people pick up to work because for the first time in the history of the hospital they offered double time, but not a single person picked up Sunday for double time. That is saying a lot about how frustrated people are at work right now, we don't even want to be there on our regular days, let alone get our butts kicked on extra days. Sunday was so rough, I had 3 patients, one very very sick, one very very needy and the other was just a heavy patient. We usually only have 2 patients but staffing just won't allow it, I never stopped except for lunch, and ate nothing but junk food....it was everywhere and when I'm stressed I crave it. I mean, chocolate and cookies and cake and then ordered crab rangoon when the girls ordered chinese food. Only healthy thing I ate was my veggie/fruit smoothie I make in the mornings. I did at least eat a healthy dinner.

So sorry for the rant, it's just getting so frustrating at work not being able to take care of my patients the way I want, and not getting to sit down. When I get home I hurt so very bad that I can barely walk when I get out of the car. To top it all off I got into it with a Dr. I usually get along with and he made me so mad I nearly cried and I just don't do that.

On a good note, regardless of the bad day I did feel baby boy moving off and on so it lightened my mood.
I went for the rest of my anomaly scan today. She managed to see the heart this time as baby was nice and wriggly. I have to go back at 34 weeks to check the placenta has moved up but she said it wasn't that low anyway, just borderline. It was the first scan OH has been to so he was very happy to see his daughter for the first time.
I hope everyone has lots of patience for when your kids turn 6. I came home from work to discover that DD had cut thumb holes in ALL of her brand new long sleeve shirts. Pretty sure I just had a blood pressure spike.
Sorry Northern! I have to admit that made me giggle a bit but I can imagine it was no laughing matter for you!

Dini sorry you are having such a hard time at work. We have a lot of negativity around here and it makes things hard.

Amelie I keep meaning to say you really do have such a great bump! And you are so fashionable - I'm jealous!

Button so glad you got to finish your scan and that dh was there to see it.

Its finally my last day of work! I'm so excited to just be going on holiday! And when I get back I'll just about be in the third trimester, so lots of excitement! I have decided that after this holiday I will be totally focused on healthy eating and honestly doing exercise. I'm going to try the pregnancy yoga again and also walk around the track everyday at lunchtime. I haven't put on much weight so far but I really want to control my weight gain. It was tough losing weight last time and I'm determined to get back into shape this time!
My OB sent me a wonderful Christmas gift...

A bill to deliver the baby stating it is due by the end of the 7th month (or February). I don't know if I was more freaked out about how much it costs to deliver a baby (and this is just from the OB not anything hospital wise) OR that I will be at the end of my 7th month in Feb. which really is not that far away. :haha:
Dini that sounds really stressful. :( It seems that many health care facilities are understaffed though, I don't get it! Every other person I meet are going for nursing (at the school I'm at) it seems like. Really hope it gets better for you. Can you make it easier on yourself and pack a lunch to take with you, so you know that you have something at least semi-healthy and nutritious waiting for you on your breaks?

Bean I am SO with you on getting more exercise! I really wanna start taking the dog for long daily walks, it's just that it gets so boring walking the same circle around the neighborhood every day, and for any trails I have to drive back and forth. But yeah that's my goal though, daily walks and some exercises on the big ball I have.

I'm so scared I'm gonna get stretch marks :/ I was examining my stomach last night and I feel like I'm seeing the beginning of something but it's only in a certain light, and maybe it's just me being paranoid. I don't know how I would handle it if I did get stretch marks, honestly! I know it's shallow but my stomach's always looked good and I'm so scared of it never being the same :(

Christina that's funny! :)
Northern your comment also made me laugh, but I'm sure you were not laughing at all.

Button I'm so happy to hear your DH got to go to your scan and all went well.

Beanonorder, oh how I wish I was going on holiday! I hope you get some much deserved rest. I'm also planning to eat much better and exercise after the holidays. I have got to get a pregnancy yoga dvd.

I have been checking my blood sugar as fasting amd two hours after I eat instead of doing the 1 hr Glucose test and today my fasting was 72, and my 2 hr was only 78. I was kinda shocked honestly. My last one at 2 hrs after was 115 but I had eaten a huge meal with dessert. I guess so far no GD signs for me.

Today was a very busy day. Went with DH to go Christmas shopping and of course he wanted me to go in to the jewelry store because he wanted to make sure I liked it which takes away the surprise but I figured we wouldn't buy because it was a high end store but he found a pair of beautiful amethyst earrings and I've been wanting a pair of nice earrings for a few years now but I didn't want him to spend $400 on me. So then we go to browse at furniture and ended up putting a small sectional and recliner in layaway and j put $250 down. To make matters worse he decided we need to do the flooring in our living room before we get the furniture out of layaway in 90 days but decided a good time would be the end of January when he can take vacation. So the flooring will cost $800 and that is with DH doing all the work. So he thinks in the next month we can come up with $2000. We can but then we will have no back up savings or anything and that makes me nervous. We can wait to get the furniture out but once we have the flooring down he wants to throw out our old ugly furniture when we have the help available to carry it away. I think he's nuts but he also said her finish the babies room trim and things that week too so at least that will get done. But I didn't think we would be remodeling the living room and buying furniture at the same time!
Amelie your bump is beautiful! I'm sorry about your high readings.

Today we finally put batteries in our scales and I found out how much I gained since early November and it is not good...I'm actually a bit nervous.
Thank you for the nice bump comments - I feel OK with it this time - I have just felt fat previously!

Dini that is good about your glucose test - that is what is supposed to happen in pregnancy - your blood sugar being lower than normal. That sometimes changes right at the end when your body is under more strain.

Last full afternoon at work today and then just 3 hours tomorrow. Sad that I have to go in between Christmas and New Year :cry: but it is only 2 days - I realise we are lucky in the UK with a lot of people getting an extended time off over Christmas.
Maggz - I got stretchmarks on my tummy with DD1. I haven't this time or with DD2 as I have obviously already stretched!

I am genetically prone to them so wasn't overly shocked. Mine were white straight away after DD1 was born and to be completely honest the stretchmarks don't bother me - in my case the skin tone on my tummy changed after having a baby and that irritates me more. I think that would happen stretchies or not!

After DD2 I went through a stage of doing a lot of exercise and I was really toned, my stomach still had looser skin tone but I felt reasonably confident - it is corny but I am sort of proud of mine as my 'Mummy marks'. My dh always says he doesn't even notice them but why would he care - they are just marks on me from carrying his children :flower:
Hello Everyone! I just spent some time going through the last few pages I've missed over a couple of days. I have been so busy here (and exhausted) that I finally had some energy this morning to jump on my computer. Company is gone now and it's just my parents and us (so nice and quiet and calm).

Amelie- Great bump picture! And you also have such awesome hair! Love it!

Christina- I found a really useful link last week that explains pregnancy weight gain. It really helped me because I'm trying to gain just as much weight as I need and not much at all. This page actually breaks down how much everything weighs. So that you can understand weight gain and why gaining a lot of weight is not necessary. It also gives you the amount of weight gain that is appropriate based on your pre pregnancy weight. My doctor's office does not say a word to me even though I have gained a total of 1 lb in the past 2 months. They just measure the fundal height. They can see my belly is growing. And they listen to the HB. They don't even worry about scanning. I tell them I've been exercising and monitoring my diet so as not to gain much weight. It's amazing how much your body will give to the baby and you will be okay. The baby also does not need a ton of calories to grow. Right now, I get anywhere from 1800-2000 calories a day. And I am going to go up by maybe about 300 calories in the third trimester as that is what my fit pregnancy magazine said is all that is necessary.

Northern- Sorry to hear that about your daughter. That must be maddening! I have to also admit that it sounds a little bit funny, but I know that ruined clothes (especially brand new) is a stressful thing.

Beanonorder- Have fun on your vacation. I feel the same as you about fitness. That's one of the main reasons I am exercising. When my midwife found out on Friday that I am exercising, she said that I will have a quick and easy delivery. She said about 3% of her patients exercise regularly during pregnancy and they all feel great the whole time and also have quick easy deliveries. She asked me if that was why I was doing it. I said the feeling great part definitely helps but that I am doing it because I don't want to spend 9 months of my life being out of shape and then try to go just back to it. I'd rather be doing it this whole time and hopefully make it easier for myself after the baby comes. I think going through the difficulty of it the first time definitely gives you more motivation the second time! ;)

My grandmother's funeral went very well and also the burial. My son found a green rose (her favorite color was green) and placed it on the casket. The pastor took a very nice picture of it. It is so meaningful to me. I definitely started crying a lot at the funeral when my mom got up to speak because, even though she tries to carry on like she is fine with it because her mom was ready to go, I could see she is hurting and misses her mom. That just tore me apart. And the tears just came flooding down my face. And I hate crying in front of people because I do NOT want attention on me during a time like that. In the end it was very nice though and most people focused on the pregnancy and told me I look fantastic. My uncle had a foot-in-mouth moment, though. At the end of the funeral, he made a comment about how I was doing so good about being fit and in shape and I went and got pregnant. To which I retorted that I am staying in shape during pregnancy and I'm very driven by it all. I said I work out 6 days a week and I am very carefully monitoring what I eat. And then he said, "Well that's great because you really got out of control last time." The only reason I didn't get angry with him was because he is known to say weird things at funerals. He confused my sister with my cousin at one a few years ago (and they look nothing alike). I think he just feels awkward so he spouts out crazy stuff.

In some sort of good news, we stayed with my in-laws on Friday on our way up. We broke up the trip so it wouldn't be so long. So, I was exhausted because I hadn't slept but about 5 hours the night before and then we traveled 8 hours in the car and I wasn't even able to sleep in the car. I fell asleep fast and hard that night. But my husband woke up very angry at about 3 AM. He would not tell me what was wrong but he was huffing and puffing and saying, "I can't take this." I asked him what was the problem and he just said, "I don't want to talk about it." I was so exhausted that I didn't notice but his dad had gotten up and started smoking in the house. He was fed up by it all. He was fed up that they always just wait usually until I go to bed and then they light up in the kitchen thinking that since I'm in bed there's no smoke in the room, which is completely false. He confronted his parents the next morning! He took it on himself (I guess because he feels they might level with him more and think I'm just being a diva if they think it's me) and he said the smoke is bothering his sinuses too much and he will get sick if he stays there. So he said, "I really need you to stop smoking in the house while we're here. I know it's your house. So, if you are uncomfortable with that, we will just stay somewhere else." His mom got very sad at that and said she definitely didn't want us staying in a motel. But he told me in the car leaving that we cannot live through that for 6 days. It's too much. So, I'm really glad he confronted them. And he doesn't want them to think he's being overly dramatic about it and I said, "Your health is at risk! That is NOT being dramatic. It's being realistic." I guess it works out kind of nice in the end that we had to reverse our trip because they now have time to figure out what they are going to do. And if they decide they really can't give up smoking in the house, we will just stay elsewhere and they will have to be okay with it. But I'm SO PROUD of my husband for stepping up and saying something. I guess being away from it for so long has helped him see what a huge problem it really is.

Now that I've gone on long enough, I hope to be back on here a couple of times and keep in touch. I can't believe the 3rd trimester is almost here! Time is certainly flying!

Oh and I also wanted to add that my husband is talking about middle names a lot now. So we will probably have one picked out by January.

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