**April Bunnies 2015**

Northern I'm sorry your appt didn't go well but at least they are taking you off work, you wanted to take off a while back right?

I agree with Amelie. If you are borderline you should be able to try to diet control it or take metformin first. And the low GI diets do that really well. That's what I was following prior to pregnancy. Wish I would've stayed on it but the cravings took over.

So far my blood sugar has been good so I think I will get to skip my 1hr test and just do the 3 at 28 weeks. My fasting is always around 76 and two hours after eating anywhere from 78-114 and they just had to under 125.

I was right, I am sick. Woke up today and couldn't breathe. I was wheezing and rattling and coughing. I took a warm bath and it broke some stuff up but I have the nastiest cough and DH made me make a doctors appt with my family doc tomorrow. I think I have a nasty case of bronchitis. I don't want antibiotics as it could be viral but if I want to work Thursday I may have to.
Also - and I don't know how you do your numbers over there - but in my last pregnancy as my fasting naturally never went above 4/5's they said insulin wasn't really suitable for me, it would be very difficult to sort out how much I needed because my body hasn't totally given up.
Ladies, due to get my trutol (1 hour blood sugar) test either tomorrow or the next day. I can't remember if it is a fasting test or not. Please remind me- haha:blush::haha: . It isn't written on my requisition and it is too late to call about it.
1hr isn't fasting. Or it wasn't for me and we are only a boat ride away so I would say it's the same.
I'm so sorry your appointment didn't go well northern. hopefully you gp appointment will have more info. I'm glad you are getting signed off work next week though.

counting: my 1 hr one wasn't fasting.

25 weeks today. and dd decided to practice standing in our bed lol.
Don't have much to add to the GD conversation....

DH gave me a massage last night and it's killing me lol... My back feels like it has bruises all over! So sore.
I've felt shitty all day, slept bad last night, pretty sure I had a fever this morning, and wanted to take a nap in the morning but couldn't fall asleep between DH watching TV and the dogs running around. Bah. I feel better now but I've eaten like a pig hahaha...
Northern- I am sorry that your GD results didn't come back so good. Hopefully it is something you can monitor with your diet. Glad to hear you are being taken off work. It sounded like you were in so much pain! I also hope your daughter is on the mend. Poor little girl!

Counting- Good luck with your upcoming GD test!

Dini- Sorry to hear that you are sick. Take care of yourself! It seems like you were just sick. I hope this one passes soon.

Happy V DAY Button and happy 25 weeks Kirsty! These pregnancies are just flying by.

Not much new here. 2 days left until we can go home. Neither one of us can wait. In other news Holly decided to get lopsided last night. I took the best picture I could of it. I can't share it on here from my phone but I will put it on the Facebook group. She is completely sticking out on the left and I almost don't even look pregnant on the right!
Northern sorry about your bad appointment! I am glad you at least are getting booked off work.

Dini sorry to hear you're sick! I hope you can get it all sorted out soon.

Counting hood luck for your test. Hope all comes back normal.

Rebecca I'm looking forward to seeing your picture. That sounds quite funny.

Perplexed awesome about dd standing! I love proud mommy moments. My latest is dd is finally starting to say help instead of always screaming when she can't do something!

I'm down to double digits! Yay for me! It really is so hard to not wish the time away. But to be honest I want an answer about whether I'll get paid for my maternity leave, I want my apartment to be sorted out I want to know what's going on with dh and I, I want my parents to get here and most of all I want to meet my baby boy!
This is my last pregnancy and I want to enjoy it all but everything else is just overshadowing it all!
My dog stole 2 doughnuts. One right out of my hand. One right off of my husbands plate. I really am not sure whether I want to laugh about it, be angry about it, or cry hysterically. :cry::haha::growlmad:
Rebecca I just noticed you are 26 weeks today! Congrats! And I was sick last month for a few days, fever and all. This is worse though although no fever. It's normal for me to get sick a lot in the winter I always have and the pregnancy makes it worse.

Beanonorder I don't blame you for feeling how you do. You have dealt with so much this pregnancy. Congrats on double digits!

Christina I would be furious but my dog never behaves and i absolutely can't stand it when she begs or tries to take food. Although the scene you described was rather funny!
Do you guys still sleep on your back?
I don't but only because my hips won't allow it.

I printed off a big list of the GI foods so I'll follow that as much as I can today, but we have a meal planned for tonight that I can't really control at this point so I'm going to fully start tomorrow.

I am getting cabin fever. We haven't left the house (except to go to the hospital and my appt yesterday) since Sunday evening. DD has been on top of me for days and she wants me next to her all the time. There hasn't been a single soul around to help me out or watch her for an hour so I can nap or get out of the house for a sec. Everyone has been working 12hr shifts. OH is gone picking up some NYE supplies for me and then he will spend the day with us, but other than that we won't be doing anything. Tomorrow everything is closed. I just need a nap. I haven't slept since she has been sick because I've basically been laying awake listening to her breathe. I'm paranoid now.
Hi everyone! How are you all feeling? It's been a long while since I have updated in the group. I made some big life changes and my two older children and myself left Egypt and came came back to NY in October. Life was just becoming more difficult there and I can't bear the heat! Even with air conditioning! My son and daughter (11 and 6) and super happy to be back and we learned that we are expecting a BOY! I was very happy with that discovery! My due date changed by just a day from April 23rd to April 22nd, but if this pregnancy is anything like my other two, it will be late anyways. I hope everyone is feeling great! I'm having trouble sleeping and random aches and pains, but I am feeling blessed regardless.
Yay for double digits Bean! I am baffled how fast this pregnancy is passing by! I think I'll be in double digits in around a week or so too.

Maggz: I do end up on my back sometimes when my sides hurt but it is still somewhat comfortable for me to side-stomach sleep so that's my favorite for now. Staying on my back makes breathing a bit difficult for me after a while so I don't stay that way. My aunt freaked out last pregnancy because I was on the couch on my back and proceeded to inform me that laying on one's back during pregnancy causes the umbilical cord to tangle around baby's neck...which makes no sense at all...I had no patience for those kinds of comments last pregnancy lol.
So last night I fell asleep around 1? I think. lol. But not before I laid in bed playing a game on my phone while getting kicked numerous times in an hour! I think I must have counted 15-20 kicks/punches. They were all over. Very low down. Felt them by my belly button (right side). I finally put my hand on my stomach and just went please go to sleep! Lol. Who knows if it worked. I fell asleep after that.

This morning I was sitting on the couch watching tv and felt a kick/pinch higher up on the left side by my belly button. I watched for a good few minutes and actually saw my stomach move for the first time. It was awesome.
Welcome back and congrats on your baby boy lucky mama!

Maggz I catch myself laying on my back because my hips hurt so bad at night but I try to at least tilt my pelvis and that seems to help keep me from getting short of breath. I figure if I feel okay he should be okay as well but I try not to make a habit out of it.

Well I'm back from the doctors and definitely have bronchitis with chest congestion. He put me on antibiotics and an inhaler. The inhaler is albuterol and is category C but my OB's office said go ahead and use it as I need it. It does help, I used it a little bit ago and helpwd my breathing quite a bit. I'm going to try to just use it twice a day. He also told me take regular mucinex so that's the plan. I intend to work tomorrow because I don't want to miss work as long as I don't have a fever but for today I'm just going to rest.
Welcome back luckymama and congrats on your boy!

I was just wondering about the back cause that's most comfy for me but I feel guilty for sleeping on my back cause I read that the blood flow is way better if you sleep on your side. But on the other hand I figure my body will tell me if it was bad, right?
Anyways, feeling better today, planning to be productive with cleaning and laundry until I go to work tonight. Baby's been VERY active, and DH saw my belly move big time yesterday. It's so fun to see him get excited about it :)
Will be in double digits in a week! Crazy. 25w today :)

Nothing glamorous for NYE on this end, I'll probably grab some food with me from work tonight and hope DH will be home by that time.
Have fun tonight ladies!
Well I just caught a full glance of myself stepping out of the shower. How the heck I have changed so much from only gaining 6lbs is beyond me. I feel like I now have rolls everywhere, never mind that my belly is huge. Maybe the GD diet can do some damage control. I'm so disgusted.
A word of warning Northern, the first couple of weeks on the low GI diet you may feel a bit hungry and a bit rubbish.

It is the sugar detox that does that. Snack snack snack is the best thing I can suggest - nuts, cheese, veggies - that stuff is all good.

It isn't unusual to lose weight either.

...And you certainly look really nice in your photos, I am sure you are being very critical of yourself!
Dini- Sorry to hear about the bronchitis but I am glad you are getting the treatment for it. I had bronchitis last year and needed an inhaler for it as well. It did help a lot.

It's hard to believe week 26 is already here. I feel like I will blink and be in the 3rd trimester.
It's funny though because my belly hasn't grown that much. I am constantly getting comments from everyone on how small my belly is. I find it hilarious because it just goes to show that people will comment regardless of your size. Last time, I was always getting comments on how large my belly was and now it's how small it is. And this is from everyone from family to complete strangers commenting. I am not at all concerned about it. Holly is growing just fine because I can feel it.

Maggz- I lie on my back sometimes. I feel like I usually start to get uncomfortable if it's a problem. But if it's comfortable I lie on my back.

LuckyMama- Congratulations on your boy and I am glad you are in a place where you all are happy now.

I have a GD question..or maybe questions lol anyway...so my husband's cousin's girlfriend is also pregnant and due at the end of January. She has been over here talking to me about pregnancy a lot. So here's my question or basically what is making no sense to me. She was telling me that she really has to watch her sugar intake. My MIL said she has GD and my MIL has to check her blood sugar because she is a possible candidate for type 2 diabetes. So they both check their blood sugar and D (cousin's gf) always has sky high blood sugar. But D told me that she hasn't been diagnosed with it just that she failed the 1 hour test and was told to just monitor her sugar. Have any of you heard of that? They also sent the drink home with her to drink there and then go and have the test done. I have never heard of it being done that way. I have to drink mine in front of then. My husband said it's probably because she is using free health care, but I haven't heard of GD being handled this casually anywhere. So have any of you heard of that?
Also she found out that she has placenta previa at a 3D ultrasound that we paid for her to have at 33 weeks. But even with several scans at her own clinic they apparently didn't tell her that. Now she has been having contractions over the past 2 days and says they won't do anything unless she goes into active labor. She is still 35 weeks though. I just haven't heard of any place having policies like these.

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