**April Bunnies 2015**

Sorry about all the poorly mamas and babies :hugs:

My daughters have had some bad winters - last year DD2 got croup in November and didn't get over it - with one thing and another - until April!

DD1 also had a bad winter where she had multiple chest infections.

We have had a few family vomitting bugs too where all 4 of us have it. Urgh.
Speaking of all the sicknesses, is anyone else scared to death of getting the flu and becoming very ill because of the increased risk of complications while pregnant? There is a flu outbreak where I work, currently 15 of 48 residents are confirmed to have type A flu with several more being swabbed, and several of my coworkers have already managed to catch it despite taking precautions. I haven't worked since Monday and don't don't go back until Tuesday so I was hoping that the worst of it would be over by then, but each day a couple of new cases crop up. So who knows how many more will have it by next week. I haven't had a flu shot (I meant to ask about it at my last appointment but forgot) which makes me feel like a sitting duck even though I know it likely wouldn't have protected me anyway since it's not a great match. I'm wondering if I should call my OB and ask if there is anything I can do besides the obvious of wearing a mask, wearing gloves, and frequent handwashing (which didn't much help my coworkers). I also don't want to bring it home to my little boy!
Woohoo 3rd trimester tomorrow. officially 27 weeks tomorrow!
Wanting that is tough! It's not like you can avoid work. We had a bad bug going round our office and it eventually caught up with me. I was just lucky I didn't seem to get it as badly as everyone else. Fingers crossed for you!

Vickster yay for their tri! I'll be there in a few days!

Dd and I were in bed early last night. And I had a fairly decent nights sleep but I still feel tired this morning. Think I'll take a nap when she does and have another early night. Can't believe it's time to go back to work on Monday :( Only consolation is that the time will pass really quickly.
I don't have time to read through right now, but I will later on and see how you all are doing. But I just wanted to get on here to say 2 things.
1.) We're HOME!! YES! I'm so happy to be back at my house and to be able to use my computer. We started back yesterday, but stayed the night in a motel. I'm definitely feeling much more comfortable now.


2.) D (husband's cousin's gf) supposedly was going into labor starting yesterday. She is scheduled to have a c-section. But she was completely surprised that her labor was starting so early. I wasn't. She has GD and placenta previa. Plus, she has been smoking all throughout this pregnancy. So, I'm actually surprised the baby hasn't come already. She said she is almost 37 weeks. We'll see what ends up happening. But last thing I heard, she was having real contractions every 15 minutes.
Hey don't have time to catch up just wanted to share our awesome buys for the day! We got a travel system (stroller, car seat, and base), and a pack n play with the changing table and infant sleeper on top, which we're gonna keep downstairs. The pack n play we found at a second hand store but it's in perfect condition and it was $100 cheaper than at Buy Buy Baby! :dance:

I didn't think I would like the travel systems, but DH liked it and I figured worst case, if I find something I like better, we can exchange it. There was one that I liked but it wasn't a jogger so the tires were really tiny and didn't look as well made as the one we chose. Only thing is I don't want the baby in the car seat any more than needed, since you're supposed to have them lay flat on their backs as much as possible. But we'll see! Just really happy we started accumulating stuff now so we don't have to get all the big stuff right before he is born. :D
Rebecca so glad you are home! I hope the baby comes out ok. My MIL smoked through both her pregnancies and ended up having big babies so she told me she doesn't believe the stories that smoking makes babies small! I was a little horrified!

Maggz yay for new purchases. I'm dying to get the basinett now but am holding off until my school confirms what is going on with my maternity pay and also for dh to actually give me some money.

I am embarrassed to say I put my maternity underwear on today! But they are SO comfy! These are over the bump ones I've ordered some more and also some under the bump ones.
Ok apparently I'm whiny the last few days. But I hurt! The pain went from my right side to left and is going down my leg. It hurts to move.

Oh a happier note DH and I figured out what we are doing for the nursery. We are going with a grey color to the wall and then gender nuteral colors using a space theme. He found the cutest set of pictures that has a sun a moon and a spaceship and it says I love you to the moon and back. It took me a bit to get over that some people would think its too boyish if we have a girl but dh said that if we have a girl she will know that she can accomplish anything and reach for the stars. Same for a boy but I'm thinking we will need to explain more if we have a girl!

It may have taken me a bit to also convince him not to go with a Star Trek theme... Ha!
Welcome back Rebecca! Must be nice to finally be home! Hope things go well with your husband's cousin's gf.

So exciting to make baby purchases, Maggz! I know what you mean, I hate travel systems. I've tried one with DD and it was so awful that I gave away the stroller in the end because I just didn't want to see it anymore. My problem was though that I couldn't figure out how to attach the car seat to the stroller then remove it again. It was so difficult! But you're right you probably don't want the baby in the car seat longer than necessary.

Christina: I think your nursery theme idea is really lovely. Since everything is gender neutral, if you have a girl, you can probably get some pastel girly colored stuffed toys or throw blankets just to "girlify up the room". Though I actually find it perfect! I'm sorry you're in pain, I hope you feel better.

Throughout last pregnancy, I watched any birth and labor documentaries I could get my hands on. I watched the UK One Born Every Minute and didn't even finish all the seasons before DD came along. After I gave birth...I couldn't watch it again. I can't explain it but the prospect of labor was just so exciting for me that I couldn't watch other people go through it if I weren't going to go through it myself in the end. It's really weird to explain...but I am one of those women who have always been fascinated with labor, pain and all. Low pain threshold but complete fascination with the process! Last night I finally managed to get my iTunes account working and bought seasons 1 and 2 of the US One Born Every Minute. Watched a few episodes so far and while it is basically the same...women giving birth...it's still different too. So exciting though. I love both shows!
Because I can't complain about this enough... I am SO sick with a stupid cold. Same thing I had in September too. tylenol isn't helping my headaches at all and I am not sleeping proper because my body hurts. I hope this cold goes by quick and not two weeks like the last.
Hello everyone! I had originally wanted to catch up on here last night. But once I got my son to bed, I was completely exhausted. I watched 1 television show with my husband and then I just went to bed and passed out. I slept great though!

Thanks to everyone for your responses about the GD. I definitely had never heard of the drink being sent home, but I guess that's more common with some practices now. Mine is so controlled that it seemed so odd to me. And it's so weird they didn't give her another test. Whatever. It makes me VERY sad for her baby that she doesn't seem to care about any of this and her baby's health is at risk for numerous reasons.
I haven't heard any more on the progress of her labor, but my husband said that she has a tendency to be dramatic about things. And there's a possibility she was never in labor, but she was just trying to compete with me because I was there and pregnant as well and getting some attention, I guess? I wasn't drawing attention to myself or my pregnancy at all. If Holly moved, I did tell people in case my MIL or SIL or someone else wanted to feel her move but that's about it. But he thinks she may have staged the whole labor thing to get people to pay attention to her. It seems crazy because his poor cousin was pacing the floor about it thinking a baby was coming just 2 days ago. I thought she was in labor because she sure seemed like it but I guess someone could fake that. I'm not sure.

Maggz- I am so sorry to hear that your husband's grandmother isn't doing well. I think you are doing the best you can--just be there for him. Having been in that similar situation recently, I just told my husband when he asked me to just be there for me. I hope everything turns out okay for them.
Congrats on your recent purchases! I loved my travel system for going for walks last time. It was especially helpful with a fussy baby who would calm down in the fresh air going for a walk with the stroller. I am also glad you got some great deals.

Dini- I am so sorry to hear that it seems you are getting worse! I hope you are feeling better or they were able to determine why exactly you are sick. Take care!

Perplexed- I was exactly like you last time with watching shows and documentaries about birth. I just watched them constantly! I haven't gotten back into it this time, but I might as I get closer to the due date. I actually think watching them helps you to be more informed and understand the whole process better. For example, I picked up very quickly how many many inductions led to c-sections because I saw so many of them happening on those shows. I also watched another documentary that told me about some bulb they try to put in you sometimes to dilate your cervix more (wish I could remember the name of it) and that it is actually a very dangerous thing to use. I'm glad I did because when I went into labor, the first doctor said he was going to use it on me and I said absolutely not. But I also liked the more positive things as well..like seeing women push through it all and then as soon as the baby is there, it is all over and everything is perfect. :) Love it!

Christina- Your nursery theme sounds really nice! I know they use outer space themes a lot in boys' rooms, but there honestly is nothing boyish about outer space. Sounds cute to me!

Vickster- Congrats on third trimester! I'm almost there! I'll be there Wednesday, but with a recent major belly growth and some other changes, I already feel it! So hard to believe it's the home stretch!

Welcome harri!

Wanting- Maybe I should be afraid of getting the flu, but I'm not. I am just going to do the same thing I do every year. Increase my vitamin C, rest when I feel I need to, drink tons of water, and wash my hands every chance I get. So far, I haven't had the flu since I was in middle school (*knock on wood*). But yeah I'm not really scared of it.

I am off to go back to my exercise class! I actually worked out 4 days each week I was on vacation (8 total). I did miss the past 3 days due to traveling and the ymca closing too early on NYE to make it there. So, I hope this doesn't kick my butt this morning, but I know I have got to go to stay in my routine.
I am so tired I just can't function. I have had extremely limited sleep for over a week now, and have been up early every morning. I'm up pacing the floor every night because it hurts too much to lie down. It's making me really happy, haha! I never realized before how much harder this whole pregnancy thing is when you have the older child to tend to. Luckily my sister is taking her for a girls day out today so I might be able to snag a nap!
Rebecca glad you're home safe and sound, nothing beats getting to your home, your stuff, and your BED after a while away. Hope your cousin's baby is okay!

Christina, sorry about your pain. Your nursery sounds wonderful! I love grey, lol.

Perplexed yeah we tried it out in the store the seat snaps in and out really easily and the stroller folds up with only a couple of touches. So that's not gonna be a problem, and I guess it would be illogical of me to think I'll be very active in the months following birth lol ;) So baby will be fine in the car seat for short periods of time.

So! We had our first hypnobirthing class today. It was really nice, did a couple of exercises, went through everything, and saw two hypnobirths. It was quite amazing I must say. I'm looking forward to falling asleep to the new relaxation CD we got, and then start reading the book. I'm so happy we decided to do this, and that DH likes it too.

We actually talked about the nursery, even though he won't be sleeping in there for a while, we want to start getting the room together. We're gonna set up the closet for him and paint it. We also talked about putting the alphabet as a border, I'm visualizing the building blocks that have the single letters on them :) I think it will be cute. Funny thing happened the other day, MIL was asking what kinda theme we want for the shower she offered to throw us (think I forgot to mention that too, so nice of her :) ), and she was all "anything but that little monkey that's all over, I'm not about to call my little baby a monkey" lol :haha: But then when we went to the baby stores yesterday, DH really loved that little monkey and he was like oh we're definitely getting some monkey stuff! Hahaha I just thought it was funny. I asked DH and he thinks it's a race thing for his mom, although he doesn't care at all.

(the above was written last night but I didn't have time to finish so the below is added right now hahaha)

Rebecca did you use the carseat in the stroller from when he was little? Is that okay for longer periods of time?
Have fun exercising! Wish I was as active as you...!

northern that sounds rough, get your nap in today :)

Hope all you ladies that have been sick are getting over it :flower:

AFM, baby moves like crazy which is fun. Not so much fun - I kinda realized last night that I need to choose every day - do something like clean, go shopping etc OR go to work. Since we were out shopping yesterday and then I went to work, my back was seriously killing me when I got home. I got a killer rub down from DH though ;) But ouch. Not fun.

Have a nice weekend girls, I'm going to work in a little bit but we might go down to San Diego tonight. Ikea is there. Just sayin.... ;)
Score! Dh and I just found a $50 gift card to target!! We are thinking it was a wedding gift- from aug 2013. We also have a few more but we don't have those stores here. They are a little over an hour away and we are going to wait until my parents come to go to Omaha or sioux falls to shop.

Baby must be having a lazy day today. I've felt some kicks but nothing insane like it has been. Lazy days are good. Or baby is going through a growth spurt -- i think that's what happened a few weeks ago when baby was quiet for a day and a half. Then kicks got stronger and I popped even more.
Maggz- I took him on walks all the time. I needed it for my sanity and his at the time. There was no problem with him being in the carseat that much. Honestly, if the baby gets out for tummy time a couple of times a day, being in the carseat won't matter.
Christina finding money and gift cards and things is always great!

Maggz I'm so glad you enjoyed your hypnobirthing class. I'm going to look into it. I am getting really anxious about the birth now. Although I know that's just going to make it worse I can't seem to calm myself down!

I woke up this morning feeling absolutely awful. I'm nauseous and my stomach is cramping (I'm badly constipated so I'm guessing that's causing the cramping). I slept so badly last night so now I have a headache too. I sent dh a message saying I wish he'd come here now but I know he went out drinking last night so he's probably not even awake yet. :(
My appointment is tomorrow. I'm nervous! I'm nervous because I need to pick up my ultrasound report and worried it won't be ready for the appointment. I'm nervous because I gained a lot of weight. And because it might be too late to switch back.

I've been terribly moody yesterday. Kept crying for no reason and feeling trapped/claustrophobic. Had trouble breathing most of the day too. It just feels like I want to go far far away.
I was having a look at our front page and there are a pot of ladies who joined and then just stopped postings. I know there were a few losses but many of them I see posting in other places. Kind of sad they don't come to update us here!
Also been a while since we heard from tara, ssjad and eidson. And a few others too. My sick brain isn't working too well to remember.
Hope everyone is OK x
You should definitely look into the hypnobirthing bean :) Maybe it can be something you and your DH bond over, if you want him there for the birth?
Hope you feel better soon.

Yeah I noticed that with all the ones that have fallen off the wagon on here! I know eidson has a journal on here, don't know if she's very active on it.
The more, the merrier!
Im still up and it's a new week for me. I am officially 24 weeks!!! Yay!!

Now to rant: This should be illegal!! 5 with a windchill of -19 and it's supposed to drop to -30 overnight and keep snowing. We have abt 2-3 inches already. We weren't supposed to get more than 2! Ahhh! And Wednesday for the high is supposed to be -6!! Seriously? I moved from Florida to Iowa for this?

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