**April Bunnies 2015**

My school got back to me yesterday to say they are prepared to pay one month maternity leave plus housing allowance and I can apply for another two months unpaid BUT it's at the discretion of my HOD. On one hand I'm glad they're offering something but I'm also pissed that they are being so difficult. Now I'm trying to get the legal documents in Chinese to prove they have to pay three months. Plus I'm waiting for them to confirm whether it will be considered breaking my contract if I take the extra two months unpaid because then I lose my bonus and flight refund (which is worth two months salary). I'm not panicking yet but it's so annoying!

Dd decided to be wide awake at 4:50am! She was talking and playing. She eventually went back to sleep a little before 6am and then I had to get up at 6:20am.
Right enough about me.

Perplexed I've never had pain with the doppler. But occasionally when dd touches my stomach right where baby is pushing it hurts a bit. Maybe the same thing?

I can't wait to get to the third tri! I probably won't go into that board as much cos the labour watching does make me hugely jealous but each week bring some closer!!
I'm off to see the doctor tomorrow. I feel really bad because I have to tell him it's the last time I'll be seeing him. Next month I have to change to the new hospital.
Perplexed I've only had pain from a doppler if I pushed too hard. But glad your appt went well!

Maggz, sorry DH has to go away but I do hope you enjoy your time together while you are out. I totally agree with the tires on the stroller thing. I think once baby is a few months old we will get a jogger if its cheap enough. I'm 5'2" and DH is 6'2" so we have to have the adjustable handle for the main stroller.

Beanonorder that is a pain about your school. I hope you get it sorted out. How awful that would be to only get the one month. And to lose your bonus would be awful! I know you will figure it out though.

I really need to start looking for birthing classes an forgot to ask at my appt today. DH doesn't want to go because he's afraid he will pass out in the class with his weak stomach and it makes me mad. I'm not doing this alone and he should be there for me. I want a natural birth and need a coach to help me but I might have to find someone else :-(

Oh and I moved up to every two week appts now! That's kind of exciting to me. Seems early for that but I guess it really isn't. My next appt is my official GTT and tdap vaccine. Gonna be a fun one!
I just started every two weeks now too. I find it a bit comforting to not have to wait a month if I have questions!
I have my appt. on Jan 23rd and then I start every 2 weeks. I don't know if I find it exciting or nerve wracking that I am getting closer and closer to the end. April seemed so far away in the beginning and now it seems so very close. So much to do... so little time to do it!
I'm with you northern! Doesn't seem like a long wait to wait 2 weeks.

Christina I feel you about a lot to do. I pretty much made myself not think about all the things that needed to be done and didn't even look at baby things for so long and now suddenly it's time to start doing the opposite. I'm really glad to be near the third trimester though.
Yeah I also dunno if I'll feel comforted or more worried as it starts being 2 appointments a month.

The nurse wrote my weight down wrong so that when the dr saw me she thought I hadn't gained any weight from my 1st tri appointment. She just said that I'm doing well and to continue exercising etc. I just thought maybe even though I gained weight it wasn't as bad as I thought. But then when they gave me the prescription paper later on I realized my weight was written from my booking appointment!! The Dr is going to be shocked next time! My weight gain actually staggered at the beginning...but recently I made all of that up recently. I won't stress about it. But maybe I should do the GTT sooner than the Dr recommended. She said I don't have to do it till my early Feb appointment (I think I'll already be 30 weeks by then) since I don't have any "risk factors", but I think if she had seen my true weight gain she would say to just do it as soon as I could lol. Maybe I should do it this Saturday.

Bean: I hope you can get your maternity pay issues sorted out!!
Oh my word you all have me stressing out about appointments now! I was counting on every two weeks only happening from 32 weeks onwards! I figured I'd have my 27/28 week one tomorrow and then change hospitals next month.
I guess I'll just have to suck it up and get on with it.

I did also get confirmation from the school that I won't lose my bonus or flight refund as long as my leave is approved. I've also decided that if I have no choice but to return to work I'm going to try negotiate to only work part time. That way I won't have to leave the baby for the whole day, maybe only an hour or so at a time.
Dini that sucks that your DH doesn't wanna go with you. I would be pissed too. Can you prepare him by having him watch some birthing videos at home first?

Bean good that you're getting some answers at least! I really hope you'll get those papers in Chinese so they pay you everything you're entitled to. Would suck to have to go back after only a month, even though it's part time.

We just had the best time tonight. We went to the navy exchange for some baby stuff, ended up getting some pacifiers, a cute bear fuzzy suit, a diaper bag, and a cute stickers that have each month on them up to 1 year old. They're in a tie shape so you put stick them on a onesie to take a picture ;) After that we went to an Italian restaurant and then to Dave and Busters for some games. DnB is kinda like "our place," we had our first date there and always go back from time to time. I love how excited DH is getting about the baby and everything concerning it, so even though he's leaving for a week I'm so happy and I feel so fortunate. :cloud9:
My coworker also gave me a huge bag of baby clothes, she had a boy in May so it has tons of onesies, some outfits, overalls, socks, mittens, even washcloths and swimsuits. I sorted out the stuff I know I'll be most likely to use and ended up with more than 20 onesies from newborn size to 6months, plus the other stuff. So I just had the best night. :D
It sounds like everyone is doing ok...sorry if I've missed any major news.

We are back to 'normal' here now in terms of work and preschool for DD1. I feel like I'm on the countdown to maternity leave now and it is a long way off still! I plan on using leave before maternity and my last day being 13 March all being well.

I have switched to lacto free milk and it is really helping with my GD, I do drink a lot of milk and the lactose was really bumping my sugars up.
I saw some adorable baby boy overalls while out today...didn't get any as it's still earlier than I'd like but they were so cute!
Wow! So many of you are going to 2 week appointments already. Things are so different from one place to another. I don't start going in every 2 weeks until I get to week 36!

I'm going in for my 28 week appointment on Monday and I am also going in early that same day for my GTT. They told me not to fast. They said to avoid a lot of sugars and carbs, but they are actually wanting to know what my blood sugar is on a regular basis and not when I'm fasting. It's changed even from my last pregnancy. I remember being so hungry then. I'm glad I don't have to fast this time.

I went to yoga yesterday after not having been able to go while on vacation. I have decided that I am going to start doing yoga 1 day a week instead of 2 because it's getting too hard for me to get into some of the poses and I'm just not getting the workout I need from it. The stretches are still very good for me, so that's why I will do it 1 day a week. But my belly is just getting in the way of many other poses. I can get better strength training from just lifting weights in the gym.

Dini- My husband is unable to go to birthing classes with me because his schedule won't allow it. So, I have to go by myself. I do plan on going because I am really set on a natural birth this time. I am definitely nervous about going alone, but there's no other choice. But I am sorry your husband doesn't want to go with you. Maybe you could tell him that it would really help you for him to go because you might need his help when the baby is coming? If not, at least you will have the strategies you need by attending the classes.

Maggz- That sounds like a lot of cute stuff! :) Glad you guys had fun with your time out together.

Perplexed- It does sound strange for the doppler to hurt. It has hurt me very briefly once when the doctor pressed down too hard without realizing it. But at home, it doesn't hurt at all.

I can't believe tomorrow is my first official day in the 3rd trimester. At the end of this month, I am flying up to Virginia for a baby shower. My mom really wanted to give me one, and our plan was for me to get a one-way flight up there, and she and I would drive back. I'm hoping my dad will come and help her drive me back because I don't like the idea of her driving all the way back up by herself after coming down here with me. But the date is pretty much set. My son and I will fly up on the last Thursday in January. We'll have the shower that weekend. And then we'll drive back starting the following Monday. We will probably break it up into a 2-day trip and stay at a motel somewhere.
When my MIL heard about this idea, she asked me if we could drive down to her and have another baby shower near her on our way back. I hadn't made the plans yet, so I told her I didn't know how it would work. But now my husband and I both find it silly for me to go to her for a 2nd baby shower when she is only 3 hours away from my parents. The plan is to tell her that she is invited to the baby shower in VA (as well as many of the other people near her) and that my mom is on a tight schedule on the way back. But really I see no point in 2 baby showers. Plus, I don't even know half of the people she plans on inviting to her shower (it was the same with my son). I also don't want my mom around his aunt, his cousin's gf, or any of these other people who are just a mess.
I'm hoping they go for this plan. Because they also like to try to be pushy and get you to do something else if they do not like your idea. We'll see I guess!
Hi all

For those who want natural birth, but are unable to attend birthing class/have their birth partner there at the class with them. I would recommend looking into this


I haven't got that one, but I have another Hypnobirthing book and CD's that I follow. I have done a lot of research into it, and all of the reviews for the self study are fantastic. Have a look at their stats on women who go onto have natural birth. Great statistics!

Good luck!
Yeah I forgot to mention I went to the doc yesterday (they had me waiting for over an hour, I'm so sick of that damn office!) and I'm supposed to come every 2-3 weeks now. She said "actually, you can come in three weeks if you want" probably because our appointments are always 3-5 minutes and nothing happens.

I had a question though! Are you getting the whooping cough vaccine while you're pregnant?
I've scheduled my whooping cough vaccine for Monday. And then got my 28 week midwife appointment a week tomorrow. Can't wait as they said they'll measure :-)
Hi ladies I have been watching the thread just by the time I have read it not got round to posting! I had my 25 week appointment today with the midwife. Everything is fine bubba is moving well and heart rate was 150bpm at which the midwife raised her eyebrows and said ooo a nice fast heart rate and winked at me!! I still don't know whether they are going to let me deliver there or if I an going to have to go to the district general hospital about 45 mins away. DS for very upset when she did my blood pressure and checked the baby's heartbeat. I was on my own today as DH had to work will def have to take someone will me next time though.

Maggz I am going to have the whooping cough vaccine. I and it last time and it was fine - we have had a lot of cases of whooping cough recently because people havent vaccinated their children so it is very important to me to have it.

Congratulations on reaching the 3rd tri Rebecca that's so exciting! I agree about the baby shower surely one is enough.

Bean - how are things with your DH? Hope you manage to sort your leave out so you can go home when the baby comes for a while.

Perplexed - the Doppler has never hurt but when I had the ultrasound and she pressed hard that was quite uncomfortable.

Sorry I havent replied to everyone am on my phone so difficult to go back and look at everyone's posts hope everything is ok x
We don't get whooping cough vaccine here! Unless it's new. I got the flu shot.

I went to my diabetes education session and got my glucometer and strips. I had myself pricked to death trying to figure out how to get the reading because I'm an idiot and didn't read the directions before I started. Hopefully it'll be easier from now on! I don't have to limit anything yet. Have to test 6xs a day and write down everything I eat. I'll see her again in a week and see how I'm doing.

My numbers were only slightly over from my 2hr test last week. 5.6 fasting, my 1hr was good at 6.8 and my 2hr was 7.2
I do 6 x a day every day Northern, your fingers will soon get used to it.

1hr very good. Did you eat or drink before your 2hr?
I don't have another midwife appointment until 28 weeks - start of February. The last one was at 20 weeks. Assuming the 28 weeks one goes ok it will be 34 weeks before the next one, I think. I will get my whooping cough vaccine shortly after the February appointment as my midwife said it needs to be done after 28 weeks.
I had the whooping cough jab in DD2's pregnancy. It had to be in third tri, I remember that much.

A lot of people at my work had whooping cough at the time and also my niece who is 3 months older than DD2 had a suspected case of it as a tiny baby.

I imagine I'll have it again this time.

I am at the hospital for an appointment on Friday this week and I will probably see the community MW at around 28 weeks. My hospital GD mw and team will probably want to see me more frequently from 28 weeks. I have a growth scan at 28, 32 and 36 to check baby and fluid levels in particular because of my diabetes.

I am finding it quite frustrating I have lots of thoughts now about the birth and what I want to happen but really we just have to see how my GD develops. It doesn't tend to hit full force until 27+ weeks in most women...

I also need to talk to the consultant about what went on with the last two deliveries and how they plan on inducing me if needs be this time. A part of me wouldn't be hugely shocked if they ask how I would feel about a c-section.
Maggz in regards to the whooping cough vaccine, it's part of the DTap, or TDap vaccine (seems different in different places) and thats the one I'm getting next visit. She said it's an option but I personally have not had a tetanus vaccine in 10 years and she said the main reason they recommend it is the baby gets the antibodies for Pertussis (whooping cough) and will protect them after birth so I figured sure why not. Also, sounds like you had a wonderful day and all that free stuff is awesome!

Stripey, so glad you had a good appt!

Steph, thanks for the link, I will for sure look into it!

Rebecca, I am a bit ticked at DH but I'm not surprised. I think if I complain enough he will go but there really is no "preparing" him although I intend to try. He passes out if someone just talks about blood or anything like it. He passed out at work a few months ago in a safety meeting of all things when they talked about a workplace injury. I understand him being afraid of that but he should want to go anyway. We can always sit in the back and I'll talk to the instructor and explain if he gets up that's why. I told him I need him to help me when the baby comes and that I know he's used to me being "In control" all the time but I will NOT be in control when I'm in pain and I need to focus on him and need him to talk to me, but he was silent and then asked if my best friend could do it because he will probably be passed out at the delivery anyway. My bf said she will come so I'm hoping that I can take both of them with me as I doubt he will sit through much of the class.

I am interested in the hypnobirthing but don't have any classes near us so I'm just going to do some research. I really really want to have a natural birth. Have any of you talked to your doctors or midwives about a birth plan yet? Should I mention it at the next appt or will she ask me about it when the time comes?

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