**April Bunnies 2015**

Hi ladies! Trying to catch up. I seem to do a better job with facebook.

Bean- I am so shocked....sorry about all of this. You are so strong. I think it is really impressive you want him to be a part of your children's lives even with how he's acting towards you. I just want to hug you!

I had my consultation last week for VBAC. Still not sure.....a lot more wait and see. I have my 30 week appt with my dr next week so I think I will know more then.
Hello ladies! I've been gone a week from here! I didn't have internet for several days because we didn't have a living room anymore because of the new flooring DH was doing and that is where our internet connection is, so all I had was my phone and this thread moves so fast. I also have been having horrible back and hip pain and just having awful days emotionally. The whole flooring installation was so stressful and we had no place to even sit in the house but the bedroom and DH had to start the floor over again twice and it was just a rough few days.

Sooo I did catch up but sorry I can't reply to all of it.

Bean, I just feel so awful for you, I wish I could just come hug you! We are here if you need us and we certainly aren't judging you about not just leaving him. He is the father of your children and relationships are complicated!:hugs:

Rebecca, glad the flight went well and all is well with DH's cousin's girlfriend?? did I get that right lol?

Perplexed I am glad all is okay and you got something for the itching, how awful that must've been.

So updates on me, sorry if this gets long, it's been a long week. My 1hr glucose test came back and it's irritating. The normal threshold for normal is under 140, but my OB's office uses the lower one at 130 and I was 133. Now they want me to do the 3 hour and I don't want to, the 1 hour made me so sick, and I've still randomly checked my sugars and they are normal. Due to my normal insulin resistance I rarely eat much sugar without pairing it with protein and I feel like that test is just not an accurate picture of how my body processes sugar. I think I'm going to wait till I see the midwife next week and see if I can just monitor for 2 weeks and if I get a bad number I'll take the 3 hour. I doubt they will let me though.

Also, My carpal tunnel turns out to be something called double crush syndrome that actually starts in my neck, so the chiro thinks she can fix it, and the hip pain and numbness I'm having is probably from piriformis syndrome which I likely had prior to pregnancy but got worse of course with the pregnancy. She found several spasming locked up muscles along the left side of my back and neck and "unlocked" them and did some adjustments so the pain was intense for about 2 days. Only thing I could do was ice it. Today it's much better so hopefully it will improve my function and pain over the next few treatments. My SI joint was our of place as well and she fixed that. She said I was a "hot mess" but I can blame my job for most of it. I go back Feb. 5th to see her again. I really hope she can fix the carpal tunnel because I literally don't sleep more than an hour at a time now and have to get up and walk around to get feeling back and the pain goes all the way up to my shoulder on the left.

I took two days off of work this week because of the back pain and I'm so upset I had to do that. It takes nearly a week away from my maternity leave and I was figuring I'd only get 6 weeks at 60% of my pay then 3 weeks paid with my vacation, but now I'll only get 2 weeks with my vacation and I can't afford to take more than one week off without pay for varying reasons I won't bore you all with. I really wanted at least 10 weeks:cry: Unless we can save an extra $1000 on top of everything else we have to have money for I will only get 9 weeks and that is if I don't miss a single other day of work in the next 3 months and work till the last minute and with as much pain as I've been in I doubt that.

Sorry to bore you all, I guess I'm just frustrated these days. Good news is I'll be 29 weeks tomorrow!
Hi Dini

Sorry to hear about your bad test results.

Maybe chat to them about doing an 8hr fasting then blood draw, eat your normal breakfast within 15 minutes then not have anything for two hours then another blood draw. That is what I did with mine. I do not eat fructose (unless in fruit) and I have a very low carb diet so I did not want to do the usual test because my body would go into melt down trying to deal with the overload from that terrible drink! Not sure who you do your labs through but I went through LabCorp and on their website they state that the two hr testing can be done with the glucose drink or normal meal.

Also if you did not get more than 6 hours sleep the night before it has been proven that this will have a significant effect on your blood sugar level. It will read much higher than it usually would if you were to get sufficient sleep.

Good luck!
Steph that's a good point. I pretty much never get 6 hours of sleep lately so that may have had an effect. I'm going to wait and talk to the midwife Wednesday about it because all of my fasting and two hour post meal numbers have been good. I'll do the 3 hour if I have to, obviously I want what's best for the baby but according to most standards I passed the test but their standards are more strict.
Dini: I'm sorry about the glucose test results. It is very annoying! I hope you can negotiate with them to just let you monitor for a while and see if there's a need to do the 3 hour one. I'm glad the chiropractor was able to help with some of your pains. It sounds amazing I wish I knew a chiropractor! Happy 29 weeks in advance!

I'm supposed to hear about my 1 hour glucose test results today. Pretty much expecting it to be high due to what I had for breakfast that morning.
Dini I'm so sorry about your diabetes test and even more about your leave! I completely understand how you are feeling. I'm trying to save what sick leave I have left to extend my paid leave but I have a feeling the school has been counting my doctors appointments under it, which means there will be none! Is there no way you can go back part time for a while first? I know it's not ideal but it's on my last resort list.

I am so sick today! I can't remember the last time I had flu this badly. Every part of me aches and I'm sure my head is going to explode.
Dini- You did get that right! ;) As far as I know, things are going fine with her. She is still breastfeeding. I get all of my information through my MIL, and she doesn't say much about it. So, I guess it's good.
I don't understand why they are trying to make you take the 3-hour test if you passed the 1-hour test. Hopefully, even if you have to take the 3-hour test, it will all come back just fine.

Perplexed- I hope your results come back good!

Beanonorder- Sorry to hear you are sick! I hope you get to feeling better soon!

Everything is good here! It's nice seeing friends and family. I was with one of my best friends yesterday. She has two boys--one just turned 2 and the other is almost 4 months. Her baby is so mellow! I told her that I hope my 2nd baby is as mellow as hers. She said she needed it because her 1st is a live wire (and he is). But the 2nd one just never cries. I'd love it if mine turned out that way. ;)
Rebecca, my first was a mellow baby. Every time my best friend would come visit she's be talking to her going "you're so zen". My MIL keeps telling me horror stories about my OH climbing walls basically, apparently he was hyper as hell as a child. I don't think I'm going to get so lucky this time.
Dini, I hope you won't have to take the 3 hour test. I was in the same boat- my OB uses the 130 cut off and with both DS and this pregnancy my number was 133. Thankfully I did not have to take the 3 hour test!
Rebecca: glad to hear you are having a nice time!

they called about my results and my glucose test was fine yay!
Rebecca I'm glad you're having a good time there! My dd was a really mellow easy baby. I'm worried about this one!

I'm really struggling here. Its just after 3am and I'm wide awake. So is dd! She didn't go to sleep til almost 10pm and she's been waking up crying or moaning almost every hour. It also sounds like she is getting sicker and I don't seem to be improving. If it's still like this later this morning I think I'm going to have to ask my nanny to come in.
Dini, I have refused any gtts in the past two pregnancies and just monitored, fingers crossed they will let you do that x
Those of you planning on exclusively breastfeeding, are you going to have any bottles on hand? I'm just so set on breastfeeding that it never crossed my mind. Then my mom asked if I was going to get a couple to have on hand in case of emergency. Do I need to? I was thinking maybe two glass bottles. I didn't think this through I guess.
Dini, I did the same as Amelie. The GTTs make me so sick I just monitored instead as well.

My ultrasound last week showed bubby is down to 5th percentile. I've been told I'll need a caesarian as bubby will be too small and weak to survive labour. Initially I was devastated as I've had 5 normal vaginal deliveries and I quite enjoy the experience. But then I remembered how my last two labours actually ended up really stressful as they were both iugr and really struggled at the end of labour, so now thankful to have a planned caesarian. What's another scar, right?

Bean, my two youngest have also been sick, the baby ended up having an ear and throat infection which antibiotics are doing a beautiful job clearing up. But she was waking every 45-60 minutes like your daughter due to her feeling like she was losing her balance. I hope your daughter is feeling better, and you're able to get some rest.
Also, I admire your strength regarding the situation with your OH. I've been in a similar situation, single when pregnant with number 3. It was scary but I did fine (better even). You will too, for sure!!

If I've missed any big news I'm sorry... it took me two days to catch up...
Oh, Northern you posted as I was writing... no. I breastfed my previous five and never had bottles on hand until my last, who was so small I had to pump for her initially.
I always thought it seemed people were setting themselves up for breastfeeding 'failure' when they have bottles and formula on hand 'just in case'. It's too tempting when bubby is obviously hungry and going through a growth spurt to just top them up with formula rather than letting them nurse constantly for a few days until supply catches up.
That's what I was thinking. I won't have formula on hand anyway, it would just be in the event that I needed to pump.
Northern with DS I didn't have any bottles on hand and don't plan to with this one either (well besides the couple that came with my breast pump, but no nipples). If we have any feeding issues at the beginning I'd rather use a syringe or something instead of a bottle.
Those of you planning on exclusively breastfeeding, are you going to have any bottles on hand? I'm just so set on breastfeeding that it never crossed my mind. Then my mom asked if I was going to get a couple to have on hand in case of emergency. Do I need to? I was thinking maybe two glass bottles. I didn't think this through I guess.

I wouldn't bother. I agree with having formula on hand setting up for failure. But I also think that you want to avoid bottles of expressed milk in the first 6 weeks anyway, for nipple confusion reasons, as well as getting your supply regulated. My toddler would not take a bottle (or a sippy) of breast milk. Ever. I went back to work at 6 months, and we still never needed a bottle. Sure it would have been less stressful, but many breastfed babies shun the bottle. I'm not sure there are many emergencies that would require you to have a bottle right there on hand. babies are welcome most places, and when mom gets sick and she is breastfeeding, even hospitals room baby in with her :)
I was just going to comment that this thread suddenly got very quiet!

Northern I'm planning to have a couple of bottles on hand. I will start pumping straight away if he goes into the NICU. If not then I will take it as it comes. Pumping didn't work to well last time but I think I had supply issues too. I want to exclusively breastfeed this time but I'm not putting as much pressure in myself because I really struggled with it when I ended up having to combi feed. Even now I'm still jealous of others when they say they never needed bottles.

Ssjad I'm glad you are happy with the decision to have a c section. I think it will make for a better experience for you than if you dead against it. Sorry about your sick kids!

I'm still pretty sick and I probably shouldn't be at work but I'm going to scream if another person tells me I should go home! For one I'm trying to save my sick leave so I can finish work before actually going into labour and for two I have a meeting today with HR to discuss me doing some work from home during my maternity leave so I can hopefully earn a bit of money. We've been trying to set this meeting up for weeks so I am not missing it!

I did a bunch of shopping online yesterday. Aside from the things my mom is bringing over all that is left to get is the bassinet and bathtub and stand. The only reason I didn't order them was because I have nowhere to store them right now. But I'll them over my holiday.
Wanting you made me feel better about my glucose numbers since ours were the same. Thanks!

Also, Amelie and ssjad I really think I am going to try to refuse the 3 hour and monitor instead. The last test just made me feel so terrible and my number was so close.

Bean I'm sorry you are sick. I know how awful that is to work sick, I worked with pneumonia on New Years day and it was horrible. Hope you feel better soon!

Northern, I'm planning to have some bottles because I have to go back to work at about 9-10 weeks and will have to introduce them a bit sooner than that as I work such long hours. No formula though.

Ssjad, I'm glad you decided to accept the c-section. Another scar is no big deal!

This message is taking me forever to type, my carpal tunnel is so bad right now it aches and my hands go numb so fast and j barely slept again last night because of it. On a good note though, it's February and that makes me feel like the end is so much closer!

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