**April Bunnies 2015**

You should get one at 32 weeks if you have GD. I'm only getting them weekly now because I'm insulin dependant.

Oh, okay. She might let me know at my next appointment. I'll only be at the start of 31 weeks then.

She mentioned a while back may need one anyway due to my lack of ability to gain weight (she said it in some other way- more medical termy :haha:). My next appointment will determine that as she wanted to see where I'd be after a certain amount of weeks. But according to my scale I lost weight this week, probably due to me switching up my diet. Down 22 from MS, up 13 (but still down from pre-pregnancy), now I lost almost 3 pounds!! :shrug: I tried to loose weight before I got pregnant and nothing worked- no exercise, no diet, etc.... and then I get pregnant and all of a sudden I can't gain weight! :dohh:
Hey girls just checking in, I'll be 30 weeks/7 months tomorrow :dance:

eidson I think guys think about it differently cause they don't expect to be able to breastfeed. I understand that you would love to because you've already been through it and know how the bonding strengthens with it. Awesome that you're planning to induce! As others have said, I think there will be plenty of other options for DH to bond with baby other than feeding, I'm not worried at all that they won't bond because I breastfeed. And I would prefer not to bottlefeed at all, just because it's easier to just put the baby on the boob ;)

northern lucky you get ultrasounds I wish... I doubt I'll get any more.

dini hope you get one too!

My back hurts so bad now and my belly feels like it's gonna fall off lol it feels better to support it with my hands :haha: Do I have to get a support belt from a physiotherapist or can I just buy one online/in store?
I think the baby likes my history professor's voice, he was moving the entire lecture last night hahaha :)
I need to be productive today, wash sheets and put away the piles of laundry in our bedroom! I'll fold all day but I hate putting it away!

Oh I forgot I was gonna tell you guys... I don't think my MIL likes me. She thinks I'm filling DH's head with opinions and thoughts about them. Ultimately I think it's because she knows she's in the wrong with a lot of stuff she asks of my DH and feels bad for it, but she's far from the truth about me making my opinions his. I never talk ill of her, or them, but DH gets frustrated with them and we talk it through to try to find solutions - which usually ends in "they're not gonna change, there's nothing we can do." It's so difficult cause she takes everything I say/do the wrong way and then complains to DH or his brother about it, eventually I'll find out about it and feel like an ass hole for hurting her feelings but I'm really at a loss what to do differently. :( It makes me sad cause she's a really nice lady, I just think she's decided that I don't like them, which isn't true at all!
One example that DH just told me the other day that she got offended over: For Christmas FIL and MIL each got at least 2 wrapped presents from us. On one for each, I wrote To: Mom/Dad, From: My DH, and on the other one I wrote To: Name, From: DH and me. I did it that way cause I think it's weird to write "mom/dad" and then from me. I'm obviously not their daughter lol. Apparently, MIL didn't see the one where it said "Mom" but just the one where it said her name, and got offended that FIL got one that said "Dad" and she didn't. Instead of saying something then and there, making light of it like "Hey, I get "name" and he gets "dad"? What's up with that?" and getting the situation cleared up right away, she didn't say anything and I'm hearing about this a month later. No way am I gonna bring it up now.
This seriously makes me sad. I don't want to have to defend everything I say or be afraid to say something cause she might take it the wrong way. At this point, DH is like f*ck it, you can't control her feelings, but I don't think he understands how sucky it feels.
I'm with the rest of you that there are plenty of ways for dad to bond with baby other than feeding. I've read far too many stories of husbands guilting their wives into formula feeding because 'they also want to bond'. It makes me sad they would take something so special away from their wives for essentially selfish reasons.

Northern how did your scan go?
Every time you guys talk about the weather and your iced up roads it terrifies me! I don't think I'd ever go outside if I was there!

Maggz sorry to hear about your MIL. That is never a nice situation to deal with. I've recently heard about some not so nice things being said about me by my FIL and BIL. Anyway...

I'm finally off to see the new doctor today. It feels like it's taken forever to get to this day. I really hope I can get some answers that will ease my mind. And of course I want to know the baby is still doing OK in there!
I have NO idea what is wrong with me craving wise today. Earlier I posted on FB about craving Mexican food. Now I can basically smell/taste those little swedish fish candy that I used to have when I was a kid.

I haven't had many cravings AT ALL this pregnancy and now I'm wanting something new every hour.
Northern I hope your scan went well. And I'm so jealous you get them so often. I doubt I'll get another one at all :-(

Maggz so sorry about your MIL. Your DH is right, you probably can't do anything about it. Hopefully she will mellow out in time. Happy 30 weeks!! And you should be able to buy a belt in a store or online. I've seen them at motherhood maternity.

Work was so long today, my shoulders and neck are so achy and sore and my hip is pretty sore too. Sometimes I wonder how I'm going to get through the next 11 weeks!
Northern: good luck on your ultrasound!

Maggz: I'm sorry about your situation with your Mil. I agree though it seems you can't change anything. but don't let it change your behavior towards her. I think she'll realize one day that she's been wrong.

Bean: good luck with your new dr!

Dini: I'm sorry you're so sore. My hip started hurting recently too and I keep wondering if it'll get worse and how I'll handle the coming weeks.

30 weeks today! A maximum of 12 weeks till baby is here. I want to reach 32 weeks without incidents. Last time I woke up somewhere after 31 weeks, got out of bed only to feel fluid gush down my legs and to the floor. It was so much it soaked my clothes. I already had an appointment scheduled at the clinic the same day...so i just called them. But I didn't leave right away I showered first...who knows why lol.

Ferning test showed no amniotic fluid, I was swabbed for infections (later turned out there weren't any), fluid around lo was ok, ctg was fine and amniotic sac was intact. Obviously since dd was born at 41 weeks the incident although not explained didn't have any bad outcomes. I'm 100% sure it wasn't urine as early morning urine will stink and have a color, what I felt/saw was clear and didn't really have a smell that I could recognise.
My scan was great. Baby is back to measuring on track. She had her finger stuck up her nose. She weighed in at 4lbs 8oz
I have a scan today. I'm 29 weeks by hospital dates.

I am intrigued as to baby's weight estimate. I had a scan with DD2 at 28+5 and she was 2lb 14oz. So it will be interesting to compare.

After that I have various consultant appointments.
My new doctor is wonderful! I'm so pleased with her. She really took her time to talk to me and discuss all my concerns. She also had some recommendations. Tomorrow I will be meeting with a high risk consultant and he will be doing a scan to check whether the baby is already showing signs of anaemia. If he is then its basically guaranteed that he will be transferred to the other hospital. I will stay with the consultant until around 36 weeks and then go back to the other one. She will be doing the actual delivery. She also said my official due date is the 6th of April. This was based off of my 9 week scan. This is the first doctor to actually give me a due date so I'm ok with that. Only three days earlier so I didn't do too badly.
She also explained that because I had a manual placenta removal last time my chances are greatly increased that I will have to have another one this time. She explained that if I'm bleeding a lot they will have to do it immediately but if not they prefer to wait about two weeks before doing it. She also seemed a bit surprised that he was still breech at the last scan. She said we'll see at the appointment tomorrow but if he still is at 36 weeks then I'll have to make a decision about attempting to turn him or booking a c section. I told her I heard that turning babies is a 'very unpleasant' experience. She said it is and its really expensive and not usually covered by insurance. She said it requires two doctors and must be done in an OR. Plus she said an anterior placenta makes it even more difficult. She is one of the two doctors that does it at this practice and she doesn't give it great odds. So that's a no brainer for me - if he's still breech at 36 weeks I'll be having a c-section.
I've just been off from work for two days and now I have to miss my afternoon classes tomorrow too - they are going to be so unhappy with me! Oh well.... Baby first!
I have missed so much in the past couple of days!

Maggz- Happy 30 weeks! My MIL is also very sensitive and easily offended. She thought my husband was mad at her for looking after the new baby at her house because she hadn't heard from him in 2 days. She concocted that whole thing out of nothing. He was so confused as to why on earth she would even think of that. He doesn't even call her every day as it is.
She does the same with me. She will get so upset and offended at the smallest things. I do not call my in-laws "mom" and "dad." I feel like you do. They aren't my parents. I love them, but I feel weird calling them mom and dad. I also get confused when other people do it. Actually his cousin's gf does it to her in-laws, and she confuses me every time. Because I never know if she is talking about her own mom and dad or his parents.
It's hard to feel like someone is getting upset by you especially when you feel like you didn't know you did anything. But also you didn't really do anything. And you can't control her emotions or how she takes things. I think the best thing you can do is just show her you care and be as kind and considerate as possible. The rest is up to her.

Amelie- Good luck on your scan!

Perplexed- I'm glad you weren't leaking any fluid and that you didn't have an infection. What a relief!

Beanonorder- Glad you love the new doctor. I hope your meeting with the high risk consultant goes well.

I think the decision to have bottles or not is a personal one. I had some bottles with my son, and I pumped out enough milk that my husband could give him one bottle a day. He had no nipple confusion or any issues with frustration of the flow. Some babies can get frustrated at the breast after drinking from a bottle because they have to work harder to get the milk out. My son didn't. He just transitioned easily. He was so hungry so much of the time that he didn't care how he got the milk as long as he got it. With this one, I will have some bottles on hand, but I will just play it by ear to see how it goes. I do like getting the small break as breastfeeding can be so demanding especially during growth spurts. I like having some extra expressed milk stored to make a bottle here and there. But if the baby were to start refusing the breast because of a bottle, we'd just stop using the bottle. My husband is very supportive and does not feel the need to feed the baby in order to bond. There are other bonding experiences like rocking the baby to sleep. Also just holding the baby, walking him/her around, playing with the baby, etc. Actually, a lot of the time, my son would finish feeding with me and then want daddy. :)

31 weeks today! I feel like I went from looking like I had a kind of small bump to looking like I swallowed a watermelon! But as I have noticed in the past, sometimes I see things differently in the mirror than how they look in pictures. So I'm going to take a bump picture today out of curiosity to see if the difference is as drastic as it feels. I do think there is a huge growth spurt right at 30 weeks.
So I actually look smaller than I did 3 weeks ago in pictures, but I know I am bigger. My clothes are much tighter around the belly and my belly kept popping out of my pajama top last night. So weird how pictures look so different.


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Nice pics Rebecca!

I'm in the middle of washing every baby thing I got for my shower. All cloth diapers are stripped, washed and stuffed, ready for bum time! I feel nesting has come back in full force.

I think I'm going to make an effort to walk every day now on the indoor track even though my SI joint is going to literally hate me for it.
Thanks guys, it's nice to know I'm not crazy. I really think it's her being overly dramatic and reading too much into things. Pair that with the cultural differences and you get this.
Rebecca: No I don't call them mom and dad. That would be weird. Lol... that's why I did the thing with the Christmas presents, cause I'd have felt weird labeling presents as for "mom and dad" and then from me. They're obviously not my parents. I just call them by their first names.

bean I'm glad you're finally getting some quality care! Seems like the doc was very on top of her stuff. If baby turns after 36 weeks you don't have to go through with the c-section, do you?

nothern I've been wanting to wash all the clothes we've gotten as gifts too, but I'm gonna wait a little longer, it's still a while. However I washed nearly all the sheets in the house yesterday and made the beds, and my back was screaming at me to stop. I just had to finish! There was always one more thing to do. Oh and we've been sleeping in the guestroom to see if the bed there agrees with my back better, so our bed had become a dumping ground for clean laundry. So I folded all that. And made dinner. I felt accomplished but my back hurt so much I was just sad by the end of the night. :(

Going to the doc in an hour, meeting the 4th and last one out of the doctors at my practice.

perplexed same here! Max 12 weeks - although I do feel like he's gonna use every bit of time in there hahaha :) DH was all "you're in the home stretch babe" and I just can't stop thinking that I may have a whole first trimester worth of time left!! Ahh.
Rebecca I think you look about the same! It's hard to compare if the pics aren't the same distance away and the same clothes, maybe that's why you feel like you look smaller. :flower:
Your bump is lovely Rebecca, I think you can see it is filling out probably ready for another outwards growthspurt! You always looking really happy in your photos :flower:

Maggz - my MIL has her moments of weirdness. I think a lot of it is their family operate so differently to mine and I find it hard to relate to her. I actually tend to feel rejected by her more than anything?

Northern - exercise will help your sugars. I did a lot of walking with DD2 to help in later 3rd tri.

I had my scan today and all is well. Baby is between 10th and 15th centile (2lb 9oz) and very proportional - not fat tummy and fluid very normal. Flow through the cord and placenta looked good.

Had my consultant meeting and they won't induce me with prostin gel again due to my extreme reaction last time.

BUT they will - if - and it is a big if - I can keep my sugars really good let me go to 41 weeks which would be amazing. I so badly want to experience a natural labour and to avoid some of the induction issues I have had. I will of course have to be realistic I do have a complication and she may need to come earlier but at least I've got a chance.

Here is bump and baby at 29 weeks - ticker is 1 day out and I'm too lazy to fix it!


Rebecca, I think you look great, and actually a bit bigger in the more recent pic.

Amelie and northern congrats on your good scans! Amelie I hope you get to go into labor on your own! It seems like you are very careful with your diet.

Maggz I did the same with some laundry today. DH is living out of baskets because my elliptical is blocking his dresser since it had been in the babies room so I put most of his stuff away in his closet and that killed my back too.

Had my appt today and got some good news.
Argh, my phone posted that before I was ready!

Anyway, my MW said I don't have to do the 3hr GTT if I monitor my blood sugars for two weeks and if they are good then I don't have to mess with it anymore. Also I found out that they don't require me to have an IV constant fetal monitoring during labor and encourage changing position and moving about freely and I can labor in the tub if I want. I just hope he doesn't end up breech or something that would change any of that. Oh and I didn't gain any weight since my last appt so I was thrilled with that since they mentioned weight gain last time.
Amelie- That is great that they will allow you to monitor your diet and go to 41 weeks! You seem to be really on top of controlling your sugar, so I think you can do it. :)
Great bump picture as well!

Dini- Also great news! I hope everything works well and you don't have to do the 3 hour test. Glad you will be able to labor as you choose.

I think my baby is no longer head down and back to being transverse. I keep getting a ball pushing to my right side and jabs in the left. I think that might be why my bump doesn't look as big as I thought it would from the side. It's definitely bigger, though. Anyway, she's probably just frustrated that she can't find a comfortable position now that she has grown some more. :)
Okay so maybe a silly question but what does heartburn/acid reflux feel like? For the past two nights I've had this weird sensation in the top of my throat, kind of a crossover between burning and something ice cold being stuck there. That's accompanied by frequent burping, and no way can I lay down or sit back after I've eaten anything. Is this reflux?

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