Hey girls just checking in, I'll be 30 weeks/7 months tomorrow
eidson I think guys think about it differently cause they don't expect to be able to breastfeed. I understand that you would love to because you've already been through it and know how the bonding strengthens with it. Awesome that you're planning to induce! As others have said, I think there will be plenty of other options for DH to bond with baby other than feeding, I'm not worried at all that they won't bond because I breastfeed. And I would prefer not to bottlefeed at all, just because it's easier to just put the baby on the boob
northern lucky you get ultrasounds I wish... I doubt I'll get any more.
dini hope you get one too!
My back hurts so bad now and my belly feels like it's gonna fall off lol it feels better to support it with my hands

Do I have to get a support belt from a physiotherapist or can I just buy one online/in store?
I think the baby likes my history professor's voice, he was moving the entire lecture last night hahaha
I need to be productive today, wash sheets and put away the piles of laundry in our bedroom! I'll fold all day but I hate putting it away!
Oh I forgot I was gonna tell you guys... I don't think my MIL likes me. She thinks I'm filling DH's head with opinions and thoughts about them. Ultimately I think it's because she knows she's in the wrong with a lot of stuff she asks of my DH and feels bad for it, but she's far from the truth about me making my opinions his. I never talk ill of her, or them, but DH gets frustrated with them and we talk it through to try to find solutions - which usually ends in "they're not gonna change, there's nothing we can do." It's so difficult cause she takes everything I say/do the wrong way and then complains to DH or his brother about it, eventually I'll find out about it and feel like an ass hole for hurting her feelings but I'm really at a loss what to do differently.

It makes me sad cause she's a really nice lady, I just think she's decided that I don't like them, which isn't true at all!
One example that DH just told me the other day that she got offended over: For Christmas FIL and MIL each got at least 2 wrapped presents from us. On one for each, I wrote To: Mom/Dad, From: My DH, and on the other one I wrote To: Name, From: DH and me. I did it that way cause I think it's weird to write "mom/dad" and then from me. I'm obviously not their daughter lol. Apparently, MIL didn't see the one where it said "Mom" but just the one where it said her name, and got offended that FIL got one that said "Dad" and she didn't. Instead of saying something then and there, making light of it like "Hey, I get "name" and he gets "dad"? What's up with that?" and getting the situation cleared up right away, she didn't say anything and I'm hearing about this a month later. No way am I gonna bring it up now.
This seriously makes me sad. I don't want to have to defend everything I say or be afraid to say something cause she might take it the wrong way. At this point, DH is like f*ck it, you can't control her feelings, but I don't think he understands how sucky it feels.